Unit 1 Section B 2a-Self check-人教版英语八年级下册.pptx

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1、SectionB(2a-SelfCheck)0Unit 1 Whats the matter?mountain climbingswimmingsoccerExercise Accidents or problems can sometimes happen when we do sports.Write the letter of each sport next to each accident or problem that can happen.A=soccerB=mountainclimbingC=swimming_falldown_haveproblemsbreathing_geth

2、itbyaball_getsunburned_cutourselves_hurtourbackorarmAABBCC2aFishcannotbreatheoutofwater.鱼离开水就不能呼吸。breathev.呼吸sunburnedadj.晒伤的climbern.登山者accidentn.(交通)事故意外遭遇rockn.岩石knifen.刀bloodn.血controln.&v.限制;约束;管理spiritn.勇气;意志 Finding the Order of EventsWritersdescribeeventsinacertainorder.Findingtheorderofthee

3、ventswillhelpyouunderstandwhatyouarereading.the eye of newsTrue in storyNew in timeFast ReadingMatch the main ideaPara.1Para.2Para.3B.What was the result of the storyC.What the bus driver sawA.How people saved the old manParagraph 1:(Who is Aron?)Aron Ralston is an American man who is interested in

4、mountain climbing.As a mountain climber,Aron is used to taking risks.This is one of the exciting things about doing dangerous sports.There were many times when Aron almost lost his life because of accidents.On April 26,2003,he found himself in a very dangerous situation when(he was)climbing in Utah.

5、nationality(国籍)hobby(爱好)Job(工作)Who is Aron?Time of the accident(事故)Place of the accident.While-readingAt9:00a.m.yesterday,busNo.26wasgoingalongZhonghuaRoadwhenthedriversawanoldmanlyingonthesideoftheroad.Awomannexttohimwasshoutingforhelp.lead(导语):important informationwhenwhenwherewhowhatCareful Readi

6、ngPara.1Paragraph2:Paragraph2:(What happened What happened to Aron on April 26,to Aron on April 26,2003)2003)On that day Arons arm was caught under a 360-kilo On that day Arons arm was caught under a 360-kilo rockrock that that fell on himfell on him when he was climbing by himself when he was climb

7、ing by himself in the mountains.Because in the mountains.Because he could not free his armhe could not free his arm,he he stayed there for five days and hoped that someone stayed there for five days and hoped that someone would find him.would find him.But when But when his water ran out his water ra

8、n out,he knew,he knew thatthat he would have to do something to save his own he would have to do something to save his own life.life.He was not ready to die that day.So He was not ready to die that day.So he used his knife he used his knife to cut off half his right arm.to cut off half his right arm

9、.ThenThen,with his left arm,he,with his left arm,he bandaged himself so that he would not lose too much bandaged himself so that he would not lose too much blood.blood.After that After that,he climbed down the mountain to,he climbed down the mountain to find help.find help.Thebusdriver,24-year-oldWa


11、eyallagreedtogowithhim.SomepassengershelpedMr.Wangtomovethemanontothebus.simple and livelyWhat do you think of the news language?Further ReadingPara.2Paragraph 3.What did he do after the accident?Paragraph 4.What can we learn from Aron?After losing his arm,he wrote a book called Between a Rock and a

12、 Hard Place.This means being in a difficult situation that you cannot seem to get out of.In this book,Aron tells of the importance of making good decisions,and of being in control of ones life.His love for mountain climbing is so great that he kept on climbing mountains even after this experience.Do

13、 we have the same spirit as Aron Lets think about it before we find ourselves“between a rock and a hard place”,and before we have to make a decision that could mean life or death.ThankstoMr.Wangandthepassengers,thedoctorssavedthemanintime.“Itssaid that many people dont want to help others because th

14、ey dont want anytrouble,”saysonepassenger.“Butthedriverdidntthinkabouthimself.Heonlythoughtaboutsavingalife.”Which words show the writers view?dont want troubleWhich side is the writer on?saving a lifeI thinkgreatI loveso much!Thanks toin timeButonlynews view:clear and calmFurther ReadingPara.3Caref

15、ul ReadingPara.2&3T:design,lead,host,helpdesign,lead,host,helpTA :Help:Help T T to give examples and guide to give examples and guide GLGL.GL:Help and guide:Help and guide GMGM.GM:Work together and help each other.Work together and help each other.Tip:key wordsHow people helped the old manHow people

16、 helped the old manWhat was the result of the storyWhat was the result of the storyRead the statements and circle True,False or Dont Know.1Aronalmostlosthislifethreetimesbecauseofclimbingaccidents.TrueFalseDontknow2AronhadaseriousaccidentinApril2003.TrueFalseDontknow3Aronranoutofwaterafterthreedays.

17、TrueFalseDontknow4Aronwrotehisbookbeforehisseriousaccident.TrueFalseDontknow5Aronstillgoesmountainclimbing.TrueFalseDontknow2cRead the passage again and answer the questions.1.WheredidtheaccidenthappenonApril26,2003?2.WhycouldntAronmove?3.HowdidAronfreehimself?4.WhatdidArondoaftertheaccident?5.Whatd


19、ident?5.Whatdoes“betweenarockandahardplace”mean?HewroteabookcalledBetween a Rock and a Hard Place.Itmeansbeinginadifficultsituationthatyoucannotseemtogetoutof.Put the sentences in the correct order.Then use them to tell Arons story to your partner.Try to add other details from the reading.1.OnApril2

20、6,2003,hehadaseriousmountainclimbingaccident.2.Aronlovesmountainclimbinganddoesntmindtakingrisks.2e3.Arondidnotgiveupaftertheaccidentandkeepsonclimbingmountainstoday.4.Hewroteabookabouthisexperience.5.Aronlosthalfhisrightarmfromthe2003accident.The correct order:2,1,5,4,3Imagineyouaretheschoolnursean

21、dastudentjusthadanaccidentorahealthproblem.Makenotesaboutwhathe/sheshouldandshouldntdo.AccidentorhealthproblemHe/Sheshould He/Sheshouldnt3aAccidentorhealthproblemHe/SheshouldHe/Sheshouldnthaveasorebackliedownandrestdosportshaveafevertakesomemedicinehaveasorethroatcutmyselfdrinksomehotteaputsomemedic

22、ineonithaveatoothacheseeadentistWriteaconversationbetweenthenurseandthestudentusingthenotesin3a.Usethequestionsandphrasesbelowtohelpyou.Whats the matter?/What happened?/Are you OK?No,I dont feel well/I feel./I have a./ShouldI?You should./You shouldnt.fell down/got hit by./cut my self/hurt my.Nurse:_



25、emorehealthproblemsyouknowof.1Head:_Back:_Throat:_Tooth:_Stomach:_Otherproblems:_haveaheadache/gethitontheheadhaveasoreback/hurtonesbackhaveasorethroathaveatoothachehaveastomachachecutoneselfhaveacoughhaveanosebleedhaveacoldLookandsayhaveafevercuthimself.AlanhasaheadacheCindy3Whats the matter with h

26、im/her?Heshouldwashthecut,putsomemedicineonitandputabandageonit.Sheshouldtakeatemperatureandrest.What should he/she do?He/She should shouldntWhats the matter with him/her?hurthisbackhavebadcolds.3Jackplayingvolleyball.My cousinsTheyshouldliedown,restanddrinkmorewater.HeshouldgotothehospitalandgetanX

27、-ray.What should they do?Hegetshitonthehead.Hehasastomachache.Whats the matter with him/her?What should they do?He shouldnt eat hot food.He should take medicine.He should go to the hospital and get an X-ray.G1 A:Whats the matter with you?G2 B:I have/hurt.G1 C:You should.shouldnt.G2 D:Whats the matte

28、r with you?Iwilldivideyouinto2groups,Group1andGroup2.Youcanfeelfreetoaskandansweraslongasyoucan.But,eachofyouonlyhaschancetobeDoctorandPatient.Game:DoctorandPatient:Putthesequestionsandanswersinordertomakeaconversation._Ihurtmyselfplayingsoccer.Ihaveasoreleg._WhatshouldIdo?_Ithinkyoushouldseeadoctor


30、tthemomentyinfoodsII.下列各句中均有一处错误,请指出并改正。1.Itsimportanttohasahealthylifestyle.ABC_2.BenisweakatEnglishandmath.ABC_3.Todaywehavetoomanyhomework.ABC_hashaveBatinBCtoomanytoomuch4.Ithinkmymotherhasacold,also.ABC_5.Sheneedstoseeingthedentist.ABC_CalsotooBseeingsee43单项选择单项选择 1.Whats _?Ive got a headache.A

31、.the wrong B.the mater C.trouble D.matter 2.Lucy has a toothache.She should _.A.go to the movies B.go shopping C.go to see a dentist D.go sightseeing3.If you have a sore throat,you should drink some hot tea _ some honey.A.with B.in C.on D.has4.Im a little _.I want to drink something.A.hungry B.thirs

32、ty C.tired D.angry5.We should _ a balanced diet.A.eat B.to eat C.eats D.eating6.If Jim is tired,he should _.A.have a good rest B.drink hot water C.see a dentist D.exercise muchBCABAA44连词成句连词成句1.at,dont,very,moment,the,feel,well,I 2.the,whats,your,pet,matter,little,with3.study,sometimes,11 pm,until,l

33、ate,I4.had,lie,you,and,when,better,have,rest,you,down,are,tired,a5.that,to,sorry,Im,hearI study late,sometimes until 11 pm.I dont feel very well at the moment.Whats the matter with your little pet?Youd better lie down and have a rest when you are tired.Im sorry to hear that.45翻译句子 1.牛奶能帮助你保持健康的身体。Mi

34、lk can _ you _have a healthy body.2.我爸爸告诉我好好学习英语。My father _ me _ study English well.3.我妈妈说我应该晚饭尽量少吃肉。My mom said that I should _ _ eat less meat for dinner.4.不要太疲劳,不然会使你生病的。Dont _ too tired or it will _ you_.5.我相信每天晚上8个小时的睡眠很重要。I _ that its _ _sleep 8 hours each night.try to helpto tells to believe important to be make sickHomeworkHOMEWORKDo you know how to keep healthy?Eating a balanced diet is very important.Do you know what a balanced diet is?Write an article about it.


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