Module6 Unit1 - Unit2 课件-外研版英语九年级下册.pptx

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1、Unit 1When is the school-leavers party?6Words1._ n.邀请;请柬 2._ n.日历;历书 3._ n.气球 4._ v.绘画5._ v.使变热;给加热6._ n.餐刀;刀具7._ n.餐叉 8._ n.匙;勺子9._ adj.意大利的;意大利语的;意大利人的 n.意大利语;意大利人 invitationcalendarballoonpaintheatknifeforkspoonItalianschool calendar 校历heat up 使变热;给加热 made with 用做成的11.finger food 手抓食物复数 kniv

2、es Dish Lingling _Betty _Daming _Tony _Now complete the and sour soupcheeseburgersjiaozipizzaMade with Lingling _Betty _Daming _Tony _chicken and vegetableshamburgers and cheesenot mentioned in the passagecheese,tomato and ham The day for the school-leaversparty is an important date in the

3、school(1)_.Tony is going to bring some(2)_ and(3)_ some pictures for the party.balloonscalendarpaint4.Complete the passage with the words in the box.balloons calendar fork knife paint spoon Everyone is going to bring a traditional dish that can be eaten with their fingers.Soup is no good because it

4、is not finger food and people need a(4)_ for it.Anything that needs a(5)_ and(6)_ is not finger food either.spoonknifeforkLingling:Whenistheschool-leaversparty?Lingling:Whenistheschool-leaversparty?Betty:LookattheschoolBetty:Lookattheschoolcalendarcalendar!Itllbe!Itllbeheldheldonthe30onthe30ththofMa

5、y.WereallofMay.Wereallinvitedinvited.Daming:Infact,IwasDaming:Infact, andandpaintpaintsomepicturesfortheparty.somepicturesfortheparty.Betty:TheteachershaveaskedeveryonetoBe

6、tty:Theteachershaveaskedeveryonetoprepareprepareatraditionalatraditionaldishdishfromtheirfromtheirhomecountry.homecountry.Lingling:Canwecookitatschool?Lingling:Canwecookitatschool?invite v.邀请invitation n.邀请,请柬invite地点 邀请某人去某地invite do sth.邀请某人做某事choose(sb.)to do sth选择(某人)做某事choice n.选择m

7、ake a choice 做出选择paint v.绘画,把描绘成 n.油漆,绘画颜料painting n.绘画dish 可数名词,一道菜,盘子 do the dishes 洗餐具Betty:WecanBetty:Wecanheatheatititupupintheschoolkitchen,intheschoolkitchen,butitshouldbecookedathome.Whatbutitshouldbecookedathome.Whatareyougoingtomake?areyougoingtomake?Lingling:Hotandsoursoup.ItLingling:Hota

8、ndsoursoup.Its s madewithmadewithchickenandvegetables.chickenandvegetables.Betty:ButtheinvitationsaysBetty:Buttheinvitationsaysfingerfoodfingerfood!That!Thatmeansyoueatitwithyourfingers,notwithameansyoueatitwithyourfingers,notwithaknifeknife,forkforkororspoonspoon.Lingling:Oh,Lingling:Oh,soupsnogood

9、thensoupsnogoodthen.Whatabout.Whataboutyou?you?Betty:Betty:CheeseburgersCheeseburgers.Cheeseburgers.Cheeseburgersaremadearemadewithwithhamburgersandcheese.hamburgersandcheese.heat up 使变热,给加热These hamburgers are getting cold.Lets _.A.heat up it B.heat it upC.heat up them D.heat them upDbe made with表示

10、“制作中用了东西”,其后跟的是制作时的原材料。哦,这样的话,汤不行。短语用法be made of“由制成”,后接原材料,强调物理变化,从成品上能看出原材料be made from“由制成”,后接原材料,强调化学变化,从成品上看不出原材料be made with“由制成”,后接原材料,不强调可否看出原材料,但强调成品有一部分是由该材料制成的be made in“在制造”,后接地点或场所,强调物品的产地be made by“由制造”,后接动作的执行者,强调制作者be made into“被制成”,后接成品,强调被制成不同于之前形态的物品用be made in,be made of,be made

11、from,be made with的适当形式填空1.I bought a new watch.It _ Japan.2.Wine _ grapes.3.The skirt _ silk.4.This dish _ tomatoes and eggs.was made inis made fromis made ofis made withTony:Andyou,Daming?Tony:Andyou,Daming?Daming:Daming:JiaoziJiaozi!Mygrandmothermakesthe!MygrandmothermakesthebestbestJiaoziJiaozi!B

12、etty:Issheinvitedtotheschool-leaversBetty:Issheinvitedtotheschool-leaverspartytoo?partytoo?Daming:Hmm,Iseewhatyoumean.WhatDaming:Hmm,Iseewhatyoumean.Whataboutyou,Tony?aboutyou,Tony?Tony:AtraditionalEnglishpizzaTony:AtraditionalEnglishpizzawithwith cheese,cheese,tomatoandham.tomatoandham.Betty:Pizzai

13、sntEnglish!ItsBetty:PizzaisntEnglish!ItsItalianItalian.Tony:ButitseateneverywhereinEngland.Tony:ButitseateneverywhereinEngland.Daming:ItsbecomingpopularinChinatoo!Daming:ItsbecomingpopularinChinatoo!介词短语作后置定语,一个带有奶酪、西红柿和火腿的传统的英国比萨。”其中,with cheese,tomato and ham为介词短语作后置定语,修饰a traditional English pizz

14、a。with在此意为“含有;带有”,表示事物具有的性质或特征。()1.The woman _ sunglasses is my B.with C.of D.wears()2.The girl _ red blouse is my best friend.A.with C.of D.wears()3.Do you remember what she looked like when you first met her?Of course.She was tall and thin _ long B.with C.on D.has4.Are y

15、ou going to Sam s birthday party the day after tomorrow?I m not sure.I will go with you if I _.A.will invite B.invite C.will be invited invitedBBBD5.I _ as a monitor in our class this term.I am proud of it.A.choose chosen D.was chosen6.In order to make our city more beautiful,more t

16、rees and flowers _ every year.A.will plant B.should plantC.should be planted D.will be plant7.Could you please _ the milk for me,Mum?Im hungry.A.heat B.heat of C.heat up D.heat away8.Can you come to my party this evening?Sorry,I cant.I have to prepare _ my exams.A.of B.for C.about D.withDCCBUnit 2 K

17、nives and forks are used for most Western food.1.What things can you see in the western meal?fork egghambreadcheesehamburger knife 2.What things can you see in the Chinese meal?vegetablessoupmeat chopsticksrice a bowl of rice 3.Can you find the differences between the Western and Chinese meals?.are

18、eaten by the Westerners.But.are eaten by the Chinese.are used by the Westerners.But.are used by the Chinese.a).A Westerner eating a Chinese meal b).A Chinese eating a Western meal.c).A Chinese eating a Chinese meal.d).A Westerner eating in a Chinese homea).In a travel magazine b).In a dictionaryC).I

19、n a new magazine1.Who is the passage written for?2.Where might you see a passage like this?Lets read.In the WestMealtimesThings to say at the start of a mealLunch:usually at about 1 pmDinner:around 7 pm or even laterIn Britain you usually say nothing.In France,you say“Bon appetit”And in Italy,you sa

20、y“Buon appetito”.3.Complete the table with information from the passage.In the WestMethod of eatingThings you say when offered foodwith a fork in the left hand and a knife in the right hand;eat soup with a spoonThank you.Im sorry.I dont eat meat.I dont eat fish.Things to say and do at the end of the

21、 mealsay you have enjoyed the food;say and talk around the dinner tableDuring a meal in the West,you use(1)_ and forks most of the time,although you can use your fingers to eat chicken(2)_ or hamburgers.You will be invited to(3)_ yourself with food,the(4)_ before the(5)_.kniveswingsservegentleman kn

22、ife lady serve wingladiesgentlemen6.Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.Do as the Romans do We often say,“When in Rome,do as the Romans do.”So when you eat western food,do as the Westerners do.Here are some things you may need to know about eating together in the West.

23、In some Western countries,lunch is usually eaten at about 1 pm.Dinner is served around 7 pm or even later.In Spain its usual to have lunch at 3 pm and dinner at 10 pm!At the start of a meal,the French say“Bon appetit”,and the Italians say“Buon appetito”.But theres nothing similar to say in English!“

24、Enjoy your meal”is usually only said by the person who brings the food.入乡随俗 serve v.端上(食物和饮料),服侍进餐,常用结构:serve sb.sth./serve sb.serve yourself serve yourself 你自己夹你自己夹菜,你随意菜,你随意server server n.n.服务员服务员 servantservant n.n.仆人仆人 serve the people serve the people 为为人民服务人民服务serviceservice n.n.服务服务 s

25、imilar adj.相似的,可用作定语或表语。be similar to 与相似,be similar in 在某方面相似nothing similar没有什么类似的 Knives and forks are used for most Western food.The fork is held in your left hand and the knife in your right,and the food is held with the fork and cut with the knife.Soup is eaten with a spoon.However,there is so

26、me food which you can eat with your fingers,such as chicken wings and hamburgers.During the meal,you may be invited to serve yourself(usually the ladies before the gentlemen)by someone who says,“Help yourself.”Or you will be served by someone who asks,“would you like some?”you can take it and say,”t

27、hank you.”If youre given something you dont like,you can just say,for example,“Im sorry,I dont eat meat.”or“I dont eat fish”.No one will be cross.If youre offered more food,but cant eat any more,just say.“No,thanks,it was delicious,but Ive had enough.”be used for sth/doing sth 被用于.be used to do sth

28、被用来做.be used as 被当成.使用Help yourself/yourselves.随便做(或用)吧;请自便,是主人招待客人的常用语。Help yourself to some fish,my dear friend.cross adj.生气的,be cross with sb.生某人的气v.横穿,穿过,交叉=go/walk acrossWould you like sth.?你想要些吗?Yes,please./No,thanks.would like to do sth.想要做某事 Remember that it is polite to say that you enjoy e

29、very dish when it is served,and that you have enjoyed the food at the end of a meal.Its sometimes difficult to know when the meal is over.If youre invited to dinner by western friends,youll be expected to stay and talk around the dinner table long after the last dish is served,and its not polite if

30、you leave as soon as you finish eating.The rule is:Watch the other people.Do as they do.常接V-ing 形式的动词(短语)喜欢(enjoy)错过(miss)别介意(mind),完成(finish)愉快(have fun)勤练习(practise),忙得(be busy)禁不住(cant help)想放弃(give up)。-Daddy,when will we go out to fly a kite?-As soon as the stopping B.stoppedC.will s

31、top D.stopsD入乡随俗跟西方人一样做在一餐开始的时候没有类似的用右手拿刀随便吃生某人气在开始/结束需要做提供太多菜被期望做某事被用于做某事被用作某事被当做.When in Rome,do as the Romans as the westerners doat the start of a mealnothing similar hold knife in right handhelp yourself to=serve yourself tobe cross with sb/angryat the start of/at the end ofneed to dooffer more foodbe expected to do sthbe used to do sthbe used forbe used asRevision of phrases


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