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《2022届北京市通州区高三一模英语试卷(1).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022届北京市通州区高三一模英语试卷(1).pdf(7页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 通州区 2022 年高三年级模拟考试 英语试卷 第一部分:知识运用(共两节,30 分)第一节 完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)阅读下面短文、掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项、并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。On a cold November morning.Wade MacKinnon hiked around Mermaid Lake.In the 1 on the shoreline,something moved slightly and caught his eye.2 ,he approached to find a ball

2、oon stuck in the branches of a bayberry bush.When he untied the string,he found a piece of paper at the end of it which read,“Dear daddy.Ive been missing you so much since you passed away.November 29 is my 10th birthday,but I will never receive your greetings.Daisy”It finished with a mailing address

3、,almost 3,000 miles away.With tears in his eyes,Wade thought,“Such a young girl having to deal with 3 .Its awful!”When back home,Wade placed the note in a drawer and 4 the balloon to the window of his room.Every day,the 5 of the balloon reminded him of little Daisy.As the end of November was drawing

4、 nearer,Wade found himself thinking more and more about the poor girl.So he wrote a letter,put it into a birthday card and 6 mailed it with a book.The 7 arrived just two days before Daisys birthday.When she opened it and found the card,“For a Dear Daughter.”,her heart 8 .“Happy birthday!I 9 to read

5、your note,and feel sorry for you.Im sure your daddy would want you to be happy.He loves you very much and will always be 10 you.”Tears began to roll down Daisys cheeks.1.A.sands B.bushes C.hills D.rocks 2.A.Curious B.Anxious C.Serious D.Nervous 3.A.anger B.failure C.mystery D.death 4.A.caught B.pres

6、ented C.attached D.related 5.A.image B.color C.movement D.sight 6.A.eagerly B.proudly C.bravely D.sadly 7.A.prize B.package C.note D.news 8.A.froze B.raced C.sank D.broke 9.A.expected B.decided C.promised D.happened 10.A.saving B.praising C.blessing D.changing 第二节 语法填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)阅读下列短

7、文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1 个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。A Mobile phones have been banned in schools in order to protect students eyesight and prevent them from becoming addicted to the Internet and online games.Now the overuse of mobile phones 11 (affect)the health of young people.There have been

8、 rising levels of shortsightedness among school children.In 2018,our country put forward the rules 12 (limit)the gaming industry.The following year,a ban was announced on under-18s,13 were limited to 90 minutes of gaming on weekdays and 3 hours on weekends and holidays.B Racing Horse,created by Xu B

9、eihong,is one of the most well-known works in modern Chinese folk art.Across the painting,we can see a horse running at a high speed like a missile across the sky.Xu Beihong 14 (clear)drew in black ink to show the 15 (move)hair on the horses mane and tail.He 16 (develop)the tradition of combining po

10、etry with painting and promoted the Chinese folk art.The painting of dark and light colors is a favorite of many art lovers.C Beethoven is a world-famous musician with a vast body of works 17 (write)throughout his remarkable life.As a gifted child,Beethoven was pushed by his father to study music da

11、y and night.Not long after,he began to be appreciated for his piano performances.By the time he was a teenager,he 18 (enjoy)a reputation as a wonderful young musician.19 some important musicians like Mozart noticed his talents,his life,however,took a sharp turn.He started to lose his hearing 20 his

12、late twenties.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,38 分)第一节(共 14 小题;每小题 2 分,共 28 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A Tech-Enabled Yoga PantsThe Wearable X The Yoga pants Wearable X lets you practice yoga on your own terms.Our technology with integrated sensors and vibration(震动)is good for your practice at h

13、ome and wherever you go.The pulse(脉冲)clips into the pants behind the left knee and contains a 370 mAh battery to ensure you dont run out of power during your practice.The Wearable X uses Bluetooth Low Energy to connect to your smartphone.To activate the pulse,double tap the surface of the pants unti

14、l you see a blinking white light.Our new app lets you choose between different exercises according to your preferences on your phone.The audio instructions are paired with gentle vibrations to give you clues where to focus and let you know if you have made it into the pose at the end of each pose.On

15、ce you have set your vibrations strength,you can place the phone next to your yoga mat during your session.To wash,either put on hand wash or a gentle cycle after removing the pulse.The Wearable X allows tumble dry(甩干).Make sure it is dry before clipping the pulse back on.“These pants have a great s

16、hape and are super stylish.Its like having the hands-on approach of a yoga instructor with the ability to do high-quality yoga anywhere.The pulse can easily connect to my smartphone,which is super cool!These pants are a must when I hit the mat.”Cassidy W.Here is the future of wellness that brings to

17、gether design and technology to create a better quality of life through experience and fashion.Click HERE to complete your order with the Wearable X for just$249 with a 14-day return guarantee.21.What technology is used in the Wearable X?A.The tumble dry.B.The video guide.C.The waterproof surface.D.

18、The integrated sensors and vibration.22.The strength of the vibration can affect _.A.the life of the battery B.the time for practice C.the accuracy of the poses D.the connection to the Bluetooth 23.What is the type of the article?A.A personal blog.B.A scientific essay.C.A news interview.D.A website

19、advertisement.B I had a quick short stay in Detroit Airport before heading home.Knowing my gate number,I got there with 5 minutes to spare and stood waiting for“Gate 3”to be called.I was already very tired and had an important call scheduled for an hour after I was set to get home.But then I heard t

20、he announcement,“It seems we have overbooked the flight.Would anyone care to volunteer to stay for the later departure in 4 hours?”And the gate attendant was anxiously waiting for someone to volunteer.I looked around and saw businessmen needing to work,moms needing to meet their kids,kids needing to

21、 see their friends.Even though I wanted to be home just as much as anyone,something inside me said that I should extend some kindness to this group of strangers.I picked up my bag,approached the desk,and told the gate attendant my decision.Smile spread on the face of her.As she was processing my tic

22、ket,I was happy to see all the other passengers could now board their flight and I had been able to help.The attendant handed me my boarding pass for the later flight and another piece of paper,then said,“This is for your kindness.”I saw that it was a 700-dollar voucher to fly anywhere in the world

23、during the next year!I got to my new gate and took a seat next to a power outlet so that my laptop would make it through the extra four hours.1 rescheduled that important call.And then I got a lot of work done,which was a wonderful silver lining.When my flight started boarding,I was surprised to dis

24、cover that my new boarding pass was for a seat in first class.I thought about how grateful I was for everything that had happened,and how it was all because of the chain effects of kindness.I gave with the intention to serve others,with no thought of reward,and that kindness was returned to me with

25、an amazing upgrade.24.The airport announcement was made to _.A.ask someone to take next flight B.give information about a delayed flight C.inform that the flight was about to take off D.tell passengers the flight had been cancelled 25.What made the author off or to volunteer?A.A reward of 700 dollar

26、s B.An offer of first-class seat.C.The request of the attendant.D.His concern about other passengers.26.How did the author think about his extra 4-hour stay at the airport?A.Boring but productive.B.Challenging but acceptable.C.Satisfying and efficient.D.Relaxing and worthwhile.27.What is the best ti

27、tle of the passage?A.Every Effort Counts B.Time Is Treasure C.Patience Is Appreciated D.Kindness Gives Back C Deep Sea:To Mine Or Not To Mine A robot as large as a truck moves along the bottom of the deep sea.It eats metallic(含金属的)rock and soft mud.They travel up a long pipe to a ship,where workers

28、and machinery separate out the rock and throw the mud back into the ocean.This is a mining operation.The rock contains a mixture of metals,including ones called rare earth metals.People use these materials to make batteries and electronics like computers and phones.Deep-sea mining hasnt happened yet

29、.But it probably will occur within the next decade.No country owns any part of the deep sea,so a UN organization called the International Seabed Authority(ISA)decides who is allowed to mine there.It has allowed 29 organizations to explore the deep sea and make plans for mining,one of which plans to

30、begin mining in the year 2027.Scientists and environmentalists,though,warn that mining could destroy deep-sea ecosystem.In 1989,ecologist Hjalmar Thiel carried out a test.His team searched the seafloor of the Pacific Ocean,in a spot with lots of the metallic rocks that miners wanted.They didnt actua

31、lly collect any of the rocks.But they disturbed the mud,just as a mining operation would.The cloud of mud fell back down over the ocean floor burying creatures living there.Up to now,the area they disturbed has not recovered.Signs of the search are still there.Deep sea creatures like sponges and cor

32、als have not moved back in.That means mining could have harmful,long-lasting consequences for deep ocean life.Scientists want to understand the deep sea better before disturbing it.Leaving the deep sea alone sounds great,but people need those metals.“Mines on land are soon going to run out,”geologis

33、t Steven Scolt of the University of Toronto told Smithsonian Magazine.“Every electronic device in the world has rare earth metals in it.we need raw resources.”New energy technologies including solar and wind power and electric cars rely on these metals as well.We may need to mine them from the sea i

34、n order to switch to greener energy sources.28.According to the passage,why do people want to carry out deep sea mining?A.To test the mining robot.B.To collect rare earth metals.C.To separate the rock from mud.D.To understand the deep sea better.29.What can we infer from the test of Hjalmar Thiel in

35、 1989?A.They gathered some metallic rocks the miners wanted.B.They helped the recovery of the disturbed mining areas.C.They discovered the deep-sea mining affected the ocean ecology.D.They found the rare metallic rocks were harmful to sea creatures.30.What is Steven Scolts attitude towards deep-sea

36、mining?A.Doubtful.B.Neutral.C.Supportive.D.Disapproving.D Neuroscientists have explained the risky or aggressive behavior of teenagers as the product of a brain that is somehow damaged.A groundbreaking research in the past 10 years,however,shows that this view is wrong.The teen brain is not defectiv

37、e(有缺陷的).It is not a half-baked adult brain,either.It has developed to function differently from that of a child or an adult.Foremost among the teen brains features is its ability to change in response to the environment by adjusting the communication networks that connect brain regions.This special

38、plasticity,is a double-edged sword.It allows teenagers to make enormous progress in thinking and socialization.But it also makes them susceptible to dangerous behaviors and serious mental disorders.The most recent study indicates that the riskiest behaviors arise from a mismatch between the maturati

39、on(成熟)of networks in the limbic system(大脑边缘系统),which drives emotions and strengthens at adolescence,and the maturation of networks in the prefrontal cortex(前额皮质),which occurs later and promotes sound judgment and the control of impulses(冲动).Indeed,we now know that the prefrontal cortex continues to

40、change until well into a persons 20s.And yet adolescence seems to be starting earlier,extending the“mismatch years.”The changeability of networks linking brain regions and not the growth of those regionsis key to eventually behaving like an adult.Understanding that,and knowing that a widening gap be

41、tween the development of emotional and judgment networks is happening in young people today,can help parents,teachers,and teenagers themselves.People will better see that behaviors such as risk taking,and turning away from parents and toward peers are not signs of cognitive(认知的)or emotional problems

42、.They are a natural result of brain development,a normal part of adolescents learning how to negotiate a complex world.The same understanding can also help adults decide when to intervene and help.A 15-year-old girls departure from her parents tastes in clothing or music may be a source of sadness f

43、or Mom and Dad,but does not indicate mental illness.A 16-year-old boys interest to skateboard without a helmet is more likely a result of short-range thinking and peer pressure than a desire to hurt himself.Other exploratory and aggressive actions might be warnings however.Knowing more about the uni

44、que teen brain will help all of us learn how to separate unusual behavior that is age-appropriate from that which might indicate illness.Such awareness could help society reduce teen problems.31.The difference between the teens brain and that of an adult is its _.A.disorder B.weakness C.maturation D

45、.changeability 32.What does the underlined word“susceptible”in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A.Safe.B.Sensitive.C.Hesitant.D.Resistant.33.According to the most recent study,teens riskiest behaviors arise because _.A.their brains are somehow damaged B.their emotions strengthen at adolescence C.the prefro

46、ntal cortex fails to control impulses D.two brain regions dont develop at the same pace 34.What is the significance of the research?A.It provides effective solutions to teens mental problems.B.It highlights the functions of different brain regions of teens.C.It helps adults to analyze teens behavior

47、s and offer help.D.It intends to prevent teenagers from risky and aggressive behaviors.第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,共 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Your Health and 5G The fifth generation technology of cellular data(蜂窝数据)or 5G,promises to bring lightning-fast data connection speeds.Much fast

48、er than Internet connections currently offered in many homes.35 However,not everyone is excited about 5G service.36 There are even protests aimed at slowing down or even stopping companies from installing the equipment necessary for 5G service.Why are people so worried?To understand the possible hea

49、lth risks of 5G,it is important to understand how the new service sets apart from existing 3G and 4G.37 5G uses a different part of the electromagnetic spectrum(波谱).The signals have short wavelengths measured in millimeters called millimeter waves.Millimeter waves are perfect for high-speed data but

50、 small transmitters(发射台)and antennas(天线)must put up everywhere to ensure good connections.This presents a cause for concern.5G service means new transmitters and antennas everywhere.Certainly,it will mean that the amount of electromagnetic radiation(辐射)that people are exposed to will increase.Radiat


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