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1、2023年四川GRE考试真题卷(2)本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.Glendon provides a dark underside to Frederick Jackson Turners frontier thesis that saw rugged individualism as the essence of American society an individualism that she sees as _ atomism.(A) antithetical t

2、oward(B) skeptical of(C) degenerating into(D) aspiring to(E) renewed by 2.Because Inspector Morse could not contain his scorn for the police commissioner, he was imprudent enough to make _ remarks about his superior officer.(A) ambiguous(B) dispassionate(C) unfathomable(D) interminable(E) scathing 3

3、.He became quite overbearing and domineering once he had become accustomed to the _ shown to soldiers by the natives; he enjoyed his new sense of power and serf-importance.(A) disrespect(B) apathy(C) deference(D) culpability(E) enmity 4.The officers threatened to take _ if the lives of their men wer

4、e _ by the conquered natives.(A) liberties.irritated(B) measures.enhanced(C) pains.destroyed(D) reprisals.endangered(E) affront.enervated 5.Despite an affected _ that convinced casual observers that he was indifferent about his painting and enjoyed only frivolity, Warhol cared deeply about his art a

5、nd labored at it _.(A) nonchalance.diligently(B) empathy.methodically(C) fervor.secretly(D) gloom.intermittently(E) hysteria.sporadically 6.The newest fiber-optic cables that carry telephone calls cross-country are made of glass so _ that a piece 100 miles thick is clearer than a standard windowpane

6、.(A) fragile(B) immaculate(C) tangible(D) transparent(E) iridescent 7.Just as disloyalty is the mark of the renegade, _ is the mark of the _.(A) timorousness.hero(B) temerity.coward(C) avarice.philanthropist(D) cowardice.craven(E) vanity.flatterer 8.The child was so spoiled by her indulgent parents

7、that she pouted and became _ when she did not receive all of their attention.(A) discreet(B) suspicious(C) elated(D) sullen(E) tranquil 9.Shy and hypochondriacal, Madison was uncomfortable at public gatherings; his character made him a most _ lawmaker and practicing politician.(A) conscientious(B) u

8、nlikely(C) fervent(D) gregarious(E) effective 10.Because she had a reputation for _ we were surprised and pleased when she greeted us so _.(A) insolence.irately(B) insouciance.cordially(C) graciousness.amiably(D) arrogance.disdainfully(E) querulousness.affably 11.Modern architecture has discarded th

9、e _ trimming on buildings and has concentrated on an almost Greek simplicity of line.(A) flamboyant(B) austere(C) inconspicuous(D) aesthetic(E) derivative 12.In Japanese art, profound emotion is frequently couched in images of nature, observed with _ conditioned by life in a land of dramatic seasona

10、l change, where perils of earthquake and typhoon make natures bounty _ and its processes awesome and beautiful.(A) an intimacy.precarious(B) a fidelity.munificent(C) a skill.excessive(D) an indifference.chancy(E) a sensitivity.distinctive 13.A _ statement is an _ comparison: it does not compare thin

11、gs explicitly, but suggests a likeness between them.(A) sarcastic.unfair(B) blatant.overt(C) sanguine.inherent(D) metaphorical.implied(E) bellicose.ardent 14.Although a few years ago the fundamental facts about the Milky Way seemed fairly well _ now even its mass and its radius have come into _.(A)

12、determined.resolution(B) ignored.danger(C) problematic.prominence(D) diminished.disrepute(E) established.question 15.For Mir6, art became a _ ritual; paper and pencils were holy objects to him and he worked as though he were performing a religious rite.(A) superficial(B) sacred(C) banal(D) cryptic(E

13、) futile 16.If you carry this _ attitude to the conference, you will _ any supporters you may have at this moment.(A) belligerent.delight(B) truculent.alienate(C) conciliatory.defer(D) supercilious.attract(E) ubiquitous.delight 17.The tapeworm is an example of _ organism, one that lives within or on

14、 another creature, deriving some or all of its nutrients from its host.(A) a hospitable(B) an exemplary(C) a parasitic(D) an autonomous(E) a protozoan 18.Truculent in defending their individual rights of sovereignty under the Articles of Confederation, the newly formed states _ constantly.(A) apolog

15、ized(B) digressed(C) conferred(D) acquiesced(E) squabbled 19.Since Cyrano de Bergerac did not wish to be under an obligation to any man, he refused to be a _ of Cardinal Richelieu.(A) proselytizer(B) mentor(C) protg(D) benefactor(E) predecessor 20.Written in an amiable style, the book provides a com

16、prehensive overview of European wines that should prove inviting to both the virtual and the experienced connoisseur.(A) prodigal(B) novice(C) zealot(D) miser(E) glutton 21.After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, Japanese-Americans were _ of being spies for Japan, although the

17、re was no _ to back up this accusation.(A) acquitted.buttress(B) tired.witness(C) reminded.reason(D) suspected.evidence(E) exonerated.money 22.In place of the more general debate about abstract principles of government that most delegates probably expected, the Constitutional Convention put _ propos

18、als on the table.(A) theoretical(B) vague(C) concrete(D) tentative(E) redundant 23.I am not attracted by the _ life of the _ , always wandering through the countryside, begging for charity.(A) proud.almsgiver(B) noble.philanthropist(C) affluent.mendicant(D) natural.philosopher(E) peripatetic.vagabon

19、d 24.This park has been preserved in all its _ wildness so that visitors in future years may see how people lived during the eighteenth century.(A) hedonistic(B) prospective(C) esoteric(D) untrammeled(E) pristine 25.Harriman, Kennan, and Acheson were part of that inner _ of the American diplomatic e

20、stablishment whose distinguished legacy _ U.S. foreign policy.(A) circle.grieved(B) sanctum.absorbed(C) core.dominated(D) life.biased(E) coterie.exacerbated 26.We must try to understand his momentary _ for he has _ more strain and anxiety than any among us.(A) outcry.described(B) senility.understood

21、(C) vision.forgotten(D) generosity.desired(E) aberration.undergone 27.Traffic speed limits are set at a level that achieves some balance between the danger of _ speed and the desire of most people to travel as quickly as possible.(A) marginal(B) normal(C) prudent(D) inadvertent(E) excessive 28.Alec

22、Guinness has few equals among Englishspeaking actors, and in his autobiography he reveals himself to be an uncommonly _ prose stylist as well.(A) ambivalent(B) infamous(C) supercilious(D) felicitous(E) pedestrian 29.The sugar dissolved in water _; finally all that remained was an almost _ residue on

23、 the bottom of the glass.(A) quickly.lumpy(B) immediately.fragrant(C) graduallyimperceptible(D) subsequently.glassy(E) spectacularly.opaque 30.If the Titanic had hit the iceberg head on, its watertight compartments might have saved it from _ , but it swerved to avoid the iceberg, and in the collisio

24、n so many compartments were opened to the sea that disaster was _.(A) foundering.inevitable(B) sinking.escaped(C) damage.limited(D) buoyancy.unavoidable(E) collapse.averted 31.The leader of the group is the passionately committed Crimond, whose _ politics is inversely proportional to his disciples_

25、political faith.(A) retreat from.remote(B) penchant for.ardent(C) indifference to.jaundiced(D) engagement in.lapsed(E) disinclination for.problematic 32.We have become so democratic in our habits of thought that we are convinced that truth is determined through _ of facts.(A) a hierarchy(B) a transc

26、endance(C) a plebiscite(D) a repeal(E) an ignorance 33.Her true feelings themselves in her sarcastic asides; only then was her _ revealed.(A) concealed.sweetness(B) manifested.bitterness(C) hid.sarcasm(D) developed.anxiety,(E) grieved.charm 34.In seeking to rediscover Zora Neale Hurston, it is intri

27、guing to look at the figure she cut in the minds of her contemporaries, the high regard she enjoyed before shifting aesthetic values _ her to curio status.(A) emancipated(B) deviated(C) exported(D) absolved(E) relegated 35.It is foolish to vent your spleen on _ object; still, you make _. enemies tha

28、t way.(A) an inanimate.fewer(B) an immobile.bitter(C) an interesting.curious(D) an insipid.dull(E) a humane.more 36.Because Pauling stubbornly continued to believe in the power of Vitamin C to cure cancer despite much evidence to the contrary, his colleagues felt he had lost his scientific _.(A) ten

29、acity(B) experimentation(C) daring(D) apparatus(E) objectivity 37.His listeners enjoyed his _ wit but his victims often _ at its satire.(A) lugubrious.suffered(B) caustic.laughed(C) kindly.smarted(D) subtle.smiled(E) trenchant.winced 38.We are _ the intellects of the past; or, rather, like children

30、we take it for granted that somebody must supply us with our supper and our _.(A) ungrateful to.ideas(B) dependent on.repose(C) unfaithful to.needs(D) fortunate in.allowance(E) generous to.wants 39.It is only to the vain that all is vanity; and all is _ only to those who have never been _ themselves

31、.(A) arrogance.proud of(B) deception.sincere with(C) cowardice.afraid for(D) indolence.bored by(E) solitude.left to 40.I was so bored with the verbose and redundant style of Victorian novelists that I welcomed the change to the _ style of Hemingway.(A) prolix(B) consistent(C) terse(D) logistical(E)

32、florid 41.Tocqueville decided to swear the oath of loyalty to the new Orleanist king in part _ (he wanted to keep his position as magistrate), and in part pragmatically (he was convinced that the democratization of politics represented by the new regime was _).(A) expediently.calamitous(B) opportuni

33、stically.inevitable(C) imprudently.circumspect(D) selflessly.idealistic(E) theoretically.negligible 42.Faced with these massive changes, the government keeps its own counsel; although generally benevolent, it has always been _ regime.(A) an altruistic(B) an unpredictable(C) a reticent(D) a sanguine(

34、E) an indifferent 43.Studded starfish are well protected from most _ and parasites by _ surface whose studs are actually modified spines.(A) dangers.a vulnerable(B) predators.an armored(C) threats.a fragile(D) challenges.an obtuse(E) exigencies.a brittle 44.Japans industrial success is _ in part to

35、its tradition of group effort and _, as opposed to the emphasis on personal achievement that is a prominent aspect of other industrial nations.(A) responsive.independence(B) related.introspection(C) equivalent.solidarity(D) subordinate.individuality(E) attributed.cooperation 45.Unlike the gregarious

36、 Capote, who was never happier than when he was in the center of a crowd of celebrities, Faulkner, in later years, grew somewhat _ and shunned company.(A) congenial(B) decorous(C) dispassionate(D) reclusive(E) ambivalent 46.During the middle of the eighteenth century, the _ style in fttrniture and a

37、rchitecture, marked by scrollwork and excessive decoration, flourished.(A) austere(B) functional(C) medieval(D) rococo(E) abstract 47.As _ head of the organization, he attended social functions and civic meetings but had no _ in the formulation of company policy.(A) titular.voice(B) hypothetical.vot

38、e(C) former.pride(D) petition(E) actual.say 48.Although eighteenth-century English society as a whole did not encourage learning for its own sake in women, nonetheless it illogically _ womens sad lack of education.(A) palliated(B) postulated(C) decried(D) brooked(E) vaunted 49.Unlike the Shakespearean plays that lit up the English stage, the closet dramas of the nineteenth century were meant to be _ rather than _.(A) seen.acted(B) read.staged(C) quiet.raucous(D) sophisticated.urbane(E) produced.performed 50.Organic Architecture


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