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《历年第一学期初一英语月考卷.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《历年第一学期初一英语月考卷.doc(9页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、西山学校西山学校 2017-2018 学年第一学期七年级九月月考学年第一学期七年级九月月考英语试卷英语试卷(全卷共 6 页,四大题,66 小题;考试时间:90 分钟;满分:100 分)友情提示:所有答案都必须填涂在答题卡相应的位置上,答在本试卷上一律无效。 第第卷(非选择题卷(非选择题 共共 70 分)分)第一部分第一部分 听力听力(20 分分).听句子,选择正确图片,有一幅多余。每个句子读两遍。(5 分) 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ .听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读两遍。(5 分) ( )6. A. Theyre oranges.B. Its an orange. C

2、. Yes, it is. ( )7. A. How do you do?B. Im eleven.C. B-U-S, bus. ( )8. A. Yes, I am. B. Im in Grade Seven.C. Im in Class One. ( )9. A. Thanks.B. Youre welcome.C. OK. ( )10. A. No, its a bus. B. No, its a car. C. Yes, its a bus. .听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每组对话和问题读两遍。(5 分) ( )11. A. 12. B. 11. C. 10. ( )12. A. 68

3、52-3356.B. 6852-3556.C. 6825-3556. ( )13. A. They are buses.B. Theyre boxes.C. They are books. ( )14. A. S-E-V-E-N-T-E-E-N.B. S-I-X-T-E-E-N.C. S-V-T-E-N-E-T-E-N. ( )15. A. Class 5. B. Class 7. C. Class 4. .听短文,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。短文读两遍。(5 分) ( )16. Jim is from the USA. ( )17. Jim is eleven years old. (

4、)18. Now Jim is in Beijing. ( )19. Jim is in Class 7, Grade 8. ( )20. His telephone number is 8845-6710.第二部分第二部分 语言知识运用(共三节语言知识运用(共三节 满分满分 35 分)分)第一节 单项选择 (共 10 题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)( )1. A. H, AB. H, I C. L, Y D. P, W( )2.英语中共有_个英文字母,其中有_个元音字母。英语中共有_个音标。A. 48, 5, 26 B. 26, 5, 48 C. 26, 48,5 D. 26, 21,

5、48 ( )2. Where _ they from? Theyre from Japan.A. isB. amC. areD. / ( )3. _ your name? My name is Kate. A. WhatsB. WhoC. HowD. Hows( )4. _, are you Mr. Wang? Yes, I am. A. Fine B. Please C. Excuse meD. OK ( )5. Are they from Canada? No, they _. A. are B. arentC. notD. isnt ( )6. My mom is _ teacher.

6、Shes _ English teacher. A. a; anB. a; aC. an; aD. an; an ( )7. _ are they? They are Maria and Jane. A. WhoB. What C. WhereD. How ( )8. What class are you in?Im _.A. in class 3, grade 7B. in Class 3, Grade 7 C. class 3, grade 7 D. Class 3, Grade 7 ( )9. “One one nine ” 表示 _。 A. 火警 B. 匪警 C. 急救中心 D. 电话

7、号码查询台 ( )10. Are those books?Yes, _.A. they areB. they arentC. those areD. those arent ( )11. -bed,beg,pet 这三个单词中,画线部分都发( ) A./ e/ B./ ei/ C./ i:/ D. / I/ ( )12. _ do you spell your name?T-I-N-A, Tina.A. WhatB. HowC. CanD. Where ( )13.在 add,bag,take 这三个单词中,画线部分与其他两个发音不同的是( ) A.take B. bag C. add( )1

8、4. _ is Mary?She is five.A. WhoB. WhatC. WhereD. How old ( )15. Is that an orange?_. Its an apple.A. YesB. NoC. It isD. It isnt第二节 口语运用。 (共 10 题, 每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) (A)从栏中找出栏各句的应答语。(5 分) ( )16. Where is he from?A. No. Im Mr. Wang. ( )17. Whats his name? B. Thats OK. ( )18. Let me help you.C. Canada. (

9、 )19. Are you Mr. Li?D. Hes Li Dawei. ( )20. Thank you.E. Thank you.(B)从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,有两项多余。(5 分) A: Excuse me, are you Amy? B: Yes, I am. 21 A: My name is Tom. Nice to meet you. B: 22 Where are you from? A: Im from England. 23 B: No. Im from the USA. A: How old are you? B: Im twelve. 24 A: Im elev

10、en. What class are you in? B: 25 A: Oh. We are in the same class. Goodbye! B: Bye! A. How are you? B. And you? C. Whats your name? D. Nice to meet you, too. E. Im in Class Two, Grade One. F. OK. G. Are you from England, too? 21._ 22._ 23._ 24._ 25._第三节 完形填空(共 10 题,每小题 1 分, 满分 10 分) Hello! 26 name is

11、 Li Ying. Im twelve. Im from Kunming. Now Im in Beijing No. 14 High School. Im 27 Class Five, Grade Seven. Miss Gao 28 my English teacher. She is 29 old teacher. I have(有)a pen, a ruler and two 30 in my pencil-box(文具盒). Liu Ping is in Grade Seven, too. 31 is from Guangzhou. She is my good 32 . We ar

12、e in 33 same class. Now she can 34 English well(好). I think(认为) she is a good girl. Look! 35 is that? She is Liu Ping. ( )26. A. I B. MyC. YourD. Me ( )27. A. from B. toC. notD. in ( )28. A. isB. areC. amD. be ( )29. A. aB. anC. goodD. / ( )30. A. busesB. desksC. schoolbagsD. pencils ( )31. A. HeB.

13、HisC. SheD. Her ( )32. A. friendB. teacherC. studentD. mom ( )33. A. these B. theC. anD. a( )34. A. spell B. speak C. helpD. see ( )35. A. How B. WhatC. WhereD. Who第三部分第三部分 阅读理解阅读理解 (共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)(A) Li Hong is from China. She is thirteen years old. My name is Rose. Im from England. Im th

14、irteen, too. We are in the same grade, but we are not in the same class. Li Hong is in Class 3, Grade 1. Im in Class 5. She and I are good friends. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 ( )36. Li Hong is not from China. ( )37. Rose is in Grade 3. ( )38. Theyre in the same class. ( )39. Theyre of the same age(年龄). ( )4

15、0. Theyre good friends.(B)Hello! My name is Joy. Im a girl. Im eleven. Im in Class Eight, Grade Seven. This is my friend, Joan. She is twelve. She is in a high school. She is in Class Seven, Grade Eight. My English teacher is Miss White, but her English teacher is Miss Green. Look!Whos that? Oh, she

16、s my mom. Shes a Chinese(语文, 中文) teacher. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 ( )41. _ is in Class Eight, Grade Seven. A. JoanB. JohnC. JoyD. Joe ( )42. Joan is Joys (乔伊的)_. A. teacherB. friendC. student (学生)D. mom ( )43. Joan is _. A. elevenB. twelveC. thirteenD. fourteen ( )44. Joys English teacher is _. A. Miss White

17、B. Miss GreenC. Joys momD. Joan ( )45. Joys mother is _. A. an English teacherB. a friend C. a studentD. a Chinese teacher(C) Hello! My name is John Brown. Im from England. Im an English teacher. Im in Beijing International School. My telephone number is 8523-3237. Zhang Hao, Alice and Yingzi are my

18、 students. Im Zhang Hao. My English name is Peter. Im eleven years old. Im from Beijing. My telephone number is 8876-5342.Alice Brown is my name. Im twelve. Im from Canada. My mom is a teacher. My telephone number is 7342-6979. Im Yingzi. Im fourteen years old. Im from Japan. 5673-6981 is my telepho

19、ne number.根据表格内容,选择正确答案。( )46. Where is John Brown from?A. B. C. D. ( )47. Peter is a . A. girlB. teacherC. momD. student ( )48. Alice is a girl. Her telephone number is . A. 5673-6981B. 8876-5342C. 7342-6979D. 8523-3237 ( )49. How old is Yingzi? A. 11.B. 12.C. 13.D. 14. ( )50.下面哪一项叙述是不正确不正确的? A. Jo

20、hn Brown is an English teacher. B. Zhang Hao is from China. C. Alice is a teacher. D. Yingzi is a girl student.第第卷卷 (非选择题(非选择题 共共 30 分)分)第四部分第四部分 读写综合读写综合 (30 分分)第 1 节 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(5 分) 51. _(that) are apples. These are oranges. 52. Michael and I _(be) good friends. 53. They are four _(box). 54. Im

21、 in Shiyan High _(school). 55. Excuse _(I), where are you from?第二节 完成句子。完成句子。根据句意及首字母提示填词。(5 分) 56. W_ are you from? Im from Shanghai. 57. Whats y_ name? My name is David. 58. Are you f_ Fuzhou? No, we arent. 59. Whats your telephone n_? Its (010)8659-7981.60. How do you s orange ? O-R-A-N-G-E, oran

22、ge.第三节第三节 看图填空。(10 分) 根据图片内容补全对话。 61. _ is he? He _ Xiao Ming.62. Is she _ Japan? No, she _.63. _ are they from? They are from _.64. Whats _ QQ number? _ QQ number is 158141028.65. _ she Jane? _, she is.书面表达。(15 分) 66.假如你是 Wang Ming,根据表格信息用写一段话, 介绍你自己和你的朋友 Lily 的情况。 用上以下提示词,不少于 50 词。提示词:the same gra

23、de , good friendNameAgeFromClassGradeTelephone numberWang Ming12China 370591-321 5678Lily11England47(010)8769-5419祝贺你:你已经顺利地做完了这份考卷,请再仔细检查一遍,祝贺你:你已经顺利地做完了这份考卷,请再仔细检查一遍,把答案工整的誊写在答题卡上,争取得把答案工整的誊写在答题卡上,争取得 (o)西山学校西山学校 2017-2018 学年第一学期七年级九月月考学年第一学期七年级九月月考 英语答题卡英语答题卡(全卷共 6 页,四大题,86 小题;考试时间:90 分钟;满分:100 分

24、)第第卷(非选择题卷(非选择题 共共 70 分)分)第一部分第一部分 听力(共三节听力(共三节 满分满分 20 分)分)1. _ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._11._ 12._ 13._ 14._ 15._12._ 17._ 18._ 19._ 20._第二部分第二部分 语言知识运用(共三节语言知识运用(共三节 满分满分 35 分)分)第一节单项选择第一节单项选择 (共(共 15 题,每小题题,每小题 1 分,满分分,满分 15 分)分)1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._11._ 12._ 13._ 14._

25、 15._第二节第二节 口语运用。口语运用。 (共(共 10 题,题, 每小题每小题 1 分,满分分,满分 10 分)分)16._ 17._ 18._ 19._ 20._21._ 22._ 22._ 25._ 25._第三节第三节 完形填空(共完形填空(共 10 题,每小题题,每小题 1 分,分, 满分满分 10 分)分)26._ 27._ 28._ 29._ 30._31._ 32._ 33._ 34._ 35._第三部分第三部分 阅读理解(共二节,满分阅读理解(共二节,满分 15 分)分)阅读理解(共阅读理解(共 15 小题,小题, 每小题每小题 1 分,满分分,满分 15 分)分)(A)

26、 36._ 37._ 38._ 39._ 40._(B) 41._ 42._ 43._ 44._ 45._(C) 46._ 47._ 48._ 49._ 50._第第卷卷 (非选择题(非选择题 共共 30 分分)第四部分第四部分 读写综合读写综合 (共四节,(共四节, 满分满分 30 分)分)第第 1 节节 用所给单词的适当形式填空。用所给单词的适当形式填空。(5 分分)51_ 52._ 53._ 54._ 55._第二节第二节 完成句子。根据句意及首字母提示填词。完成句子。根据句意及首字母提示填词。(5 分分)56_ 57._ 58._ 59._ 60._第三节第三节 看图填空。看图填空。根据图片内容补全对话根据图片内容补全对话.(10(10 分分) )61._ 62._ 63._ 64._ 65._第第 4 节节 书面表达(满分书面表达(满分 10 分)分)66.My name is _ _ 祝贺你:你已经顺利地做完了这份考卷,请再仔细检查一遍,争取得祝贺你:你已经顺利地做完了这份考卷,请再仔细检查一遍,争取得


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