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《国内石油大学(华东.)石大在线2015春季学期大学英语2在线作业答案.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《国内石油大学(华东.)石大在线2015春季学期大学英语2在线作业答案.doc(16页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、中国石油大学(华东)石大在线 2015 春季学期大学英语 2在线作业答案请注意:本学期您只有一次在线考试机会,请慎重做答和提交! 01:25:48 单项选择题 第 1 题 Will you be able to come to my birthday party this Saturday? _ 本题 2分 A、No, Id like to. B、I believe I cant. C、Im afraid. D、Yes, Id love to. 第 2 题 Do you mind telling me where youre from? _. 本题 2分 A、Certainly. Im fro

2、m London B、Sure. I was born in London C、Not really, you can do it D、Certainly not. Im from London 第 3 题 I want to look up a new word. Could you lend me your dictionary? _ 本题 2分 A、Yes, I can. B、Here you are. C、Sorry, I dont think so. D、You can take it. 第 4 题 Im sorry. Bobs not in his office. _ 本题 2分A

3、、Would you like to leave a message? B、Are you sure for that? C、Can you take a message for me? D、Can you phone me? 第 5 题 It was with great joy _ he received the news that his long lost son would soon return home. 本题 1分 A、so B、as C、that D、since 第 6 题 The girls answer _ good enough. 本题 1分 A、sounded B、n

4、oised C、heard D、listened 第 7 题 Clothes and blankets have been _ among the refugees. 本题 1分 A、distributed B、contributed C、attributed D、conducted第 8 题 The man told his girl friend he would wait for her where the three roads _. 本题 1分 A、link B、connect C、meet D、combine 第 9 题 My house is very _ for getting

5、 to work as it is only a few minutes from the station. 本题 1分 A、comfortable B、suitable C、convenient D、free 第 10 题 Our English teacher _ our buying a good English-Chinese dictionary. 本题 1分 A、asked B、ordered C、suggested D、required 第 11 题 So little _ about chemistry that the lecture was completely beyon

6、d me. 本题 1分 A、I know B、I knewC、do I know D、did I know 第 12 题 Id like to take _ of this opportunity to thank you all for your co-operation. 本题 1分 A、profit B、benefit C、advantage D、occasion 第 13 题 _ only five minutes to finish the task. 本题 1分 A、I took myself B、It required me C、It took me D、It needed me

7、 第 14 题 If you spare half an hour each day to read an English newspaper, you will surely be able to read _. 本题 1分 A、efficiently B、obviously C、actually D、purposefully 第 15 题 They always kept on good _ with their next-door neighbors for the childrens sake. 本题 1分 A、friendship B、relations C、relatives D、

8、terms 第 16 题 There was a good _ of the countryside from the front of the bus. 本题 1分 A、sight B、view C、scene D、scenery 第 17 题 I think we should let Maria go camping with her boyfriend. _, shes a big girl now. 本题 1分 A、After all B、Above all C、First of all D、For all 第 18 题 If you ever have the _ to go ab

9、road to work, you should take it. 本题 1分 A、possibility B、offer C、luck D、chance 第 19 题 The current political _ of our country is favorable for foreign investments. 本题 1分A、climate B、weather C、state D、occasion 第 20 题 Mum, it is nice weather. I want to skate this afternoon. Dont you think the ice on the

10、lake is too thin to _ your weight? 本题 1分 A、stand B、bear C、catch D、take 第 21 题 _ from the moon, our earth, with water _ seven percent of its surface, appears as a “blue ball”. 本题 1分 A、Seen . covered B、Seeing . covering C、Seen . covering D、To see . to cover 第 22 题 Tom, this is Hack, Fred is ill in hos

11、pital. Oh, _ 本题 2 分A、its sad. B、its bad. C、Im sorry to hear that. D、thats not good.第 23 题 May I see the menu, please? Ive been waiting an hour already. _. 本题 2分 A、That is the menu, sir B、Yes, please go on C、Here you are, sir D、Of course, sir 第 24 题 Youve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Mrs. Wan

12、g. _ 本题 2分 A、Oh, I dont think I cooked very well. B、Im glad you enjoyed it. C、Come again when you are free. D、Its not necessary for you to say so. 第 25 题 Have you ever been to the Great Wall in Beijing? _ 本题 2分 A、Yes, I am B、No, I dont. C、No, Ive never been there. D、Certainly, I went there. 第 26 题 W

13、hat is your major, Jack? _ 本题 2分 A、I study very hard. B、Im learning course. C、I major English. D、Im majoring in computer science. 第 27 题 You look tired. Whats the matter? _ 本题 2分 A、It doesnt matter. B、Oh, my head aches badly. C、It is not the matter.D、Dont worry. 第 28 题 Years ago we didnt know this,

14、but recent science _ that people who dont sleep well soon get ill. 本题 1分 A、showed B、has shown C、will show D、is showing 第 29 题 What would you do if it _ tomorrow? We have to carry it on, since weve got everything ready. 本题 1分 A、rain B、is raining C、will rain D、rains 第 30 题 The coffee is wonderful! It

15、doesnt taste like anything I _ before. 本题 1分 A、was having B、have C、have ever had D、had ever had 第 31 题 By the time Jane gets home, her aunt _for London to attend a meeting. 本题 1分 A、will leave B、leaves C、will have left D、left 第 32 题 No passenger is allowed to stick his head out of the window lest he

16、_. 本题 1分 A、should be hurt B、is hurt C、will be hurt D、is to be hurt 第 33 题 I consider _ that I should do my best to help them. 本题 1分 A、my duty B、to be my duty C、what my duty D、it my duty 第 34 题 There was plenty of time. She _. 本题 1分 A、mustnt have hurried B、neednt have hurried C、must hurry D、couldnt h

17、ave hurried 第 35 题 Shanghai is the place _ the great Communist Party of China was born. 本题 1分 A、which B、where C、when D、that 第 36 题 I am writing to _ your appointment as Headmaster of the Grammar School. 本题 1分 A、congratulate B、congratulate on C、congratulate to you on D、congratulate you on 第 37 题 If y

18、ou want his address, you will have to _ the number in the book. 本题 1分 A、look into B、look up C、look through D、look after 第 38 题 This picture _ me of the past events associated with my childhood. 本题 1分A、remembers B、remindsC、recalls D、recollects 第 39 题 _ the flood, the ship would have reached its desti

19、nation on time. 本题 1分 A、In case of B、Because of C、In spite of D、But for 第 40 题 I sent invitations to 80 people, _ have replied. 本题 1分 A、of whom only 20 of these B、only 20 who C、of 20 of these who D、only 20 of whom 阅读理解题 第 41 题 wall street is the name of a street in new york nd very famous in the who

20、le world. it is the financial center of the u.s.a, exerting a significant influence upon the worlds economy. hetty green, who was born in 1835, was nicknamed the wizard(奇才)of wall street. she became almost a legendary figure in wall street, because she made a lot of money buying nd selling shares in

21、 companies. hetty green began making money when her father died nd she inherited all his money. by investing it wisely, she soon built up her fortune to over 100 million dollars. however, she hated spending money on herself r on her family. his leg, she would not send fr a doctr. she did not want to

22、 have to pay a doctrs bill. she refused to send her son to a good hospital. instead, she took the boy to a free charity hospital. there he did not get very good treatment nd, to save his life, he had to have his leg cut off. still his mother would not pay fr proper hospital treatment. she sent fr a

23、doctr who cut off the boys leg in her sitting room. its incredible, isnt it? 本题 15 分 1 Wall Street is _.A、the name of Chinatown in New YorkB、the nickname of New YorkC、the financial center of AmericaD、 the tourist center of U.S.A 2 Hetty Green was nicknamed the Wizard of Wall Street because she _.3 T

24、he underlined word “mean” in the second paragraph probably can be replaced by _.4 When her son broke his leg, Hetty Green _.5 Which of the following is true according to the passage?A、 Hetty Green died a poor old woman.B、Hetty Green preferred money to anything else.C、Hetty Green liked to earn a lot

25、of money so as to live a good lifeD、hetty green hated her son nd refused to take him to a good hospital. A、sent him to a large hospitalB、sent for a doctor at onceC、didnt pay the bill for the doctorD、took him to a charity hospitalA、sadB、cruelC、disappointedD、ungenerousA、 made a great fortune with shar

26、esB、inherited a large sum of money rom her fatherC、built up a large company on sharesD、was very strange nd cruel第 42 题 andy loved the idea. mary arthur 1 it. kurt mendez didnt think it was any big deal. mr. el thought it was a brilliant idea. after all, it was 2 idea. “its only fair,” mr. el explain

27、ed to his new fourth graders as they stood in line waiting for the lunch bell 3 , “that we turn things around. every year you guys line up in alphabetical order. alphabetical order to go to lunch, to go to gym, to go home, nd so on. this year were using reverse alphabetical order.” mindy vale put he

28、r hand down as mr. el pointed 4 her. “ive always had to stand at the back of the line, ever since kindergarten! now im near the 5. thank you, thank you!” this policy. this is very drastic nd unnecessary. this could confuse our fragile young minds!” “put a lid on it, chris!” shouted david tyler. “we

29、wont have any outbursts like that, david!” mr. el said firmly. he turned 8 christopher. “dont 9 , christopher. we only have strong minds in this class.” nds that went up were in the front half of the line. 本题 20 分 1第 1 题选项A、hatedB、likedC、heardD、needed 2第 2 题选项A、noB、thatC、hisD、her 3第 3 题选项A、ringB、to

30、ringC、ringingD、rung 4第 4 题选项A、outB、forC、in5第 5 题选项A、lastB、frontC、bottomD、forward 6第 6 题选项A、SoB、ThereforeC、ThenD、 After 7第 7 题选项A、reconsiderB、carryC、thinkD、make 8第 8 题选项A、atB、inC、towardD、down 9第 9 题选项A、moveB、worryC、scream10第 10 题选项A、expectB、doubtC、forgetD、review第 43 题 people once widely believed that

31、 intelligent life existed on mars. the 19th-century discovery of what appeared to be geometric designs cut across the surface was taken as evidence. the lines were thought to have been a system of canals that had been built to irrigate the surface. it is now clear that “canals” perhaps the most spec

32、tacular geologic features of mars are natural valleys here ancient rivers once flowed. another fragmented idea concerns the planets seasonal changes in color. once attributed to the rapid spread of some life-form, these shifts are now known to develop rom the movement of fine dust in the atmosphere.

33、 by the close of the 20th century none of the many experiments conducted by spacecraft had ever found persuasive evidence of life. nevertheless, speculation continued over the existence of some form of life, in either the present r the past. in 1996 scientists discovered rganic compounds nd minerals

34、 in a meteorite(陨石), consisting of martian rock, that collided with earth around 11,000 b.c. these compounds suggest that mars may have been inhabited by rganisms mre than three billion years ago. 本题 15 分 1 Why did people in the 19th century believe the existence of intelligent life on Mars?2 The “c

35、anals” on Mars have proved to be _ according to the passage.A、the minor geologic characteristic of MarsB、natural valleys on the surface of MarsC、 rivers that have kept flowing since ancient timesD、a system that irrigates the whole surfaceA、 Because the surface of Mars seemed to be geometric.B、Becaus

36、e the lines were drawn across the surface of the planet.C、Because a system of canals was thought to be there.D、Because it was the Martians that built the canals. 3 What were the Mars seasonal changes in color believed to be?4 How is the 1996 discovery related to the possible existence of organisms o

37、n Mars?5 How many arguments in this passage lead to the belief of the existence of life on Mars?A、Two.B、Three.C、Four.D、Five. A、The meteorite containing organic compounds is part of Mars.B、A Martian rock struck Earth about 11,000 years ago.C、The organisms came back to life after the collision with Earth.D、The inhabiting organisms appeared more than three billion years ago. A、The natural changes on the planet.B、The seasonal cycles.C、The movement of some life form.D、The storm of dust in its atmosphere. 完成考试温馨提示:请一定要点击左边的“完成考试”按钮提交试卷,显示“答卷结果保存成 功”表示提交成功,否则考试结果将无分值。-END-


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