2023年雅思高分作文- 教育类.docx

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1、2023年雅思高分作文- 教育类 第一篇:雅思高分作文- 教化类 1.It is generally believed that education is of vital importance in individuals development and well-being of societies.What should education consist of to fulfill both these functions? With the rapid development of modern society, education is becoming more and more

2、 crucial to both individuals and societies.The issue over what education should consist of has considerably aroused peoples wide concern.In this essay, I seek to explore this complicated topic from diverse perspectives and what influence could be brought.Among the most important aspects education sh

3、ould consist of, one should be stressed is professional knowledge education.On one hand, under the fierce competitive circumstance, people who have professional skills and experience attract many big companies.Therefore, study about one special area gives people more opportunities to hurt an ideal j

4、ob.On the other hand, this education is also significant to develop societies in a long run.At the second place, what is also worth noticing is that physical education is necessary for students, especially for teenagers.If you want to achieve successfully in the modern societies, strong body is the

5、first premise, which makes you always in sharp.So education should push people to take care themselves and this could bring great benefits to the healthy society.Last but not least, we should not lose sight of psychological education.Psychological problems are serious nowadays and a sizable percenta

6、ge of people suffer from them.A survey conducted by a famous research organization indicates that over 40 percent of students have various psychological problems, who really need help from school and society.Even worse, if such problems cannot be solved, they could hamper the progress of well-being

7、society.Judging from what I have been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that three aspects cannot be separated in education, which play vital important roles in the growth of individuals and societies.The fulfillment of both people and societies can be done as long as we lay emphasi

8、s on three aspects mentioned above.2.Human Society is a long period of building and developing.From the time man lived in dank caves to nowadays when he lives in such a modern life with a lot of excellent facilities.The modern life, the excellent facilities was not a present from god.It was made by

9、people of all generations who always learned from the past and developed everything they had learned from it.Thus, I totally disagree with the statement above that learning about the past has no value.The first reason for this is that learning about the past brings us all the knowledge and informati

10、on in the past.Without yesterday, there is no today.A society can develop only when its people inherit and understand the achievements of the precursors because the precursors achievements were the foundation for everything to develop.For example, before 1964 there was only black-and-white televisio

11、n but until now there are kinds of colour televisions that are slim and innovative such as LCD TV.The black-and-white television made the basis and gave inventors idea to develop the modern TV nowadays.Consequently our knowledge, success today is the result of constant work of our ancestors before.S

12、econdly, learning about the past is very essential because it makes us doubt and take consideration into earlier assumptions.For that reason,people will find out mistakes that were made in the past.This will show us which roads not to ever go down again and put human in a right way to develop.Learni

13、ng about the past is not only learning about the history but also is learning from our and the others mistakes.By this way of learning, people will become more and more experienced and never make the same mistakes again.Additionally, if learning about the past has no value, people in the world could

14、 speak, could write by themselves without learning from anyone.This is impossible so the value of the past, in this case are the parents,are undeniable.In a nutshell, the past is always a good teacher and we are still bad students who crave for knowledge.Denying the past also means that we are destr

15、oying the present and our future because no one can jump without ground to stand on.3.When it comes to the value of history, the discussion of this issue among individuals and in society as a whole has come into vogue during the last decade.The statement declares that “learning about the past has no

16、 value for those of us living in the present. I disagree with the.there is a thing you have to know.The main reason for my propensity to the importance of history is that in the business world, there is a saying that you have to know where you have been and where you are in order to know where you a

17、re going.Furthermore, I agree that business corporations find it critical to have regular views of the past business performance without reservations since each corporation has to see what mistakes were made in order to avoid repeating them.Naturally, they learn from the past mistakes which prepare

18、them for the future.Lets bring our discussion to a more present and practical context.It can be given an example that Microsoft usually has regular views of its past performance, usually in the form of quarterly or annual review.Another equally essential aspect accounting for why I advocate the valu

19、e of learning about the past involves the realm of politics and society.No one can deny that in the international arena, one must possess a thorough knowledge of history in order to understand the current dynamics and complex relationships among countries.Obviously, it is imperative that the politic

20、ians should learn from the past political mistakes.History is replete with evidence to demonstrate this point that the world community learned the great lesson from WWII that there must not be another world war thus we entered into 40 plus years of the cold war.However, we should concede that despit

21、e the merits of learning about the past, over extended referring to the past will be indeed counterproductive, even harmful.The harm it produces is, in my view,both palpable and profound.For the individual, it has a debasing impact on peoples originality;for the society, it may promote a tendency to

22、ward mechanism ossification.In sum, the advantages of referring to the past outweigh the disadvantages, but it is imperative to point out that whether historical information can actively affect our present life depends on whether we could take rational cognizance of the past and whether we could try

23、 to make breakthrough and whether we could learn from the past failures and success, especially from the failures. 其次篇:雅思教父刘洪波:教化类雅思作文高分及点评 雅思教父刘洪波:教化类雅思作文高分范文及点评 雅思教父刘洪波2023权威作品 最简化雅思写作 8月光线上市 从零起先,单词、词组、句式、思想 完全应对官方四大评分标准 最新研发最简化15句写作框架模板 涵盖雅思题库各类型高分范文 幽默通俗的语言手把手教出写作高分 中国区前任雅思索官强力举荐 Most countries

24、 spend lots of money on education as they start to recognize its importance.In your opinion which two following subjects are the most important for your people and which one is the least important? Subject: LiteratureSports MathematicsEconomy Physics History Music Geography It has been said that inv

25、esting in education is investing in ones future: this is true for both individuals and nations.It is always somewhat subjective to say which is more important, the humanities or sciences, as both have value.However, I would like to make a case for the importance of math and economics in this day and

26、 age.Let us begin with math.Mathematics is a foundation subject which bridges many different fields, from physics and chemistry to the Internet and modern medicine.All of our material advances in the 20th century could not have happened without advanced mathematics.To be sure, it will also play a cr

27、itical role in meeting challenges like global warming and space travel, to name just a few, in the future.Likewise, economics is a fundamental discipline that allows societies to be stable and move forward.History is full of example of kingdoms and empires that collapsed as their economies declined.

28、Most obviously, we need look no further than the current economic meltdown to see the importance of economics.The jobs and wellbeing of individuals and nations alike depend upon a deeper understanding of this field.While all subjects have their merit, perhaps Geography doesnt have the same importanc

29、e it once did.After all, in our modern world we have 3-D maps online that allow us to see anywhere with the click of a mouse.But to reiterate, we need a balanced approach to education where we still produce artists and thinkers and historians and so on.To summarize, math and economics are critical s

30、ubjects in the 21st century.Governments must do their part to make sure we invest in these key areas and have qualified teachers.By doing so, they will ensure our prosperity and progress.(294 words) Harvey点评: 写作观点:数学、经济学重要,地理不重要。所以文章中间三段分别探讨三个学科。 这篇文章题型少见,题目内容对中国考生来说比较另类。说明哪个学科的重要性不难,难的是说明一个学科为什么不重要

31、,还留意到题目中有最高级词汇:the most important, the least important。 我们受到的教化是行业没有三六九等,行行出状元。假如在小学课堂上探讨此类题目,有小挚友胆敢说地理最不重要,老师确定会发飙:“胡说,不要有偏见,各个学科都重要,人类都需要,缺一不行。于是大家考试不能偏科,长大之后都没有了“偏见。 而这篇文章就是逼着你写出偏见,让你偏科,还很极端,因为题目中有最高级。 所以我最欣赏的是在本文首段其次句话,在表达个人偏见前的让步:It is always somewhat subjective主观的to say which is more important

32、, the humanities人文学科or sciences, as both have value.这句话我信任也是大多数考生看完题目后的第一感觉,但表达不出来。 先学习下面的词汇和短语,然后再重读范文,体会它们在文中的运用 词汇 subjectiveadj.主观的foundationn.基础 bridgevt.架桥,连接 criticaladj.关键的,重要的meltdownn.彻底倒台 wellbeingadj.福利,康乐,清静 reiteratevt.反复地说,重申 短语 invest in投资于 make a case for 提出充分的理由 in this day and age

33、 当今 play a critical role in 起到关键作用 meet challenge 应对挑战 to name just a few 等等 = and so on depend upon依靠,依靠 allow sb.to do sth.使某人能做某事 with the click of a mouse 只需鼠标一点 do ones part to尽自己的职责 key areas 重要领域 三分钟熟读或背诵本文最好用的三个句子 l It is always somewhat subjective to say which is more important, the humanit

34、ies or sciences, as both have value.l Mathematics is a foundation subject which bridges many different fields, from physics and chemistry to the Internet and modern medicine.l All of our material advances in the 20th century could not have happened without advanced mathematics. 第三篇:教化类 雅思大作文素材 教化类话题

35、涉及面很广,主要考察教化方法和教化内容,儿童教化,青少年教化等。 总体说来,教化对孩子的影响可以从智力,学问,体育,道德,社交和实践几个方面去探讨。写法: 1 让步反对 起承转合加让步总结 智力方面: 提高学习实力,扩大学问面,适应社会进展。 Enhance intellectual abilities ,widen scope of knowledge , adapt oneself to the development of society 体育方面:养成良好的生活习惯,保持身心健康。 Maintain a healthy lifestyle as well as physical and

36、 psychological well-being 道德方面:符合社会道德标准:adhere to code of conduct 社会实践方面: cultivate logical thinking培育规律思维 Develop Our Creative Mind培育我们创建性思维 tap ones potential挖掘某人的潜能 undertake the due obligations担当责任 face possible pressure and competition迎接可能的压力和竞争 cultivate a strong sense of responsibility 勇于担当责任

37、 教化类话题短语总结: enrich the teaching method丰富教化手段 multimedia teaching多媒体教学 vocational education职业教化 cradle of culture文化摇篮 thought-provoking引人深思的 enlightening予以人启迪的 far-reaching深远的 never-ending永不停息的 overwhelming压倒一切的 give a big push to the development of education赐予教化极大的推动 education for all-round developm

38、ent全面进展教化 exam-oriented education应试教化 quality-oriented education 素养教化 knowledge-intensive学问密集型的 keep skills fresh and up-to-date使得技能可以与时俱进 enlarge ones view拓展学问面 realize the value of life实现生命价值 broaden ones horizons拓展学问面 grasp good communication skills驾驭良好的沟通技能 boost teamwork spirit 培育合作精神 cultivate

39、 ones taste and temperanment陶冶情操 combine ability with character 德才兼备 equal stress on integrity and abiliy 德才兼备 rote learning死记硬背 bias of culture文化偏见来源 cramming method of teaching 填鸭式教学 institutionalised teaching programme 教条主义教学 have a broader view of life 开阔视野 better personal resources to draw on 更

40、多可利用的人脉资源 表示“我认为: deem hold advocate that bolster the view that from my point of view to my way of thinking from my perspective 反对: disapprove of object to(sth, doing sth)challenge question my viewpoints conflict with 小孩参加兼职工作的好处: 1 提高人际交往实力 enhance interpersonal skills 提高社会实践实力,扩大视野,提升动手实力 facilita

41、te practical abilities expand onss vision elevate hands-on capabilities 3 渡过酝酿期,为将来做好准备 withstand the gestation period pave the way for rosy futurelay a solid foundation for)培育团队合作精神,能更深化的了解社会,对个人成长有很大的好处 foster teamwork spirit gain better insight into society be rewarding to personal development可以赚

42、取收入,减轻家庭负担 earn profits and relieve the financial burdens of families 小孩参加兼职工作的弊端: 耽误宝贵的学习时间,对于孩子来说,教化才是最重要的。 Give rise to many problems such as waste of precious studying time.For children, education should be given priority.小孩没有社会阅历,可能会在兼职工作中遭受欺瞒。 Due to lack of social experience,some children mig

43、ht run the risk of being cheated in the process of part-time jobs.学生种类: Teenager adolescent juvenile University students : undergraduate 教化层次: Grade school(elementary school)Junior school Senior/high school Tertiary education(高等教化)Advanced education(高级教化) 网络学习: Online learning Tele-education Virtual

44、 class(虚拟课堂)Distance learning远程学习e-learning postgraduate 一边倒题目: 特点:A.Whats your opinion on this issue B.Whats your opinion about.? 围绕文章或段落主题,写一句介绍性的话 留意: 1、完好的陈述句前置,简介 2、内容是单一主题 3、范围忌过于狭窄 让步反对文章思路: 第一段:背景句+改写考题+观点好大与坏或坏大于好 主体段1:支持观点1 主体段2:支持观点2 主体段3:让步,承认对方观点的可取之处 结尾:总结承认并存/分析主导缘由+建议 双边探讨思路: 前段:背景句+

45、陈述不同看法+写作意图3-4句话,40-50个词主体段1:陈述正方观点+理由6-8句,60-80词主体段2:陈述反方观点6-8句,60-80词 尾段:重述双方观点+自己观点和理由或提出建议4-5句,40-50词 例子2 Some parents maintain that co-education is beter for their children while others believe it is better if boys and girls go to single-sex school.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.B

46、eginning: There is almost no single-sex school in China where males and females are equal under most circumstances.However, there have been schools catering exclusively to boys or girls in most western countries.Experiences in both types of scholl can be rewarding.Body1: Co-education seems the natural mode of education.(TS观点1 Males and females are not separated unless absolutely necessary.论证: They can ride on the same bus, eat at the same restaurant and work in the same company.There


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