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《大学英语(3专升本.)2018年度成考试.题及其答案.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《大学英语(3专升本.)2018年度成考试.题及其答案.doc(19页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2018 级作业 11. ( 单选题 ) Next to the table _ two old chairs and some books.(本题 2.0分)A、 was B、 were C、 is D、 being 学生答案:B标准答案:B解析:得分:22. ( 单选题 ) Will you do me a favor to post this letter for me? _(本题 2.0 分)A、 Not now, how about tomorrow? B、 Dont bother me! C、 Why me? D、 Dont be sorry 学生答案:A标准答案:A解析:得分:2

2、3. ( 单选题 ) Would you like some more coffee? Theres still _ left.(本题 2.0 分)A、 a few B、 few C、 a little D、 1ittle 学生答案:C标准答案:C解析:得分:24. ( 单选题 ) He actually enjoys his new hair style and likes _ to everybody.(本题 2.0 分)A、 showing up B、 showing off C、 showing out D、 showing of 学生答案:B标准答案:B解析:得分:25. ( 单选题

3、 ) Many small investors are taking _of these attractive share offers to make a quick profit.(本题 2.0 分)A、 advantage B、 benefit C、 interest D、 use 学生答案:A标准答案:A解析:得分:26. ( 单选题 ) Thomas said that he was late because he was caught in a traffic jam. That was a _ story.(本题 2.0 分)A、 like B、 alike C、 likely

4、D、 liking 学生答案:C标准答案:C解析:得分:27. ( 单选题 ) Shall we go to see a film? _(本题 2.0 分)A、 It doesnt matter. B、 I dont know. C、 No, I dont like. D、 Well, that sounds great. 学生答案:D标准答案:D解析:得分:28. ( 单选题 ) I couldnt have done it without you. _(本题2.0 分)A、 It doesnt matter. B、 Its nothing. C、 Yes, you are right. D

5、、 Of course. 学生答案:B标准答案:B解析:得分:29. ( 单选题 ) Cells do not have _ of their own.(本题 2.0 分)A、 intelligence B、 intelligent C、 intention D、 intellectual 学生答案:A标准答案:A解析:得分:210. ( 单选题 ) If you dont want to wash your jacket, you can send it to a _.(本题 2.0 分)A、 participant B、 planet C、 laundry D、 ribbon 学生答案:C

6、标准答案:C解析:得分:211. ( 单选题 ) What do you want, Mary? (本题 2.0 分)A、 Sorry, I want some water. B、 Yes, I plan to go shopping. C、 Id like some red wine, please. D、 No, I dont eat. 学生答案:C标准答案:C解析:得分:212. ( 单选题 ) Who used to like singing? I _.(本题 2.0 分)A、 have done B、 did C、 does D、 do 学生答案:B标准答案:B解析:得分:213.

7、( 单选题 ) They had a wonderful holiday, _ the bad weather.(本题 2.0分)A、 inspite B、 despite C、 although D、 though 学生答案:B标准答案:B解析:得分:214. ( 单选题 ) Hello, Id like to speak to Mr. Wang. Hes out to lunch now. _ Sure, thank you.(本题 2.0 分)A、 Sorry, you cant. B、 I dont know. C、 No, you cant. D、 Would you mind ca

8、lling back later? 学生答案:D标准答案:D解析:得分:215. ( 单选题 ) Many people are struggling at the _ line, short of food and shelter.(本题 2.0 分)A、 poverty B、 poor C、 hunger D、 hungry 学生答案:A标准答案:A解析:得分:216. ( 单选题 ) The soldier was accused of _ the officials by rumoring that the enemy attacked.(本题 2.0 分)A、 cheating B、

9、 scolding C、 lying D、 punishing 学生答案:A标准答案:A解析:得分:217. ( 单选题 ) Two thousand dollars _ enough for the car.(本题 2.0 分)A、 being B、 were C、 are D、 is 学生答案:D标准答案:D解析:得分:218. ( 单选题 ) Will you be able to finish the job this month? _(本题 2.0 分)A、 I cant say so. B、 Im not sure so. C、 I dont know so. D、 I dont

10、expect so. 学生答案:B标准答案:B解析:得分:219. ( 单选题 ) She decided to _ her studies after obtaining her Master degree.(本题 2.0 分)A、 push B、 purse C、 pursuit D、 pursue 学生答案:D标准答案:D解析:得分:220. ( 单选题 ) Cost as a _ in supply is very important.(本题 2.0 分)A、 way B、 method C、 factor D、 fact 学生答案:C标准答案:C解析:得分:221. ( 单选题 )

11、This street is much _ than that one.(本题 2.0 分)A、 straight B、 straighter C、 straightest D、 more straighter 学生答案:B标准答案:B解析:得分:222. ( 单选题 ) Hi, welcome back! Had a nice trip? _(本题 2.0 分)A、 Oh, fantastic! Fresh air, and sunshine every day. B、 Come on, Ive got lots of fun. C、 By the way, I dont like Satu

12、rdays. D、 Well, Ill look forward to your phone call. 学生答案:A标准答案:A解析:得分:223. ( 单选题 ) If you _ tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.(本题 2.0 分)A、 share B、 shed C、 urge D、 devote 学生答案:B标准答案:B解析:得分:224. ( 单选题 ) Good morning, sir. May I help you? _.(本题 2.0 分)A、 No, I dont buy anything B、 N

13、o, I dont need your help C、 Yes, I need some sugar D、 Oh, no. Thats OK 学生答案:C标准答案:C解析:得分:225. ( 单选题 ) The flowers in the park were _.(本题 2.0 分)A、 pleasure B、 please C、 pleased D、 pleasing 学生答案:D标准答案:D解析:得分:226. ( 单选题 ) Can you go to the concert with us this evening? _(本题 2.0 分)A、 No, I already have

14、plans. B、 Id love to, but Im busy tonight. C、 No, I really dont like being with you. D、 Im ill, so I shouldnt go out. 学生答案:B标准答案:B解析:得分:227. ( 单选题 ) In space, there are a lot of distant stars that are _ to the naked eye.(本题 2.0 分)A、 visional B、 invisible C、 viewed D、 visited 学生答案:B标准答案:B解析:得分:228. (

15、 单选题 ) It is understood that the filming of Heroes is almost complete and the film is not _ to be delayed.(本题 2.0 分)A、 possible B、 likely C、 easy D、 available 学生答案:B标准答案:B解析:得分:229. ( 单选题 ) Thanks for coming all the way over here. _(本题 2.0 分)A、 Dont be sorry. B、 Its no trouble. C、 Not at all. D、 Bot

16、h “Its no trouble“ and “Not at all“. 学生答案:D标准答案:D解析:得分:230. ( 单选题 ) A lamp _ the ceiling above us.(本题 2.0 分)A、 was suspended B、 suspended C、 was suspended from D、 was suspicious of 学生答案:C标准答案:C解析:得分:231. ( 单选题 ) How about the two of us _ a walk down the garden?(本题 2.0 分)A、 to take B、 take C、 taking

17、D、 to be taking 学生答案:C标准答案:C解析:得分:232. ( 单选题 ) Hi. Im your neighbor. My name is Steve Edwin. (本题 2.0分)A、 What are you from? B、 Oh. C、 Yes, I know. D、 Hi. Its good to see you. Im Jane Peterson. 学生答案:D标准答案:D解析:得分:233. ( 单选题 ) _ Im afraid not. My favorite sport is jogging. I dont care for ball games.(本

18、题 2.0 分)A、 Are you interested in football? B、 Football is my hobby. C、 You are interested in jogging. D、 Which is your favorite sport? 学生答案:A标准答案:A解析:得分:234. ( 单选题 ) Come to our party, please. _(本题 2.0 分)A、 Oh, Im glad to hear that. B、 Its very nice of you to invite us to it. C、 Its a pleasure. D、 C

19、ongratulations! 学生答案:B标准答案:B解析:得分:235. ( 单选题 ) I hope to be _ your teacher _ your good friend.(本题2.0 分)A、 not; but B、 not only; but C、 if; not D、 rather; than 学生答案:B标准答案:B解析:得分:236. ( 单选题 ) It was on the beach _ Miss White found the kid lying dead.(本题 2.0 分)A、 that B、 this C、 it D、 which 学生答案:A标准答案:

20、A解析:得分:237. ( 单选题 ) The anti-smoking campaign had made quite an _ on young people.( )(本题 2.0 分)A、 anxiety B、 unrest C、 interest D、 impact 学生答案:D标准答案:D解析:得分:238. ( 单选题 ) In which phase you may find yourself moving around with a group of students who speak your own language?(本题 2.0 分)A、 The honeymoon

21、phase. B、 The rejection phase. C、 The regression phase. D、 The recovery phase. 学生答案:C标准答案:C解析:得分:239. ( 单选题 ) _ had he gone to sleep, than the telephone rang once again.(本题 2.0 分)A、 Hardly B、 Scarcely C、 Just D、 No sooner 学生答案:D标准答案:D解析:得分:240. ( 单选题 ) It is cold today. What would you like to do thi

22、s afternoon? (本题 2.0 分)A、 I dont think so. B、 Yes, its cold. But spring is coming. C、 I need my coat, please. D、 Yes, its too cold, so I dont feel like going out today. 学生答案:D标准答案:D解析:得分:241. ( 单选题 ) The job will make him independent _ his parents.(本题2.0 分)A、 on B、 for C、 of D、 to 学生答案:C标准答案:C解析:得分:

23、242. ( 单选题 ) I showed him the pictures I _ of the animals the day before, and told him the stories.(本题 2.0 分)A、 was taking B、 had taken C、 have taken D、 was taken 学生答案:B标准答案:B解析:得分:243. ( 单选题 ) Mary and Bill broke up because _.(本题 2.0 分)A、 They didnt love each other any more B、 Mary fell in love wit

24、h someone else C、 Bill moved to another city D、 Nothing important 学生答案:D标准答案:D解析:得分:244. ( 单选题 ) Will you fill in the form please? _(本题 2.0 分)A、 Sure. B、 No, thanks. C、 Im so glad youve come. D、 Not at all. 学生答案:A标准答案:A解析:得分:245. ( 单选题 ) There may be a need for retraining if you explorer new technol

25、ogy.(本题 2.0 分)A、 using B、 use C、 to use D、 used 学生答案:C标准答案:C解析:得分:246. ( 单选题 ) I invited Tom and Ann to dinner, but _ of them came.(本题 2.0 分)A、 both B、 none C、 either D、 neither 学生答案:D标准答案:D解析:得分:247. ( 单选题 ) When she fell ill her daughter _ the business from her.(本题 2.0 分)A、 took over B、 took up C、

26、 took to D、 took out 学生答案:A标准答案:A解析:得分:248. ( 单选题 ) There are few scientific and technical books that are not _at our university library.(本题 2.0 分)A、 available B、 bought C、 determined D、 valuable 学生答案:A标准答案:A解析:得分:249. ( 单选题 ) The average output of the factory is expected to double this year as a re

27、sult of a _ signed between the two companies.(本题 2.0 分)A、 constant B、 contract C、 content D、 context 学生答案:B标准答案:B解析:得分:250. ( 单选题 ) Come to our party, please. _(本题 2.0 分)A、 Oh, Im glad to hear that. B、 Its very nice of you to invite us to it. C、 Its a pleasure. D、 Congratulations! 学生答案:B标准答案:B解析:得分:2


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