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《河南中招最后20天押题试卷英语二.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《河南中招最后20天押题试卷英语二.pdf(33页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 2018 年河南中招最后 20 天押题试卷 英语(二)第 2 页 一、听力理解(20 小题,每小题 1 分,共 20 分)第一节 听下面五段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并将其标号填入题前括号内。每段对话读两遍。()1 what present does John send to Sally?A.Flowers.B.A camera.C.A watch.()2.where does the dialogue happen?A.In the library.B.On the bus.C.In the street.()3.How many stude

2、nts took the exam?A.50.B.35.C.20.()4.Why is Jack worried?A.He doesnt want his old bike.B.Something is wrong with his bike.C.He lost his bike.()5.When will they go to the cinema?A.This Saturday morning.B.This Saturday afternoon.C.This Saturday evening.第二节 第 3 页 听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从所给的 A、B、C 三个选

3、项中选出最佳选项,并将其标号填入题前括号内。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第 6 至第 7 三个小题。()6.How long has it rained in the mans hometown?A.For about two weeks.B.For about three weeks.C.For about four weeks.()7.How do some people feel about the heavy rain?A.Sad.B.Angry.C.Happy.听下面一段对话,回答第 8 第 10 个小题()8.Where will the girl go tomorr

4、ow?A.To a cinema.B.To a hospital.C.To a library.()9.When will the girl go there?A.At 7:00 B.At 7:30.C.At 8:00.()10.What will the boy do tomorrow?A.Cheer the sick kids up in the hospital.B.Do some cleaning in the park.第 4 页 C.Help policeman at the crossing.听下面一段独白,回答第 11 至第 13 三个小题。()11.What did Jack

5、s grandma do when she was young?A.She worked in a bank.B.She taught in a school.C.She ran a factory.()12.Why didnt Jacks grandma keep money in the bank?A.Because she thought her money would be lost.B.Because she thought her money would be wasted.C.Because others often borrowed her money.()13.Who tri

6、ed to find out the place where Jacks grandma kept the money?A.Jacks parents.B.Jacks relatives.C.Jacks neighbors.听下面一段对话,回答第 14 至第 15 两个小题。()14.Whats Jim going to do?A.To do some shopping.B.To look after her mother.C.To do some reading.()15.What happened to Lucy?第 5 页 A.She took the wrong bus.B.She w

7、as ill on the bus.C.She was late for the class.B.第三节 听下面一篇短文,根据短文内容寻找与人物相对应的图片,并将其标号填在题后的横线上。短文读两遍 A B C D E 16.Polly _ 17.Karen _ 18.Mary _ 19.Daisy _ 20.William_ 二、单项选择(15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其标号填入提前括号内。()21.This is my good friend,Alan,She comes from _ European country.Oh!I

8、 know her.She goes to _ university in Beijing A.an;an B.a;/C.the;a D./;the 第 6 页()22 The food is delicious.How did you cook it well?First,I bought some good _.A.ingredients B.instructions C.express D.descriptions ()23.I like many different kinds of flowers,_ roses,Carnations,sunflowers and so on.A.w

9、ith B.including C.except D.from()24.Hi,Lily!I called you at eight last night,but nobody picked up the phone.Oh,I _ a shower.A.took B.am taking C.was taking D.take()25.Spring is coming!Flowers come out,they are very beautiful!I agree with you.There are many flowers on _ side of the road.A every Bboth

10、 Call D.each 第 7 页()26.My grandfather is over 80 years old,he lives a _ life alone,but he feels very happy.A.interesting B.simple C.convenient D.successful()27.Why dont we do morning exercises this morning?Because of the bad weather.The haze(雾霾)will _ our health.A.provide B.disappear C.influence D.e

11、ncourage()28.I want to meet Helen,could you tell me _ where she lives?Of course.A.gradually B.obviously C.actually D.exactly ()29-Because of the state of the ground,the football match has been_.-Its a pity.A taken off B.put off.C kept off Dturned off ()30.I will never forget the park _ I visited las

12、t week.It is very beautiful.A what B.where Cwho Dwhich()31.Experts predict that robots _ in many fields in the future.A.will be used B.are used C.were used D.have been used()32._ healthy,we are supposed to protect our environment.第 8 页 A.Keep B.To keep C.keeping D.kept()33 He has too much homework,a

13、nd it is kind of difficult,so he _ finish it on time.A.cant B.mustnt C.shouldnt D.neednt()34.They are going on working outside _ it is raining heavily.A.before B.as soon as C.though D.because ()35.Mum,Im afraid that I cant go to school today.Why?Could you tell me _.A.what the matter is with you?B.wh

14、at is the matter with you?C.what do you want to do?D.why do you want to go to school?三、完型填空(10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案,将其标号填入题前括号内。Trees in the Amazon rainforest are showing scientists the past in order to help them predict the future.Have you heard about tre

15、e rings?Some trees create rings every year 36 they grow.These rings can be 37 in the tree trunks when the trees 第 9 页 are cut down.Counting tree 38 can tell us how old the tree is,but UK scientists have 39 a way of learning about the climate of the rainforest in the past from the tree rings.Growing

16、in the Amazon rainforest,some trees only have short roots.This means that the trees depend on rain water.40 the water that naturally occurs deeper underground.Therefore,the rings of tree trunks(树干)can 41 the rainfall in the forest in the past.The rings can help us understand the rainfall,42 the clim

17、ate of the Amazon forest over the last 100 years.What scientist want to know,however,is how the rainforest will be affected by the worlds rising temperatures.Will it 43 wetter or drier?The Amazon rainforest is known as the“lung(肺)of the earth”for the amount of CO2 44 the trees take in from the air e

18、very day.A warming world could have a very bad effect on this important forest,but with more information about the 45 ,scientists hope to know what one of the most important rainforests in the world will be like in the future.第 10 页()36.A.as B.since C.although D.after ()37.A.heard B.drawn C.produced

19、 D.seen ()38.A.rings B.leaves C.fruits D.roots ()39.A.changed B.forgotten C.discovered D.imagined()40.A.rather than B.as for C.because of D.thanks to ()41.A.influence B.cause C.increase D.show ()42.A.yet B.ever C.even D.still()43.A.taste B.smell C.sound D.become ()44.A.when B.that C.where D.why ()45

20、.A.humans B.animals C.past D.future 四、阅读理解(20 小题,每小题 2 分,共 40 分)阅读下面四篇语言材料,然后按文后要求做题。第 11 页 A Normally,we talk about the spirit of giving,and it is important to do this.But we hardly hear any talk about the spirit of receiving.Very few people know how to receive a gift kindly.Therefore,while we are

21、receiving a gift,we are actually rejecting it.And we turn off the flow of love by refusing to allow the other person to experience the joy of giving.A man knew that his wife dreamed of having a fur coat,but he couldnt afford to buy her such a coat.He loved his wife very much and he wanted to make he

22、r happy.Finally,he decided to start a fur-coat-buying project.He saved money in every way that he could.Two years later,he brought her a fur coat-not one of the most expensive ones,but a nice fur coat.He gave it to his wife on her birthday.When she saw the coat,she said,“Oh,Bill,how could you?You kn

23、ow how much we need a new sofa.”Then after a while,she said,“But it is nice,thank you.”But the husbands feeling were hurt.Two years of love was hurt by her words-she didnt accept a gift kindly.Do we often act this way when we receive a gift?Are we sometimes too proud,or too cold?Or are we not strong

24、 enough to let the other person do the giving?Are you unwilling to allow the other people to experience the joy of giving?After reading this passage,you may know what to do when you receive a gift next time.根据以上短文内容,然后从每题所给的四个选项中选择最佳选项。46.We often talk about the spirit of giving,but we hardly hear a

25、ny talk about_.第 12 页 A.experience the joy of giving.B.experience the joy of receiving.C.the way of giving D.the spirit of receiving 47.From the second paragraph,we can learn that _.A.the man had a very good job.B.the man saved money in order to buy his wife a gift.C.the women started a softbuying p

26、roject D.the woman thought the fur coat was not as nice as her friends 48.The man was probably very _ after hearing his wifes words.A.sad B.happy C.relaxed D.shy 49.We know from the passage that the mans wife _.A.often did silly things B.never gave his husband gifts C.received a gift on her birthday

27、 D.often bought expensive things 第 13 页 50.The author mainly wants to tell us that _.A.giving is more important than receiving B.we should be proud of what we have C.receiving a gift kindly is very important D.a man and his wife should learn how to get along well with each other B Have you heard of

28、Aqua exercises?They are exercises done in water.They are also called water exercises,.It is believed that aqua exercises can help people burn more fat than exercises on dry land.There are two main types of aqua exercises.First,aqua jogging.We must wear a special belt which can protect us and help us

29、 floating as we run in the water.Although we are in water,we should run very hard as if we were jogging on dry land.Aqua jogging can protect our joints(关节)and at the same time make our muscles(肌肉)work hard.The famous actress,Jennifer Aniston,is reported to aqua jog for fifteen minutes every day.Now

30、there are many aqua jogging clubs and classes all over the UK.Second,aqua Tai Chi.Tai Chi on land is an ancient Chinese exercise designed to improve balance,reduce stress and help people to relax.Aqua Tai Chi can do this better.Peter Chou,who has established a Tai Chi school,says,“Tai Chi is about f

31、luidity(流动性)and relaxation.For thousands of years,experts have been asking people to imagine being in water when they are practicing Tai Chi,so why not actually put them in water?When their hands and feet move slowly 第 14 页 through water,the people can experience what fluidity feels like both mental

32、ly and physically,and understand this exercise better.The water can also make them slower and more relaxed.”People will need an understanding of Tai Chi and should be able to perform some of the simple movements on land before trying aqua Tai Chi.It is not suitable for beginners because they need to

33、 see how the teachers hands and feet are moving,which is not easily done underwater.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。()51.We can know from the first paragraph that aqua exercises _.A.can help people grow fatter B.can help people lose weight faster C.are the same as those on dry land D.mean movements of the

34、 water ()52.Whats the Chinese meaning of the word“floating”according to the second paragraph?A.生存 B.漂浮 C.划动 D.下沉()53.Peter Choy told us the reason why _.A.practicing Tai Chi in water was better than on land.第 15 页 B.Tai Chi was popular in China.C.We should be slow when we are practicing aqua Tai Chi

35、.D.we should often move our hands and feet.()54.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?A.Only beginners need to wear belts when jogging in water.B.In water,we shouldnt run very hard.C.It is good for beginners to start learning Tai Chi in water.D.Jogging in water can protect our join

36、ts.(is the best little of the passage?A.Aqua Exercises B.Aqua Jogging C.Aqua Tai Chi D.Chinese Tai Chi C The simple activities below will make everyone in your family leave chair and help you get closer while burning some calories.Jumping Rope 第 16 页 Jumping rope burns about 600 calories an hour.Jum

37、p ropes are cheap.The cheapest is less than 10 dollars.Also,because jump ropes are easy to carry,parents can pack one in their suitcase for exercise while they travel.Hula Hooping Hula hoops became popular toys in the late 1950s and are still a lot of fun for families.Hula hooping can burn more than

38、 500 calories an hour.Dancing Why not dance to music when you are at home?Having a family dance party lets parents and children get happy while also getting some exercise.Hip hop dancing can burn 400 calories an hour.Walking the Dog Studies have shown that owning a dog can make you healthier.One rea

39、son may be that you are able to take more walks when you walk a dog.Walking the dog can burn 200 calories an hour.If you daily walks have become more like 第 17 页 a chore,add some fun.Go as a family,pick different ways each day,and do some running.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,将其标号填入题前括号内。()56.Which activity can burn

40、 the most calories an hour?A.Jumping rope B.Hula Hooping C.Hip hop dancing D.Walking the dog()57.The exercises above _.A.can only be done outdoors B.can help families to get closer C.are no fun at all.D.are difficult to do ()58.If you feel bored because you walk the dog every day,you can do these th

41、ings EXCEPT _.A.take less walks.B.go as a family.C.choose different ways each day.D.do some running while you are walking the dog.()can we learn from the passage?第 18 页 A.It is not suitable to carry a jump rope when traveling.B.Jump ropes are easy to carry,C.Hula hoops were created in the late 1950s

42、.D.The author likes doing chores.()60.This passage is probably from a _.A.travel book B.website for pets C.family magazines D.jumping rope ad D Just as I got to the airport.I realized I had left my laptop in the hotel.Mr.Dean,the driver of the taxi,said,I“will go back for it.”Then he left.I went int

43、o the airport and though about what to do next.I should call the hotel first.But I didnt know the telephone number of the hotel.61 As I was walking around,I saw a woman who was wearing a uniform.She was a clerk in the airport.I asked her for help.She then got online using her mobile phone,found what

44、 I wanted and also called the hotel using her mobile phone for me.第 19 页 62 I told him that I had left my laptop in the hotel,but I didnt know exactly where it was.I told him to look for it in the room I had stayed in and the hotel restaurant.I also told him to hurry because I had to get on the plan

45、e by 7:55.63 Ten minutes later,the man found my laptop and called me back.I was very happy and told him to wait for Mr.Dean,who would fetch it for me as soon as possible.Then I began to wait for Mr.Dean.I hope that there wouldnt be any traffic jams on his way to the hotel and back to the airport.Fin

46、ally,Mr.Dean came back with my laptop.64 I was the last person to get on the plane.65 It was important to me as I had to attend an important meeting the next day.根据材料内容,把下面五句话还原到文中空白处,并将其标号填入表格相应的位置。A.A man working in the hotel answered the phone.第 20 页 B.I appreciated those who had helped me find m

47、y laptop so that I could return to my home country on time.C.So I went to look for the“Information Desk.”D.I was so happy that I gave him a big hug.E.He agreed to help me look for it.五词语运用(10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确填空,使短文通畅,意思完整。请将答案写在短文后相应题号的横线上。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多

48、余的。stay,eye,cry,strong,final,matter,forget,boy,fall,happen,fear,I On a cool summer night,when John and Robin were asleep,they felt something or someone shaking them very hard.They opened their 66 at once,and found everything was shaking.They knew it was an earthquake,but they 67 all the safety rules

49、 that they had learned at school.They 68 for their parents.But their parents didnt 第 21 页 know what to do,either.69 ,the shaking stopped.The parents ran to the 70 room and took them to the front door,but the door was twisted(扭曲变形)and wouldnt open.So they tried the back door,but the earthquake was ba

50、ck again!The house 71 down in the end,with the whole family buried under it.It was difficult for people to 72 alive under the house for a long time.Before their mother died,she said,“Never give up,dear sons.You two have to live on for 73 .”After three days,the family was found.After the earthquake t


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