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《最新北师大版高中英语必修一第5讲:Unit2Heroes-词汇篇2(学生版).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最新北师大版高中英语必修一第5讲:Unit2Heroes-词汇篇2(学生版).pdf(22页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 北师大版高中英语必修一第 5讲:Unit2 Heroes-词汇篇 2学生版 第 2 页 Unit 2 Heroes 词汇篇 2 _ _ 1、掌握第二单元第三课及第四课的重点单词,短语及句型。2、灵活运用第二单元第三课及第四课的重点单词,短语及句型。pete vi.竞争,比赛 词汇拓展:competition n.比赛,竞争 competitor n.竞争者,对手 competitive adj.竞争的 短语拓展:compete for 为而竞争 The two teams will compete for the championship.那两个队伍将争夺冠军地位。第 3 页 compete

2、 with/against 与竞争 compete in 参加比赛或竞赛 2.promote vt.促进,提升 词汇拓展:promotion n.提升,提拔,晋升 词汇拓展:promoteas 把提升为 promotefromto 把从提升到 3.react vi.反响 词汇拓展:reaction n.反响,回应 in reaction to 对的反响 短语拓展:react to sb./sth.对某人/事作出反响 How did she react to your suggestion?她对你的建议有什么反响?react with 对起化学反响 第 4 页 第 5 页 look though

3、 快速查看,浏览 look forward to 快乐地期待,盼望to 为介词 look out 向外看of;留神for look into 调查,向里看 look onas 把看作 look up 在词典、参考书中或通过电脑查找,查阅;抬头看,向上看 look up to 仰慕,尊敬 look down upon/on 轻视,看不起 e to an end 结束 短语拓展:in the end 最后 He tried various jobs and in the end became an accountant.他尝试过各种各样的工作,最后当上了会计。end up with 以结束 He

4、ended up his letter with good wishes to the family.第 6 页 他以对家人的美好祝福结束了这封信。end in 以告终;结果是 Their marriage ended in divorce.他们的婚姻以离婚告终。5.on ones own 单独的,单独的 易混辨析:on ones own,of ones own on ones own:单独的,单独的=by oneself,alone he did it on his own.这件事他独立完成了。of ones own 属于某人自己的 he has a car of his own.他拥有一辆

5、属于自己的汽车。6.give up(doing)放弃 You ought to give up smoking.你应该戒烟。短语拓展:give in(to sb./sth.)屈服,认输,投降 give away 泄露,赠送,颁发 Hell give away most of his fortune to the poor after 第 7 页 he retires.退休以后,他将把他的大局部财产捐赠给穷人。give out 公布,宣布,用完,耗尽 give off 放出,发出气体、光、热等 give back 归还,送回 e to 经过一个过程逐渐,终于 She came to love h

6、im at last.短语拓展:come to a conclusion 得出结论 come to a decision 作出决定 come to an agreement 达成协议 come to an end 结束 8.pull through 大病、手术等后康复,痊愈 She was so ill that it seemed unlikely that she would pull through.她病的很厉害,看来不大可能康复了。短语拓展:pull down 拆掉,拆毁 第 8 页 pull in 车进站,赚大笔钱 pull down 车出站,驶出,脱离 pull over 使车辆停

7、靠在路边 9.get on(=get alone)融洽相处常和 with 搭配 考点释义:融洽相处 Hes a person whos easy to get on/alone with.他是个容易相处的人。进展 How are you getting on/along with your studies these days?近来你学习如何?上车、船等 They got on the bus at this station.他们是在这个车站上的车。10.since“自从以来,连词,引导时间状语从句。常用于“现在完成时/现在完成进行时+一般过去时/表示过去的时间点结构。I have been

8、there many times since the war.自那次战争以来,我曾去过那里很屡次。第 9 页 11.祈使句+and/or+陈述句 祈使句+and/or+陈述句是一个常见的英语句式,and表示前后两分句之间是顺承关系;or 表示前后两分句之间是转折关系。其中的祈使句相当于 if 引导的条件状语从句。Work hard,and you will make great process.努力学习,你一定会取得很大进步。Hurry up,or you will not be able to catch the first bus.快点,你一定会取得进步。例 1.The manager _

9、 the workers how to improve the program since 9 a.m.A.has told B.is telling C.has been telling D.will have told 例 2.The news of the mayors coming to our school for a visit was _ on the radio yesterday.A.turned over B.given out C.carried out D.found out 例 3.His injuries are extremely serious,but hes

10、expected to _.A.pull in B.pull through C.pull up 第 10 页 D.pull over 例 4.Find ways to praise your children often,_ youll find they will open their hearts to you.A.till B.or C.and D.but 例 5.2022 北京东城高三第一学期期末The singers music video _ nearly 9 million times since it was posted on the Internet four weeks

11、 ago.A viewed B.was viewed C.has viewed D.has been viewed 根底演练 一,根据句意,在空白处填入恰当的词或用括号内的词的正确形式填空。1.Nowadays,many TV channels are full of _(violent).2.Soon they became very _(skill)in answering such questions.3.I was in getting to the station,but _(fortune),the train was late,too.第 11 页 4.The Chinese t

12、eacher is strict _ his students in class.5.He will compete _ his old friends _ the first place.二,根据句意及汉语和首字母提示,在空白处填入恰当的词。1.The young army officer was _ 提升to the rank of captain.2.I _犯an error in the composition.3.She got a _离婚after years of unhappiness.4.Our _关系is not so good now.5.We should improv

13、e the q_ of living.稳固提高 单项选择。1.His first novel _ good reviews since it came out last night.A.Receives B.is receiving C.will receive D.has received 第 12 页 2.Lucy has a great sense of humor and always keeps her colleges _ with her stories.A.amused B.amusing C.to amuse D.to be amused 3.would you please

14、 _ the paper for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes?A.look around B.look into C.look up D.look through 4._,weeks before the Spring Festival turned out to be hard times for migrant workers.A.Luckily B.Fortunately C.Unfortunately D.Accordingly 5.much to my surprise,the eight-year-old boy fix

15、ed my computer _ within ten minutes.A.skillful B.apparently C.normally D.universally 一,完成句子。1.他进入公司时只是一个小职员,后来晋升很快,最终当上经理。第 13 页 Joining the firm as a clerk,he got rapid promotion,and _ _ _ as a manager.2.他够大了,可以单独旅行了。He is old enough to travel _ _ _.After all,he is already 18 years old.3.我叔叔告诉我他有一栋

16、属于自己的房子。My uncle told me that he had a house _ _ _.4.账单共计 20 元。The bill _ _ 20 yuan.5.你与父母相处的好吗?Do you _ _ _ _ your parents?二,单项选择。1.Four teams of three people would compete _ the game and the winners would receive a free vacation.A.in B.against C.for D.with 第 14 页 2.Just like fingerprints,each pers

17、ons DNA is _ unless he has a twin.A.unusual B.normal C.various D.unique 3.When Mary found that someone had stolen he doll,she _ crying her heart out.A.brought out B.picked up C.ended up D.took up 4.The next _ will be the 100 yards race.A.event B.accident C.incident D.affair 5.To get a better grade,y

18、ou should _ the notes again before the test.A.go over B.get over C.turn over D.take over 6.When _ comes to baseball,Dorothy knows little.A.this B.that C.it D.one 7.北京房山高三二模 Marbury _ for a Chinese 第 15 页“green card,or permanent residence permit and his application is under consideration now.A.applie

19、d B.would apply C.were applying D.had applied 8.北京石景山高三上学期期末Catherine,will you visit us this weekend?I planned to,but something unexpected _.A.has come up B.was coming up C.had come up D.would come up 9.北京石景山高三上学期期末give my regards to your parents when you _ home.A.will call B.call C.have called D.ca

20、lled 10.北京石景山高三上学期期末the teacher is very much _ letting students use cell phone in the class.A.over B.to C.against D.about _ 第 16 页 _ 一,完形填空。Unfortunately man has killed wild animals,polluted rivers and cut down forests through the ages.But lately people are beginning to realize that their own lives

21、depend on the way they treat“Nature and living things in it.Man has 1 ways of showing his love to nature.He says he loves it,although he often 2 its beauty.While walking through the woods,how many times have we picked flowers,planted roots and all?Then later,as the 3 wither(枯萎),we throw them away.Th

22、ats one of the reasons 4 many kinds of plants and flowers have become rare(稀少).Or have you 5 wondered where all the thousands of New Year trees come from and 6 happens to them once the 7 are over?Man destroys nature by polluting the air.Thats probably the greatest danger 8 our lives.The smoke from f

23、actories and 9 from cars and 第 17 页 trucks do not harm only the surrounding vegetation(植被),it 10 our health,too.Man pollutes rivers,seas and oceans.Just think of the 11 fish that die by the thousands because of polluted waters.Biologists have 12 that all kinds of wild life are 13 in the areas where

24、they live.Even the wolf,which we 14 dangerous and“bad,plays an important role in nature.Here is an interesting example.There is a large 15 in one of the Great Lakes between Canada and the US.Early in this century many wild deer invaded(涌入)the island.Nobody knows how they 16 there.The deer multiplied

25、(繁殖)until there were as many as 40000 on the island.They destroyed 17 of the vegetation on it.Finally as they couldnt find enough 18 they began to starve and die.Then came the wolf:19 knows how wolves got to the island,but they 20.The wolves killed those deer that were easiest to catchthe sick,the w

26、eak and the old.So only the strong and the healthy animals were left.The island become green once again and there 第 18 页 was enough food for the deer that were left.1.A.lovely B.strange C.many D.much 2.A.harms B.breaks C.injury D.destroys 3.A.stems B.branches C.leaves D.flowers 4.A.what B.how C.why

27、D.when 5.A.still B.ever C.even D.quite 6.A.which B.that C.what D.how 7.A.years B.meetings C.parties D.holidays 8.A.to B.of C.about D.for 9.A.waters B.smells C.gases D.whistles 10.A.effects on B.efforts for C.reasons for D.causes of 11.A.poor B.weak C.strong D.ill 12.A.studied B.developed C.invented

28、D.discovered 13.A.valuable B.need C.第 19 页 necessary D.helped 14.A.consider B.think it C.regard D.sound 15.A.field B.land C.mountain D.island 16.A.left B.got C.reached to D.arrived in 17.A.a whole B.most C.more D.more much 18.A.plants B.rice C.vegetation D.food 19.A.Nobody B.Anybody C.Somebody D.Eve

29、rybody 20.A.got B.went C.arrive D.did 二,阅读理解。We can make mistakes at any age.Some mistakes we make are about money.But most mistakes are about people.Did Jerry really care when I broke up with Helen?When I got that great job,did Jim really feel good about it,as a friend?Or did he envy my 第 21 页 nigh

30、t.How can you tell the real meaning behind someones words?One way is to take a good look at the person talking.Do his words fit the way he looks?Does what he says agree with the tone of voice?His posture 姿态?The look in his eyes?Stop and think.The minute you spend thinking about the real meaning of w

31、hat people to you may save another mistake.1.This passage is mainly about .A.How to interpret what people say B.What to do when you listen to others talking C.How to avoid mistakes when you communicate with people D.Why we go wrong with people sometimes 2.According to the author,the reason why we go

32、 wrong about our friends is that .A.We fail to listen carefully when they talk B.People tend to be annoyed when we check what they say 第 22 页 C.People usually state one thing but means another D.We tend to doubt what our friends say 3.In the sentence Maybe he doesnt see it himself.in the second para

33、graph,the pronoun it refers to.A.being friendly B.lucky dog C.a bit of envy D.your luck 4.When we listen to a person talking,the most important thing for us to do is .A.notice the way the person is talking B.take a good look at the person talking C.mind his tone,his posture and the look in his eyes D.examine the real meaning of what he says based on his manner,his tone and his posture 5.The author most probably is a .A.teacher 第 23 页 B.philosopher C.psychologist D.doctor


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