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《关于迟到的雅思口语话题解读.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《关于迟到的雅思口语话题解读.docx(20页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、关于迟到的雅思口语话题解读 为了让大家高效备考雅思口语,积累更多素材。下面我就给大家共享一下关于迟到的雅思口语话题解读,希望能帮到你。 雅思口语Part2:迟到 参考答案: The city I live in has a severe problem of traffic jam and due to that we often get late. One such event when I was late in an important exam was a frustrating experience for me. It was 2 years ago when I was a st

2、udent of the university. I had an exam at 8.30 am which I thought would be at 9.30 am. I did this mistake because I noted the time wrong in my notebook. I prepared for the exam well and left home at 8.15 am as my usual journey to my university takes around 40 minutes. According to the schedule, I sh

3、ould have reached at least 30 minutes before the exam time. I already had wrong idea about the exam timing and over it I found that it was raining outside and there were very little transportation available in the road. I had to stand at the bus stoppage for more than 30 minutes before I actually go

4、t into a bus. To my surprise, the traffic on the road was very bad. The bug was moving very slowly because of the unavoidable traffic jam. I was hopping desperately to reach the university in time. But that was not my day! I reached at the exam hall at 10.15 am and I was shocked to learn that the ex

5、am would end only in 15 minutes. I was so worried and anxious that I could not think clearly what to do. I felt helpless at that time and was asked the teacher what can I do now. He asked me to come after the exam ends. I followed him as soon as he left the exam room. I noticed that some of my class

6、mates were also looking at me with surprise and were probably thinking how careless I was to miss such an important exam. After I reach the class exam coordinators room, he took me to our advising tutor and asked me to give a good reason why I was late for the exam. I told everything that has happen

7、ed and the coordinator arranged an exam in his room. As a penalty he deducted 20 minutes from the exam time and asked me to finish the exam and leave the answer sheet to him. I was kind of worried and felt bit relived also. As my preparation was good, I had been able to answer all the questions in t

8、he due time. Thus the situation was handled and I was not in a big trouble for the late I made unintentionally. Similar Cue Card Topics Your ability to talk about this Cue Card Topic would also enable you to talk about the following Cue Card Topics as well: Describe a situation when you were late fo

9、r an important appointment Describe an awkward experience you have Describe a time when you were embarrassed Describe a traffic jam that made you late for office / college 雅思口语Part2&Part3话题及范文解析:迟到的经验 Part2&Part3 新题部分 事务类:迟到的经验 P2 Describe a time when you were late for something. You should

10、say: When it was At what time you arrived Why you were late And explain how you felt about it P3 Would you forgive those who are late? What would you do if someone is late? Why are some people always late? Do you think its important to be a punctual person? 解析 题目要求考生描述“一次迟到的经验”。作答要点包括:事务发生的时间;最终抵达的时

11、间;迟到的缘由;个人感受。 范文 There was one time when I got really late for an important appointment and nearly missed it. Today, I am going to share with you about that incident. Two months ago, I sighed up for an IELTS test. My speaking exam was scheduled on June, 13th, 9:00 in the morning. I was supposed to r

12、eport at the test venue no later than 8:30 am. Unfortunately, it rained heavily on Sunday evening, right before my test day, and the weather forecast predicted incessant rain for a few days. Considering the bad weather, I set an alarm for 6:00 am and went to bed early. Truth is, I was feeling quite

13、nervous through the whole night and couldnt sleep well. Despite all that, I managed to wake up on time next morning. After getting everything ready, I left my home to catch the bus. To my surprise, when I arrived at the bus station, no buses or any other commuters were in operation, all stranded due

14、 to the bad weather. It was quite chaotic at the bus station then, since no one knew when the bus service would be back in operation again. And for me, things got even worse, because there were no other means of transportation to reach Peking University, my test venue, from the place where I live. I

15、t was 7:50 am and I was still trapped at the bus station. My anxiety was building. Fortunately, one of the buses started to move at 8:00 am and I rushed onto it without hesitation. However, it took a lot of time, longer than usual, for the bus to take us to Peking University. Guess what, we encounte

16、red a head-on collision between a truck and a car on our way there, which caused heavy traffic jam. Yeah, you can see it was definitely not my way. Finally, I reached the test center at 8:55 am. I explained the situation to the test manager and asked him to put my name back on the list. He was very

17、understanding. Later, I was given the permission to take the test. Now, whenever I think about this incident, my heart just couldnt stop beating fast. I guess Ill just have to be more careful in the future to avoid things like that. 雅思口语话题精讲part2 重要场合的迟到经验 P2 Describe an important occasion when you

18、were late.You should say: when this happened what occasion you were late for why you were late (Or, how you explained your lateness) and explain the result of your being late when this happened& what occasion you were late for Well, I recalled the experience of my being late for a flight which i

19、s the unique flight during the whole week. And I promised that I will never do such a stupid thing again. It was last term that I went home from Beijing to spend my summer holiday. recall 回忆(recollect remember memorize) why you were late & how you explain your lateness In order to avoid missing

20、the plane, I arrived at the airport at 2ish pm. When I reached the airport, firstly I looked up the information of my flight as usual by the electronic notice board. I checked it many times and finally convinced myself of the departure time, which was 5.30 pm. Then I decided to wait for the time in

21、a cafeterianear the check-in desk. It was about 4.30 that I came back to get my boarding cardand security pass. However, to my surprise, the plane had already gone! What was worse, no one took responsibility toexplain it to me of the wrong time writing on the board. electronic notice board 电子告示牌 dep

22、arture time 航班起飞时间 cafeteria 餐厅 check-in desk登机服务台 boarding card 登机牌 security pass 安检 take responsibility to 负责 explain the result of your being late I was keeping the time to get to the airport, but indeed I still missed the flight. The behavior that they changed the time without informing the pass

23、engers in advance annoyed me so much. In the end, I had to reissue my ticket to a week later with some extra money. I thought that it was not my fault but I paid the price for it! annoy sb. 让某人生气 pay the price for it为此付出了代价 补充素材 when this happened &what occasion you were late for Ill never forge

24、t the time when I was late for my grandmother's funeral last year. 我绝不会遗忘去年参与祖母葬礼时候我迟到的经验。 They had just lowered her casket (放低她的灵柩)into the ground when I drove up(开车赶到). I was so embarrassed(尴尬的) and guilty (有罪的)for my grandma and all my relatives(亲属). The experience of being late for my first

25、day of my new job will never fade away (褪色)in my memory.第一天上班迟到的经验永生难忘。 I clearly remembered the facial expression(面部表情) of my boss at the moment I entered his office. Even in peacetime(平常) he was a serious(肃穆的) and tedious (乏味的)person. So just imaging him at that moment, he was extremely angered wi

26、th furious(狂怒的). late for a train station pick-up车站接人迟到了 why you were late & how you explain your lateness There are dozens of kilometers away from the destination when my car suddenly broken down.离终点几十公里的地方,我的车坏半路了。 no chance to ask for a lift in such outskirts郊区没机会搭便车 I was caught by a traffic

27、 control/traffic crash.我碰上了交通管制/车祸。 the transportation congestion/traffic jam made me late交通拥堵 who is to blame, I was up late不能怪谁,我自己起晚了 a sea of people(人山人海) crowd in front of the door of the subway train, as a result, I cannot edged myself up(跻身于) the train.地铁门前人山人海,我挤不上去。 procrastination拖延症 expla

28、in the result of your being late Actually, it is considered to be rude and a lack of respect when you are late in some formal occasion.在正式场合迟到是鲁莽和有失敬重的。 I was forbidden entering the examination class. 我被阻拦进考场。 The consequences are others getting mad at them, relationships ending, or missing an event

29、.结果是让别人无语,关系终结,或者错过重要的时事务。 I did not catch up the excursion of my classmates and was left with loneliness.我没赶上同学们的郊游,落单了。 1. Do you (usually) wear a watch (a wrist watch)? (Why?) 不戴表的,用手机!No I have my mobile with me, its got a nice watch in it. 戴表的!I know some people say that with mobile phones, the

30、 wrist watch is out-dated. I disagree. A quick glimpse at your watch during a meeting or on the production line is a lot better then pulling out your cell phone. I find a watch to still be the most convenient method of time keeping. 戴表的,还戴得挺讲究!Yes, and I prefer to wear it on the inside of my wrist.

31、I tend to scratch and otherwise damage watches that I wear on the outside. Wearing them on the inside prevents that. 2. What do you use your watch for? 用来计时的!I use it mainly for timing the speed. 用来装饰的!Its a kind of ornament for me, actually. Wearing a watch has become more of a fashion statement. 看

32、时间的。For me, it is always about knowing what time it is.as a reporter, I need to keep track of time.but I do care about style.and have always, since I began wearing a watch at about age eight, chosen styles I like, without regard to what is "in style". 又看时间又讲究装饰的。Part fashion, part convenie

33、nce for me. I have a Baby-G and it's digital. It's water proof because I don't want to take it off when I shower or go swimming. It also lights up so I can read it at night. It's in a cute style. 3. Do you think time is very important? (Why?) 时间是金钱!Time is money. Actually, time is mo

34、re valuable than money. The money we have lost can be gained again, but the time we have wasted cannot be regained. 不要奢侈时间!Despite being so valuable, time is often neglected by people. Since time is an invisible thing, people often waste their time unconsciously(无意地). Without anything to do, they ma

35、y gossip from morning till night. 时间是珍贵的!Time is important. Time is valuable. Time is precious. 4. Are you ever late for anything? 上班迟到的。Yes I had a few times late last week for work, but I didnt get into big trouble because most of the time I was early. 上学迟到想找借口的。I was late to school about 10 times

36、 so far this semester, which is going to screw me out of college.I need to come up for some really good excuses. 上学迟到想弥补的。I made some mistakes this year in attendance, I am trying to find out if theres anything I can do to bring my grade up. 5. Do you think it's important to be on time? 肯定守时,迟到丢

37、人!Yes. I always run on time and feel ashamed if I am late to anything. I am not obsessed but feel that if you are invited somewhere you should show the host the respect of being there when invited. It just seems these days that nobody is on time and running late is the norm. 分场合迟到的!No. It has become

38、 expected to turn up to an informal event five minutes late, this is what most people do in America. However if punctuality is important for that event then it is considered extremely rude to turn up late. 守时是美德,但聚会除外!Punctuality is a virtue. Oh, being late is RUDE, there is no doubt about it. EXCEP

39、T when going to a party - then it's expected that you arrive a few minutes late. In fact, the host probably WANTS you to arrive a bit late. I know when I'm hosting a party, I'm always running around like crazy doing last minute things (like getting dressed!) and if a guest actually arriv

40、es on time, I'm not ready! Be kind, arrive 5 or 10 minutes late. 6. Do you feel that time moves fast or slowly? 时间随年龄增长变快!Age and size make a difference to whether time moves fast or slow. And thats not a matter of perception. The older you are, the faster times moves. Or, the faster you are, th

41、e slower time moves. 时间比想象的过得快!Daily, I find myself looking back and not being able to remember what happened, or how an event got so far away. A half a year seemed like two seconds. Even when you think time will never pass.it passes faster than expected. 人生苦短,刚好享乐。life is short, its so true. But do

42、nt dwell on how much time has past or how fast the future is going to pass, just live you life. if you just live in the moment and have random spontaneous moments it will seem like your life is fuller even if it goes by in a flash. 手足无措,用日记记录时间。I know exactly what you mean. Unfortunately we can'

43、t stop time, we can only make the most of it. Maybe try keeping a diary of what happens in your life if you are having trouble remembering what's happened. That way you can look back and reminisce on good times:) 7. When do you feel time moves slowly? (Why?) 难过孤独时度日如年!When I'm alone and/or d

44、epressed time moves slowly for me.very slowly. When I'm with my girlfriend/family (sometimes-they can be a pain in the rear ya know?)/friends time moves fast. 等待的时候度日如年!I guess it really depends if you are doing something you enjoy or not. Also if you are waiting for something, time will move sl

45、ow. If you are having a good time and want to cherish that moment and have it last forever-time is slipping by faster then you can blink. Time is never in your favor. 儿时等待长大,度日如年。When I was a child, I felt time moves slowly. Because as a child I had so little control over my own destiny, over my own

46、 life and i spent a great deal of time waiting for growing up. 8. If you could go back in time, would would you do? 不受欺压型!I would not let that boy from school bully mein my youth.i would also crush my self esteem and make it impossible for me to feel love or make new friends for fear of never being good enough. 变更历史型!That's an interesting question. Maybe I would go back and try to change something in history. Or, maybe I'd go back to my history.


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