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1、word 文档可自由复制编辑 栏目索引与介绍 当前位置:主页/中外文化/中国文化 随着中国加入世界贸易组织,中国将进一步对外开放,中国经济与世界经济更加融合。因此,将中华民族悠久的历史和灿烂的文化介绍给世界各国人民是所有英语爱好者应尽的责任。开辟这个栏目,就是为了适应对外宣传的需要。我们将在此介绍中国历史、音乐、绘画、考古、旅游、经济、宗教等方面的情况。那些从事中国文化教学与研究的师生会在这里找到一些参考资料和英语表达方式。中国文化知识漫谈(中文)中国文化美国行(新闻报道与背景介绍)Culture Relics 文化古迹 Travel Features 旅游 Wushu/Qigong 武术与气

2、功 Opera/Theatre 戏曲 Galleries/Museums 美术馆与博物馆 Peking Opera 中国京剧 Events/Festivals 节日与民俗 Local Opera 中国地方戏 Chinese New Years Day 中国新年来历与 24 节气 Dance Drama and Ballet中国舞剧与芭蕾 Traditions of Chinese New Year 中国新年除夕习俗 Modern Chinese Drama中国话剧 Dos and Donts of Chinese New Year中国新年禁忌 Acrobatics,Puppet and Sha

3、dow Shows 杂技、木偶戏与皮影 The History of Lion Dance 中国舞狮 Quyi Performances 中国曲艺表演 The History of Fireworks 中国鞭炮 Paintings/Handicrafts 绘画与工艺品 Lantern Festival 元宵节 成语典故一(三国演义、西游记)Brithday of Confucius 孔子生日 成语典故二 Birthday of Mazoo妈祖生日 成语典故三 Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 成语典故四 Moon Festival 中秋节 中国古代简史 中国文学(包括古文、近代

4、、现代与当代文学以及文化传统,作家传记)中国诗歌英译(请综合训练中翻译技巧栏目)中国旅游 旅游英语网络课程 中国旅游十大特色 中国西藏 北京景点 天坛 中国美食 故宫 中国十二生肖:12 Taditional Zodiacs Music 音乐 RAM HORSE Solo Recordings 中国音乐独奏 MONKEY ROOSTER Collected Recordings 中国音乐集锦 SNAKE DRAGON Traditional Chinese 中国传统乐器与音乐 word 文档可自由复制编辑 Instrumental music DOG PIG Classical Music 中

5、国古典音乐 OX TIGER RABBIT RAT 中国文化知识漫谈(一)文化的含义 什么叫文化?易经上说:“观乎天文,以察时变,观乎人文,以化成天下。”文化一词,就是从这儿来的,它的意思是按照人文来进行教化。现代意义上的文化主要有三种含义:人类在社会发展过程中所创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和;特指精神财富,如文学、艺术、教育、科学等。考古学用语,指同一个历史时期的不同分布地点为转移的遗迹、遗物的综合体。同样的工具、用具,同样的制造技术等,是同一种文化的特征,如仰韶文化、龙山文化等。指运用文字的能力及一般知识。如“学习文化”、“文化水平”等。本书书名中的“文化”,即指人类在社会发展过程中所创造


7、是影响过历史,以致被称为传统的各种知识、价值观念、思想体系,巨大的历史惯性是经典型文化的主要特。四、心理型文化。这是另一类精神文化,它不是凝固的而是存在于人这个文化主体的各种行为中,它的核心是以价值观念和思维方式为主体的传统观念。传统文化与文化传统 传统文化与文化传统,在目前场被当作同义术语,即使学术讨论中也常被交互使用。传统文化有相对的界限,那界限应能涵盖历史上的精神与物化了的精神的主要领域。研究传统文化,首先需要追寻既成事实的真相。就文化史的研究来说,当前最迫切的问题,在于清理历史事实。清理历史的事实,不妨尝试各种方法。只要不违背实事求是准则,什么方法都可采用。与传统文化相区别,文化传统更


9、。word 文档可自由复制编辑 中国文化知识漫谈(三)中国文化在何方 五千年的历史留下了久远的中国文化残酷的斗争选择了顽强的中国文化,稠密的人众存活了独特的中国文化。那么,中国文化究竟在何方?这文化不在先哲的遗书上,尽管这遗书给过那么多的原始材料,然而这原料到成品不知经过了多少道工序,经过多少次化学变化。中国文化也不在学者的书斋中,虽然学者的书斋可以是中国文化的一个组成部分。中国文化在全中国,在大众碌碌的日常起居、饮食男女这些形而下的活动中,在农民黝黑的田野上,在一早开门吵吵嚷嚷的饮食小店中,也在婚姻介绍所、法庭和小菜场上。中国文化也在发展。比如说电视和录像就不仅是提供了新的娱乐方式的。在这里

10、,不是想指出中国文化究竟在具体的何方,只是想提醒研究中国文化的学者们该于书外去做功夫。中国的学者应当尽量运用社会学、统计学、社会心理学、民俗学等等多种多佯的调查方法,深入到社会的各个阶层、各个角落中去,从实际出发而不是从书本出发去探索中国文化的特质(当然要结合书本)。中国文化史上的四次大发现 中国素以有雄厚的典籍蕴藏而闻名于世,但它们能经历几千年的岁月保存下来,实在不是一件易事。兵灾、自然灾害,加上独裁发昏政府自戕似的毁灭书籍,经过这种种坎坷能幸免于难的可真是“万幸”了。文化史上得而复失,失而复得的情况屡见不鲜,影响最大的要属四次大发现了。一是汉武帝末年“方文经书”的大发现。鲁恭王刘余坏孔子宅

11、,从孔子家墙壁中得到尚书、礼、论语和孝经等书,这些书是用汉以前的篆文写的,被称为“古文经”,它的发现引起了历史上有名的“今文经学”,和“古文经学”之争。二是西晋初年汲冢竹书的大发现,在魏襄王墓中得竹书数十车。晋武帝命苟(勋)撰次编辑为中经。因为是在汲郡墓冢中挖掘出的,史称汲家竹书。汲冢书除经(周易)、史(竹书纪年)、卜(箍)书外,还有辞典类的事名、画赞属的图诗、神话小说穆天子传等。三是 1899 年“殷墟”甲骨文的发现。甲骨文是刻在龟甲壳和牛骨上的殷商文字。这些刻有文字的甲骨,先是被农民捡来当“龙骨”卖给药店,药店转卖给方董商人,方董商又转贩京津地区,有一些为知识分子所收藏。经过研究,终于在

12、1899 年认出甲骨上的文字是商代文字。从此引起收藏、购买和研究甲骨文的热潮,逐渐形成了一门新学科甲骨学。甲骨文的发现,把我国文字历史提早了几百年,使商朝历史研究有了可信的史料。四是 1899 年敦煌宝藏的大发现。它和甲骨文的被译出几乎是同时的。1899 年可以说是中国文化史上最有纪念意义的一年了。敦煌宝藏原藏敦煌石窟密洞中。藏书总数达 2 万余卷,大部分是佛经、道经等经卷,还有史、子、集、诗、词、曲赋、通俗文学、图经、方志、医书、历书等,涉及范围极广。除用汉文抄写外,还有用梵文、藏文、龟兹丈、回纥文等西域或少数民族文字抄写的。这些藏书是研究我国近两干年学术文化发展的宝贵文献,可惜这些宝卷不被

13、当时的中国政府重视,多被外国人劫走,使中国文化蒙受了一次巨大的损失。不过随着敦煌宝卷的被劫掠,敦煌的名字也响遍全世界,研究敦煌文物也形成了一种专门学问“敦煌学”。中国文化知识漫谈(四)中国文化发展的方向 中国文化发展的方向只有一个,那就是必须建设中华民族的现代文化。新文化的来源有两个。首先,作为主导方面,它将吸收容纳几于年来传统文化的精华。中国文化具有顽强的生命力,历尽劫难而生生不已。它是中华民族的民族内聚力的象征,是联结全民族的精神纽带。文化的发展自有其内在联系,全面否定传统文化,也就等于拦腰砍断中华民族的历史。再者,中国现代文化还将尽其可能地吸收西方word 文档可自由复制编辑 的先进科学

14、技术和思想文化成果,为现代化服务。有的人对学习西方文化有一种本能的反感,这无疑是西方列强欺凌侵略中华民族的历史造成的,是可以理解的。然而盲目的排外则是狭隘的民族主义感情作祟,这种感情是要把我们重新引导到隔绝孤立的状态中去,这是我们应该警惕的。民族之间分离隔绝的时代已经结束了,各民族的长期交往,必然会造就一个熔合各民族文化精华,不分中外东西的世界文化。正象中华民族的文化熔合了国内各民族的文化一样,中华民族的文化最终也会被熔合到世界文化之中去,这种趋势是越来越明显了。复兴中国文明 中国的历史和文化不能简单地同封建主义划等号。中国曾经有光辉的文明,我们现在的任务就是在新条件下复兴中国文明。中国的改革

15、、开放正是服务于这个伟大目的的。当然,复兴中国文明决不是为了复兴中国封建主义或是复兴有些人所说的“酱缸文化”。我们欢迎并广泛地接受世界所有发达国家具有普遍适用意义的那些经验和知识,那些有益的文化;但我们决不接受所谓全盘西化论。主张全盘西化,就是否定中国的一切,就是不相信中国人民和中国革命,就是缺乏爱国主义思想,缺乏民族自信心和自尊心的表现。当世界上很多国家的很多人民、很多知识分子,把人类进步的希望寄托在中国的时候,这些人却把希望寄托在外国,寄托在西方,这本身就是另一种形式的愚昧。历史的探源 我国史籍产生极早,但“历史”这个词的出现,却要比史籍本身的产生要晚得多。在先秦时期,只有“史”字,主要指

16、掌管记事的史官。汉代有“史记”一词,先是用于指先秦史官所记的史书,东汉桓帝以后,才成为司马迁所写史书的专名(史记最初名太史公书)。这种倩祝,应是当时史在王宫、史书绝少、史学不发达的反映,魏晋南北朝时期,史书数量猛增,史学空前兴盛,“史”、“史记”这些旧有的简单名词术语,已反映不了客观实际,于是,“历代史力”、“历史”、“史学”这些崭新的词儿,便应时而生。据魏书,高昌国传载,北魏孝明帝正光年间(520525 年),高昌国王,曾遣使奉表,向北魏“求借五经、诸史”。梁书诸夷高昌国传也载,高昌国“有五经、历代史”,梁书记,梁武帝曾向徐“问历代史”。用“诸”和“历代”冠于“史”前,正说明当时史书的众多“

17、又据三国时吴人韦昭所著吴书:魏文帝曹丕普开玩笑问吴使赵咨:“吴王(孙权)颇知学乎?”赵咨回答说:“吴王虽有余暇,博览书传历史,藉采奇异”(三国志吴书吴主传注)。这里的“历史”,虽和上引“诸史”、“历代史”同义,泛指各种史书,但其含义,显然要更广泛一些。这是我国史学史上,第一次出现“历史”一词。返回 Wushu and Qigong word 文档可自由复制编辑 Wushu or Martial Arts Wushu,Chinese martial arts,known in the West as kongfu,is a traditional folk sport characterized

18、 by various barehand and armed combat techniques.Wushu has a long history.Far back in primitive society about four thousand years ago,hard living conditions compelled the ancient people to use their stone and wooden tools as weapons to hunt and to defend themseles.Their fighting skills with bare han

19、ds and in using weapons formed the basis of primitive wushu.During the Shang(c.16th-11th century BC)and Zhou(c.11th century-221 BC)dynasties,with the development of productive forces,especially that of the techniques in bronze casting,the variety of weapons increased and their quality improved.In th

20、e Han Dynasty(206 BC-220 AD),wushu became quite popular.A wushu competition,held in the spring of 108 BC,attracted thousands of spectators.Through competitions wushu further developed.There appeared various forms of martial arts such as sword-play,broadsword-play and halberd-play.During the Tang Dyn

21、asty(618-907)both military men and scholars were required to practise wushu.Sword-play was often performed at parties and other social gatherings.The boxing style of Shaolin Temple became very popular because in the early period of the dynasy the Shaolin monks had helped Li Shimin(Emperor Tai Zong)c

22、onquer Wang Shichong(King of the Zheng Kingdom);the emperor gave the temple special permission to train monks in wushu.The Ming Dynast(1368-1644)saw the all-round development of Chinese martial arts.Various boxing schools appeared,each named after its master.In addition,scores of routines of weapon-

23、play movements evolved.Many high-ranking officers and wushu masters such as Tang Shunzhi,Yu Dayou,Zheng Ruozeng and Qi Jiguang wrote treatises and books on wushu.Among those works two books by Qi Jiguang are better-known;they are New Martial Arts and Military Training Record.In order to keep its rul

24、ing position,the government of the Qing Dynasty(1644-1911)once restricted wushu practice,but that could not prevent wushu from spreading among the people.Many popular schools of boxing styles including taijiquan,nanquan and xingyiquan were formed and each had its own guiding theories.In spite of its

25、 rich variety,wushu has four main types:barehanded boxing,the wielding of weapons,combat,and collective performances.There are over one hundred schools of boxing in the Yellow River valley area and about eight in the Yangtze River basin.Each school has its own characteristics.Changquan demands quick

26、ness and valour,and it is liked by young people.Taijiquan,characterized by its slow rhythm and gentle movements,is suitable for people of all ages,especially elderly people.Xingyiquan,vigorous in its balanced motions and poised steps,is popular with young and middle-aged people.Nanquan is wide-sprea

27、d in Chinas southern areas.Its practitioners utter shouts and cries now and then to make their movements more forceful.Shaolinquan,popular in the north,is known for its short routines of movements and swiftness and vigour.In certain styles such as tanglangquan(the Mantis Boxing)and zuiquan(the Drunk

28、ard Boxing),the practitioner imitates animals and birds as well as drunken humans.The weapons used in wushu fall into three categories:long weapons including spears and broadswords;short weapons such as short swords,daggers and hooks;and flexible weapons which include nine-section cudgels and three-

29、section cudgels.word 文档可自由复制编辑 All the basic movements of wushu such as dodging,turning,tumbling,jumping,and leaping require the coordination of the hands,the eyes,the body,and the feet.When combat is practised the practitioners have to perform with dexterity and accuracy and in such a way as if the

30、y were in a real fight.Swift movements should be as quick as sound,poised postures as firm as mountains,and continuous movements as smooth and natural as floating clouds and flowing water.Qigong To followers of the yin-yang wuxing theory,everything in the world is either yin,the nagative and feminin

31、e force,or yang,the positive and masculine force.The two forces complement and oppose each other.It is not difficult to understand yin and yang,if we think of the complementary opposites such as heaven and earth,positive and negative,male and female,life and death.Wuxing which arises from yin-yang r

32、efers to the five elements(wood,fire,earth,metal and water)and their different characteristics.It is said that wood arises from water and prevails over earth;fire arises from wood and prevails over metal;earth arises from fire and prevails over water;metal arises from earth and prevails over wood;wa

33、ter arises from metal and prevails over fire.The five organs of the human body are compared to the five elements and are said to behave likewise:Liver(wood)complements the heart(fire)and opposes the spleen(earth);the heart complements the spleen and opposes the lungs(metal);the spleen complements th

34、e lungs and opposes the kidneys(water);the lungs complement the kidneys and oppose the liver,the kidneys complement the liver and oppose the heart.Yin-yang wuxing formulates the theory of the jing-luo-that the human body contains vertical trunks(jing)and branches(luo)made up of 20 invisible passages

35、,12 meridians(zhengjing)and eight pulses(qijing).They are different from the nervous system known to modern medical students.These passages are divided into two groups:yin and yang.In each group there are six meridians which extend into four limbs and four pulses which are distributed in the body.Th

36、e internal ones are called yinyang,and the external ones the yang-jing.These meridians and pulses carry a life force through the whole body.If the life force cannot flow easily in the passages,the body becomes ill.The balance of yin-yang wuxing is essential for peace,harmony and health.Diseases and

37、ailments of the body occur when the balance of yin-yang wuxing is upset.For instance,if the fire element in the heart is too strong for the metal element in the lungs,the physiological balance cannot be maintained.The dominance of heart over lungs can cause the loss of weight,general lassitude,and a

38、 pain in the chest.Qigong breathing exercises can help restore the balance.Since these passages are anatomically invisible,their existence remains a matter of dispute.Although the theory seems to unscientific,its principles are precise and based on a belief that man has a spiritual as well as a phys

39、ical existence.Breathing exercise Qigong is the Chinese terminology for the system of breathing-control exercises.Literally,qi means air,which implies a life force.Gong means an art.Qigong is the art which benefits health and prolongs life.Qigong is not a religion,it is based on the philosophical pr

40、inciples derived from the theory of yin-yang wuxing in the Book of Changes.In traditional Chinese medicine,yin refers to the tangible body and its blood circulation;yang,the invisible qi and the spirit.word 文档可自由复制编辑 There are three stages in practising qigong:1)Deep breathing-control Qi moves in ji

41、ng-luo,the passages of meridians and pulses,just as blood flows through blood vessels.The qigong state of deep breathing is similar to fetal breathing in the womb.The fetus cannot breathe externally,it breathes internally and there is a movement of qi.Breathe gently through the nostrils with mouth s

42、hut,so as to put the qi into motion.The aim is to achieve proper control of and the ability to trace qi in your body.To imagine this,think of the movement of qi as follows:First,the qi rises from the baihui(see diagram)point and moves downward past both ears.Next,the divisions of qi meet at the thro

43、at and separate again at the naral and go down to the huiyin point.After this,they separate to travel along the collar bones to the chest.They then meet again once more to flow along the inner legs to the feet.Finally,they rush into the ground through the yongquan points.2)Sitting in meditation Sit

44、on a stool upright with the baihui and huiyin points on a line and your eyes downwards,imagining they are closed.Imagine there is something over your head at the baihui point,but dont put any force on it.Let it go gently.Hold your legs comfortably,stretch your arms downwards and curve your thumbs an

45、d forefingers a little imagining that they are touching one another.Separate the middle,ring and little fingers gently.There are two steps leading to meditation:One is to remain calm and collected.This does not mean to stop thinking,but implies making your mind concentrate on only one thing without

46、random thoughts.The other is to achieve total emptiness and calmness.This refers to a higher state of serenity,in which one thinks of nothing.3)Dantian gong Apothecaries of antiquity believed that longevity could be enjoyed if pills were prepared in a special way,but others held that the so-called p

47、ills of longevity were in reality in the human body.In Chinese,the pill is known as dan.Dantian means the pill region,a region three fingers breadth below the navel in the lower part of the abdomen,located between the bladder and rectum.This area is known as qihai,the sea of air,because all the pass

48、ages meet there just as all the rivers flow into the sea.Dantian opens when there is qi and closes when there is none.The qi may descend into it during exhalation.If you are able to deliver qi into dantian through the achievement of breathing-control art,you will be as pure as a piece of white jade

49、and as serene as a lake without a ripple.You will feel as light as a feather and that the qi inside the body is linked with the universe and is limitless as the sea and sky.You will be imbued with a spirit as the rainbow spanning the sky.Taijiquan According to physical fitness experts,the best exerc

50、ises consist of slow,continuous and rhythmic movements.Examples of these are walking and swimming.They also emphasize what they call forced breathing,which exercises the diaphrahm and increases blood flow.With its flowing and rhythmic movements and its emphasis on breathing,taijiquan fills the bill


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