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《华东师大《244二外英语》历年考研真题集.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《华东师大《244二外英语》历年考研真题集.pdf(24页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 华东师大244 二外英语历年考研真题集 一、华东师范大学 244 二外英语考研真题及详解.Vocabulary(10%)Directions:Choose the best ONE answer to fill in the blank with or replace the underlined part in each of the sentences.1.Much to our delight,fruits are so abundant that the prices of them no longer _ greatly.A.modify B.fluctuate C.convert

2、 D.flourish【答案】B 【解析】句意:令我们高兴的是,水果是如此的丰富,其价格不会再大幅度地波动。fluctuate 波动。modify 修改。convert 改变。flourish 繁荣。2.Our company _ after long negotiations to build a double-purpose bridge across the river.A.contacted B.consulted C.contracted D.constructed【答案】C 【解析】句意:经过漫长的谈判,我们公司承包建一座双用桥。contract承包;订约。contact 联系。c

3、onsult 请教;商议。construct 建造。3.When I returned very late at midnight,I found the lift in our building out of _ again.A.order B.function C.work D.practice【答案】A 【解析】句意:当我深夜回来的时候,我发现我们楼里的电梯又出了故障。out of order 出故障,为固定搭配。4.The old man has a serious heart attack and is dying,_.A.without breath B.under breath

4、C.short of breath D.below breath【答案】C 【解析】句意:这位老人心脏病发作,奄奄一息,呼吸困难。short of breath 呼吸困难;呼吸急促。5.Tom was greatly disturbed by the bad news,so the sentences he was reading made no _ to him though he was trying hard to compose himself.A.feeling B.sense C.message D.meaning【答案】B 【解析】句意:汤姆被听到的坏消息打断了思路,所以他正在读

5、的句子对他来说没有任何意义,尽管他努力地使自己镇定下来。make no sense 毫无意义,为固定搭配。6.You can be _ that your son will attain his goal through his hard working.A.ensured B.assured C.insured D.confirmed【答案】B 【解析】句意:你放心,你的儿子一定会努力学习,达成目标。be assured that.放心,为固定搭配。ensure 确保。insure 确保;给保险。confirm 证实。7.There was a thick snow in the stree

6、t,but when the sun came out,the snow began to _.A.dissolve B.melt C.vanish D.disappear【答案】B 【解析】句意:街上雪很厚,但太阳出来时,雪就开始融化了。melt 融化。dissolve 溶解。vanish 消失。disappear 消失。8.Mary tried in vain to _ her boss into letting her have a holiday.A.tempt B.convince C.impose D.reason【答案】D 【解析】句意:玛丽努力劝说老板让她去度假,没有成功。re

7、ason sb.into doing sth.说服某人做某事。tempt 诱惑。convince 使信服。impose 把强加于。9.Its impossible for the two companies to co-operate with each other because there is a basic _ of interest between them.A.conflict B.contradiction C.contest D.competition【答案】A 【解析】句意:这两家公司不可能相互合作,因为他们之间有根本的利益冲突。conflict of interest 利益

8、冲突,为固定搭配。10.The committee learned a lesson from the disturbance that _ decisions often led to bitter regrets.A.instant B.urgent C.hasty D.prompt【答案】C 【解析】句意:委员会从这次混乱中吸取到了教训:草率的决定会导致痛苦的懊悔。hasty decision 草率的决定,为固定搭配。hasty 草率的。instant立即的。urgent 紧急的。prompt 迅速的。11.One of the consequences of advanced cogn

9、itive ability has been the emergence of cultural life.A.pertinent B.perceptive C.compiling D.commendable【答案】B 【解析】句意:高级认知能力的一个后果就是文化生活的产生。cognitive认知的。perceptive 感知的。pertinent相关的。compiling 编译。commendable值得赞美的。12.In that period,the superiority of virginity and sexual abstinence over marriage was gene

10、rally taken for granted.A.restriction B.desire C.temptation D.prohibition【答案】A 【解析】句意:在那个时期,贞洁和节制性欲的优越性通常被认为是理所当然的。abstinence 节制。restriction 限制;约束。desire 欲望。temptation引诱。prohibition 禁止。13.The gifted boy has won the big prize,as he has a great faculty for playing the piano.A.teaching staff B.natural

11、ability C.unsatisfiable ambition D.proficient skill【答案】B 【解析】句意:这个有天赋的小男孩赢得了大奖,因为他有弹钢琴的才能。faculty 强调人天生就有的才能。natural ability 天生的能力。teaching staff教职人员。unsatisfiable ambition 不可满足的野心。proficient skill 熟练的技能。14.When the bomb exploded in the square,crowds of people fled from there and several women and c

12、hildren were trampled to death.A.squeezed B.crashed C.stamped D.squashed【答案】C 【解析】句意:当炸弹在广场爆炸时,人们从那里逃了出来,有几个妇女和儿童被踩踏致死。trample 踩;践踏。stamp 用脚踩踏。squeeze 挤;压榨。crash 撞碎;坠毁。squash 压碎;挤压。15.Im quite hesitant about whether to accept the job.I suppose my decision will to a large degree depend on the sentime

13、nt I have for my family here.A.feeling B.conception C.idea D.fascination【答案】A 【解析】句意:我很犹豫是否要接受这份工作,我想我的决定很大程度上取决于我对我家人的感情。sentiment 感情;情绪。feeling 感觉;感情。conception 设想;概念。idea 想法。fascination 魅力。16.China will launch a manned satellite within three or four years to make a probe of the moon.A.invasion B.

14、examination C.explanation D.exploration【答案】D 【解析】句意:中国将在三、四年内发射一颗载人卫星,对月球进行探测。probe 探测。exploration 探测。invasion 入侵。explanation 解释。17.If your ID card expired,youll have to get a new one.A.is overdue B.comes to an end C.is valid D.gets lost【答案】A 【解析】句意:如果你的身份证过期了,你就必须去办一张新的。expire期满;终止。be overdue 过期的。c

15、ome to an end 结束。be valid 有效的。get lost 丢失。18.Most of us dont think that the elderly president will be inaugurated for his third term.A.put into office B.reelected C.terminated D.ushered in【答案】B 【解析】句意:我们大多数人认为这个年迈的总统不会迎来他的第三个任期。inaugurate 使正式就任。get reelected 获得连任。terminate 终止。usher in 开辟。19.Dirt acc

16、umulates very fast if one doesnt clean the house every day.A.evaporates B.absorbs C.heaps up D.concentrates【答案】C 【解析】句意:如果每天不打扫房子,那么很快就会积尘。accumulate积累。heap up 堆积。evaporate 蒸发。absorb 吸收。concentrate 集中。20.In the study of 3,250 depressed patients,only 2.4 percent experienced side effects.Those include

17、 restlessness,gastrointestinal irritations and mild allergic reactions.A.sentimental B.sensational C.sensitive D.sentiment【答案】C 【解析】句意:在对 3250 名抑郁症患者的调查中,只有 2.4%的患者有过副作用,包括坐立不安、肠胃不适以及轻微的过敏反应。allergic 对过敏的。sensitive 易受伤害的;易受影响的。sentimental 多愁善感的。sensational轰动的;耸人听闻的。sentiment 感情。.Structure(10%)Direct

18、ions:Choose the best one answer to each of the sentences.21.The school authorities _,there would be an open air party with live music soon.A.permit B.permits C.permitted D.permitting【答案】D 【解析】句意:学校当局允许的话,那么很快就会举办一次有现场音乐的露天派对。独立主格结构作条件状语,且表主动,故选 D。22.The population of many western cities has _ double

19、d in the past ten years.A.larger than B.more than C.as great as D.as much as【答案】B 【解析】句意:在过去的十年里,西方人口增长了一倍多。more than表示“多于;超出”,在这里做副词,修饰 double。23.A baby might show fear of an unfamiliar adult,_ he is likely to smile and reach out to another infant.A.if B.whereas C.so what D.whenever【答案】B 【解析】句意:一个婴

20、儿可能会表现出对一个不熟悉的成年人的恐惧,然而他会微笑并与另一个婴儿接触。whereas 然而,表转折。24.Mr.Smith is quite certain that _ to do this in person,he would find it difficult to express himself without losing his patience.A.were he to try B.would he try C.was he trying D.if he tries【答案】A 【解析】句意:史密斯先生十分确定,如果他努力亲自去做这件事,他会发现自己很难在不失去耐心的情况下表达

21、自己。此句为虚拟语气,省略 if,将were 提前,表示和现在相反的事实。25._ she realized it was necessary for her to return home.A.No sooner it grew dark than B.Hardly it grew dark when C.It was not until dark that D.It was until dark that【答案】C 【解析】句意:一直到天黑,她才意识到她该回家了。It was.that.为强调句型,与 not until 的搭配一般为:It was/is+not until+被强调的部分+t

22、hat从句,意为“直到才”。26.We could see the valley _ in the sunshine.A.lying peaceful B.laying peaceful C.lying peacefully D.laying peacefully【答案】C 【解析】句意:我们可以看到山谷静静地躺在阳光下。see sb./sth.doing sth.看见某人某物正在做某事。lie 的现在进行时为 lying。27.Mr.Black isnt as capable a person as is expected,so _ will he be able to regain con

23、trol of the board.A.with hard work B.much hard work C.only if he works hard D.if only he works hard 【答案】C 【解析】句意:布莱克先生的能力不如预期,所以只有努力工作,他才能重新获得董事会的控制权。only if 只有,表条件关系,放在句首,从句用倒装。28.What he usually does and says _ with each other.A.dont agree B.doesnt agree C.didnt agree D.isnt agreeing【答案】A 【解析】句意:他

24、通常做的和说的不一致。what 引导主语从句,但表示“做的”和“说的”两个方面,为复数意义,故谓语动词用复数。29.Experiments in the photography of moving objects _ in both the United States and Europe well before 1990.A.have been conducting B.were conducting C.had been conducted D.was conducted【答案】C 【解析】句意:在 1990 年之前,美国和欧洲都进行了关于移动物体摄影的实验。实验应该是被做,故用被动语态,

25、且事情发生在 1990 年之前,是过去的过去,故用过去完成时的被动语态。30.They left the meeting room,_ that there would be no good result.A.convincing B.convinced C.believed D.believed in【答案】B 【解析】句意:他们离开会议室,确信不会有好的结果发生。convince使确信,因此当人做主语时,应用被动语态 convinced,做伴随状语。31.Its a bit expensive,but you get _.A.your money worth B.your worth mo

26、ney C.your moneys worth D.your worth of money【答案】C 【解析】句意:这个是贵了点,但你这钱花的值。get your moneys worth 钱花得值,为固定搭配。32.Is this _ voice that we hear?A.a boy or a girls B.a boys or a girls C.a boys or a girl D.of a boy or a girl【答案】A 【解析】句意:这是我们听到的男孩或者女孩的声音吗?在符合名词或短语中,所有格加在最后一个名词词尾。33.The girl told me _ would c

27、ome to the party,but only a few showed up.A.many Jane friends B.many Janes friend C.many of Janes friends D.many friends of Jane【答案】C 【句意】句意:那个女孩告诉我,简的许多朋友都会来派对,但只来了几个。此处为双重所有格,of+名词s 所有格,为固定搭配。34.The Vanguard is a _,isnt it?A.Sunday paper B.Sundays paper C.paper of Sunday D.paper Sunday【答案】A 【解析】句意

28、:先锋是周日刊,不是吗?Sunday paper 周日刊,为固定搭配。35.It suddenly dawned _ me that I had been made fun of.A.upon B.to C.for D.at【答案】A 【解析】句意:我突然意识到我被取笑了。It dawns upon sb.that.某人开始明白,为固定搭配。36.There was silence for a few moments,then Li Hua,my colleague,came out _ a most valuable proposal.A.for B.with C.of D.on【答案】B

29、【解析】句意:沉默了一会,然后我的同事李华提出了一条最有价值的建议。come out with 表示“说出;提出”,为固定搭配。37.As I am her adviser,I think I _ tell her the news.A.need B.will C.may D.ought to【答案】D 【解析】句意:因为我是她的顾问,我想我应该告诉她这个消息。ought to 意为“应该”,一般出于法令规则、行为准则和道德责任等客观情况。38.They _,but they failed in the end.A.hoped to succeed B.hoped to have succes

30、s C.hoped to be succeeded D.hoped to have succeeded【答案】D 【解析】句意:他们希望能成功,但最终还是失败了。hoped to have done=had hoped to do sth.表示过去未曾实现的希望,为固定用法。39._ the pit on the road,the bus was halted.A.Having spotted B.The driver spotting C.After spotting D.The driver spotted【答案】B 【解析】句意:司机发现了路上的一个坑,停下了公共汽车。此处为独立主格结构

31、,因为是司机发现情况,是主动语态,故选 B。40.Since there is something wrong with his lungs,he decides to limit himself _ 5 cigars a day.A.to smoke B.on smoke C.to smoking D.on smoking 【答案】C 【解析】句意:因为他的肺出了问题,所以他决定限制自己每天只抽 5根雪茄。limit oneself to doing sth.表示“限制自己在做某事的范围内”,为固定搭配。.Cloze(10%)Directions:There are 20 blanks in

32、 the following passage.For each blank there are FOUR choices marked A,B,C and D on the right side of the paper.You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.A dictionary says that a greenhouse is

33、 a“temperate conservatory for growing plants”and that a conservatory is a“glasshouse”.A greenhouse is a building made almost entirely of glass.Which(41)_ heat and is used for growing plants.The leaves of the plants give the building a generally(42)_ appearance inside,and this,presumably,gives rise t

34、o its name.I can only assume that we do not call it a“glasshouse”these days as this is the(43)_ given to an army prison.The name“conservatory”is now given to a glass building(44)_ to the outside wall of a house,and for growing indoor plants or as a warm,relaxing(45)_ room to the home.It is warm beca

35、use glass allows the rays of the sun to pass through,but(46)_ the heat trying to escape.Perhaps you have noticed how hot it becomes in a(47)_ car on a sunny day,even when the temperature outside is low.The suns rays pass through the windscreen and are(48)_ by the seats of the car.These rays warm the

36、 seats,which(49)_ radiate the heat back into the car.The heat reaches the windscreen and the windows(50)_ cannot escape through the glass.Thus the inside of the(51)_ warms up.This is the way that greenhouses heat up.The short-wave radiation of the sun passes through the(52)_ walls and roof of the gr

37、eenhouse and(53)_ the floor,shelves,plant pots and(54)_ else inside.These warmed objects pass back(55)_ long-wave radiation the heat they have gained,and as this tries to(56)_ most of it is blocked by the glass.So the heat inside(57)_.At night,with no extra sun entering,the heat(58)_ escapes,through

38、 the glass,or through the various(59)_ around the door and windows,or by being absorbed into the(60)_ of the building.41.A.conserves B.confuses C.controls D.converts 42.A.glorious B.gloomy C.green D.golden 43.A.order B.title C.right D.name 44.A.attached B.responded C.devoted D.contributed 45.A.inner

39、 B.extra C.mutual D.magic 46.A.violates B.blocks C.upsets D.reflects 47.A.parking B.parked C.coating D.coated 48.A.absorbed B.attracted C.abandoned D.aroused 49.A.above all B.of course C.in turn D.at once 50.A.but B.even C.and D.so 51.A.greenhouse B.vehicle C.glasshouse D.conservatory 52.A.rubber B.

40、fabric C.glass D.metal 53.A.heat B.heated C.heating D.heats 54.A.somewhere B.something C.everywhere D.everything 55.A.as B.like C.for D.such 56.A.evolve B.emerge C.escape D.exhaust 57.A.shuts off B.builds up C.goes out D.moves on 58.A.finally B.eventually C.particularly D.invisibly 59.A.mats B.spray

41、s C.gaps D.spots 60.A.foundation B.property C.establishment D.operation【答案与解析】41.A 温室由玻璃制成的主要目的是储存热量,用于植物生长。42.C “greenhouse”名字的由来,就是因为植物的叶子使温室里呈现一片绿色。43.D 温室不再被成为“玻璃房”的原因是:军队中的监狱被称为玻璃房,即这是监狱的名字。44.A 温室是指一种贴着房子外部的由玻璃制成的建筑。attach to 贴;连接;依附。45.B 温室还可以作为一个温暖的、令人放松的额外空间。46.B 温室玻璃会阻挡住想要跑出去的热量。47.B 这里指停着

42、的车在太阳下内部温度会很高,这样才能够长时间的吸收太阳光,使温度升高。48.A 车的座位会吸收太阳光的射线,使温度升高。49.C in turn 反过来。指车座吸收的热量会反过来释放到车内部。50.A 热量会触及车窗及挡风玻璃,但是不能扩散出去。51.B 这里指车内部变得温暖起来。vehicle 车辆;交通工具。52.C 温室的原理和车内部温度升高一样,太阳射线穿过玻璃墙和温室顶部。53.D 穿进去的太阳射线使地面、架子和花盆等变热。heat 和前面的 passes为并列关系,故时态应该一致。54.D 穿进去的太阳射线也使其他别的东西温度升高。55.A 这些温度升高了的物体会以长波辐射的形式释放出它们获得的热量。as作为。56.C 这些释放出的热量会想要扩散出去,但是会受到玻璃墙的阻挡。escape逃跑。57.B 这些扩散不出去的热量就开始积聚起来,使温度升高。build up 增进;加强。58.D 到了晚上,这些热量会悄悄地跑出去,而这是不可见的。invisibly 看不见地;看不出地。59.C 到了晚上,这些热量会从门窗的缝隙扩散出去。60.C 这些热量除了扩散出去,还会被建筑当中的各种设施吸收。establishment 设施;建立的东西。


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