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《2021-2022学年高中英语Unit5Firstaid1SectionⅠWarmingUp&Rea.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021-2022学年高中英语Unit5Firstaid1SectionⅠWarmingUp&Rea.pdf(20页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 2021-2022学 年 高 中 英 语Unit5Firstaid1SectionWarmingUp&ReadingComprehending 知能演练轻松闯关新人教版必修 5 -2-Section Warming Up&ReadingComprehending 阅读理解 A I can proudly say that last year I broke the record for the oldest person in the world to ride a roller coaster.It was very exciting.Im 105,but I feel younger.E

2、ven the doctor agrees Im in good shape.Im a bit deaf and my legs feel weak,but theyre the only issues.I rode the Twistosaurus at Flamingo Land,which spins you round quite fast.I didnt choose to go on that.Id have preferred a really fast one that went upside down.But I was told I couldnt ride somethi

3、ng like that,-3-because my blood pressure could drop and I might have blacked out.I wasn t nervousI don t get frightened of anything.I was securely fastened,so I knew I wouldn t fall out.The rollercoaster ride went on for three or four minutes,and it couldnt be a better experience.And I raised a lot

4、 of money for the Derbyshire,Leicestershire&Rutland Air Ambulance fund,which was fantastic.People were saying Id got a place in the Guinness World Records.Later,someone came to present me with the certificate(证书).I had it on the wall in my living room,with another one that I had got a year earlier.M

5、y recordbreaking ways really began a couple of years ago,with the icebucket challenge.It turned out that I was probably -4-the oldest person in the world to do it,and the video was very popular.After that,I started to think about what else I could do to raise money for different charities.Im not sur

6、e if anyone admires all the fun Im having.They just say Im daft and thats about it.But Ive had many good days and many exciting times.Ive had a really good life.I dont think Ive wasted any of it.【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。本文讲述了作者是一位百岁老人,但是他却勇于挑战自己。1Why didnt the author choose to ride the Twistosaurus?ABecause h

7、e thought it spun too fast.BBecause he considered it too gentle.CBecause he was told not to take a risk.-5-D Because he was in a bad physical condition.B 解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的“I didnt choose to go on that.Id have preferred a really fast one that went upside down.可知,作者最后选择了一个难度更大的,因此作者认为之前的难度不够,太过平缓。2How

8、did the author most probably react while riding the rollercoaster?A He got frightened as it started moving.BHe couldnt think much about it.CHe was very worried at first.DHe really enjoyed himself.D 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“The rollercoaster ride went on for three or four minutes,and it couldnt be a better e

9、xperience.可知,作者很享受这次经历。3What do we know about the author from -6-Paragraph 4?AHe set a record the year before last year.BHe was the oldest person in the world.CHe disliked showing off his success.DHe was eager to get certificates.A 解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的“I had it on the wall in my living room,with another

10、 one that I had got a year earlier.可知,作者在前年也创造过一项世界纪录。4What does the underlined word“daft in the last paragraph probably mean?AHealthy.BStrong.CFunny.DCrazy.D 解析:词义猜想题。根据最后一段中的“.and thats about it.But Ive had many good days and many exciting times.可知,一般人认为作者的这种行为是疯狂的,但是作者 -7-却体验到了许多冲动人心的时刻。B I will

11、not go on about the causes of sunburn because you probably already know.If you get sunburned,you may be feeling a bit embarrassed about it.Once you have sunburn,the damage is done.So try the following ways to ease the discomfort.Cool it down by taking a bath or shower.Keep the water and room tempera

12、ture warm,especially for children as they may easily feel cold.Some people like to add 1/2 cup of baking soda to the bath water.This may help reduce your pain.You could also place a wet and cool cloth on the burnt area for about 15 minutes.Do that several times a day.Apply moisture(水分).You can choos

13、e some cream that makes your skin not that dry.-8-Apply aloe,either the plant form or gel.Aloe contains active things that help reduce pain.Over the next few days,the skin may peel(脱皮).This is the bodys way of eliminating the dead skin,so keep using such cream to help make your skin comfortable.Leav

14、e any blisters complete.This helps speed healing and avoid infection as burst blisters can easily get infected.You can cover blisters to protect them if needed and definitely do not wear clothing that will cause friction(摩擦)as this can“pop the blisters.Damaging the blisters can,and probably will cau

15、se more pain with rubbing on soft skin and also cause infection.Give pain relief if needed.The medicine aspirin is not recommended for children.At this point,the person may not be -9-comfortable,so do not make it worse by applying something that can prevent healing and increase or lock in the heat u

16、nder the skin,therefore causing more burn damage.See a doctor if:it covers a large part of the body or is severe in nature.there is a high fever,chills,rash,nausea,and severe pain.feeling faint or dizzy,rapid pulse or quick breathing.extreme thirst,little or no urine output or sunken eyes.【解题导语】被晒伤后

17、应该怎么办呢?本文给我们提供了一些相关的建议。5Why do some people use baking soda after getting sunburned?ATo help prevent disease.-10-BTo feel better in this way.CTo avoid getting cold.DTo reduce the burnt area.B 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Some people like to add 1/2 cup of baking soda to the bath water.This may help reduce your p

18、ain.可知,这样做是为了感觉舒服一些。6 What does the underlined word“eliminating in Paragraph 3 mean?AProtecting.BCovering.CImproving.DRemoving.D 解析:词义猜想题。根据第三段中的“Over the next few days,the skin may peel(脱皮)以及“the dead skin可知,这里是指“去除死皮。7 What does the author consider important after getting sunburned?AAvoiding break

19、ing blisters.-11-BGoing to see a doctor immediately.CTaking medicine to avoid infection.DPreventing the skin from developing blisters.A 解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Leave any blisters complete.This helps speed healing and avoid infection as burst blisters can easily get infected.可知,不让水泡破掉很重要。8What is the text m

20、ainly about?AThings to help treat sunburn.BThe common causes of sunburn.CWays to deal with sunburn.D Methods to deal with blisters properly.C 解析:主旨大意题。文章主要讲述了晒伤后该怎么办,即应对晒伤的方法。完形填空 -12-I met a man yesterday and didnt get his name.Our meeting seemed to be _1_ by something unknown.He was a(n)_2_man.His

21、 hair was totally white and his back was bent(弯 曲 的).I didnt see him at first.I decided to search for the owner_3_I found a very worn and old wooden walking stick,which was hanging outside of a shopping cart.I looked around and _4_out to a man who was walking away.I_5_it was his.It was.And he return

22、ed_6_to get it.A short distance cost him a long time.I was in a friendly mood to start a(n)_7_.That was when the story between us began.I stood outside the supermarket with him for 10 minutes just_8_.And that was all he wantedto be heard and to_9_his story.-13-I stood there feeling his_10_over losin

23、g his first wife during childbirth to his only son and later his joys of_11_this son on his own as well as traveling the world.He_12_found his true love and married a childhood sweetheart,his second wife.He is very_13_ that he has an intact(完整的)family now.At the end of our talk,this man_14_my hands,

24、looked me in the eye and thanked me sincerely.And then he_15_and walked away.As he walked away,a strong feeling_16_me.And I seemed to hear a _17_in my mind that told me he was peaceful now.Strangers are never strangers_18_you open your heart to them.Often they dress up like_19_,waiting to bless you

25、or to be -14-blessed.Yesterday I was_20_an angel to this man,and at the same time,blessed by him.【解题导语】本文讲述了作者在超市外偶遇一位陌生老人并倾听他的故事,陌生老人对作者心存感谢,从而引发作者的一番感慨只要敞开心扉,愿意倾听,陌生人也可以变成朋友。1A.joined Barranged Cmade Dinvented B 解析:根据语境可知,作者遇见了一位老人,但不知道他的名字,他们的相遇就像冥冥之中被安排好的一样。故答案选“arranged。2A.poor Belderly Cstrong

26、 Dhandsome B 解析:根据下文“His hair was totally white and his back was bent(弯曲的)可知这是一位年迈的老人。故答案选“elderly。3A.before Buntil -15-Cwhen Dbut C 解析:当“我发现一根非常老旧的木制拐杖时,“我决定去找到它的主人。故答案选“when。4A.went Bcalled Cbroke Dworked B 解析:作者看到一位老人就叫了他一声。故答案选“called。5A.decided Bremembered Cguessed Dsuggested C 解析:根据语境可知,作者只是猜想

27、那根拐杖是那位老人的,结果确实是。故答案选“guessed。6A.carelessly Bangrily Cproudly Dslowly D 解析:根据上下文可知,他已年迈,很短的一段路都消耗他不少时间,所以是慢慢地走。故答案选“slowly。-16-7A.speech Bdiscussion Cconversation Dargument C 解析:根据下文可知,作者表现出乐意与这 位 老 人 交 谈 的 样 子。故 答 案 选“conversation。8A.listening Bwatching Claughing Dspeaking A 解析:根据下文的“to be heard等信息

28、可知,全程“我都是在倾听这位老人讲述自己的经历。故答案选“listening。9A.write Bshare Cfinish Dreport B 解析:根据上下文可知,这位老人所需要的就是被聆听和分享他的故事。故答案选“share。10A.worry Bpain Cnervousness Dtrouble B 解析:根据下文可知,他的第一位妻子在 -17-生下唯一的儿子之后就去世了,所以他很痛苦。故答案选“pain。11A.bringing out Btaking Cteaching Dbringing up D 解析:根据上下文可知,他的第一位妻子过世后,他在单独养育儿子的过程中也得到了快乐

29、。故答案选“bringing up。12A.hardly Bfinally Cfrequently Dusually B 解析:根据语境可知,他最终得到了真爱。故答案选“finally。13A.surprised Bconfident Cpositive Dsatisfied D 解析:根据句意可知,他现在有了一个完整的家庭,所以他感到很满足。故答案选“satisfied。14A.touched Bheld Ccleaned Dcovered -18-B 解析:根据句意可知,“我们谈话后,那位老人握着“我的手,看着“我的眼睛,真诚地感谢了“我。故答案选“held。15A.came back B

30、turned back Cstood back Dput back B 解析:turn back 意为“转过身;come back 意为“回来;stand back 意为“后退;put back 意为“放回,推迟。根据句意,那位老人转身走了。故答案选“turned back。16A.came over Bcame with Ccame through Dcame across A 解析:come over 意为“突然产生(某种感觉);come with 意为“伴随;come through意为“经过;come across 意为“偶然遇见。根据句意,那位老人走后,一种强烈的感觉涌向“我。故答案

31、选“came over。17A.noise Bvoice Csong Dstory -19-B 解析:根据语境可知,“我似乎听到有个声音告诉我,那位老人分享完他的故事后,他的内心得到了安宁。故答案选“voice。18A.if Bunless Cbefore Dthough A 解析:根据语境可知,如果“我们能敞开心扉,陌生人也能成为朋友。故答案选“if。19A.strangers Bangels Cfriends Denemies B 解析:根据下文中的“Yesterday I was.an angel to this man 可 知 答 案 选“angels。20A.neither Beither Cboth Dall C 解析:根据上下文可知,昨天“我既是这位老人的天使,同时,也得到了这位老人的祝福。故答案选“both。-20-


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