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《2008全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语在.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2008全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语在.pdf(23页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、.Section I Use of English 英语运用(完型填空)(共 20 题)Directions:Read the following text.Choose the best word(s)for each numbered blank.(10 points)说明:阅读下面的文章并为每个空格选出最佳单词。(每小题 0.5 分,共计 10分)注意:本题只有一个正确选项。A UFO is a general term used for any“unidentified flying object”in the sky which cannot be _1_ by an observe

2、r.Most UFOs remain _2_ as so even after they have been investigated.The UFO phenomenon dates back _3_the beginning of recorded history,but UFO sightings have _4_increased since the mid 1940s.From UFO videos to UFO pictures,stories and other real life_5_,thousands of people from all _6_of life claim

3、to have seen these mysterious aerial phantoms.Many UFO sightings turn out to be nothing at all,mere airplanes,meteors or comets;_7_many sightings have gone unsolved for decades or even centuries.The term“flying saucer”came into _8_use after American Kenneth Arnold claimed a UFO sighting on June 24,1

4、947 near Mount Rainier,Washington.Arnold claimed to have seen as many as nine brightly lit objects soaring _9_ the sky_10_he estimated as up to 1200 miles per hour.Arnold also reported that the objects appeared to have a disc or“saucer”_11_._12_final conclusion has ever been reached in the case.One

5、of the most famous UFO incidents to date also occurred in 1947 in Roswell,New Mexico._13_unidentified debris was recovered from the _14_ of a Roswell ranch,the Roswell Army Airfield _15_ a statement saying that a“flying disk”had been discovered.The airfield_16_the statement just hours later,claiming

6、 it was just a weather balloon.This sparked_17_and nation-wide rumors of an alleged government_18_of an alien UFO that had crashed in the New Mexico desert.No_19_proof has been produced to this day to_20_that theory.1.A UFO is a general term used for any“unidentified flying object”in the sky which c

7、annot be _1_ by an observer.(0.5 分)A.found B.discerned C.discovered D.decided 2.Most UFOs remain _2_ as so even after they have been investigated.(0.5分)A.classified B.interesting .C.scientific D.fantastic 3.The UFO phenomenon dates back _3_the beginning of recorded history,but UFO sightings have _4_

8、increased since the mid 1940s.(0.5 分)A.as long as B.so far C.as far as D.so long 4.The UFO phenomenon dates back _3_the beginning of recorded history,but UFO sightings have _4_increased since the mid 1940s.(0.5 分)A.strictly B.rarely C.significantly D.exceptionally 5.From UFO videos to UFO pictures,s

9、tories and other real life_5_,thousands of people from all _6_of life claim to have seen these mysterious aerial phantoms.(0.5分)A.reasons B.considerations C.explanations D.accounts 6.From UFO videos to UFO pictures,stories and other real life_5_,thousands of people from all _6_of life claim to have

10、seen these mysterious aerial phantoms.(0.5分)A.kinds B.walks C.groups D.ways 7.Many UFO sightings turn out to be nothing at all,mere airplanes,meteors or comets;_7_many sightings have gone unsolved for decades or even centuries.(0.5分)A.however B.therefore .C.moreover D.indeed 8.The term“flying saucer

11、”came into _8_use after American Kenneth Arnold claimed a UFO sighting on June 24,1947 near Mount Rainier,Washington.(0.5 分)A.exclusive B.popular C.normal D.explicit 9.Arnold claimed to have seen as many as nine brightly lit objects soaring _9_ the sky_10_he estimated as up to 1200 miles per hour.(0

12、.5 分)A.in B.from C.on D.across 10.Arnold claimed to have seen as many as nine brightly lit objects soaring _9_ the sky_10_he estimated as up to 1200 miles per hour.(0.5 分)A.on speeds B.with speeds C.at speeds D.in speeds 11.Arnold also reported that the objects appeared to have a disc or“saucer”_11_

13、.(0.5 分)A.attribute B.appearance C.nature D.icon 12._12_final conclusion has ever been reached in the case.(0.5 分)A.Many B.Few C.Some D.No 13._13_unidentified debris was recovered from the _14_ of a Roswell ranch,the.Roswell Army Airfield _15_ a statement saying that a“flying disk”had been discovere

14、d.(0.5 分)A.After B.Unless C.If D.Once 14._13_unidentified debris was recovered from the _14_ of a Roswell ranch,the Roswell Army Airfield _15_ a statement saying that a“flying disk”had been discovered.(0.5 分)A.occupancy B.possession C.ownership D.property 15._13_unidentified debris was recovered fro

15、m the _14_ of a Roswell ranch,the Roswell Army Airfield _15_ a statement saying that a“flying disk”had been discovered.(0.5 分)A.got B.issued C.reached D.fixed 16.The airfield_16_the statement just hours later,claiming it was just a weather balloon.(0.5 分)A.restated B.stressed C.retracted D.retreated

16、 17.This sparked_17_and nation-wide rumors of an alleged government_18_of an alien UFO that had crashed in the New Mexico desert.(0.5 分)A.general B.local C.particular D.worthy 18.This sparked_17_and nation-wide rumors of an alleged government_18_of an.alien UFO that had crashed in the New Mexico des

17、ert.(0.5 分)A.cover-all B.cover-point C.cover-cap D.cover-up 19.No_19_proof has been produced to this day to_20_that theory.(0.5 分)A.original B.definitive C.tentative D.derivative 20.No_19_proof has been produced to this day to_20_that theory.(0.5 分)A.surpass B.deny C.support D.apprehend Section Read

18、ing Comprehension Part A 阅读理解 Part A(共 20 题)Directions:Read the following four texts.Answer the questions below each text by choosing A,B,C,and D.(40 points)说明:阅读下面四篇文章并回答每篇文章后面的问题。(每小题2 分,共计 40分)注意:本题只有一个正确选项。Text 1 Influenza A(H5N1)is an influenza A virus subtype that occurs mainly in birds and is

19、 highly contagious among birds.Outbreaks of highly pathogenic H5N1 among poultry and wild birds are ongoing in a number of countries.H5N1 does not usually infect people,however,a small number of human cases of H5N1 infection have been reported in association with these outbreaks.Most of these cases

20、have occurred from direct or close contact with infected poultry or contaminated surfaces.And while the H5N1 virus does not now infect people easily,infection in humans is very serious when it occurs;so far,about half of people reported infected have died.The avian influenza A(H5N1)epizootic in Asia

21、 and parts of Europe,the Near East,and Africa is not expected to diminish significantly in the short term.It is likely that H5N1 infection among birds has become endemic in certain areas and that human infections resulting from direct contact with infected poultry and/or wild birds will.continue to

22、occur.So far,the spread of H5N1 virus from person-to-person has been rare,limited and unsustained.No evidence for genetic reassortment between human and avian influenza A virus genes has been found;however,this epizootic continues to pose an important public health threat.There is little pre-existin

23、g natural immunity to H5N1 infection in the human population.If these H5N1 viruses gain the ability for efficient and sustained transmission among humans,an influenza pandemic could result,with potentially high rates of illness and death.In addition,genetic sequencing of influenza A(H5N1)viruses fro

24、m human cases in Vietnam and Thailand shows resistance to the antiviral medications amantadine and rimantadine,two of the medications commonly used for treatment of influenza.This would leave two remaining antiviral medications(oseltamivir and zanamivir)that should still be effective against current

25、ly circulating strains of H5N1 virus.Efforts to produce vaccine candidates that would be effective against avian influenza A(H5N1)viruses are under way.However,it will likely require many months before such vaccines could be mass produced and made widely available.Research suggests that currently ci

26、rculating strains of H5N1 viruses are becoming more capable of causing disease(pathogenic)in animals than were earlier H5N1 viruses.One study found that ducks infected with H5N1 virus are now shedding more virus for longer periods without showing symptoms of illness.This finding has implications for

27、 the role of ducks in transmitting disease to other birds and possibly to humans as well.Additionally,other findings have documented H5N1 infection among pigs in China and H5N1 infection in felines(experimental infection in housecats in the Netherlands and isolation of H5N1 viruses in tigers and leo

28、pards in Thailand).In addition,in early March 2006,Germany reported H5N1 infection in a stone marten(a weasel-like mammal).The avian influenza A(H5N1)virus that emerged in Asia in 2003 continues to evolve and may adapt so that other mammals may be susceptible to infection as well.1.What can be infer

29、red from paragraph 1?(2分)A.Human beings are easily to take contagion.B.Influenza A virus may have other subtypes.C.H5N1 virus is fatal to human beings.D.Eating the infected poultry will definitely cause disease.2.The word“epizootic”(Line 1,Paragraph 2)most probably means _.(2 分)A.human disease B.inf

30、luence C.lethal virus D.animal outbreak 3.Influenza A(H5N1)viruses show resistance to two of the commonly used medications for treatment of influenza,so_.(2分)A.the virus is more easily to transmit from animals to human beings.B.other antiviral medications will lose their effectiveness in the near fu

31、ture C.the virus continues to evolve D.it is necessary to produce vaccine candidates against the virus 4.The study on ducks infected with H5N1 virus does not show that_.(2分)A.during a long time period,the ducks are carrying virus without being aware by people B.the ducks are more susceptible to infe

32、ction C.human cases of H5N1 infection may result from direct contact with the infected ducks D.the influenza viruses have the ability to change 5.Which of the following is not true according to the text?(2 分)A.The virus may begin to spread more easily from person to person.B.The worldwide epizootic

33、will not decrease immediately.C.Human beings get infected because of the genetic reassortment.D.The epizootic has caused tremendous fear among people.Text 2 Critics and admirers of D.C.School Superintendent Clifford B.Janey describe him the same way:a bright educator who has good ideas but implement

34、s them too slowly.Whether he is the right person to continue to lead the schools is up to Mayor Adrian M.Fenty(D).The sooner he answers the question,the better.Legislation giving control of the schools to the mayor is still pending in Congress and then must be signed by President Bush.Mr.Fenty has s

35、aid he wont make a decision about Mr.Janey until he is officially given control of the schools.His caution is understandable,but this limbo is unhealthy,not just for the superintendent but also for the 55,000 students who will be starting a new school year in little more than three months.Just as Mr

36、.Fenty didnt wait until he was officially mayor to render his opinion on the police chief or to name his city administrator,he shouldnt hesitate with his schools chief.In fact,most observers are saying Mr.Fenty has already made up his mind-that there is little chance that Mr.Janey will be his chance

37、llor under the new system of school governance.While there would be advantages to retaining Mr.Janey-continuity and his knowledge of the issues-his lack of urgency in bringing about change has been troubling.Too many good ideas have been allowed to languish.Mr.Fenty is staking his political future o

38、n improving the schools,so its only right that he choose someone who he is convinced can do the job.Names have already started to surface:Foremost is that of Rudolph F.Rudy Crew,the former New York City schools chancellor and now Miami-Dade(Fla.)superintendent,who enchanted city officials three year

39、s ago before he withdrew his name from consideration.Mr.Crew is involved in an ugly power struggle in Miami,and his indiscreet boasting that D.C.officials were again interested in him should give Mr.Fenty pause.So what should Mr.Fenty be looking for?We posed that question to a wide range of educatio

40、n advocates,civic activists and city leaders.Certain attributes appeared with regularity.At the top of everyones list was an ability to manage-and fix-complex systems.Interestingly,this was deemed much more important than a background in education.Also key is a willingness to implement the existing

41、master education plan.The last thing the District needs is more time lost as yet another educator tries to come up with a plan on which to stamp his or her name.Being accessible and communicative were also cited as vital qualities.Mr.Fenty has shown,by some of his previous appointments,a willingness

42、 to break the traditional mold,and that fresh approach could serve him well.No doubt the decision he makes in the coming weeks will be one of the most important of his administration.But lets not make the mistake of thinking that one person will ride into the city and be able to fix everything.The s

43、ystem and the culture of the schools have to change.That means principals having the power to control what goes on in their schools,radical changes in the way teachers are assigned and compensated,and a basic reordering of a bureaucracy that has a stake in the status quo.1.The word“limbo”(Line 4,Par

44、agraph 2)most probably means_.(2 分)A.administration B.intermediary C.legislation D.emergency 2.According to most peoples opinion,Mr.Fenty should not choose someone_.(2 分)A.who has the ability to manage complicated systems B.who has the willingness to implement the existing master education plan C.wh

45、o tries to come up with a plan on which to stamp his or her name D.who is accessible and communicative 3.What is the authors attitude towards the government?(2 分)A.Praiseful B.Supportive C.Wrathful D.Negative 4.Which of the following is the best title for this text?(2 分)A.What Should Mr.Fenty Be Loo

46、king for?B.A Bright but Slow Educator.C.Time to Decide.D.Education Reform is Imperative.5.From the text we can infer that_.(2 分)A.Mr.Fenty is eager to change D.C.Schools current situation.B.the mayor has got the authority to control the schools C.Mr.Crew will be the next D.C.School Superintendent D.

47、Mr.Janey has great minds but does little Text 3 Mother tongue,other tongue-they may all sound like gobbledygook to babies,but new research shows that infants can tell if someone switches to an unfamiliar language just by studying the speakers face.The babies apparently rely on how the face moves,not

48、 just the sound of the words,to pick up on a foreign language.Further,scientists found,infants will likely lose that knack before their first birthday if theyre not in a bilingual family that constantly exposes them to language switching.Even if they dont understand the words,babies notice when they

49、 hear an unfamiliar language,many studies have shown.Whitney Weikum,a doctoral student studying linguistics development in infants at the University of British Columbia(UBC)in Vancouver,Canada,wondered if they could tell just by looking.To test this theory,Weikum,cognitive development psychologist J

50、anet Werker,also of UBC,and their colleagues turned to infants aged 4,6,or 8 months.Twenty-four of the babies came from homes where parents spoke both English and French,and 36 others had English-speaking parents.The babies watched muted video clips of people speaking English and then switching to F


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