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《2012年度12月大学英语四级真命题内容答案与解析.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2012年度12月大学英语四级真命题内容答案与解析.doc(17页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2012 年年 12 月大学英语四级真题答案与解析月大学英语四级真题答案与解析Part I Writing 参考范文: 第一种图表(即我们试题部分的图表) Education PaysThe bar graph describes the unemployment rates in 2010 for social groups with different education degrees in theUnited States. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the better you are educated, the

2、more likely you are to get employed. For example, there are only about 1.9% and 4% of people with doctoral degree and masters degree respectively who are unemployed, while people with only a high school diploma or less suffer a much higher unemployment rate (14.9% and 10.3% respectively).These data

3、clearly indicate that education pays in the long run and it is a worthy investment. In this IT age especially, when knowledge of science and technology is power, people need to be well equipped with knowledge and skills in order to be competitive in job hunting and be better paid. A higher degree is

4、 definitely an advantage in the first place in the job market. It must be added, however, a high degree alone is not enough. It will not ensure a better employment opportunity. In order to succeed in the career, people must also develop practical skills and techniques as well as good communication,

5、teamwork and social experience.第二种图表(这也是本次考试的另一份试卷的图表) (见图表 2)Education PaysAs is shown in the bar chart above, the social groups with higher degree are not only more likely to be employed in the first place, but they are also better paid later in the workplace. Those with doctoral and professional

6、degrees enjoy a much higher weekly median earning ($1551 and 1665 respectively) and suffer a much lower unemployment rate (2.5% and 2.4%). On the other hand, those with less education suffer a considerably higher unemployment rate and have a much lower weekly income. For example, there are a total o

7、f 23.5% (9.4%+14.1%) of people unemployed with high school diploma or less, who have only a median weekly income of $545, as compared with the average $797.These data clearly indicate that education pays in the long run and it is a worthy investment. In this IT age especially, when knowledge of scie

8、nce and technology is power, people need to be well equipped with knowledge and skills in order to be competitive in job hunting and be better paid. A higher degree is definitely an advantage in the first place in the job market and a competitive edge for workplace promotions. It must be added, howe

9、ver, a high degree alone is not enough. It will not ensure a better employment opportunity and higher salary. In order to succeed in the career, people must also develop practical skills and techniques as well as good communication, teamwork and social experience. 概述 四级考试主要的作文命题形式是“文示”提纲作文,但不时也考应用文(

10、书信、演讲词等) 和图表作文,图表作文曾在 1991 年 6 月(表格: Changes in Peoples Diet)和 2002 年 6月(柱状图: Student Use of Computers) ,似乎是 10 年考一次, 但不排除今后会更频繁 地考到。图表作文包括表格作文(table) 、曲线图作文(curve) 、饼状图作文(pie)和柱状 图作文(bar) , 图表作文既有图表为考生提供大量数据信息,有时又有文字提示对作文的 要点和展开方向作出规定。 图表作文是一种特殊的提示作文,即通过图表提供作文的话题,写作的要点隐含在图表之 中。所以这类作文的构思过程与普通的提示作文大同

11、小异,主要的不同是要在构思前增加 一个读图(即对图表的解读)的过程。考生必须先仔细研读图表,使图表中的数据、曲线 、图形等成为与短文标题相关并能为我所用的有意义的信息。任何图表都含有表层信息和 深层含义。考生读图时务必要把握这两方面的内容,仅对图表表层信息作一简单描述不是 这类作文的命题目的。这类作文主要考的是考生对图表深层次信息(原因、根源、发展可 能等)的挖掘和阐述。实践中,不论图表以何种方式出现,这类作文都可以采用下列统一 的标准提纲: 第一段 图表描述。概要描述图表所揭示的某种社会现象的变化发展情况,注意尽可能少地 直接引用图表数据,要将图表数据进行分析,归纳后进行概括性综述; 第二段

12、 原因或根源。阐述导致该社会现象或发展变化的深层次原因; 第三段 结论或评述。对该社会现象发展变化进行理性预测或利弊评述,也可阐述本人的看 法或观点。 根据图表内容和写作指令的要求,图表作文大致有以下二种展开模式:Pattern I 揭示根源及潜在问题的图表 Title As indicated by the figures/data given in the picture/graph, it is obvious that fell/rose/climbed significantly (greatly/sharply/steadily) from (数字)in (时间)to (数 字)i

13、n (时间). It can also be seen that there was a sharp (great) rise (decline/drop) in(方面) from (数字)to (数字) (by n times/ n percent) during the same period.There are several causes contributing to the development (change/rise/fall) shown in the graph. Among other things, . Besides, . And finally, But ther

14、e are also some problems/advantages underlying/behind this development/ change, and is one of them. Therefore, whether this trend is a blessing or a curse in the long run, only tell can tell. 插入名词性从句的主语;概述图表中变化的某个方面; 、 插入名词性从句;揭示图表变化的三个内在原因; 插入名词短语;提出这种变化背后可能引起的问题。 Sample Health Gained in Developing

15、 Countries(见图表三)As indicated by the data given in the graph, it is obvious that life expectancy in developing countries has climbed from about 40 years in the 1960s to around 60 in the 1990s, increasing by 20 years within 3 decades. It can also be seen, as a sharp contrast, that there was a sharp dr

16、op in infant mortality, by 15%, from 250 deaths per 1000 births to about 100 deaths per 1000 during the same period. There are several causes contributing to the development shown in the graph. Among other things, the rapid advance in medical science has made it possible to cure a lot of originally

17、incurable diseases and save the life of millions of newborns who might well have been choked or killed before their birth. Besides, the general improvement of ordinary peoples living standard aroused their interest in healthy foods and healthy activities. They are feeding on a balanced diet and doin

18、g a lot of physical exercises. And finally, the rapid development of science and technology at large have wiped out famine and minimized the damages caused by floods, earthquakes and other natural disasters where mothers and children suffer most.But there are also some problems underlying this chang

19、e, andpopulation explosion is one of them. Therefore, whether this trend is a blessing or a curse in the long run, only time can tell.Pattern II 揭示发展根源及积极趋势的图表 Title According to the table (curve graph / bar chart / pie chart) , we can see that about(数字/ n percent of)in (时间) , compared with nearly(数

20、字)n years ago and this figure increases to n percent during a period of n years. It can be expected that is/are going to in the years to come. Why do / What has brought about the ?There are many reasons/factors, I think, that underlie the change/ rise/ development. The primary reason/factor is, clea

21、rly,. Besides, . And a third reason is probably that . Obviously, with the development of (and with more and more ) , I believe that . So I am sure that in the long run. 插入 that 从句中的主语和谓语;其中主语前有数字修饰语; 、 插入 that 从句中的主语和谓语动词;陈述图表揭示的变化趋势; 这是一句 why 问句,引出下文对变化原因的探讨; 插入名词短语;通常为 change,development 等表示变化的词;

22、 插入名词短语或 that 从句;提出第一个原因; 插入完整句子,以小写开始,提出第二个原因; 插入 that 从句,提出第三个原因; 插入名词短语,概括图表涉及的现象; 插入作 with 宾语的复合结构,可省略;插入名词性句子,提出自己观点,评论这一变化的利弊; 插入名词性句子,进一步肯定自己的观点并判断未来发展趋势。Colleges Open Their Doors Wider(见图表四)According to the bar chart, we can see that about 3.4 million high school graduates entered university

23、 in 2000, compared with nearly 1.5 million 2 years ago and this figure increases to 227 percent during a period of 2 years. It can be expected that Chinese universities are going to enroll more students in the years to come. What has brought about the quick expansion?There are many factors, I think,

24、 that underlie the development. The primary one is, clearly,a direct response to the increasing demand for highquality skilled workers to further develop the countrys economy. Besides, expansion of college enrollment will enlarge the domestic demand and stimulate economic development through educati

25、on consumption. And a third reason is probably that the Chinese job market cannot absorb the big army of high school graduates. Obviously, with the development ofhigher education and with more and more people graduated from colleges, I believe that the national education will reach a new, higher lev

26、el and our country will become more powerful and prosperous in the world. So I am sure that the rise in college enrollment will do us more good than harm in the long run.Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) 篇章层次分析: 这是一篇评述英年早逝的著名 IT 创始人 Steve Jobs 的说明文。短文把 Jobs 喻作魔术大师 来阐述他一生在苹果电脑领域的建

27、树。全文共 9 个自然段。除大标题外短文还附一小标题 以明示本文不是介绍一般魔术师的文章。第一段解题,把产品推介会上的 Jobs 直接比作魔 术师,第二段从世界对他突然离世的反应回顾他一生的三大成就;接下来三段分别对这三 大成就进行展开: 第三段阐述他作为技术大师的与众不同;第四段分析他作为领袖人物的 天赋;第五段介绍他最突出的第三大成就: 如何培育消费者对其产品的忠诚迷恋;第六段 由上述四段进一步展开,谈论 Jobs 对创新这一理念和过程的逆转性影响;第七段剖析他作 为“控制怪人”背后的初衷: 使他的电脑最大限度的变得 userfriendly;第八段暗示他的去 世对苹果公司乃至整个 IT

28、领域的损失;最后一段借一位工程师的评述对 Jobs 作出结论性 评述他创造了一个自己的真实世界并真的做到了“青史留名”。 前面 7 道选择题分布在前面六段;填空题 810 题集中在 79 三段。 1 解析B)showmanship. 本题明确问及第一段,题干之 nobody could match.指向第 一句,答案见该句 when it comes to putting on a show,.,再结合下文对他在 product launches 上的评述: performances of a master showman,不难确定答案。 2 解析C)He started the era of

29、 personal technology.题干之 most deeply affected peoples way of life 指向第二段倒数第二句,答案见该段最后一句。 3 解析B)His keen interest in designing elegant and userfriendly gadgets. 题干之 Mr Jobs great strength 指向第三段第一句;答案见第二句:.he was keenly interested in product design and aesthetics, and in making advanced technology simp

30、le to use。 4 解析A)one of the greatest chief executives of his time. 题干之 corporate giants 指向 第四段第一句,其中 being hailed .as .相当于题干的 saw .as,答案就是该句最后 as 引导 的短语。 5 解析D)an inspiration. 题干之 suffered failure 相当于第六句中的 fall from grace 和 take a turn for the worse.答案即在句中。 6 解析B)He set up personal links with many o

31、f his customers. 题干之 astonishing 指向 短文第五段第一句,注意不能因句中有 absolute loyalty 就选 C) He commanded absolute loyalty from Apple users. 这种 loyalty 不是他向用户“强求”的,而是他通过自己的人性化产 品和他和用户建立的 personal link 激发的。 7 解析D)It originates in the consumer market. 根据题干之 this issues special report about innovation nowadays,确定答案在第六

32、段, 理解该段可知如今的创新源于千家万户, 是 consumer gadgets, online services, consumer products, inhouse versions of Facebook. 8 解析closed and inflexible 由题干之“critics complained” 和 “userfriendliness of Apple products”可知答案在短文第七段第一句。 9 解析combined 题干之“Amazon“和 “did the best job in following Apples lead”指向 第八段倒数第三句,由 “hard

33、ware, software, content and service .in an easytouse bundle”可知本题是采用 have sth. done 这一句式对该句的改写。 10 解析creating a reality of his own 或 putting a ding in the universe 题干之“channelling the magic of computing into products”出现在最后一段倒数第二句,答案可以是该句中的 created a reality of his own,也可以是最后一句的结论性评述。Part III Listenin

34、g Comprehension Section A 注意: 此部分试题请在 答题卡 2 上作答。11 W: I just heard about a really beautiful park in the east end of the town. There are a lot of roses in bloom. M: Why dont we walk over there and see for ourselves? Q: What will the speakers probably do? 12 M: My presentation is scheduled for 9: 30 t

35、omorrow morning at the lecture hall. I hope to see you there. W: Oh, sorry. I was about to tell you that I have an appointment with my dentist at 9: 00 o clock tomorrow. Q: What do we learn about the woman? 13 W: How long have you been running this company? M: Twenty years if you can believe that. I

36、 brought it from a small operation to what it is today. Q: What do we learn about the man? 14 M: Have you read the news on the campus net? Susan has won the scholarship for next year. W: I knew she would from the very beginning. Such a brilliant and diligent girl! She certainly deserves it. Q: What

37、does the woman mean? 15 W: Taking a bus to Miami is cheaper than going by train. M: Thats true. But Id rather pay a little more for the added comfort and convenience. Q: What does the man mean? 16 M: I think its time we got rid of all this old furniture. W: Youre right. We need to promote our image

38、besides its not as if its a real antique. Q: What do the speakers mean? 17 W: That was some storm yesterday. I was afraid I couldnt make it home. M: Yeah, most of the roads to my house were flooded. I didnt get home from the lab until midnight.Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 18 W: My boys

39、 are always complaining that theyre bored. M: Why dont you get them into some team sports? My son and daughter play soccer every Saturday. And they both look forward to it all week. Q: What does the man mean? 11 预测做什么?如何去公园;去公园赏花;去市场买花;种树。公园、花与树? Why dont .?的句型功能。 要点信息理解。C) Go to the park to enjoy t

40、he flowers. 12 预测She: 应邀做演讲、牙痛而无法工作、无法参加报告会还是 9: 30 要会见 男子?她无法工作或去(参加)演讲的原因? 要点信息理解,信息干扰。C) She cannot attend the presentation. 13 预测He一个成功的生意人: 改变了经营策略,计划拓展生意,20 岁就接管 了公司? 要点归纳推论。B) He is a very successful businessman. 14 预测She: 1) 新闻: 为之惊讶,未曾在网上看到;2)与 Susan 的关系: 没 她聪明,对她极其信任。 要点归纳推论。D) She has eve

41、ry confidence in Susan. 15 预测去 Miami,乘汽车还是火车?便宜、方便舒适、还是更快、更划算? 语气理解、要点信息判断。D) It is worth the money taking a train to Miami. 16 预测旧家具还是古董?古董: 有益提升形象、必须保存;旧家具应该换掉,或 搬一个新的办公室。 要点归纳理解。C) The old furniture should be replaced. 17 预测暴风雨/洪水: 持续到午夜,使男子到家很迟,把所有路都淹了,让男子 通宵待在实验室。 要点信息理解。B) The man got home lat

42、e due to the storm. 18 预测孩子们的运动: 女子的孩子喜欢团队运动、与男子的儿子踢足球;应 该每周至少运动一次,没事干就感到无聊? 要点理解推论。A) The womans sons might enjoy team sports.Conversation One 预测19 电话促销、安排商务谈判、电话接单、处理客户申诉业务范围? 20 客户 问题无法当天回答、客户经常把两者混淆、业务策略各异存在的问题?21 每人两周、 一起度过、轮流过、每人一周假期(答案在 A 或 D) ?关于两人的业务和业务中的 矛盾。 W: So John, I hear you and Arth

43、ur share a job, dont you? M: Yeah. Weve shared a sales job at Sonatech for about two years now. W: Well, how do you divide up your schedule? M: You know we are both sales representatives, and we take orders over the phone. When we started job sharing it was difficult, because we both worked all day

44、Monday. I worked Tuesday and Thursday, and Arthur worked Wednesday and Friday. The problem was that when I was in the office on Tuesday, I would talk to people, then they would call back on Wednesday with a question. But Arthur couldnt answer the question and he couldnt ask me about it because I was

45、nt in the office. So he had to ask the people to call me back the next day, Thursday. Of course, they didnt like to wait until the next day to have their questions answered. W: Yes, that sounds like a problem. M: So, finally we decided that Arthur would work in the mornings and I would work in the a

46、fternoons. Now if someone calls with the question for me in the morning, Arthur tells them to call me in the afternoon. This way, people get their questions answered the same day. W: What do you do about vacations? M: Well, Sonatech gives the usual two weeks of vacation to fulltime employees. I take

47、 a week and Arthur takes a week. W: It sounds like job sharing has worked out well for you. M: Yes, it has. We are both happy with it. Questions 1921 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19 What do John and author do at Sonatech? 要点定位理解。C) Take orders over the phone. 20 What problem di

48、d John and Arthur have when they started job sharing? 要点理解归纳。A) Customers questions could not be answered on the same day. 21 What does John say about their annual vacation? 要点定位理解。D) They each take a week.Conversation Two 预测22 方位地点: 十字路口、学校附近、警察局外、幼儿园前? 23 他开车? 没注意到什么、开得太快、45miles/hour、看不清楚?24 It?两个月前就应该续办、是别 人的、不再有效、是假的驾照? 25 罚款元、拿到罚单、驾照被取消、被迫在社 区服务两周处罚?交通违章与处罚? W: May I see your license, please? M: But officer, did I do something wrong? W: Do you mean to say you didnt see the speed limit sign back there? M: Um, no, madam, I guess I didnt. W: In


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