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1、Unit 1 A. fellowcompelassurancemiraclecomfortgriefannouncementsobering同伴迫使保证奇迹安慰悲伤公告清醒的 1.Disappointment, _grief_ and sleeplessness seized him for days after receiving the letter. 2.A newspaper published some rather _sobering_ information about punishment for drunken driving convictions in other cou

2、ntries. 3.Success is discovering your best talents, skills, and abilities and applying them where they will make the most effective contribution to your _fellow_ men. 4.People familiar with the matter said that an official _announcement_ could come as early as today. 5.Every human being should learn

3、 to truly appreciate the beauty of nature and the _miracle_ of life. 6.She _comforted_ herself with the thought that it would soon be spring. 7.Such change _compels_ governments around the world to develop specific policies to solve the current crisis. 8.Consumers usually see a well-regarded brand n

4、ame as a(n) _assurance_ of quality.1、收到信后,失望、悲伤悲伤和失眠折磨了他好几天。 2、一家报纸刊登了一些关于其他国家醉酒驾驶定罪处罚的发人深省的发人深省的信息。 3、成功就是发现你最优秀的才能、技能和能力,并将它们应用到对你的伙伴伙伴做出最有效贡献的地方。 4、知情人士说,一项正式公告公告最早可能在今天公布。 5、每个人都应该学会真正欣赏大自然的美和生命的奇迹奇迹。 6,她想到马上就要春天了,心里感到很舒服舒服。 7、这种变化迫使迫使世界各国政府制定具体政策来解决当前的危机。 8、消费者通常把一个知名品牌作为质量保证保证。B. in one way or

5、 anotherward offbear upbe stunned byin the event ofno earthly reason以某种方式避开振作被震惊如果没有理由 1._In the event of _ his death, his daughter will inherit the money. 2.Police _warded off_ about 2,000 protesters who marched on the police headquarters last Friday. 3.Theres _no earthly reason_ why she shouldnt c

6、ome with us. 4.Some young people couldnt _bear up _ under the stress of the modern life. 5.The world _was stunned by_ Chinas high technology used in the ceremony. 6.Its certainly not a new idea, and Ive used this technique _in one way or another_ for several years1、如果如果他死了,他的女儿将继承这笔钱。 2、警察阻止了阻止了约 20

7、00 名示威者向警察总部上星期五。 3、她没有理由没有理由不跟我们一起去。4、有些年轻人振作振作不了在现代生活的压力下。 5、世界被被中国开幕式的高科技惊呆了惊呆了。 6、这当然不是一个新主意,我用这种方法已经用了好几年了。Unit 2 A. contemplatemaintenancedismissindefinitecompressiondraftmountswell沉思维修解雇无限期的压缩草案增加肿胀 1.Engineers are carrying out essential _maintenance_ work on the main line to Cambridge.2.Do y

8、ou think you could glance over the minutes(会议记录) that I _have drafted _of our last meeting before I have them typed out? 3. No one will work _indefinitely_ without some form of compensation. 4. There were hasty discussions in an atmosphere of _mounting_ tension and panic. 5. She stood and quietly _c

9、ontemplated_ the scene that lay before her. 6. Poor posture, sitting or walking slouched over, _compresses_the bodys organs. 7. A hot compress with this ointment can reduce _swelling_ and alleviate pain. 8. Did they get any compensation when they were _dismissed_ from their jobs?1、工程师们正在对剑桥的干线进行必要的维

10、修维修工作。 2、你认为你可以先看一下我上次会议起草起草的会议记录,然后再把它们打印出来吗? 3、没有某种形式的补偿,没有人会无限期地无限期地工作。 4、在逐渐逐渐紧张和恐慌的气氛中进行了仓促的讨论。 5、她站在那里静静地沉思沉思着她面前的情景。 6、不良的姿势,坐着或走路无精打采,会压缩压缩身体的器官。 7、用这种药膏热敷可以消除肿胀肿胀止痛。 8、他们被解雇被解雇时得到了什么补偿吗?B. be confined tostumble overshow offon probationas forrely on限于绊倒炫耀在试用期至于依靠 1.Youll be _on probation_ fo

11、r a period of three months before you get this job. What do you say? 2.There is not much point in _showing off _when mobiles are so common now. 3. _As for_ salary, I leave it to you to decide after you have considered my abilities and experience. 4. Certainly, no all-round knowledge can be acquired

12、merely by glancing this way and that and _relying on_ hearsay. 5. The hunger for liberty is strong, and it is not _confined to _any time or place. 6. It is found that peoples voices often get higher when they lie, and they are more likely to _stumble over_ words.1、在你得到这份工作之前,你将被试用试用三个月。你看怎么样? 2、手机现在

13、如此普及的时候,炫耀炫耀并没有多大意义。 3、至于至于薪水,请您考虑一下我的能力和经验后再决定。 4、当然,没有任何全面的知识可以仅仅通过这种方式和依靠依靠道听途说来获得。 5、对自由的渴望是强烈的,它不局限于局限于任何时间或地点。6、人们发现,当人们说谎时,他们的声音往往更高,他们更容易结结巴巴结结巴巴。Unit 3 A. acquaintreliableexertriskfeastdepressioncompromiseexecutive熟悉可靠的施加风险盛宴抑郁妥协执行官 1.You will soon become fully _acquainted_ with the procedu

14、res . 2.Environmental groups are _exerting_ pressure on the government to tighten pollution laws. 3.We _feasted_ on chicken and roast potatoes. 4.Some children show signs of anxiety and _depression_ at exam time. 5._Compromise_ is an inevitable part of marriage. 6.This matter will be decided by the

15、partys national _executive_. 7.They may even _risk_ losing their homes. 8.There turned out to be no _reliable_ evidence of Mardells guilt.1、你很快就会熟悉熟悉这些程序。 2、环保组织向政府施加施加压力,要求加强污染法。 3、我们吃吃鸡肉和烤土豆。 4、一些孩子在考试时表现出焦虑和抑郁抑郁的迹象。 5、妥协妥协是婚姻不可避免的一部分。 6、此事由党的国家执行官执行官决定。 7、他们甚至有失去家园的风险风险。 8、原来是没有可靠的可靠的证据马德尔有罪B. lo

16、ok backby chanceslow downtake control ofat workget stuck with回头看一次偶然的机会慢下来采取控制在起作用陷入困境 1.Historians, it is fair to say, will probably _look back_ on the past year or so as an epochal moment. 2. Some experts say it could _slow down_ service at McDonalds restaurants. 3. It was simply _by chance_ that

17、Nicholson was cast in the film. 4.You may then _get stuck with_ that image of yourself and always consider yourself a visual introverted type or a chaotic extrovert.5.As for bankers, there seems to be another psychological factor _at work_ : a powerful sense of entitlement. 6.In recent years, rising

18、 oil prices have led more governments to act either directly or indirectly to _take control of_ their oil industries.1、历史学家可以说,回顾过去回顾过去一年大概是一个划时代的时刻。 2、一些专家说这可能会减缓减缓麦当劳餐厅的服务速度。 3、这是偶然偶然的,尼克尔森被投在电影中。 4、你可能会被自己的形象所困扰困扰,总是认为自己是一个视觉内向型或一个混乱外向的人。 5、对于银行家来说,似乎还有另一个心理因素在起作用在起作用:一种强烈的权利感。 6、近年来,油价上涨导致更多政府直接

19、或间接采取行动控制控制石油工业。Unit 4A. rebelscorncursehighlightcrawlhumbledriftscent反抗轻蔑诅咒突出爬行谦逊的漂流气味 1.In many areas the _highlight_ of the Lantern Festival is the dragon dance. 2.Silence is the most perfect expression of _scorn_ . 3.Some of the nicest people I know are also the most _humble_ people I know. 4.Th

20、e wounded woman _crawled_ to the phone to call the police. 5.We have to _drift _ apart to two groups, but let us be brothers forever. 6.They walked through the forest breathing the _ scent _ of pines. 7.Tell children to do the opposite of what you really want, and they will _rebel_ and actually end

21、up doing what you want. 8.He _ cursed_ his bad luck in arriving just after shed left.1、在许多地方,元宵节的重头戏重头戏是舞龙。 2、沉默是轻蔑轻蔑最完美的表达方式。 3、我认识的一些最善良的人也是我认识的最谦逊的谦逊的人。 4、受伤的妇女爬到爬到电话机旁报警。 5、我们必须分为分为两类,但让我们永远做兄弟。 6、他们穿过森林,呼吸着松树的气味气味。 7、告诉孩子们做与你真正想要的相反的事情,他们会反抗反抗并最终做你想做的事。 8、他在她离开后到达时诅咒诅咒他的厄运。B. be armed withbe eq

22、uipped forkind ofgo a long wayturn outpay the price配备装备有点走很长的路结果是付出代价1.In addition to getting them vaccinated (接种疫苗) against both seasonal and H1N1 flu, teach your kids basic hygiene habits, which can _go a long way_ in preventing the spread of the virus. 2.Thats _kind of_ abstract, so lets take a c

23、oncrete example recently reported in the Financial Times. 3.The latest movie made by that internationally famous director _turned out_ to be a total failure. 4.His room is big and in fact is a room for 3 and the bathroom is even _equipped for_ a disabled person. 5._Armed with _ knowledge, youll be a

24、 good teacher. 6.Let them know that if they arent with you, they are against you and will _pay the price_ .1。除了让孩子接种疫苗(接种疫苗)对季节性流感和 H1N1 流感,教孩子基本的卫生习惯,这可以长期地 预防病毒的传播。 2,这是一个抽象的问题,让我们以金融时报最近报道的一个具体例子为例。 3、那个国际知名导演制作的最新电影结果完全失败了。 4、他的房间很大,实际上是一个 3 人的房间,甚至还有一个残疾人的浴室。5、掌握知识,你会成为一个好老师。 6、让他们知道,如果他们不在你身边,

25、他们会反对你,并为此付出代价。Unit 5A. rentcharmstreamlinedeclinediscardidlechokeadequate租金魅力简化下降丢弃懒散的窒息充足的 1. I cannot stand _idly_ by and let him take the blame. 2. The parking facilities are _inadequate_ for such a busy shopping centre. 3. Well-off locals would buy a second house so they could _rent_it out to m

26、igrants from other parts of the country. 4. If you say that something is _charming_, you mean that it is verypleasant or attractive. 5. One young soldier rose with a message of thanks, his voice _choked_ with emotion. 6. Her health has been _declining_ progressively for several months. 7. Read the m

27、anufacturers guidelines before _discarding_ the box. 8. They say things should be better now that they have _streamlined_application procedures.1、我不能懒散地懒散地站着,让他承担责任。 2、对于这样一个繁忙的购物中心,停车设施不够充足不够充足。 3、富裕的当地人会买第二套房子,这样他们就可以把房子出租给来自全国其他地方的移民。 4、如果你说某事物是迷人的迷人的,你的意思是它是令人愉快的或吸引人的。 5、一个年轻士兵带着感谢的声音升起,他的声音因激动而

28、哽咽哽咽。 6、她几个月来健康一直在下降下降。 7、在丢掉丢掉盒子前先看一下制造商的使用说明。 8、他们称鉴于他们已经简化了简化了申请手续,情况应该会有所好转。B. take rootin partat ones disposalbe supposed tocome up withexchange with生根部分由某人支配应该想出交换 1. Until this evening I had never so much as _exchanged_ a word _with_him. 2. His reluctance to help could, _in part_, be explaine

29、d by his poor eyesight. 3. The first debate _was supposed to_ have been held on Tuesday. 4. Economists believe that economic recovery will begin to _take root_ next year. 5. Weve been asked to _come up with_ some new ideas. 6. If you have your own business in the market, you will have a lot of money

30、 _at your disposal_.1。直到今天我从来没有和他交换了交换了这么多话。2。他不愿意帮忙,这在某种程度上在某种程度上可以解释为他视力不好。3第一场辩论本该本该在星期二就举行了。4。经济学家认为,明年经济复苏将开始生根生根。5。我们被要求提出提出一些新的想法。6。如果你在市场上有自己的生意,你会有很多钱可支配支配。Unit 6A. trialloosenmanipulateplasticgrumblebouncejollyexhaust试验放松操纵塑料发牢骚反弹愉快的耗尽1.Farmers are always _ grumbling _ about the weather. 2

31、.I learned most of what I know about gardening through_ trial_ and error. 3.Everybody was in a very relaxed and _jolly_mood . 4.The company had a lot of problems in the past, but its always managed to _bounce_back. 5.We are in danger of _exhausting_the worlds oil supply . 6.The thought that any pare

32、nt would _manipulate_their child into seeking fame just appalled me. 7. The government has _loosened_its hold on the media considerably . 8.I hate that _plastic_smile of hers.1、农民们总是抱怨抱怨天气不好。 2、通过反复试验试验,我学到了大部分关于园艺的知识。 3、每个人的心情都很轻松愉快愉快。 4、这家公司过去有很多问题,但总是设法恢复恢复过来。 5、我们正面临着耗尽耗尽世界石油供应的危险。 6、任何一个父母都会操纵操

33、纵自己的孩子去追求名声的想法令我震惊。 7。政府大大放宽了放宽了对媒体的控制。 8、我讨厌她那塑料塑料微笑。B. drop offkeep up withcope withwatch oversqueeze intomake up脱落跟上应付看着挤进弥补1.Local authorities have to _cope with_ the problems of homelessness . 2.There must have been an angel _watching over_me that day. 3.Employees need to _keep up with_ the lat

34、est technical developments . 4.Women _make up_only a small proportion of the prison population . 5.The number of graduates going into teaching has _dropped off_sharply . 6.Five of us _squeezed into_ the back seat .1、地方当局必须解决解决无家可归问题。 2、一定有一个天使在看着看着我那一天。 3、员工需要跟上跟上最新的技术发展。 4、妇女只占占监狱人口的一小部分。 5、参加教学的毕业生人数急剧下降下降。 6、我们五个挤到挤到后座。


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