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1、Do you like going on a trip?Which places of interest do you want to visit?Free talk第1页/共32页the Great Wallthe Eiffel Tower in Francethe White House in the USAthe Opera House in Australia 第2页/共32页ABC1.Which foreign country is Leo visiting?2.Where was Leo sitting at that time?B CListen and choose the r

2、ight picture.Listen and choose the right picture.A中考链接:第3页/共32页迪斯尼乐园Disneyland1.我和父母在香港已经三天了,我们在这儿过得很愉快;2.今天,我们在迪斯尼乐园度过了一整天;它是个著名的主题公园,共有四个不同的区域,我们都参观到了;在这天的最后,我们观看了一场烟火表演;3.我们在那里拍了许多照片,回来后会给朋友们看。My parents and I have been in Hong Kong for three days.We are having a good time here.Today,we spent the

3、 whole day at Disneyland.It is a famous theme park.It has four different areas.We visited all of them.At the end of the day,we watched a fireworks show.I took a lot of photos there.I will show them to my friends when I get back.例一第4页/共32页1.上个星期六我们乘地铁去了迪斯尼乐园;2.先在大门口拍照,然后参观了乐园里的四个区域;当迪斯尼人物游行在下午晚些时候开始时

4、,我们非常激动;它是一天最精彩的部分;游行后,我们观看了一部立体电影;3.我们在乐园里待了大约8个小时,它可真是激动人心的一天。First we took photos at the entrance.Last Saturday we went to Disneyland by underground.Then we visited the four areas inside.We were very excited when a parade of Disney characters began later in the afternoon.It was the best part of t

5、he day.After the parade,we watched a 3-D film.We stayed at the park for about 8 hours.It was a really exciting day.例二第5页/共32页Disneyland is interesting.Disneyland is wonderful.HongKong Disneyland is interesting_wonderful.I hope to visit the Disneyland.HongKong is too far away.I hope to visit Disneyla

6、nd _HongKong is too far away.butandand but or的用法第6页/共32页We can go to HongKong Disneyland by plane.We can go to HongKong Disneyland by train.We can go to HongKong Disneyland by plane _by train.orand but or的用法 But we dont have much money _time to go there.We hope we will visit it one day,_we will be s

7、orry about it.oror第7页/共32页whats the differences between and,but and or?and-but-or-join similar ideas(并列关系)join different ideas(转折关系)a.join possibilities or choices(选择关系)b.否定句中“和”.c.用于警告语气“否则,要不然的话”第8页/共32页1.Go downstairs,_stand in line on playground as soon as possible.(2013陕西)2.We are going to Suzh

8、ou Amusement Park in Lindas car.You can come with us _you can meet us there later.(2013苏州)3.I thought the actor was famous,_ none of my friends has never heard of him.(2013盐城)中考链接:A.and B.or C.so D.butA.or B.but C.and D.thenA.and B.but C.so D.or第9页/共32页4.David,get up early,_youll catch the early bus

9、.(2013徐州)A.but B.and C.after D.or5.The train was late,_we had to wait for half an hour.(2013锦州)A.because B.or C.so D.but6.Time waits for no man.But teenagers wont realize the value of time until its gone.Dont waste your time._you will regret(后悔)it.(2013哈尔滨)A.and.B.or C.but7.I dont think your uncle r

10、eally likes drama series.No_ he still watches the programme.AandB.so C.or D.but (2010年南京)(否则)第10页/共32页 中考链接:情景问答汤姆暑假准备去南京玩,他计划坐火汤姆暑假准备去南京玩,他计划坐火车去那儿。车去那儿。Where is Tom going this summer holiday?He is going to Nanjing.How does Tom plan to go there?He plans to go there by train/on the train.第11页/共32页Li

11、nda went on a trip to the World Park in Beijing.What about her trip?Please read the text and fill in the blanks.第12页/共32页I was very happy today because Kittys teacher Mr Wu _(邀请)me to _(加入)their school trip.At the _(开始)we didnt e_it because there was _(交通繁忙)on the road.Kitty and I felt _(晕车)for most

12、 of the trip.Finally we _(到达)the World Park.When we saw the Eiffel Tower,Kitty and I became_(兴奋).it _ (由制成)metal and really tall.In the World Park,there were over a hundred _(名胜古迹)from all over the world.The best part was the _(歌曲)and dance parade I really _(玩的开心)on that _(令人惊奇的)day.invitedjoinbegin

13、ningnjoyheavy trafficsickarrived atexcitedplaces of interestenjoy myselfamazingis made ofsong第13页/共32页1.Kittys teacher Mr Wu invited me to join their school trip.邀请某人做某事invite sb to do sthKnowledge points第14页/共32页 Brainstorm:想要做某事want to do sth.希望做某事hope to do sth.计划做某事plan to do sth.同意做某事agree to d

14、o sth.决定做某事decide to do sth.学习做某事learn to do sth.选择做某事choose to do sth.准备做某事prepare to do sth.叫某人做某事asktell sb to do sth.教某人做某事teach sb to do sth.命令某人做某事order sb to do sth.允许某人做某事allow sb to do sth.这些不定式在句中充当A.宾语。B.宾语补足语这些不定式在句中充当A.宾语补足语。B.宾语第15页/共32页1.At times,parents find it difficult _with their

15、teenage children.(2013 淮安)A.talk B.talked C.talking D.to talk2.Mary called and asked her husband _home at once,because she locked(锁)their daughter in the home.(2013陕西)A.to leave B.leave C.go D.to go3.Lucy is shy.She would not invite her classmate _dancing with her.(2013南昌)A.practise B.practises C.pr

16、actising D.to practise中考链接:第16页/共32页4.-would you like _camping with me?-Id like to.But Im busy _my homewor.A.to go;to do B.to do;doing (2013滨州)C.going;to do D.going;doing5.He is too heavy.He has decided _some exercise to keep healthy.(2013成都)A.to take B.not to take C.take6.-I didnt hear you come in

17、just now.-Thats good.We tried _ any noise,for you were sleeping.(2013广东)A.not make B.not to make C.to make D.making第17页/共32页中考易错题1.-Why is Linlin practising speaking English?-_abroad for further study.(2013泰安)A.Go B.Gone C.To go D.Goes2.-Nobody likes _,so we should be kind to everyone.-I agree with

18、you.(2013 包头)A.to laugh B.laughing at C.to be laughed D.to be laughed at3.How kind you are!You always do what you can _others.(2013十堰)A.help B.helping C.helps D.to help不定式在句中充当目的状语。不定式在句中充当目的状语。第18页/共32页4.Wearing a smile on your face not only helps you make friends but also makes you_(feel)better.(2

19、012年南京)5.The worker is made _ six and a half days a week.(2011年黑龙江)A.work B.workingC.to workfeel使役动词make sb.do 让某人做某事被动语态:sb.be made to do第19页/共32页be made of 由制成(看的见原材料)The bottles _ glass.And the vinegar(醋)_ Zhenjiang.are made of be made from is made in由制成(看不见原材料):产于某地:be made in be made by be made

20、 into 由生产:被制成:What do you think of my shirt?It _ cotton.I looks nice on you.(2012年宿迁)A.is made inB.is made for C.is made ofD.is made by2.It is made of metal and really tall.第20页/共32页be made of 由制成(看的见原材料)be made from 由制成(看的不见原材料):产于某地:be made in be made by be made into 由生产:被制成:2.It is made of metal

21、and really tall.This pair of shoes_ hand,and it_ very comfortable.(2013黄石黄石)A.is made with;is felt B.are made from;is felt C.are made of;feels D.is made by;feels系动词没有被动语态第21页/共32页写出下列词的反身代词 3.I really enjoy myself on that amazing day.I-you(你)-he-she-it-we-you(你们)-they-myselfhimselfherselfitselfourse

22、lvesyourselvesthemselvesyourself玩得开心 enjoy oneself第22页/共32页 enjoy oneself 玩得开心玩得开心 自己独立做某事自己独立做某事 do sth.by oneselfdo sth.by oneself 自学自学 teach oneself teach oneself 自己照料自己自己照料自己 look after oneself look after oneself 自言自语自言自语 say to oneself 伤害自己 hurt oneself自便 help oneself to把某人独自留下 leave sb by ones

23、elf练一练:1.Tom,youd better ask the teacher _.2.The question is easy,and I can work it out _.3.Her parents teach _ Japanese every day.4.The boy didnt hurt _.yourselfmyselfthemselveshimselfyou I Her parentsThe boy 1.当主语和宾语为同一人或物时.2.表示人或物本身时.用反身代词。第23页/共32页1.-Hi,guys.How was your party yesterday?-Wonderf

24、ul.We had a big meal and enjoyed_.(2013南京)A.themselves B.myself C.yourselves D.ourselves2.The song I believe I can fly tells us that believing in _ is very important.(2013潍坊)中考链接:A.themselves B.itself C.ourselves D.yourselves第24页/共32页3.The man called his professor for help becausehe couldnt solve th

25、e problem _.(2013广州)A.herself B.himself C.yourself D.themselves4.Boys,dont lose _in playing angry birds.It is bad for your eyes to play computer games for a long time.(2013广东)A.himself B.yourself C.themselves D.yourselves5.Peter enjoyed _at his birthday party last night.(2013新疆)A.he B.him C.himself

26、D.his第25页/共32页6.They dont like to eat out.They often cook meals by_(他们自己)at home.(2013贵港)7.We should try to help him.Anyway,he is a classmate of _(we)(2013遵义)8.We often ask _(us)how we can do more for our country.(2013盐城)9.I dislike the characters in the cartoons.However,the stories _ are interestin

27、g.(they)(2013连云港)themselvesoursourselvesthemselves第26页/共32页中考口语情景问答再现感恩节是西方的节日,它在每年十一月的第四个星期四,今年的感恩节在11月27日。Is Thanksgiving Day a western festival or a Chinese festival?When is Thanksgiving Day this year?It is a western festival.It is on November the twenty-seventh.第27页/共32页 On Thanksgiving Day.Abou

28、t 88 percent of Americans eat turkey.But one l _ (1)turkey not only survives but also becomes famous!Every year,turkey farmers p _ (2)a turkey to the U.S.president.However the president does not e _ (3)this turkey.But gives it a“pardon”.The turkey is s _ (4)to Florida for a Thanksgiving parade.Then

29、it lives on a farm for the r _ (5)of its life.首字母填空.(2013无锡)ucky ick at ent est 第28页/共32页 Turkeys come from North America and have been part of American culture for c _ (6).Benjamin Franklin even wanted the turkey,i _ (7)of the bald eagle,to be Americas icon.Turkeys living on farms are large birds t

30、hat cannot fly.But w _(8)turkeys are quite fast.They can fly at a s _ (9)up to 88 kilometers per hour.They can also run as fast as 40 kilometers per hour.Turkeys dont have ears.They h _(10)with a snood(肉垂)above their beaks.But their hearing is five times better than humans.enturies nstead ild peed ear 第29页/共32页Homework:1.完成学案练习 2.完成中考指导书8Aunit3 练习 3.背诵口语下一个话题第30页/共32页第31页/共32页感谢您的观看。第32页/共32页


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