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《外研小学英语三年级上册期末复习.pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研小学英语三年级上册期末复习.pptx(25页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、重点单词:hello/hi hello/hi 你好 goodbye/bye-byegoodbye/bye-bye再见 I I 我 amam 是 Im=I am Im=I am 我是 areare 是 How are you?How are you?你好吗?你好!goodgood 好的 morning morning 早上 finefine 健康的 thank thank 谢谢 you you 你,你们重点句型:1、见面问好应该说:Hello!/Hi!Hello!/Hi!2、跟别人分别应该说:Goodbye./Bye-Goodbye./Bye-bye.bye.3、自我介绍时应说:Im XXX./

2、I am Im XXX./I am XXX.XXX.4、早上相见应该说:Good morning.Good morning.5、问别人身体好吗应说:How are you?How are you?回答:Im fine,thank Im fine,thank you.you.6、下午相见应该说:Good afternoon.Good afternoon.温馨提示:别人向你问好时,你也应向别人问好。句首开头要大写,人名开头要大写。第1页/共25页()1.当别人关心你时,你应该说:A.Hello B.Thank you.()2.Li Ping想向Xiao Qiang 介绍自己,她应该说:A.Hell

3、o,Im Li Ping.B.Hello,Im Xiao Qiang.()3.当你早上见到你们的语文老师孙老师时,你应该说:A.Good morning,Mr Sun.B.Hello,Ms Sun.C.Good afternoon,Ms Sun.()4.-Good morning Sam.-_ A.How are you.B.good morning C.Good morning()5.朋友关心你的身体怎么样,你想告诉他你很好时,你应该说:A.Fine B.Good C.Im fine,thank you.BACCB第2页/共25页重点单词:MsMs 女士 Mr Mr 先生 boyboy男孩

4、girlgirl 女孩 and and 那么,和 tootoo也 whatwhat什么isis 是 whats=what is whats=what is 是什么 youryour 你的,你们的namename 名字 please please 请afternoonafternoon 下午重点句型:1、询问别人名字时应说:Whats your name?Whats your name?2、老师早上与学生打招呼时应该说:Good morning boys and girls.Good morning boys and girls.3、老师下午与学生打招呼时应该说:Good afternoon b

5、oys and girls.Good afternoon boys and girls.5、问别人身体好吗应说:How are you?How are you?回答:Im fine,thank you.Im fine,thank you.再反问对方身体好吗应说:AndAnd h how are you?ow are you?对方再回复时应说:Im fine,Im fine,tootoo.Thank you.Thank you.温馨提示:见面先打招呼,再问好,再回答,再反问,再回答第3页/共25页()1.-_ is your name?-Im Xiao yong.A.Whats B.whats

6、C.What is D.What()2.Good morning,_ A.boys and girl B.boy and girls C.boy and girl D.boys and girls()3.-How are you?-Im fine._ how are you.A.too B.and C.And()4.当你碰到许久未见的朋友时,你应该说:.Your name,please?B.Im fine.C.How are you?()5.你想告诉朋友,你的身体也很好时,应该说:.Im fine.B.Im nine,too.C.Im fine,too.D.Im five,too.()6.I

7、_ Ms Smart.A.am B.is C.are()7.Whats _ name?A.you B.your C.IDCCCABD第4页/共25页重点单词:point point 指 toto向 thethe这(那)个,这(那)些 doordoor 门 windowwindow窗户 blackboardblackboard 黑板 deskdesk书桌chairchair椅子 bird bird 鸟 sitsit 坐downdown向下 standstand站upup向上重点句型:1、请起立:Stand up,please.Stand up,please.2、请坐下:Sit down plea

8、se.Sit down please.3、指向这(那)个:Point to thePoint to the 温馨提示:注意区分to和too的意思。to 向 too 也注意区分stand 和sit的意思。stand 站 sit 坐注意区分 up和down的意思。down向下 up向上第5页/共25页()1.Please _ up!A.sit B.stand C.down()2._to the window.A.point B.sit C.Point()3.Sit _ please!A.up B.down C.stand()4.Point_ the door.A.to B.too C.two句子排

9、序。(给下列句子用序号排排队吧)()Im fine,thank you.()Hi,Daming!()Hello,Sam.()And how are you?()Im fine too.Thank you.()How are you?BBCA164325第6页/共25页重点单词:redred 红色的 yellowyellow 黄色的 blueblue蓝色的 greengreen绿色的 blackblack 黑色的chameleonchameleon变色龙 pandapanda熊猫dog dog 狗 cat cat 猫 cap cap 帽子itit它 Its=it is Its=it is 它是a

10、(an)a(an)一个,一looklook看mymy我的nownow现在重点句型:1、介绍自己时应说:My name is XXX.My name is XXX.或Im XXX.Im XXX.2、描述颜色时应说:Its Its 3、描述几种颜色混合的物体时应用and and 连接 如:Its blue,green,red and yellow.Its blue,green,red and yellow.4、描述一个有颜色的物体时应说:Its a+Its a+颜色+物体 5、当颜色发生变化时,可以nownow来连接。如:Its green.Now,Its yellow.Its green.Now

11、,Its yellow.温馨提示:当只是描述颜色时,不需要加冠词;如果是描述一个有颜色的物体需要加冠词。注意cap和cat的发音以及翻译。第7页/共25页()1.The apple is_ A.blue B.red C.white()2.Theyre big.Theyre black and white.Theyre_ A.dogs B.pandas C.cats()3._a cap.A.its B.is C.It D.Its()4.Its green._,its yellow.A.And B.Now C.New D.too()5.It is _black.A./B.a C.an D.the(

12、)6.It_ a panda.A.its B.it C.is D./()7.Its _ black chair.A./B.a C.an D.the()8.Whats your name?_ name is Daming.A.I B.Your C.Me D.My()9.Im_panda.A.a B.an C.theDBABADBCB第8页/共25页重点单词:how manyhow many多少 one one 1 seven seven 7 threethree 3 eight eight 8 two two 2 eleveneleven 11tenten 10 fivefive 5twelve

13、 twelve 12ninenine 9 four four 4sixsix 6重点句型:1、询问数量多少时可以表述为:How many?2、询问物体数量多少时应说:How many How many(+颜色)+物体3、对数量表示疑惑时可用:数字+物体?如:Nine girls?温馨提示:当物体数量不止一个时,一般情况要加S。How many 后面所跟的物体一般情况加S。第9页/共25页()1.How many _?A.boy B.girl C.apples()2.别人问你“twelve-seven=?”时,你应该说:A.five B.fine C.four D.nine()3.Amy:How

14、 _ blue caps?Bob:One _ Amy:One?Bob:Oh,two_ A.much,cap,caps B.many,caps,caps C.many,cap,caps()4.当你想表示“它是一只绿色的猫”时,你应说:A.Its a green cap B.Its a yellow cat.C.Its a green cat.CCAC第10页/共25页重点单词:happy happy 快乐的birthdaybirthday 生日herehere这里heres=here isheres=here is这是 presentpresent 礼物thisthis这个 pencilpenc

15、il铅笔penpen 钢笔 old old 岁的 how old how old 多大yesyes是的 youre=you areyoure=you are你是重点句型:1、祝别人生日快乐时应说:Happy birthday!Happy birthday!2、送别人礼物或给别人东西时应说:Heres your Heres your 3、别人祝你生日快乐或送你礼物时应说:Thank you!Thank you!4、询问别人的年龄时应说:How old are you?How old are you?5、表述自己的年龄时应说:Im+年龄。如:Im Im ten.ten.6 6、表述别人的年龄时应说

16、:Youre+Youre+年龄.Shes+.Shes+年龄.Hes+.Hes+年龄.温馨提示:注意区分How old are you?与How are you?的意思会表述自己与别人的年龄。第11页/共25页()1.Today(今天)is my birthday._!A.Happy birthday B.cool C.Thank you()2.How old are you?Im _.A.fine B.good C.five()3._this?A.How B.What C.Whats()4.Here _ your birthday cake.A./B.is C.are D.am()5.当你把玲

17、玲的帽子给她时,你会说:A.Its a cap.B.Heres your capBBCCA第12页/共25页重点单词:teacher teacher 教师pupilpupil 小学生schoolschool学校classroomclassroom教室 EnglishEnglish 英语thatthat那个 saysay说againagain 再一次 schoolbag schoolbag 书包 ballball球bookbook书重点句型:1、询问近处的物体时应说:Whats this?Whats this?2、询问远处的物体时应说:Whats that?Whats that?3、描述一个物体

18、时应说:Its a(+Its a(+颜色)+)+物体3、向别人介绍自己的朋友或家人时应说:This is my This is my 温馨提示:近处用this,远处用that.用Whats this?Whats that?提问,只能用Its 来回答第13页/共25页()1.This _ my school.A.am B.is C.are()2.Whats that?_ A.That is my pen.B.This is a pen.C.Its a pen.()3.当你想知道远处的物体时,你应该问:A.Whats that?B.Whats this?()4.当你告诉别人它是一张红色的书桌时,你

19、应该说:A.Its a red chair.B.Its a desk.C.Its a red desk.()5.当你向别人介绍你的教室时,你应说:A.This is my school B.This is my chameleon C.This is my classroom.()6.当你向别人介绍你的老师时,你应该说:A.This is my pupil.B.This is my teacher.ACACCB第14页/共25页重点单词:monstermonster怪物newnew 新的kitekite风筝oror或者 dont=do notdont=do not 不knowknow知道non

20、o不notnot 不 isnt=is notisnt=is not不是 helphelp救命in in 在里bagbag包wherewhere哪里 wheres=where iswheres=where is在哪里重点句型:1、表示自己不知道时应说:I dont know!I dont know!2、当物体提出疑问时应说:Is it a+Is it a+物体?3、回答用IsIs开头的问句时应说:Yes,it is./No,it isnt.Yes,it is./No,it isnt.4、询问物品所在地点时应说:Wheres+Wheres+冠词+物品?5、回答物品所在方位时应说:Its+(Its+

21、(方位介词)+)+地点 如:Its in the blue cap./Its on the desk.Its in the blue cap./Its on the desk.温馨提示:注意区分cat与kite的发音。用Is开头的句子,只能用yes或no来回答问什么答什么,问地点答地点。第15页/共25页()1._the bird?Its in the desk.A.Whats B.Its C.Wheres()2.当朋友指着一个你不认识的东西问你Whats this?时,你应回答:A.Yes,it is.B.Its a book.C.I dont know.()3.你想让你的朋友看你的新风筝,

22、你可以说:_ A.Look,my new kite!B.Its a kite()4.Is it in the green bag?_ A.Yes,it isnt.B.Yes,it is.C.No,it is()5.Wheres my red book.A.Its a book.B.Its a desk.C.Its under the chair.CBACC第16页/共25页重点单词:mother mother 母亲fatherfather 父亲sistersister姐妹brotherbrother兄弟 grandmagrandma 祖母,外祖母grandpagrandpa祖父,外祖父 mem

23、e我thats=that isthats=that is 那是 sheshe 她 shes=she is shes=she is 她是hehe他hes=he ishes=he is他是doctor doctor 医生policemanpoliceman警察nursenurse护士driverdriver司机farmerfarmer农民重点句型:1、介绍近处的家人时应说:This is my+(This is my+(家人)或 Heres my+(Heres my+(家人)如:This is my sister./Heres my brother.This is my sister./Heres

24、 my brother.2、介绍远处的家人时应说:Thats my+(Thats my+(家人)如:Thats my father./Thats me.Thats my father./Thats me.3、对人物关系提出疑问时应说:Is this your+(Is this your+(人物)4、介绍家人职业时应说:Shes a+(Shes a+(职业)或 Hes a+(Hes a+(职业)温馨提示:近处用this,远处用that.Is 开头的疑问句,只能用yes或no来回答。注意区分she和he的意思及发音。第17页/共25页()1.My mother _ a teacher.A.is B

25、.am C.are()2.He is my _ A.sister B.grandma C.brother()3.Is this your father?Yes,_ A.this is B.it is C.it isnt()4.Thats _ A.I B.me C.my D.your()5.This is my mother._ is a driver.A.He B.she C.His D.HerBBBCA第18页/共25页重点单词:his his 他的her her 她的head head 头hand hand 手 legleg 腿foot foot 脚 arm arm 胳膊earear 耳朵

26、 eye eye 眼睛 nose nose 鼻子mouth mouth 嘴巴on on 在上重点句型:1、当你向别人发出指令时应说:Point toPoint to 如:Point to her eyes.Point to her eyes.2、当你描述物体的方位时应说:Its+Its+方位介词+地点 如:Its on/in the desk.Its on/in the desk.3、当别人叫你指向自己的某个部位时你应该说:This is my+(This is my+(身体部位)4、当别人叫你指向她(他)的某个部位时你应该说:This is her(his)+(This is her(his

27、)+(身体部位)温馨提示:注意on和in的意思注意head和hand的意思第19页/共25页()1.Point to _ eyes.A.her B.she C.he()2.Wheres the dog?Its _ the desk A.in B.on C.under()3.This is _ leg.A.I B.my C.me()4.This is his _.A.mouth B.ears C.eyes()5.Point to Amys leg._ A.This is his leg.B.This is her leg.C.This is your leg.BCBAA第20页/共25页代词人称

28、代词 主格I 我you你,你们he 他she她it它形容词性物主代词My 我的your 你的,你们的his 他的her 她的人称代词 宾格me 我第21页/共25页 缩略词 Im =I am 我是 whats=what is 是什么 Its =it is 它是 heres=here is 这是 youre=you are 你是 dont=do not 不 isnt=is not 不是wheres=where is 在哪里 shes=she is 她是 hes=he is 他是第22页/共25页易易混混淆淆知知识识Ms(女士)(女士)Mr(先生)(先生)cap(帽子)(帽子)cat(猫猫 )th

29、is(这个)(这个)that(那个)(那个)head(头)(头)hand(手)(手)door(门)(门)dog(狗)(狗)boy(男孩)(男孩)pen (钢笔)(钢笔)pencil(铅笔)(铅笔)now(现在)(现在)new(新的)(新的)classroom(教室)(教室)school (学校)(学校)chair(椅子)(椅子)desk(书桌)(书桌)four(4 4)foot(脚)(脚)leg (腿)(腿)five(5 5)fine(健康的)(健康的)nine(9 9)you(你,你们)(你,你们)your(你的,你们的)(你的,你们的)bird(鸟)(鸟)ball(球)(球)book(书)

30、(书)to (向)(向)too(也)(也)two(二)(二)第23页/共25页易混淆知识易混淆知识in (在(在里)里)on (在(在上)上)one(1 1)he (他)(他)she(她)(她)his(他的)(他的)her(她的)(她的)father(父亲)(父亲)farmer(农民)(农民)driver(司机)(司机)stand(站)(站)up(向上)(向上)sit(坐)(坐)down向下向下seven(7 7)eleven(1111)twelve(1212)tweet(鸟叫声)(鸟叫声)How are you?你好吗?你好吗?How old are you?你多少岁了?你多少岁了?Whats this?这是什么?这是什么?Whats that?那是什么?那是什么?Wheres the green bag?这个绿色的包在哪里?这个绿色的包在哪里?Is it a green bag?它是一个绿色的包吗?它是一个绿色的包吗?Is it in the green bag?它是在绿色的包里面吗?它是在绿色的包里面吗?Is this your green bag?这是你的绿色包吗?这是你的绿色包吗?第24页/共25页感谢您的观看。第25页/共25页


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