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《2022年高考英语写作词汇.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年高考英语写作词汇.docx(13页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 读书破万卷 下笔如有神at the cost of 以 为代价at the invitation of 应 的邀请at the thought of 一想到 at will 任意In line with 与 一样 in relation to 涉及In return for 作为对 的报答in the course of 在 的过程中No less than 不亚于 nothing but 只不过No more than 至多By all means 尽一切方法By means of 依靠 for fear of 以免For lack of 因

2、缺乏 For the convenience of 为;的便利for the benefit of 为 的利益 for the purpose of 为了 的目的In accordance with 与 一样in addition to 除 以外In answer to 回答 In comparison with 和 相 In conflict with 和 冲突 In contradiction with 同 冲突in combination with 与 相结合 in compensation for 作为对 的赔偿 in contact with 和 接触 in contrast wit

3、h 和 相对比In exchange for 交换 in favor of 有利于In harmony with 和 相和谐in honor of 向 表示敬意In memory of 为了纪念 in need of 需要In place of 代替 In the case of 就 来说 In the interest of 为了 的利益in terms of 从 的角度 in the eye of 从 观点来看 in the grasp of 在 把握之中In touch with 和 不断接触 in behalf of 代表In advance of 在 之前Under the dire

4、ction of 在 指导之下 With the intention of 抱着 的目的 With the permission of 经 许可on account of 为了 的缘故 under the control of 在 的支配之下 on the ground of 依据 at choice 可随便挑选At ease 悠闲 at first glance 一眼就Beyond bearing 忍无可忍 Beyond expression 无法形容beyond effort 力所不及 beyond question 无可争论名师归纳总结 Beyond comparison 无与伦比by

5、degrees 逐步的第 1 页,共 7 页By nature 天生的for nothing 白白的For experience 凭体会in alarm 惊惶地In circulation 在传播中in demand 需求In dilemma 进退两难in large 大规模地In site 在现场on credit 赊账On purpose 有意with concern 关心地- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - Without choice 不分好歹读书破万卷下笔如有神at a loss 不知所措In a temper 发脾气 by the book

6、按常规At night fall 在傍晚at one s own charge 自费By all appearance 明显 in any case 无论如何In either case 无论发生那种情形 in no case 绝不in good taste 风格高尚的with sincere pleasure 由衷地欢乐重要动词与介词的搭配 Identify as .确认 是 stand by 信守Qualify .for . 使 有资格 inherit .from .从 继承 Profit from 利用 be involved in 参与Mislead .into .误导 以至 coun

7、t on 盼望Apply .to . 把 应用于 Expose .to .使 暴露于 adapt .to .使 适应于 owe .to .把 归因于 Reduce by to .将 减 /降了 至 relate .to .把;与;联系在一起Compromise with 与 妥协 Restrict .to .限制 为 Enrich .with . 用 丰富 Impress .with .使 对 印象深刻 Reason with 与 讲理 Serve as 起到 作用写作必备短语上篇confuse .with . 将 与;混淆 combine .with .将 与;结合 be faced wit

8、h . 面对 equip .with .用 装备 threaten with . 以 威逼 define .as .把 定义为 ;1. 我们真诚的期望 it is sincerely hoped that 2. 不惜一切代价 at all cost 3. 不知所措 be at a loss 4. 失望地 In despair 5. 期望 be eager to do / be desperate to do Have a strong desire for doing sth 6. 对 很感爱好be enthusiastic about / be keen on be crazy about

9、be fascinated by 名师归纳总结 7. 处在最好的状态be at ones best 第 2 页,共 7 页- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 读书破万卷 下笔如有神8. 心情高涨 be in high spirits 9. 没有做 的心情 be in no mood to do 10. 专心做 be engaged in doing sth 11. 经理痛楚磨难 go through pains 12. 反思 reflect on 13. 使 愤怒 make sb annoyed 14. 处于 状态 in a state of 15. 期

10、望 long for 16. 直截了当的说come straight to the point that 17. 很简单地 with ease 18. 对 感到惊讶 be amazed at 19. 对 表示怜悯 feel sympathy for 20. 对 产生重大影响have a tremendous impact on Have a great influence on Have a strong effect on 21. 加深感情 deepen ones affection 22. 使 流泪 23. 突然有了一个好想法bring tears to ones eyes A good

11、idea flashes across ones mind 24. 努力没有白费 one s efforts pay off 25. 面对 be exposed to 26. 付出代价 pay a high price for 27. 耐心地 with great patience 28. 心中意足地 to ones hearts content 29. 昧着良心做事 30. 坚持不懈地追求目标 31. 怀有对 的激情 32. 仔细接受某人忠告do sth against ones conscience persist in pursuing ones goal have great pass

12、ion towards take ones words to heart 33. 深受鼓励 be much motivated by Be much inspired by 34. 泪水涌上 的眼睛tears well up in ones eyes 35. 为 的行为承担责任 pay for ones action 36. 强调提高环保意识 37. 激发灵感 38. 对 产生负面影响 39. 培育制造力和创新精神highlight the consciousness of environment protection spark ones inspiration for have a neg

13、ative influence on train one s creativity and innovation 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 7 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 读书破万卷 下笔如有神40. 被社会潮流所剔除 41. 鼓励个性进展 42. 把理论和实践结合起来 43. 做某事是对的 /错的 44. 呈现个人的特质和风采 45. 丰富社会体会be thrown out of the tide of the society encourage one s personality combine theory with practice

14、 be right/wrong in doing sth display personal talent and charm enrich ones social experience 46. 确保生活幸福 ensure sb a happy life 47. 坚守原就 stick to the principle 48. 集中精力 be concentrated on 49. 参与运动 take exercise 50. 养精蓄锐accumulate energy to do sth 51. 发表观点 present ones ideas 52. 增强意识heighten one s sen

15、se/awareness of 53. 值得提倡 be well worth promoting 54. 号召 做 appeal to sb to do sth 55. 减轻负担 56. 带来便利 57. 形成长久良好的关系 59. 竭尽全力去做 60. 上市、面世lighten/lessen/ease ones burden bring sb more convenience form a lasting constructive bond go all out to do / spare no effort to dobe available to the public 61. 完善自己

16、improve oneself 62. 给予 积极的人生观 64. 为实现抱负努力give sb a positive outlook on life work hard to accomplish ones dream 65. 在价值观和文化背景上有极大的不同 vary vastly on values and cultures 66. 给 施加压力 put great pressure on 67. 供应优质服务 offer excellent services 68. 集中精力于 cast focus on 69. 能够使用;可获得 have an access to 70. 对 惊奇和

17、敬畏be amazed and awed by 71. 在 方面做错 be wrong in doing sth 72. 以失败而告终 end up in failure 写作必备短语下篇名师归纳总结 1. 辛苦得到了回报ones efforts have paid off.第 4 页,共 7 页2. 自豪地with great pride - - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 读书破万卷 下笔如有神3. 追求目标 pursue ones goal5. 优于gain advantage over 8. 吸引某人appeal to sb / attract

18、sb 9. 开诚布公地与某人谈关于talk openly with sb about sth 10. 实现抱负 live out / realize ones dreams11. 很有价值 count for much 没有价值 count for nothing 12. 为欢乐而为 do it just for fun 13. 哑口无言 become speechless 14. 净化心灵 purify ones mind15. 有力气 /才能去做 16. 认为 理所当然gain the power of doing sth take as something nat ural / take

19、 for granted 17. 我深信 I am fully convinced that 18. 减轻内疚感relieve onesense of guilt 19. 毫不留情without mercy 20. 对做 有特殊的方式have a unique way of doing sth 21. 无话可说 be at a loss for words 23. 使 惊奇的是to the amazement of sb 24. 增长学问expand one s knowledge25. 爱好develop a hobby of doing / have a great love for 26

20、. 对 越来越感爱好Ones interest in grows.27. 因兴奋而两眼发亮Ones eyes brighten with excitement.28. 行为为人们所不耻 29. 在做 或 上左右犯难 doing 30. 引起 的关注 31. 兼顾工作和学习 32. 言简意明 34. 增强 的熟悉Such behavior is severely frowned upon. be caught in a dilemma between doing and capture the attention of sb strike a perfect balance between wo

21、rk and learning be straightforward and to-the-point strengthen one s awareness of 35. 造成 的短缺cause a shortage of 36. 受到 的宠爱gain one popularity among sb 37. 想干什么就干什么 get one s way / do as one likes40. 目前 presently / at present / nowadays 41. 依据 的要求 upon one s request42. 合适于 be right for 45. 抓住机遇seize

22、/ catch the opportunities 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 7 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 读书破万卷 下笔如有神46. 以我为核心 become self-centered 47. 扩宽眼界 broaden one s horizon48. 内疚涌上心头 Guilt begins to sink in. 49. 有节制地做 put a limit to doing sth 50. 心情繁重 Ones heart is heavy.51. 逼着某人做 force sb. to do. 53. 有一个重要的共同点 54. 给

23、某人一个惊喜hold something important in common give sb a great surprise 55. 白费be in vain 56. 以开放的心态be open to 57. 出乎某人意料out of ones expectation,58. 经受了很多起起落落go through many ups and downs 59. 因 而闻名have a good reputation for 60. 看法一样be on the same page / be of the same opinion 61. 情形恶化 Things have got tough

24、./Things have got worse and worse. 62. 出于奇怪 out of curiosity 63. 陶醉于 be addicted to . / be absorbed into 64. 反复无常be as changeable as the moon 65. 脸上露出微笑Ones face breaks into a smile like the sun through the clouds. 66. 求同存异 find the common ground and put aside the differences 67. 需要进一步的完善need furthe

25、r improvement 68. 求新求异pursue unique and new things 69. 看得更高更远set one ights high 72. 瞧不起look down upon / think nothing of 73. 订正错误行为right the wrongs 74. 有责任做 have an obligation to do 75. 熟知 have a good command / knowledge of 76. 提高解决问题的才能improve problem-solving skills 77. 宠爱have a taste / an appetite

26、 for 78. 对 小题大做make a fuss about 79. 是赏心悦目的be a feast for the eye 80. 成为现实become a reality 81. 克服困难overcome setbacks / difficulties 名师归纳总结 82. 忍耐痛楚bear great pains 第 6 页,共 7 页- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 83. 引起 的关注读书破万卷下笔如有神s attention capture / catch / draw / attract one84. 兼顾工作和学习 85. 经受很

27、多胜利和失败balance work and learning go through many ups and downs 86. 履行诺言perform=live up to ones promise不辜负父母的期望 87. 遵章守法live up to parents expectations observe regulations and laws 88. 是不行或缺的部分be an indispensable part of 89. 与某人合作work cooperatively with sb 90. 感同身受feel the same way 91. 坚持究竟keep going

28、/ hold on 92. 扩大视野expand one s view of 93. 探究新的方式来做某事explore new ways to do 94. 促进相互的懂得promote the mutual understanding 95. 为 制造良好的条件create favorable conditions for 96. 致力于 be devoted to sth / doing sth 98. 排除隔阂smooth rough edges 99. 满意需求satisfy ones demands100. 有利于做 contribute to doing / be benefic

29、ial to doing 101. 关注focus one s attention on 102. 用良好的心态迎接每一天 103. 优缺点并存approach every day in a good mood Advantages and disadvantages go side by side. 名师归纳总结 104. 细节打算成败Details decide whether we will succeed or not. s stress第 7 页,共 7 页105. 感到压力feel stressed out 解决少压力handle reduce one106. 塑造个人形象shape one s image- - - - - - -


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