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《2022年马丽珍初二英语教案.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年马丽珍初二英语教案.docx(19页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师精编 优秀教案中学英语教学案例教材:新标准英语中学二年级上册课题: Module 7 一、案例背景:1、教材分析 : Feelings and impressions Unit 1 That smells delicious. 主备人:潍坊市育才学校马丽珍 日期: 2022、3、13 本模块以感觉与印象为话题,内容分为两部分:对话- 主要以感觉和知觉的系动词用法为主,表达对食物的感觉;阅读课文-Sally 的一封信,对英国女孩儿 Sally 的情感态度和喜好进行了描述;要求同学听懂、读懂相关的对话和短文,并学会表达自己的感觉很印象;系表结构

2、是这一模块的重点也是难点2、同学分析:争论食品是同学们感爱好的话题,衣食住行与同学的生活息息相关;课前让同学预备不同味道的食品, 可以增加同学的感性熟悉,提高学习爱好; 青春期的同学特殊重视别人对自己的印象,让他们就此话题绽开争论,符合同学的年龄特点,语言实践活动能很好的绽开,并且学以致用;3、教学目标重点: 1、能够正确使用表感觉和知觉的系动词:sound ,smell,look,taste,feel; 2、把握句子的系表结构:link verb+ adj. 难点: 3、学会正确的表达食物的味道课前预备:不同口味的食品;教学图片;依据音标自学单词教学手段:情形教学法;小组合作学习法;教学用具

3、:录音机,教学图片二、教学步骤:一、 【课前延长】1、 课前读词,看音标读出以下单词; (依据音标读单词是初二同学必需要把握的一项技能,每天的训练能让同学不断地加深印象)音标输入相关链接: 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 10 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师精编 优秀教案2.Look at the phonetic symbolI (音标) and write down the words. Then check the words in groups. 二、【课内探究】I 、新课导入 :1 )Talk about the saying.:Cl

4、othes make the man(每天依据所学内容补充跟课本内容配套的谚语,懂得运用,且为课文的学习做好铺垫)2)饕餮大餐:同学共享自己带来的水果食品,试着用所学单词告知其他同学感受 . II 、 听力训练 ( 听力依据难易程度设计成四层:听后写单词;听后写形容词;听后排序号;听后读;能充分利用听力材料,听说得到充分的训练;)1. Listen and write the words 2. Listen and write the adj. Words 3. Open books and number the pictures 4. Reading.(read after the tape

5、)III Listening :课文材料也设计成多层听,把握细节的才能得到充分训练)总听和分听, 让同学整体感知课文的才能和详细1First listening :What are they going to do . 2Second listening:answer the following questions: What is Betty making.How does the cheese smell.How does the chocolate cookies taste. How does the sweater feel. What is Sally like?What does

6、 she look like. Listen for the third time and check the answers. IV 、Reading(跟读和分角色度让同学的朗读才能得到了训练)1 Read after the tape 2 Read in roles. V、1、Work in groups and find the language points.(小组合作,找出语言点,小组长讲解,难点学问重点标记,板书在黑板上,老师统一讲解;精讲多练和锤炼同学能力得到表达)名师归纳总结 2 、针 对喜洋洋和灰太狼卡通里的人物进行性格分析 :第 2 页,共 10 页- - - - - -

7、-精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师精编 优秀教案针对喜洋洋和灰太狼卡通里的人物进行性格分析:Whats 喜羊羊 /懒羊羊 /慢羊羊 Its clever/ lazy/slow. Whats 喜羊羊 /懒羊羊 /慢羊羊like. like.Its clever/ lazy/slow. 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 10 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 图片名师精编链优秀教案接: %F2%D1%F2%D3%EB%BB%D2%CC%AB%C0%C7&in=8696&cl=2&lm=-1&st=-1&p n=5&rn=1&di=773

8、86418160&ln=1987&fr=&fm=result&fmq=1331612769687_R&ic=0&s=0 &se=1&sme=0&tab=&width=&height=&face=0&is=&istype=2#pn66&-1&di5684695185&o bjURLhttp%3A%2F%2F%2F20220729%2F2450456_165120025_2.jpg&fromURLhttp%3A%2F%2F%2Fshow%2F2%2F52%2F7272989b4ce8a483.ht ml&W782&H1024&T8359&S160&TPjpg 三、【课后提升】一、学以致用:懒羊羊生

9、病了,妈妈和医生之间有一段对话,请依据图片内容填空:(懒羊 羊是同学宠爱的卡通形象,对话内容符合所学学问点,是对课文语篇结构的整体训练,针对性强,目标突出)()相关链接: 101827150&ln=1993&fr=&fm=rs1&fmq=1331612642093_R&ic=&s=&se=&sme=0&tab=&width=&he 7150&objURLhttp%3A%2F%2F%2Fportrait%2F0%2F135%2F138%2F5427782_171 %2Fuser%2F5427782%2Fgift%2F&W309&H240&T7891&S8&TPjpg名师归纳总结 - - - -

10、- - -第 4 页,共 10 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 名师精编优秀教案第 5 页,共 10 页- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - Mother: What s the 名师精编优秀教案with him. He looks _matter/wrong _happy/unhappy. He sounds loud/weak Doctor:Let me have a look. He feels _hot/ warm and he smells _sour/salty. Oh ,he has got a cold感冒

11、 ;Mother: Is it serious. Doctor: It doesnt matter.Dont worry.Take the medicine three times a day.It tastes a little_bitter/hot.Drink more water and have a good rest.He ll feel _well/unwellsoon;Mother:Thank you ,Doctor. 二、Summary:What have we learnt today.总结本节课所学内容,梳理学问点,整体把握课文内容 三、 Homework:两者选其一1、用

12、所学的感官系动词各造一个句 子2 摘抄课文中的含有系动词的句子(作业针对同学的不同水平,实行分层布置,照料到不同层面的同学;课后的作业练习也是针对教学目标制定的,既是对学问点的复习,也是对学问点的运用,与英语教学的学以致用最终目标相一样)三、案例反思:名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 10 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师精编 优秀教案这堂课的教学内容贴近同学生活实际,课前预习做得好,先清除了单词难关,为听力扫除了障碍,我个人认为本堂课的设计有以下几个亮点:一、 在听力部分设计了多层听,由易到难,同学把握较好, 对接下来的课文学习也有了更 大的期望

13、和信心;在课文的处理上,符合听说课的要求,听说得到了充分的训练;二、课后的学以致用环节让同学学会运用所学学问,增强了同学的学习爱好和自信心;解决实际困难, 这个题的正确率很高,三、考虑到面对全体同学,全面进展的原就,作业实行分层布置,让每个同学都有收成;四、在精讲多练环节依据热门卡通片喜洋洋和灰太狼 ,争论里面的不同性格的卡通形象,由于熟知故事内容,课堂气氛相当活跃,同学参加率高,学习热忱高涨;当然,预备的再完善的课也会有缺憾,这也是训练没有尽善尽美的缘由,也是整个社会不断进展、不断前进的动力,反思这堂课,在时间安排上不够匀称,听说占得比重太大,以至于后面的课文处理较为仓促,前松后紧, 这是教

14、学一个大忌,也是我在以后的教学中特殊要重视, 需要不断改进的一个问题;争论卡通形象时, 由于同学太感爱好,有时难免跑题了,这个需要老师良好的课堂调控才能,能够收放自如;训练无止境,教学无止境,没有最好,只有更好,只有不断的严格要求自己,多学习,多反思,才能不断的进步;四、课堂实录:Module7 Feelingas and impressions Unit 1 That smells delicious. 课堂实录:潍坊市育才学校 马丽珍Teacher : Class begins. Students: Good morning ,Miss ma. T: Good morning ,every

15、one. Sit down ,please. How are you feeling ,today. Ss: Very well.【新课导入】 : T:First let s look at the saying .Read together. Ss: Clothes make the man. T: Can you guess the Chinese meaning. S1: 人靠衣裳马靠鞍;T: Clever. Yes .If you are in good clothes,you ll feel much better and more confident.更自信 ;But you ju

16、dge a man only by his clothes.仅从衣服能判定一个人吗? Ss: No. T: So lets look at the saying: Clothes do not make the man. What does it mean. 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 10 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师精编 优秀教案S2: 不要以貌取人 ;T: V ery good;The two sayings tell us different feelings and impressions about clothes.lets

17、look at the blackboard: Feelings and impressions .This module tells us different feelings and impressions.Do you like it. Ss:Yes. T: Ok lets learn Unit 1 together: That smells delicious; I like bread ,so I think bread smells delicious. I like apples ,so I think apples smell delicious. What smells de

18、licious?Can you tell me. S1: I think fish smells delicious T: Very good.Yes, fish smells delicious .What about you. S2: Hamburger smells delicious. T:Yes,many students like hamburgers. And you. S3: Seafood smells delicious. T : Different people have different tastes.每个人口味都不一样smell.right.板书 smell-nos

19、e Ss:Yes T : So we use our eyes to -?Ss: Look ( 看起来 )T: Good 板书 lookeye T: We use our mouth to- taste尝起来 We use our ear to -sound听起来 We use our hand to -feel 摸起来 ;We use our nose to This lesson we are going to learn the five words,lets read them together: smell,smell,smell,begin. Ss Read the words t

20、ogether. T: Look at the word :smell delicious,闻起来很香 ,How to translate:尝起来很香?S1:Taste delicious. T: 看起来很年轻?S2: Look young. T:听起来很美?S3: Sound beautiful;名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 10 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师精编 优秀教案T:We all know : different tastes of life 人生百味 ; Actually ,there are five different t

21、astes:What are they. Ss:酸甜苦辣咸T: Yes,Lets learn the five words: Sour , sweet,bitter, hot, salty Ss Read and learn the new words. T: 引导同学发觉感官系动词的用法:后面跟形容词;饕餮大餐:T:lets have a big fruit party,and tell everyone what it tastes.同学品尝自己的水果,告知其他人水果的味道,用上所学的感官系动词 【听力训练】 : T :Can you spell the five words.Please

22、 write them down. Ss: Yes T: Next,we are going to listen to five sentences .Listen carefully and number the five words,understand?Ss: Yes ,Miss ma. Play the tape. T: Can you catch it.Lets check the answer together. Ss: Yes .No.1-look; No.2-sound; No.3-taste ; No.4- smell; No.5-feel T:Very good.Next,

23、we ll listen again .This time write the adj.words形容词 ;Clear?Ss: Yes . Play the tape again. Check the answer: Look srong; sound quiet; taste salty; smell sour; feel tight. T:Open books and read Part 1 together. 【Listening 】: T:Lingling has a pen friend ,do you still remember her. Ss: Yes.Her name is

24、Sally. T: Yes .Sally will come to China.Lingling and her friends are getting ready to meet her.Listen carefully and try to answer one question: What are they going to do. Play the tape. T: Answer together. Ss: They are going to meet Sally at the airport. T:Next,Listen again and answer the following

25、questions: Listen and check the answer. 【Reading】: 1 Read after the tape.边读边标出感官系动词 2 Work in groups and find out描述 Sally 性格和外貌的句子 ;【精讲点拨】 : (分析句型,进行训练)名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 10 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师精编 优秀教案Whats sb/sth like. 询问性格特点1 对班里的同学进行性格分析: Whats sb like. He/ She s naughty/ friendl

26、y/ quiet/ well behaved . 2 针对喜洋洋和灰太狼卡通里的人物进行性格分析:Whats 喜羊羊 /懒羊羊 /慢羊羊 like. Its clever/ lazy/slow. What does sb look like.询问外貌长相1 猜谜: Who is she/he.描述穿着外貌让其他人猜 2 当堂作文 : My favourite friend. 【课后提升】 学以致用:懒羊羊生病了,妈妈和医生之间有一段对话,请依据图片内容填空Homework : 两者选其一1、用所学的感官系动词各造一个句 子2 摘抄课文中的含有系动词的句子名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 10 页


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