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1、人教版九年级下册全册教案电子版(打印版)Unit 10Youre supposed to shake hands.Section A (1a2d)1. 重点单词:custom,bow,kiss,greet2. 重点短语:shake hands,be supposed to,the wrong way,hold out 3重点句式:What are you supposed to do when you meet someone for the first time?You are supposed to shake hands. They are expected to shake hands

2、.As soon as I held out my hand, he bowed. She kissed me on both sides of my face!1. 重点短语和句型2. 动词不定式的用法动词不定式的用法一、 预习课本 P7374 新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。1. 风俗 2. 鞠躬 3. 亲吻 4. 和打招呼 二、认真预习 1a2d 找出下列短语和句型。1. 错误的方式 2. 欢迎会 3. 应该 4. 伸出 5. 当你第一次遇见某人的时候你该怎么办?你应该握手。6. 他们期望被握手。7. 我一伸出手,他就鞠躬。8. 她亲吻了我的两个脸颊。Step 1 情景导入T:Now,c

3、lass begins,good morning,boys and girls.Ss:Good afternoon,Miss Liu.T:Thank you,sit down please.You know I made mistakes? Ss:Yes.T:So,I greeted you in a wrong way.So I write here.Read after me: greet.Ss:Greet.T:Yes,very good.I greeted you in a wrong way.Now,what should I say?I should say “Good aftern

4、oon!” I also say I am supposed to say “Good afternoon!”Thats very easy,I think.Right?环节说明:以教师错误的打招呼开始本节课。目的在于:以知引趣,活跃气氛,同时引出本堂课的讨论话题是打招呼并自然地过渡到教学greet 和 be supposed to,符合学生由浅入深的认知规律。Step 2 完成教材 1a1c 的任务1. 学生领读 1a 中的单词,教师纠正错误读音,学生根据平时知识的积累将国家和风俗匹配,完成后小组内核对答案。(3 分钟)2. 认真听录音,根据所听到的内容再次核对 1a 中的匹配是否正确。(3

5、 分钟)3. 再听一遍录音,并跟读对话。(2 分钟)4. 结对练习 1c 中的对话,并请一些学生表演出他们的对话。(3 分钟)5. 模仿 1c 中的对话,结合 1a 的信息与同伴编练新对话,并邀请几组学生表演对话。(5分钟)参考案例A:What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time? B:Theyre supposed to bow.How about in the United States?A:In the United States,theyre expected to shake han

6、ds. 6小结训练。(3 分钟)(B)1.Everyone is supposed a seat belt in the car.AwearingBto wearCto be worn(A) 2.When we meet people from Korea for the first time,we are supposed to . AbowBshake handsCkissDtouch nose3. Youre supposed to _bow in Korea.(对画线部分提问) What are you supposed to do in Korea?4. We should gree

7、t the teacher when he comes into the classroom.(改为同义句) We are supposed to greet the teacher when he comes into the classroom.环节说明:听说结合,第一时间向学生传达语言目标,通过结对对话练习和小结训练, 使语言目标得以强化。Step 3 完成教材 2a2c 的任务1. 在小组内认真读一读 2a 中的句子并交流句子的意思,为听力做好准备。(3 分钟)2. 认真听录音,勾出 Maria 在美国朋友家做客时出现的错误。(2 分钟)3. 听第二遍录音,根据录音内容完成 2b 中的

8、填空,然后小组内核对答案。(2 分钟)4. 让学生利用 2a,2b 中的信息仿照 2c 的形式练习对话,并要求多组同学表演对话。(5分钟)参考案例Dan:How was the dinner at Pauls house last night?Maria:Well,it was OK,but I made some mistakes.I was supposed to arrive at 7:00,but. 5小结训练。(3 分钟)(C) 1.Why didnt you come to the dinner party?I .A. will be invitedBcan be invited

9、Cwasnt beinvitedDam invited(D) 2.He didnt do his homework carefully,so he . Amakes some mistakesB. make a mistakeC. made few mistakesD. made many mistakes(B)3.Paul doesnt have to be made . He always works hard. AlearnBto learnClearningDlearned(D)4.We should greet when we meet.(选出与画线部分相同的一项) AbowBsha

10、ke handsCsay goodbyeDsay hello环节说明:通过听、说、读、写学习训练让学生掌握了不同国家的风俗,并且使学生的口语表达能力在这一环节得到提升。Step 4 完成教材 2d 的任务1. 学生自读对话,回答下面的问题。(5 分钟) 1)Where did John go last night?2)What are Japanese expected to do when they meet? 3)What are people supposed to do when they see each other?2. 大声朗读 2d 中的对话,读熟后与同伴结对练习,分角色表演对

11、话。(3 分钟)3. 邀请三组来表演对话。(5 分钟)4. 小结训练。(3 分钟)(C)1.I will make a telephone call to you as soon as I Beijing. Awill arrive inBarrived atCget toDreach in(C)2.There are many trees on sides of the river. AeachBneitherCbothDeither(A)3.The girl came to the city for the first time,but my surprise,she knew it ve

12、rywell.A. toBforCinDat环节说明:将对话问题化,既能锻炼学生的思维能力又能加深对课文的理解。小结训练又对对话中的重要句型进行了巩固加深。Step 5 问题探究1. 每位同学都应该每天按时到校。Every student is_supposed_to_go_to_school on time.“be supposed to” 的意思是应该, to 后要用动词原形。相当于 should。()2.What would you do when you see someone the first time in Japan? AatBforCinDto答案选择 B,for the f

13、irst time 为固定短语,意为“初次,第一次”。()3.We should try our best to help the poor children in the poor area . Awith different waysB. under different waysC. in different waysD. at different ways答案选择 C,in.ways 为固定短语,意为“用方式”。请学生们做前面课时训练部分。Section A (3a3c)1. 重点单词:relaxed,value,capital,noon,mad,effort2. 重点短语:drop b

14、y,after all,at noon,get mad,make an effort 3重点句式:Were pretty relaxed about time.We dont usually have to make plans to meet our friends. Were the capital of clocks and watches,after all!I make an effort to be on time when I meet my friends. We never visit a friends house without calling first.1. 重点短语

15、和句型2. 动词不定式的用法动词不定式的用法一、预习课本 P75 新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。1. 价值 3中午 5努力 2. 首都 4.很生气 6. 放松的 二、认真预习 P75 找出下列短语和句型。1顺便访问2毕竟3在中午4气愤5. 我们的时间观念比较随意。6. 我们通常不必刻意地为见朋友做计划。7. 毕竟我们是钟表之国。8. 当我要见朋友的时候我努力做到准时。9. 我们从不事先未通电话便登门拜访朋友。Step 1 情景导入Teacher:We all know that different countries have different customs.Do you want to

16、 know some customs in Colombia and Switzerland?Now please read the passage in 3a and find out the differences between the two countries.环节说明:开门见山地引出本节课要学的内容,简单明了。Step 2 完成教材 3a3c 的任务1. 快速阅读 3a 中的短文,根据短文内容,回答 3a 中的问题。(3 分钟)2. 认真阅读短文,根据文章内容完成 3b 中的表格填空。完成后让学生展示自己的答案,教师点拨。(5 分钟)3. 再次仔细阅读短文,理解每一句话的意思,小组

17、合作解决遇到的疑难问题。(5 分钟)4. 教师点拨短文中出现的重难点。(5 分钟)5. 熟读短文,识记背诵知识要点。(5 分钟)6. 根据 3a 短文内容,仿照 3c 对话形式分角色表演对话。(3 分钟)参考案例A:Hi,Marc.Sorry Im a little late. B:Teresa,youre 10 minutes late! A:Its just 10 minutes!Its no big deal!B:Well,in Switzerland,youre supposed to. 7小结训练。(3 分钟)(A) 1.Do you often your friends home

18、on your way home?Yes,we do.Adrop byBvisit to Ccome atDcome over(B) 2.Jim,would you please tidy up your room by yourself? ,you are no longer a child.All right,I am coming. AAfter thatBAfter all CDrop byDKnock at(B)3.Mary made a plan the book in two weeks. Afinish readingBto finish readingCto finish t

19、o readDfinish to read(B)4.We should make an effort the English test. ApassBto passCpassedDpassing5老师因为我们的作业生气了。The_teacher_got_mad_because_of_our_homework_ 6你晚了十分钟。Youre_10_minutes_late_环节说明:通过阅读分析文章,学生的阅读分析能力在这一环节得到提升;小结训练又及时地巩固强化了重要的知识点。Step 3 问题探究()1.They are pretty relaxed time.AaboutBforCatDto答

20、案选择 A,relaxed 为形容词,意为“放松的,轻松的”。be relaxed about 意为“对 感到轻松”。()2.He is a little weak in English,but he still makes an effort up with others.Ato catchBcaught CcatchesDcatch答案选择 A,make an effort 意为“做出努力”,后面要跟动词不定式,所以答案选择 A。请学生们做前面课时训练部分。Section A (Grammar Focus4c)1. 重点单词:passport,chalk,blackboard,northe

21、rn,coast,season,knock,eastern, worth,manner2. 重点短语:go abroad,clean.off,take off3. 重点句式:Is it impolite to keep others waiting?It is helpful to learn as many of these customs as possible. Am I supposed to wear jeans?Each country has different rules about social situations.动词不定式的用法动词不定式的用法一、预习课本 P76 新单

22、词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。1. 护照 3黑板 5海岸 7敲击 9值得 2. 粉笔 4.北方的 6.季节 8.东方的 10. 方法 二、认真预习 Grammar Focus4c 找出下列短语和句型。1出国2脱下3把清除4. 让他人等待是不礼貌的吗?5. 尽可能多了解这些习俗是有用的。6. 我应该穿牛仔裤吗?7. 关于社交场合,每个国家都有不同的规则。Step 1 情景导入Teacher:What are you supposed to do when you meet people in Mexico? Student 1:We are supposed to.Now please revie

23、w the conversations like this with your partner.Step 2 完成教材 Grammar Focus 中的任务1学生大声朗读 Grammar Focus 中的句子。(2 分钟) 2小结训练。(2 分钟)环节说明:通过生生互动问答,对前两节课所学的重要句型和短语进行复习。What_are_you_supposed_to_do_when_you_me et_someone_for_the_first_time?(当你第一次见到某人的时候你应该怎么做?)Youre_not_suopposed_to_kiss.(你不应该亲吻).When_were_you_

24、supposed_to_arrive? (你应该什么时候到达?)(我应该七点到达。) Am_I_supposed_to_wear_jeans? (我应该穿牛仔裤吗?)(不,你应该穿西服戴领带。)Is_it_impolite_to_keep_others_waiting? (让他人一直等待是没有礼貌的吗?)(是的,让他人等待是非常不礼貌的。)Is_it_important_to_be_on_time? (准时重要吗?)(是的,准时非常重要。)Youre_suppoesd_to_shake_hands. (你应该握手).I_was_supposed_to_arrive_at_7:00.No,_yo

25、ure_expectd_to_wear_a_suit_and_tie.Yes, its_very_impolite_to_keep_others_waiting.Yes,_its_imporant_to_be_on_time.环节说明:通过对 Grammar Focus 中句型的填空练习能够使学生更好地理解并掌握本单元的重点语法和句型。Step 3 完成教材 4a4c 的任务1. 认真阅读 4a 中的五个句子,根据句意选择合适的短语完成句子,完成后集体核对答案,然后两人一组朗读句子。(5 分钟)2. 阅读短文,用所给词的正确形式填空。完成后小组内交流核对答案,完成 4b。(5 分钟)3. 根据

26、 4c 中的提示和你的搭档一起给首次来到你国家的交换生提供一些建议,把这些建议写出来,完成后小组内互相交流,完成 4c。(5 分钟)4. 小结训练。(4 分钟)(D)1.Can you tell us the things we are supposed to do?AwhatBifChowDthat(C) 2.Youre supposed to your bowl while eating in this country.Aput upBget upCpick upDhand in(D) 3.Our teacher has given us some advice that is well

27、worth . AconsiderBto consideringCconsideredDconsidering (C)4.Its too hot today.Yes.Why dont you your jacket. Aput onBput upCtake offDtake after环节说明:通过本环节的学习,让学生掌握了本节的知识点,同时小结训练更是加深了对重要知识点的巩固深化。Step 4 问题探究()1.The box is well worth .I plan one. Aread;to buyBreading;buying Creading;to buyDread;buy答案选择

28、C,be worth doing sth.意为“值得做某事”。plan to do sth.意为“计划做某事”。 ()2.Its very nice pictures for me.Aof you to drawBfor you to draw Cfor you drawingDof you drawing()3.Many people think its very important us learn English well. Afor;toBto;toCwith;forDof;for答案分别选择 A 和 A,选用 of 还是 for,要根据形容词的性质来确定。句型 Itsadj.for

29、sb.to do sth.意为“对于某人来说,做某事”。其中的形容词通常表示客观情况。如:easy,hard,difficult,important,necessary,impossible,interesting 等。句型 Itsadj.of sb.to do sth.意为“某人能做某事真是太了”。其中的形容词通常表示主观情感或态度。如:good,kind,nice,wise,clever,foolish,right,wrong,careful,careless 等。请学生们做前面课时训练部分。Section B (1a1d)1重点单词:empty 2重点短语:point at3重点句式:Y

30、oure not supposed to stick your chopsticks into the food. Its impolite to use your chopsticks to hit an empty bowl.1. 了解不同国家的餐桌礼仪2. 动词不定式的用法动词不定式的用法一、预习课本 P77 新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。1空的二、 认真预习 1a1d 找出下列短语和句型。1指向2. 你不应该把你的筷子插到食物里。3. 用筷子敲击空碗是不礼貌的。Step 1 情景导入Teacher:Thereare many table manners in our country

31、and other countries,now please talk about the manners you know with your partners in groups.环节说明:由生活中的餐桌礼仪引出本节课所学内容,贴近生活,学生想学乐学,同时为本节课的学习做好铺垫。Step 2 完成教材 1a1d 的任务1. 大声朗读 1a 中的句子,完成 1a 的判断题,完成后小组内互相交流看法。(3 分钟)2. 听第一遍录音,把史蒂夫和杨明谈论到的餐桌礼仪按顺序提出来,然后小组内交流 讨论,完成 1b。(5 分钟)3. 再听一遍录音将方框中的两组句子搭配,完成后小组内核对答案。(3 分钟

32、)4. 听第三遍录音,并跟读,整体感知对话。(3 分钟)5. 利用 1b 和 1c 中的信息,仿照 1d 的形式两人一组来练习对话,并邀请几组学生表演对话。(5 分钟)参考案例A:Were supposed to. B:Yes,and its impolite to. 6小结训练。(3 分钟)(A) 1.Its to stick your chopsticks into your food.ArudeBcleverCstrangeDpolite(B) 2.Dont point anyone your chopsticks.Its not polite. Aat;byBat;withCto;by

33、Dout;with (A)3.Please tell me next. Ahow to do itBwhat to do it Chow to doDwhat do it(A)4.It is common that students greet the teachers when classes begin in China. Aare supposed toBare suppose toCsuppose toDsuppose环节说明:通过本环节的学习让学生练习了重要的句型,同时对话练习又提高了学生的口语表达能力。Step 4 问题探究1. point 的词组1)老师指着墙上的地图。The_t

34、eacher_pointed_at_the_map_on_the_wall. 2)士兵用枪指着医生。The_soldier_pointed_his_gun_to_the_doctor.3)请指出我作文中的错误。Please_point_out_the_mistakes_in_my_compostion.point to 和 point at 都含有“指着”的意思,两者一般可以互换。但主语是事物时,一般用 point to 作谓语。point at 可以分开使用,即 point 后直接跟名词或代词作宾语,再跟介词at 表示方向,意为“把指向”,而 point to 却不能分开使用。point o

35、ut 意为“指出”,其中 out 是副词。如果它后面的宾语是代词,则必须把该宾语放在 out 之前。2. at the table 与 at table1) 他们坐在桌子旁边。They_are_sitting_at_the_table.2) 他们在吃饭。They_are_at_table.短语 at the table 意为“在桌子旁边”。at table 意为“在吃饭”。请学生们做前面课时训练部分。Section B (2a2e)1. 重 点 单 词 :basic,exchange,teenage,granddaughter,behave,except,elbow,gradually, su

36、ggestion2. 重点短语:goout of ones way,make.feel at home,get used to3. 重点句式:I was a bit nervous before I arrived here,but there was no reason to be. They go out of their way to make me feel at home.She always talks to me in French to help me practice. You have to cut it up and eat it with a fork.I have t

37、o say that I find it difficult to remember everything,but I am gradually getting used toit.1. 重点短语和句型2. 寻找细节(阅读技巧)1. 重点短语和句型2. 寻找细节(阅读技巧)一、预习课本 P78 新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。1基本的 2. 交换 3. 外孙女 4. 表现 5. 除了 6. 胳膊 7. 建议 8. 逐步地 9. 青少年的 二、认真预习 2a2e 找出下列短语和句型。1特地2习惯于3使(某人)感到宾至如归4. 在我到那里之前,我有点紧张,但其实没有理由这样。5. 他们特地使我感到

38、宾至如归。6. 她总是用法语和我交谈来帮助我练习法语。7. 你得将它切开然后用叉子来吃。8. 我不得不要说我发现记住一切是困难的,但是我逐渐习惯了。Step 1 情景导入Teacher:What do you know about customs in foreign countries ?What do you think is the biggest challenge when visiting a foreign country?Now please write them down and then communicate with your partner in groups.环节说

39、明:以 2a 的问题为话题,激起学生的学习兴趣,引出本节课的学习。Step 2 完成教材 2a2b 的任务1. 你对国外的习俗有多少了解呢?列出你所认为的最大的挑战。然后小组内互相交流。(2 分钟)2. 快速阅读 2b 中的文章,回答 2b 中的 4 个问题,学生回答后教师适当点拨。(3 分钟)3. 小组合作翻译分析短文内容,理解每一句话的意思。(5 分钟)4. 教师点拨短文中出现的重点和难点。(10 分钟)5. 熟读短文,识记背诵知识要点。(5 分钟)6. 小结训练。(3 分钟)(A)1.I find difficult to finish the work on time.We only

40、have three hours left.A. itBthatCthisDits(A) 2.He used to very late,but now he is used to early. Aget up;getting upB. get up;get upC. getting up;get upD. getting up;getting up(B) 3.Youve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner,Mrs.Wang. .A. Oh,Im afraid I didnt cook very wellB. Im glad you enjoyed itC.

41、Come again when you are freeD. Its not necessary for you to say so(C) 4. We see our eyes and hear our ears. Ain;withBwith;inCwith;withDin;in5. 他学习格外地努力。He_goes_out_of_his_way_to_study.环节说明:通过本环节的学习使学生对法国的习俗有了些了解,而且通过小结训练让学生对重要知识点进行了巩固练习。Step 3 完成教材 2c2e 的任务1. 认真阅读 2c 中的句子,体会画线词组的意思,然后用方框中合适的词组代替画横线的

42、词组。(4 分钟)2. 再一次阅读短文,把短文中提到的法国习俗按要求分类,完成后小组内互相交流答案。(3 分钟)3. 将中国和法国的餐桌礼仪作比较,小组内讨论,然后仿照 2e 的形式写出来。(4 分钟)。环节说明:这一环节的训练,有助于学生的阅读水平和总结归纳能力的提高,同时又加深了对文章的理解。Step 4 问题探究()1.He used to in the sun,but now he is used to at night. Aread;readBreading;readCread;readingDreading;reading答案选择 C,used to“过去常常”,to 为动词不定式

43、符号,后面接动词原形;be/get used to“习惯于”,to 为介词,后面接v. ing 形式、名词或代词。()2.We found impossible for us to learn a foreign language well in a short time.AitBthisCthatDone答案选择 A,find 后面接复合宾语,其结构为“finditadj.to do sth.”。其中it 为形式宾语,真正的宾语为后面的动词不定式短语to do sth.,形容词作宾语补足语。()3.The girl went her way her mother so that her mo

44、ther could buy her a new bike.Aout of;helpingBout;to helpCout of;to helpDout,helping答案选择 C,go out of ones way to do sth.意为“某人格外努力做某事”,是固定搭配。请学生们做前面课时训练部分。Section B (3aSelf Check)1. 重点单词:suggestion2. 重点句式:You must be excited about coming to China soon. I look forward to meeting you soon!It is worth spending the time to learn about the customs of a country before you go there.能够运用所学的知识完成本单元的写作能够运用所学的知识完成本单元的写作一、认真预习 3aSelf Check 找出下单词和句型。1建议2. 你一定对马上来中国很兴奋。3. 我期待尽快见到你。4. 在去之前花费时间来了解一个国家的风俗是值得的。Step 1 情景导入Teacher:We have learnt some expressions to tell others


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