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《仁爱英语九年级unit5topic1SectionA课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《仁爱英语九年级unit5topic1SectionA课件.ppt(41页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Unit 5 Knowing about China Topic 1How much do you know about China?Section AA map of Chinathe Great WallHave you ever been to.?the West LakeMount Huangthe Huanghe RiverIt goes through nine provinces and finally joins the Bohai Seathe Potala Palace呼伦贝尔HongkongTaiwanMacaoHow long is Chinas history?Whi

2、ch of the rivers are the birthplaces of Chinese culture?In you opinion,what may be included in Guide to China?Write down some mountains you know.5,000 years.the Changjiang River and the Huanghe River.The places of interest,Chinese food,Chinese culture and so on.Mount Wuyi,Mount Tai and so on.Its two

3、 years since Mr.and Mrs.Green came to China.Their daughter,Susanna,has just come to China.She knows very little about China.Susanna:Mom,how much do you know about China?Mrs.Green:Just a little.China is a great country that has about 5,000 years of history.There are many places of interest which attr

4、act many tourists from all over the world every year.Susanna:Is that so?Are there any beautiful mountains?Mrs.Green:Yes.And some of them are famous,such as Mount Tai,Mount Huang,Mount Song and Mount Emei.Susanna:What about rivers?Mrs.Green:There are a great number of rivers in China.Among them the C

5、hangjiang River is the longest one and the second longest one is the Huanghe River.Theyre the birthplaces of Chinese culture.Susanna:Anything else?Mrs.Green:Sorry.Thats all I know.I dont know much.If you want to learn more.I can fetch you Guide to China.Its a book which introduces China in detail.Su

6、sanna:Thanks.吸引长江发源地去拿引导,指导Key points:1.Its two years since Mrs.Green came to China.点拨:点拨:Its+时间段时间段 since+从句从句(过去时过去时)-自从自从以来,时间过去多久了,以来,时间过去多久了,Its还可以用还可以用It has been替换替换.练习:练习:a.自从他离开祖国到现在已经有两年半了。自从他离开祖国到现在已经有两年半了。Its _ _ _ _ years since he _ his motherland.b.自从最后一次见面到现在已经过去很久自从最后一次见面到现在已经过去很久了。了

7、。It _ _ a long time since I _ him _ _ time.Key points:2.There are many places of interest which attract millions of tourists from all over the world every year.attract(v.)-吸引,使喜爱吸引,使喜爱 链接:链接:attraction(词词)-爱慕,吸引;爱慕,吸引;attractive(词)词)-英俊的,诱人的英俊的,诱人的练习:展览会吸引了成千上万的参观者练习:展览会吸引了成千上万的参观者。The exhibition ha

8、s _ _ _ _ _.Key points:3.There are a great number of rivers in China.a number of-许多许多;后接可数名词的复数,谓语后接可数名词的复数,谓语也用复数也用复数;number前的修饰语有前的修饰语有:large,small,great,good 区别:区别:the number of-的数目(数量)的数目(数量)”,后接名词的复数形式,谓语用单数。后接名词的复数形式,谓语用单数。练习:练习:a.地上有很多很多蚂蚁。地上有很多很多蚂蚁。There _ _ _ _ _ ants on the ground.b.苹果的数量是

9、苹果的数量是40个。个。_ _ _ the apples _ 40.c.许多苹果是红色的。许多苹果是红色的。_ _ _ apples _ red.Key points:4.Among them,the Changjiang River is the longest one and the second longest is the Huanghe River.the second longest-第二长,在形容词的最高第二长,在形容词的最高级前可用序数词,意为级前可用序数词,意为“第第,最,最”练习练习:a.那是第三项最有用的发明。那是第三项最有用的发明。That is _ _ _ _ inv

10、ention.b.洛杉矶是美国第二大城市。洛杉矶是美国第二大城市。Los Angeles is _ _ _ _ in the USA.Key points:5.If you want to learn more,I can fetch you Guide to China.fetch (去)拿来,请来,找来(去)拿来,请来,找来 take 拿走,拿走,带走带走 bring 取来,带来取来,带来fetch sb.sth.=fetch sth.for sb.-给某人拿某物给某人拿某物get 与与fetch意思相同,但在口语中,意思相同,但在口语中,get 比比fetch更常用。更常用。练习:练习:

11、a.请到楼上替我拿衣服。请到楼上替我拿衣服。Please go upstairs and _ the coat.b.我带着雨伞。我带着雨伞。I forget _the umbrella with me.c.不要忘记把你的作业带到学校来。不要忘记把你的作业带到学校来。Dont forget to _ your homework to school.Attributive Clause(定语从句)China is a great country that has about 5,000 years of history.Its a book which introduces China in de

12、tail.先行词先行词先行词先行词关系代词作主语关系代词作主语关系代词作主语关系代词作主语定句从句定句从句定句从句定句从句China is a great country.The country has about 5000 years.合并为一个句子合并为一个句子China is a great countrythat/which has about 5000 years定语从句.概念概念:在复合句中在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的句子修饰某一名词或代词的句子(从句从句).).先行词先行词:定语从句所修饰的词定语从句所修饰的词.定语从句的位置定语从句的位置:放在先行词之后放在先行词之后.关系

13、代词关系代词&关系副词关系副词:引导定语从句的词引导定语从句的词.放在先行词和定语放在先行词和定语 从句之间从句之间,既起既起连接连接作用作用,同时同时代替代替先行词在先行词在定语从句定语从句充当一定充当一定成分成分 关系代词有关系代词有:that,which,who whom,whose关系副词有关系副词有:when,where,why that;whichthat;which用法用法:先行词是物时先行词是物时,用用which 或或that引导引导,在从句中作在从句中作主语或宾语主语或宾语.eg:eg:These are the trees which/that were planted l

14、ast year.例句赏析例句赏析Its an invention which/that is used for keeping off the rain.Its the Wall that/which was built by Chinese people.Its an animal that/which has big nose.Pair workA:What a beautiful place!Where is it?B:Its that/which lies in Its Mount Tai that/which lies in Shangdong Province.A:Have yo

15、u ever been there before?B:Yes,I have.No,I havent.Mount Tai Shandong ProvinceKey points:6.Its Mount Tai that/which lies in Shandong Province.点拨:点拨:lie in/to/on-位于位于 a.in表示在范围之内表示在范围之内 b.to表示在范围之外表示在范围之外 c.on表示毗邻接壤,在表示毗邻接壤,在之之畔畔1.日本位于中国的东部。日本位于中国的东部。Japan _ the east of China.2.黑龙江位于中国的东北部。黑龙江位于中国的东北部

16、。Heilongjiang _ the northeast of China.3.印度与中国的西南部接壤。印度与中国的西南部接壤。India _ the southwest of China.拓展:拓展:lie(v.)位位,坐落坐落 躺,平躺,平卧躺,平躺,平卧 lie-lay-lain-lying lie (v.)撒谎,说谎撒谎,说谎 lie-lied-lied-lying (n.)-谎言,谎话谎言,谎话 tell(sb.)a lie/lies-_ lay(v.)-下蛋,产卵下蛋,产卵 lay-laid-laid-laying练习:练习:a.别总是对我撒谎!别总是对我撒谎!Dont alwa

17、ys _me!b.玛丽喜欢在太阳底下躺着。玛丽喜欢在太阳底下躺着。Mary enjoys _ on her back in the sunshine.c.这只母鸡每天下一只蛋。这只母鸡每天下一只蛋。The hen _ an egg every day.d.下班后,他躺在床上一动不动。下班后,他躺在床上一动不动。After work,he _ on the bed without moving.A:What a beautiful place!Where is it?B:Its that/which lies in A:Have you ever been there before?B:Yes,

18、I have./No,I havent.Mount Hua Shanxi ProvinceA:What a beautiful place!Where is it?B:Its that/which lies in Its Mount Hua that/which lies in Shaanxi Province.A:Have you ever been there before?B:Yes,I have.No,I havent.Mount Heng Shanxi ProvinceA:What a beautiful place!Where is it?B:Its that/which lies

19、 in A:Have you ever been there before?B:Yes,I have.No,I havent.Mount Heng Hunan ProvinceA:What a beautiful place!Where is it?B:Its that/which lies in Its Mount Heng that/which lies in Hunan Province.A:Have you ever been there before?B:Yes,I have.No,I havent.Mount Song Henan ProvinceA:What a beautifu

20、l place!Where is it?B:Its that/which lies in Its Mount Song that/which lies in Henan Province.A:Have you ever been there before?B:Yes,I have.No,I havent.3.work aloneListen to the passage and fill in the blank.重点词汇:重点词汇:attract;fetch;introduce;province重点短语:重点短语:a great number of;lie in.;the birthplac

21、e of Chinese culture;in detail重点句型:重点句型:1.Its two years since Mr.and Mrs.Green came to China.2.China is a great country that has about 5,000 years of history.3.There are many places of interest which attract many tourists from all over the world every year.4.Its a book which introduces China in deta

22、il.1.My parents live in a house_ is more than 100 years old.which/that2.Kevin is reading a book _ is too difficult for him.which/that下列情况只能用下列情况只能用that序数词或最高级序数词或最高级adjadj修饰先行词时修饰先行词时 all,everything,nobody 等不定等不定代词作先行词时代词作先行词时5.Is there anything _ you want to buy in the town.6.All _ we can do is to

23、study hard.7.The first one _ stands up is a little boy.thatthatthat将下列两句话合并成一句将下列两句话合并成一句.1.I cant find the book.Thats about China.I cant find the book that is about China.2.The girl is my sister.The girl is standing on the stage.The girl who/that is standing on the stage is my sister.3.The West Lak

24、e lies in Hangzhou.The West Lake is one of the most famous lakes in China.The West Lake which lies in Hangzhou is one of the most famous lakes in China.4.The cat is mine.The cat is playing with a ball.The cat that is playing with a ball is mine.Thank you for listening!1.who指指人人,作主语或宾语作主语或宾语(作宾语可省略)作宾语可省略)2.whom指指人人,作宾语作宾语(作宾语可省略作宾语可省略,如介词提前则不能省如介词提前则不能省)3.which 指指物物,作主语或宾语作主语或宾语(作宾语可作宾语可 省略省略,如介词提前则不能省如介词提前则不能省)4.that 指指人人/物物,作主语或宾语,作主语或宾语(作宾语作宾语 可省略)可省略)


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