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《2017年中考英语重难题型补充练习题库--7选5还原短文型.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017年中考英语重难题型补充练习题库--7选5还原短文型.doc(59页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2017年中考英语重难题型补充练习题库-7选5还原短文型2017年中考英语重难题型补充练习题库-7选5还原短文型未经允许 请勿转载 选还原短文型Pss1写诗步骤Ha you ver trid t wrtepoem?Is ie tha ou might ink. Just pickp pen and begin pacing. He th sps o writeaoe未经许可 请勿转载oosour topic 1._Some eo can sart writing poems thut eally ein what to write abot;when hei pen r pecilis pae

2、, theos jst l 畅流. Most people,on heotherha, nea tpic and a begnner, this is the bsay to srt. Itseasiert ite agd poem abou smthng you kw well or yo haveexpeiencd未经许可 请勿转载Fre re for fminutes ouour topi.en go back and red i. Ar n ords or expressons esecall god? ._ Frexample, ifyuare describing sohga ir

3、d, wte downdesrptiv words bout it ls, olo,and the nd fsor you wol liketotellbuhe bird fellout of a ree Iu arewrtin abut an evn in yr ie,wrie down yorfeligsan thughs of at evet未经许可 请勿转载Writ your pom Remmber, apom doent havto yme押韵. 3._ But it shold hyor feelingf the pic.And it should ond nie to yo未经许

4、可 请勿转载ave arid ad u poe loud to yu.4._ I not, go bck nd rerite e pts you dont like未经许可 请勿转载5._ Ra it toothes. adit alud yourself. Pt it smewhere if o want 未经许可 请勿转载A.Do you lk the y isounds?Bk作记号 thm ad use he in yourpom. Enjoy our poem.D Wtwould ou lke youpom to be abo?.I doest a t use sneces, eith

5、r.Is very easy o wrta om.GRed your oemouywhen yu e free【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了怎样写诗,首先选择主题;第二步,围绕你的主题自由写五分钟,再从头阅读,修改;第三步,写诗;第四步,找一个朋友给你大声朗读,修改你不喜欢的地方;第五步,欣赏你的诗,向别人和自己朗读,把它放在你想放的地方。未经许可 请勿转载【备选分析】. D you lkth way it sonds?它听起来的这种感觉是你喜欢的吗?B.Mar作记号hem adetheinyu poem标记它们并把它们运用到你的诗中。. Enjoy yu pm.欣赏你的诗。D.

6、Whatwuld yo like our peto be aout?你想要你的诗是关于什么的? Itdoesn haeto usenece, eiter它也不必用句子。F. Its vy eay to wre oe写一首诗是非常容易的。G. ead yur poe loudly wen y e ree.当你闲暇的时候大声朗读你的诗。1. D【解析】根据上句“hoos your topic. 选择你的主题。,再结合备选项可知D项也是关于主题的,故选。未经许可 请勿转载2.B【解析】根据上两句“Thn go bk an read it.e ny wordsor xprion specialy go

7、d?然后返回去阅读,看看是否有特别好的语言和表达方式?,再结合备选项可知项符合上下文语境,故选B。未经许可 请勿转载3. E【解析】根据上句“Remer,a poem dethaveyme押韵.记住,一首诗不一定要押韵。,再结合备选项可知E项“它也不必用句子。符合上下文语境,故选E。未经许可 请勿转载4. 【解析】根据上句“Have afried read your poem luto 让你的朋友把你的诗大声朗读给你听可知此处和听有关,再结合备选项可知A项符合上下文语境,故选。未经许可 请勿转载5. C【解析】根据后句“ed i to othe把你的诗读给其他人听。结合备选项可知项符合上下文语

8、境,故选C。未经许可 请勿转载Pasage 2加拿大女孩眼中的中国Recentl, very simeestion became widey pread nlin: Wha Cia shoube proud of? 1._未经许可 请勿转载Lanlan,whose lname is Negar Kri,is frm Canaa. She came to Chinafiveyear ago a is a studet a Ngbo ivrtN she has 1,00 ans theInternet an henumbr s stll growig未经许可 请勿转载Lanan lvesChina

9、 nd Chinese. 2._ ndthats whyshe i o well receivedmn Ciese net frinsThe follong iChna inher eyes.未经许可 请勿转载“It ihe asiestountry in which t djo.Ifyou aent to lazy, it s realy ry simpl fndajo iCina I believetherere mejb ncsherethan i an oher counry ine word未经许可 请勿转载“3._ bo 40 milion hinee restuying Egli

10、h.Ifthey an peod Enihinhe ture,Chia will hvethe graet numer of Englh peakes f ny no-Egish eakig county.未经许可 请勿转载“Theseeof Cineserais is fastrm Nigbo tBeii, therainrus1, 36 kimters frsvenhors athticet i ol55 un.未经许可 请勿转载“Ipublic secity is reat 4._ haveavelledi many cutres, ad I thik Chia rea iveyafe.

11、未经许可 请勿转载“herearmu moe tingsha hould be prod of. MnChineepeople fte criicze批评 Chna.Atirs I beieed that they dint like Chinar tat the lov Westencoutries.But er, I eaizedtht they ju ta very hihsadard f hin.5._ Cinaust e uheter than oter cuntries.未经许可 请勿转载 Thereig langge leve is surprig. This ouryf1. l

12、in peopemas mee af.C. A fegn gir ling n Cinagave ayuci ansr. They eieve th its noenuh tbnumbr e in te worldE hebeliee Chna wil be te stnget conr n the worldin utu.F.Sthikstt pollion n China s very eriousl.G.Se wil never e o Chin aain.【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。介绍了在中国文化中,值得我们骄傲的是什么,并且通过一位来自加拿大的学生讲述找工作,中国高铁,以及公共安

13、全等方面的状况,旨在让西方人消除对中国的偏见,让外国人真正走进中国,了解中国,认可中国在国际舞台上的地位。未经许可 请勿转载【备选分析】A.Te forenlagugeleeli surprsig.外语水平令人吃惊的。B. hisountry f1.4bion eopeakes me fe afe.这个国家的14亿人口使我感到安全。C. A foreggil liing i Chin gave aery toucing anr一位住在中国的外国女孩给了一个感人的答案::。D. Thy belieeha i not nugh o nmber on i the world.他们相信成为世界第一是不

14、够的。E. She beves Chin wil bethestronges cotr in the orld infutre.她相信中国在未来会成为世界上最强大的国家。. Se thins tht pollui in Chna s very siousy.她认为中国的污染特别严重。G. ewill neer ome ina gn.她永远不会再来中国了。 1. 【解析】此题的逻辑关系为顺序关系:提出问题,前后呼应。根据文章第一句中关键词avy simple qesti及选项的关键词a verytouchng nswer可知答案:::。未经许可 请勿转载2.E【解析】此题的逻辑关系为因果关系:从

15、因到果。根据前后句中的关键词Lanlan,thats w,sh可知空格处需要一个表示原因的句子,且主语为anlan或se。故选E。未经许可 请勿转载. A【解析】此题的逻辑关系为解释关系:从后句的关键词nish及选项中的关键词Theforein laguge可知答案::。未经许可 请勿转载4. B【解析】此题的逻辑关系为解释关系:根据前一句中的关键词ecurt及选项B中的关键词fe可知答案:。未经许可 请勿转载5.【解析】此题的逻辑关系为解释关系和因果关系:D选项承前启后, 既是对前面句子的解释,又是后面结果句的原因。根据本段第二句的关键词Man Cinese peple及选项D中的关键词e可

16、知答案::。未经许可 请勿转载Passage 学好语言的方法Lerning a langue is easyEven child cn doit.adults who ar lening a endagage wuld dsage withhe above sentece. or them, learnng a lagag saery fiult ts.1._未经许可 请勿转载nguge learning is different from oher kind of leann. ._ Hwever, somele who are successfllanage larners find it

17、difficultosuced in othe filds. 3._ Forexame,readas ma yu can n the ne lauage; pratic peaing the languae every dy;lvewithpeple ho speak thelanguage you wan to ern; dont tranltr to hnk inhene lanua; ern s a childwould nplay it lague and soo未经许可 请勿转载._ nugeearnigreearc how tha sucsful lgagelarnrs r sim

18、ilr in mny ways Firs f al, succesful angua lerer are indndent独立的larners Secodly, ucessf nguagelenniave learnng ._未经许可 请勿转载What n of lagag learnerare you? Ify area sccessul languagelar, ou ave probab been earning indepedent, ctivey,and purposeflly.未经许可 请勿转载. Fna, sucessfulanguagelaer are learer with

19、a urpse目的B.They need udredsof ours osud ad atice, a hat il ntmanvery adlt lauage learner anbesccesful.CButwhat des a ccesfu anguageearner do?D.Pole lern Englih because they wntodnewsapers an magazines in Eglih.E Som people whare vry inellgent and successfl n their field fin it difiult to uced inangu

20、ae learnng.F. idre mus learn w to earn t schoo.GLanuage chr ofenoffedviceto lguage arner.【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章指出很多人在学习一门语言时,有些人觉得很容易,而有些人却觉得很困难,文章主要介绍了如何学好语言的方法。未经许可 请勿转载【备选分析】A. inaly, uccssullanguage lanersae ernerswith a purpose目的.最后,成功的语言学者是带有目的的学习者。B. heyned hundres f hours to nd practice,andhat il

21、l ot en evyadult agage larner c e sucessul.他们需要上百个小时的学习和练习,而且这样也并不意味着每个成年语言学者都会成功。.But wht doe sessfl lnuage learner shoul o?但是一个成功的语言学者应该做什么呢?D Peoplelear Egli beause they want tored newspaprs ad agazines i nglish.人们学习英语,因为他们想要读英语报纸和杂志。Eomepeopl who ar ey telgen and successuin the ils fnd it iffict

22、to sued in lngugeleaning一些非常聪明并且在他们的领域很成功的人们发现成功地学习语言是困难的。F. hldren ut larn hw tlearn tscoo.孩子们必须学会如何在学校学习。G Langagteachrs ofen offeri o lguaearers语言老师经常给语言学者提供建议。 B【解析】根据上句“o the, larning a langue is avery ifctask.对于他们来说,学习一门语言是一项很艰难的任务。可知此处讲的应该和具体表现的难度有关,故选B。未经许可 请勿转载. E【解析】根据后句“Hove, somepepleo a

23、re sucesflanguge earersfind it difiult to succeed n othr fied. 然而有些很成功的语言学者发现想在其他领域取得成功却很困难。中的转折可知此处表示的意思应该和此句相反,故选E。未经许可 请勿转载. G【解析】根据本段第一句 “Langug learningsdiferentromothins of learnng.语言学习不同于其他方面的学习。及后文均是讲语言学习的方法,结合备选项可知G项符合上下文语境,故选G。未经许可 请勿转载4. C【解析】根据下句“nguageaingrearch shows that sucsfullanuag

24、 learnrs are simlar in many ays语言学习调查报告显示很多成功的语言学者在很多方面都很相似。可知此处应是提问关于成功语言学习者的学习方法,结合备选项可知项符合上下文语境,故选。未经许可 请勿转载5. A【解析】根据前面的“Firstofall首先及“Secny第二,可知此处应是表示顺序的词,结合备选项可知A项符合上下文语境,故选A。未经许可 请勿转载age4克服惰性的方法w an I Fightaziness? a peoplewi ver acheve atin inlioer, ainsc bedeateonea fw cnges he b mde in you

25、r min.未经许可 请勿转载1._ Mn peopleack slep cosanty, inceteysta u too lateand getuptoo eary to reare f wo. Thesepeoplhavelittlemtvation nce theyarrive home. Laness worshan in andwha lck ofotinad a teency to p of thins adjsing yur seep schedetoprovie a fe reurs o eanngful est, you can ght laziestroughout te

26、a. 未经许可 请勿转载Anohr wy oigh lazne isto chage your mndfrom assiveto active.Some eopl treat teir lives s f they ere psh fom sk totask. Oths take morepoactive pproah,vewingecas s a chaenge they ustovrome aloe2_未经许可 请勿转载So eople fight laziess byrmong t emptins tht srrounthm. A televsinn te liv roommay pro

27、vide eneainme, t achn o mch TV oten cntrute to lzness3._Cmplteafw tasks nd ewr yorself with what yu enj, suh as ood dinner r fil.未经许可 请勿转载Laziess c a be alsting blm hme. Couplsdchidrn mayl av iffrenteerlevl, bt lzness cn be spred ifnot bein dealt wih immediatly. 4._ Bethefirst tcolet and wash ishafe

28、r a meal. Others in tehomeaventually follo yor example ndprcicehir own taIt is dificut to pactic lanesswhenou are urrounded by mtvte pople. 5._ Enugh exercis ad balnce det a hepyoutodevep a halthyliestyle, thsenlinyoto have moreengy anhel lift your sprits.未经许可 请勿转载A.T fihtfamiylzness, se exampleB. K

29、owg how to fight laziess i imotantC Onway tofgt azies isto gt enoghsleepD inlly, ain xerie reguary canhep you fight lzines.E ithstrog dmtion, ou wile able t chieve your goal.F Laziness stin when you olnr elncargeof ur wn l. Creta reard ystemfor yorself, jus asarents o for thehirn.【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍

30、了克服惰性的方法:获得足够的睡眠;完成任务时,变被动为主动;拒绝周围的诱惑;给自己设立奖励体系;在家里树立榜样、多做锻炼和保持健康的生活方式。未经许可 请勿转载【备选分析】A. ofght amily anes, se a eple.为了克服家里的惰性,要树立一个榜样。B nown hoto fihtlazines isimpott. 知道如何克服惰性是重要的。. n y o fgt laziness i t g enghsleep 克服懒惰的一个方法就是获得充足的睡眠。D.Fially, taking erisregulary can l you fght zinss.最后,有规律地锻炼能帮

31、助你克服惰性。.Wthsrong etemination,yowill e able to acheeyour al.凭借坚定的决心,你将能够实现你的目标。F. azineseti wn yu no loger eel harge o yur on life. 当你觉得你不再掌控自己的生活时,你就会变懒。G. Create aread sytem yorelf, jus asprens do fo th cildren.为你自己设立一个奖励体系,就像是父母给孩子设立的奖励体系一样。1 【解析】根据后句“Mapee la sle cnstany,snce they stayup o lt a g

32、t upto eryto prarfor work.可知前句与睡眠相关。再结合下段第一句“Another wyfight laziessis o.可知前面应是提到一种克服惰性的方法。故选C。未经许可 请勿转载2 B【解析】根据前句“Other takeamore proate aproa.和下段第一句“oe people fglazines.可知知道如何克服惰性很重要。故选B。未经许可 请勿转载3. 【解析】根据后句“Cmpleafw task ad rrd ourelfithwh yo njy.可知前句的方法和奖励有关。故选G。未经许可 请勿转载.A【解析】根据后两句“Be the firs

33、o olec ad ash dishe ate el.Othesin t om may evetlly fllowour xampl.可知前句和树立榜样有关。故选A。未经许可 请勿转载 D【解析】根据后句“Enh exrcise nd a balace diet ca help.可知前句和锻炼或均衡饮食有关。结合所给选项可知D项符合语境,故选D。未经许可 请勿转载Pssag 5快乐网站Sometmes, y feedwn ouhapy.1_ Soif oure hvig aadd ad need bost, then help ijust a ick away.未经许可 请勿转载A wesit

34、e tyg toofer pple psitive积极的sses fomstrnger to eertem p. 2_eol can preentheirpositive thogh adeelingst to wo i low spirits he.未经许可 请勿转载The wbsite, thenicestpaconth, le peopl pot vdeos ftheslves blowing kesand leing poitive encouaginmssages t lif visito rs.未经许可 请勿转载3._ Andit isnsideed to helpmay peop

35、le otwhen ty feel ow. h ellknown artist wolivs n San Francisco aid h ce up wi the ea whenhe and hi frienLurewere aingon of toebad未经许可 请勿转载“We ted to eome heeful, bu noeof he usua ethos seed be working.ot music. Nt foo. hat we hpedasomeing pstive, honest and od So wih nly aeraand wor-free weend, we c

36、ra The ices Plac On Tenenet. he exaned his wbite.未经许可 请勿转载Onuse fthesie,oseh ehan, 2, from Biingha, said, “s un d eciigwebsi. Iisit evryonce ina whil whIm misin y friend o family.4_It ay evn so hem romdoinsetng stpd.u a also osour vie toth ebsit, anhy dd it o the seris. Its yeas o share helv未经许可 请勿转

37、载Mr. Lmisowwrkig a ew pjc. 5_ The idea tat tangerssend an audio声音diary b lving oicmail d te non can isten it.未经许可 请勿转载A.Tewebsie wa ceatedby Jeff Lam.B. Itaouncesto e “the icest pace o the ternt.W dontlie mos o tieD Don iklike thaE Thproect lo peole to eepositi voicemls for sranger. And it i h t come akt our hig piri.G I hi it could really elpful to people thatae felng downoa【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了一家快乐网站,该网站主要是让那些不快乐的人快乐起来,同时也介绍了该网站是如何创建起来的。未经许可 请勿转载【备选分析】A. Thewbsitewas crete yJeff Lam这个网站由杰夫拉姆创建。B. It anonc to“the ice plac on t Inene.它宣称是“网上最美好的地方。C. We dont lk it totme.大多数时候我们不喜欢它。D.Dont lk


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