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《人教版高一英语必修三Unit5全套课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版高一英语必修三Unit5全套课件.ppt(108页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Lead-inLead-inLook at some pictures:Can you guess which country it is?Then have you got known which country it is?Yes,its Canada.Canada Learning GoalsLearning GoalsKnowledgeGoals TopicTalk about Geography of Canada;talk about the multicultural society.Words and Expressions Words:quiz,Canadian,minist


3、,pleased,impress,impressiveExpressions:prime minister,rather than,settle down,manage to do,catch sight of,have a gift for,in the distance Functional Items How to express directions or positions;How to express emotions.Grammar Noun Clauses as the appositive(同位语从句同位语从句)AbilityGoals Learn how to read a

4、 traveling report and use maps;Learn to express directions and positions;Learn to write a report to express what you hear and see in a place.EmotionGoals Introduce the students to some basic information about Canada,its geography,its culture and its population;Understand the multicultural society of

5、 Canada.ImportantandDifficultPoints Important Points Geography of Canada;How to express directions or positions and emotions;Noun Clauses as the appositive;How to read a traveling report and use maps.1.How to express directions or positions and emotions;2.Noun Clauses as the appositive,Difficult Poi

6、nts Warming upWarming upAre you familiar with Canada?Talk in pairs about what you know about Canada.Niagara FallsMaple treesNorman Bethune(诺尔曼诺尔曼白求恩白求恩)Mark Rowswell whose Chinese name is Da Shan Where is Canada?Canada is on the north of America.How far is Canada from Pacific Ocean to Atlantic Ocean

7、?PACIFIC OCEAN ATLANTIC OCEANCan you point out the city of Calgary,Ottawa and Toronto on the map?1.Whatlanguage(s)doCanadiansspeak?A.English.B.EnglishandGerman.C.EnglishandFrench.D.EnglishandSpanish.2.WhatisthecapitalofCanada?A.Vancouver.B.Toronto.C.Calgary.D.Ottawa.3.WhatisthenationalanimalofCanada

8、?A.Beaver.B.Grizzlybear.C.Polarbear.D.Penguin.4.WhatistheCanadianleadercalled?A.President.B.PrimeMinister.C.Governor.D.King.Can you enumerate the four Great Lakes in Canada?And the others in America?5.HowmanyGreatLakesarethereinCanada?A.4.B.3.C.5.D.6.LakeSuperior苏必利尔湖苏必利尔湖LakeHuron休伦湖休伦湖LakeErie伊利湖伊

9、利湖LakeOntario安大略湖安大略湖LakeMichigan密歇根湖密歇根湖AmericaCanadaPre-readingPre-reading1.What is the longest trip you have ever taken?2.What three words would you use to describe Canada?3.Look at the map at follows and discuss the questions in pairs:If you take a trip to Canada,what do you think you might see

10、there?Reading Reading Do you know what meaning of“The True North”?Meaning:1.CanadaislocatedinthenorthernNorthAmerica.2.Itisthenameofatrain.3.ItisnamedafteralinefromtheCanadianNationalAnthem(国歌国歌).Canadian National Anthem O Canada!O Canada!Our home and native land!Our home and native land!True patrio

11、t love in all thy sons True patriot love in all thy sons mand.With glowing hearts we see thee rise,With glowing hearts we see thee rise,The True NorthThe True North strong and free!strong and free!From far and wide,From far and wide,O Canada,we stand on guard for thee.O Canada,we stand on guard for

12、thee.God keep our land glorious and free!God keep our land glorious and free!O Canada,we stand on guard for thee.O Canada,we stand on guard for thee.O Canada,we stand on guard for thee.O Canada,we stand on guard for thee.啊!加拿大!我们的家园和祖国。啊!加拿大!我们的家园和祖国。您的儿女对您无限忠诚,您的儿女对您无限忠诚,仰望您的崛起,我们无比自豪。仰望您的崛起,我们无比自豪

13、。啊!加拿大!啊!加拿大!真正强大的北疆,自由而富强。真正强大的北疆,自由而富强。啊!加拿大!啊!加拿大!在您的周围,我们守卫着。在您的周围,我们守卫着。愿上帝保佑您永远自由而辉煌!愿上帝保佑您永远自由而辉煌!啊!加拿大!我们守卫着您。啊!加拿大!我们守卫着您。啊!加拿大!我们守卫着您。啊!加拿大!我们守卫着您。1.Fast reading,draw the route of the travel of Li Daiyu and Liu Qian.1Chinaby airVancouver2by trainRocky Mountains3Calgary(Stampede)4A wheat-gr

14、owing province5Thunder Bay6After dinnerLake Superior7Torontotowards8Answer key:2.Carefully reading,then answer the following questions:Q1:Whichcontinentarethecousinscrossing?TheyarecrossingNorthAmerica.Q2:WhyaretheynotflyingdirectlytotheAtlanticcoast?Becausetheywanttotakethetrainfromwesttoeastacross


16、toreachthecentreofCanada?TheycanfollowtheStLawrenceRiverandtheGreatLakes.Q6:WhataresomeofCanadasgreatestnaturalresources?Waterfromitslakesandrivers,andwoodfromitsforests.3.Try to talk with your partner about the difficult sentences which you can not work out using the context.Then make a list of not



19、.他用脚后跟把扒手绊倒。他用脚后跟把扒手绊倒。2.使失误使失误,使犯错误使犯错误Afewconfusingquestionstrippedupthesuspect.几个棘手的问题使嫌疑犯泄漏了真情。几个棘手的问题使嫌疑犯泄漏了真情。trip In size,Canada is the second largest country on earth.In terms of economic power,it is a member of the Big seven,the worlds leading industrial nations,ranking along with the Unite

20、d States,France,the United Kingdom,Italy,Germany and Japan.Canada plays an active role in international affairs,often taking part in peacekeeping and humanitarian missions and spearheading aid and development programs.Its scenery of mountains,oceans,forests and prairies is spectacular.It has a livel

21、y and rich culture,with many world famous actors,pop stars and writers.In annual“quality of life”surveys produced by the United Nation each year,BackgroundBackgroundCanada regularly is rated as having the best standard of living in the world because of its health care,education,clean environment,soc

22、ial welfare and so on.In contrast to its physical size,economic power and international prestige,Canadas population is very small.The current population is a little more than 30 millionabout the same as two Beijing cities!This paradox of having a small number of people in a very large,resource-rich

23、area gives rise to some of the misleading perceptions people have about Canada.Most people do not know very much about Canada.Mention the country and usually oneof two images will spring to mind.On the one hand,you might picture a sparsely populated,frozen country where people live in igloos,eat fis

24、h,hunt bears and constantly endure snow and cold.On the other,you might think Canada is a country that is”just like America.”Even Americans are inclined to think of Canada as the 51st state,a part of America that through some quirk of history is not one(or more)of the United States states.Most Canad

25、ians live in the south of the country,along the 49th parallel:about 90 per cent of the population is estimated to live within a few hundred kilometers of the Canadian-Americans border,in an climate that is much less extreme.Ottawa the capital city of CanadaToronto Toronto Toronto Toronto the biggest

26、 city of Canadathe biggest city of Canadathe biggest city of Canadathe biggest city of CanadaTorontoVancouverVancouverCalgary StampedeRocky MountainsRocky MountainsLake SuperiorLake OntarioMontrealBeaverThe beaver song1.Canada is a multicultural country.multi-是一个前缀,意为是一个前缀,意为“多多”。如:如:multiparty多党的多党

27、的multipurpose多种用途的多种用途的multinational多国的,多民族的多国的,多民族的multidirectional多向的多向的2.Rather than take the aeroplane all the way,they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train from west to east across Canada.ratherthan而不是而不是。如:如:Ratherthancausetrouble,heleft.他不愿惹麻烦,宁可离开。他不愿惹麻烦,宁可离开。3.Going eastward,

28、youll pass mountains and thousands of lakes and forests,as well as wide rivers and large cities.eastward也作也作eastwards,副词,意为副词,意为“向向东东”。注意不能说。注意不能说gotoeastward。如:如:Theysailedeastward.thousandsof成千上万的成千上万的。注意注意million,billion,thousand,hundred,score(20),dozen(12)之前有之前有确定的数字时,不论后面有无确定的数字时,不论后面有无of,词尾都不加

29、词尾都不加s。如:如:threethousandstudents300名学生名学生threethousandofthem他们当中的他们当中的300人人4.That afternoon aboard the train,the cousins settled down in their seats.settledown安稳坐下;定居下来;适应起安稳坐下;定居下来;适应起来。来。如:如:Hisgrandfathersettleddowninthearmchairwithanewspaper.Haveyousettleddowninyournewjob?5.Li Daiyu and her cous

30、in Liu Qian were on a trip to Canada to visit their cousins on the Atlantic coast.与与trip搭配的主要动词和介词:搭配的主要动词和介词:be(go)on/make/takeatriptoatriptotheseasideahoneymoontriptoParisHeisonabusinesstrip.MyfatherwillmakeatriptoNewYorknextweek.6.On the coast north of Vancouver some of the oldest and most beauti

31、ful forests in theworld still remain.northof=tothenorthof表示表示“在在的北方的北方”。其它方位词如:其它方位词如:east,west,south,southwest,northeast等,都有类似的用法。如:等,都有类似的用法。如:ItsaboutfourhundredkilometersnortheastofToronto.它在多伦多东北大约它在多伦多东北大约400公里处。公里处。7.Many of them have a gift for working with animals and they can win thousands

32、 of dollars in prizes.haveagiftfor在在方面有天分,有天赋方面有天分,有天赋。如:如:Shehasagiftforlearninglanguage.她对学语言有天赋。她对学语言有天赋。Itseemshehasagiftformusic.好像他对音乐有天赋。好像他对音乐有天赋。8.In the distance,they could see the misty cloud that rose from the great Niagara Falls,which is on the south side of the lake.goasfaras一直走到一直走到9.

33、“Its too bad you cant go as far as Ottawa,Canadas capital.”inthedistance在远处;远方的在远处;远方的10.The train left late that night and arrived in Montreal at dawn the next morning.atdawn在黎明的时候在黎明的时候 1.WordsLearning about LanguageLearning about Languagequiz,Canadian,minister,continent,baggage,chat,scenery,eastw

34、ard,westward,upward,surround,harbour,measure,aboard,eagle,within,border,slight,slightly,acre,urban,topic,mix,mixture,bush,maple,frost,confirm,wealthy,distance,mist,misty,schoolmate,booth,downtown,approximately,dawn,buffet,broad,nearby,tradition,terrify,terrified,pleased,impress,impressive 2.Expressi

35、onsprime minister,rather than,settle down,manage to do,catch sight of,have a gift for,in the distanceObservethewordsbelow,andtrytoguesstheirmeanings.multi=many meaningmulticolouredmultichannelmultiformmultinationalmultistor(e)ymultimediamultipurposemultifaithmultimembermulti=manymeaningmulticoloured

36、made of many coloursmultichannelhaving many channelsmultiformexisting in many formsmultinationalincluding many nationsmultistoreyhaving many stories/storeysmultimediausing many mediamultipurposeused for many purposes multifaithincluding many religions/faithsmultimembermade of many members/people-war

37、d(s)=in a direction meaningforward(s)eastward(s)westward(s)southward(s)backward(s)outward(s)northward(s)inward(s)toward(s)-ward(s)=in a direction meaningforward(s)ahead,to the fronteastward(s)to the eastwestward(s)to the westsouthward(s)to the southbackward(s)to the rear;to the backoutward(s)out,in

38、a direction awaynorthward(s)to the northinward(s)to the insidetoward(s)in a direction to Choose the best option1.Rosesneedspecialcare_theycanlivethroughwinter.A.becauseB.sothatC.evenifD.as2.Dontleavematchesorcigarettesonthetablewithin_oflittlechildren.A.handB.reachC.spaceD.distance3.Thisnewmodelofca




42、hC.holdD.take 3.Grammar noun clauses as appositive(1)概念:概念:在复合句中用作同位语的从句叫同位在复合句中用作同位语的从句叫同位语从句。它一般跟在某些名词后面,用以说明语从句。它一般跟在某些名词后面,用以说明该名词表示的具体内容。该名词表示的具体内容。(2)语法特征:语法特征:1.从属连词从属连词that、whether引导的同位语从引导的同位语从句。句。例如:例如:Hehasthehopethathewillbecomeacollegestudent.他有上大学这么个愿望。他有上大学这么个愿望。Thequestionwhetherhesh










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