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《国际结算中英版.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《国际结算中英版.doc(18页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、国际结算1.1 The Concept of International Trade国际贸易的观念 International trade is the exchange of goods and services produced in one country for those produced in another country. In most cases countries do not trade the actual the goods and services. Rather they use the income or money from the sale of thei

2、r products to buy the products of another country.1.2 Introduction to International Payments and Settlements International payments and settlements are financial activities conducted among different countries in which payments are effected or funds are transferred from one country to another in orde

3、r to clear relations of debts. 国际支付与结算是指为清偿国际间的债权债务关系或跨国转移资金而发生在不同国家之间的货币收付活动。 1.2 categories(分类)(1)、According to the cause of international settlementInternational trade settlement(国际贸易结算) International trade settlement is created on the basis of sales of commodities.国际贸易结算是指有形贸易活动(即由商品的进出口)引起的货币收付

4、活动.(主要形式)International non-trade settlement (国际非贸易结算)invisible trade无形交易 financial transaction金融业务 payment between governments政府间的款项 others 其他业务(2)、According to whether cash is used Cash settlement(现金结算) International payments is effected by shipping precious metals taking the form of coins, bars or

5、 bullions to or from the trading countries. Non-cash settlement(非现金结算) International payment is settled by way of transferring funds through the accounts opened in these banks.Four major clearing systems in the world(四大清算系统)2.1 SWIFT(Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) SWIFT

6、 is a service organization established to meet a number of specialized service needs relating to interbank financial communications through a dedicated data processing and telecommunication system.Membership 会员制 Low expenses 低费用Security 安全性 Standardised 标准化 2.2 CHIPS(The Clearing House Interbank Pay

7、ment System).纽约清算所同业支付系统 2.3 CHAPS(Clearing House Automated Payment System)伦敦银行同业自动支付系统 2.4 TATGET(Trans-European Automated Real-Time Gross-Settlement Express Transfer)泛欧实时全额自动清算系统 3.1 Correspondent Bank代理银行 Correspondent banking is an arrangement under which one bank (correspondent) holds deposits

8、owned by other banks (respondents) and provides payment and other services to those respondent banks. Such arrangements may also be known as agency relationships in some domestic contexts.是接受其他国家或地区的银行委托,代办国际结算业务或提供其他服务,并建立相互代理业务关系的银行。Establishment of a correspondent bank Control documents可控制的文件 Cor

9、respondent arrangement建立代理关系Specimen of authorized signatures 印鉴,是银行有权签字人的签字式样。Telegraphic test key/SWIFT authentic key 密押是用于识别银行电讯文件的数字密码。Schedule of terms and conditions 费率表是银行在办理业务时收费的依据。Credit Instruments for four四种常用于国际结算的信用票据Negotiable instrument可转让的票据Negotiable instrument, also known as credi

10、t instrument, is an unconditional order or promise to pay a certain amount of money. It can easily be transferable.Functions (票据的功能)As a means of payment; 付款方式 As a credit instrument; 信用票据As a means of finance. 金融工具 As a transferable instrument;可转让的票据Bill of Exchange汇票A bill of exchange is defined o

11、fficially as an unconditional order in writing , addressed by one person to another, signed by the first person, requiring the second person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand, or at a fixed or determinable future time, a certain amount of money, to, or to the order of, a specified person or t

12、o the bearer.无条件的 书面命令汇票是由一个人 (drawer)向另一个人(drawee)签发的,要求受票人见票时或在未来某一规定的或可以确定的时间(tenor)将一定金额的款项支付给某一特定的人或其指定人,或持票人(payee)。Essentials of a bill of exchange绝对必要事项:uSuch words as “bill of exchange”exchange; draft or so 书面写有汇票字样uAn unconditional order in writing 无条件的支付命令uname and address of the drawee (

13、addressee payer) 付款人名字和地址usignature or stamp of the drawer 出票人的签名和盖章udate of the issue 开立的日期uAbout some dollars 确定的金额uname or business entity of the payee 收款人的名字或商务实体Acts of a bill of exchange 汇票的票据行为 Issue/draw(出票)1、draw and sign a draft 出票人写汇票并且签字2、deliver it to the payee出票人将汇票交付给收款人Endorsement(背书

14、)When the holder of a draft wants to transfer or pass its title to another person, he should sign on the back of the draft and deliver it to the endorsee. Its an act of negotiation.(1)背书人不再是票据的持票人,需向其后手承担担保承兑和付款的责任。(2)被背书人成为持票人, 享有票据权利 Presentation(提示)Present for acceptance提示承兑 我国见票给付1个月期限Present fo

15、r payment 提示付款 日内瓦规定到期日前后两个营业日 Acceptance(承兑)Acceptance of a draft is a signification by the drawee of his assent to the order given by the drawer. He engages, by signing his name across the face of the bill that he will pay when it falls due(到期).Payment(付款)债务人完成债券的偿还Dishonor (拒付或退票)Act of dishonor

16、is a failure or refusal to make acceptance on or payment of a draft when presented.拒绝承兑;拒绝付款;避而不见;死亡;破产,被责令 Recourse(追索)object to recourse: drawer, endorser, acceptor, other debtor order: in order or not in order; normally directly to the drawer持有合格的票据; 持票人尽责(提示);发生拒付 Guarantee (保证)guarantor :a thir

17、d party 保证人是第三方warrantee:drawer, acceptor, endorser 被保证人是出票人,承兑人,背书人Sum in money recoursed: 追索需要的费包括21. uPar amount (interest included);2. uLost interest ;3. uCharges result from notice ofdishonor and protest汇票的贴现:持票人在票据到期前为获取现款向银行贴付一定的利息所做的票据转让。贴现的计算:贴现净值到期价值贴现利息贴现利息D(Vtr)/TV到期价值 t贴现日到到期日的天数r年贴现率 T

18、1年的基础天数(360天计)带息应收票据利息的计算公式为:应收票据利息=应收票据面值利率期限应收票据到期价值=应收票据面值(1十利率期限) “期限”是指票据签发日至到期日的间隔时间。categories of draft 汇票的种类(1)according to drawerbankers bill trade bill(2)according to whether documents are attachedclean bill documentary bill(3)according to tenorsight draft Time bill(4)according to acceptor

19、Traders acceptance bill Bankers acceptance billPromissory Note本票A promissory note is an unconditional promise in writing made by one person (the maker) to another (the payee or the holder), signed by the maker engaging to pay on demand, or at a fixed or determinable future time, a sum certain in mon

20、ey to or to the order of a specified person or to bearer.出票人签发的,承诺自己在见票时无条件支付确定金额给收款人或者持票人的票据。我国的票据法中实际只规定了即期银行本票。Categories of a promissory note 本票的种类Bankers notes and traders notes(银行本票和商业本票an enterprise or a person)Special notes(记名本票) and note payable to order(指示性本票)Sight notes and time notes(即期本

21、票和远期本票)Bankers notes are all sight notes.Three kinds of time notes: on the 20th June 2008; At 90 days after date; At 90 days after sight我国票据制度中的本票,必须是“记名式银行即期本票”Check支票A check is an unconditional order in writing addressed by the customer to a bank signed by that customer authorizing the bank to pay

22、 on demand a specified sum of money to or to the order of a named person or to bearer.支票(Cheque or Check)是以银行为付款人的即期汇票。Categories of a check支票的种类Check payable to order(记名支票)eg. Pay to A Co. only; Pay to A Co. or order.取款时须由收款人签章,方可支取。Check payable to bearer(不记名支票)It can be payable without the signat

23、ure of the bearer and it can be transferred by delivery.支票上不记载收款人姓名无须在支票背后签章,只写“付来人”,此项支票仅凭交付而转让。Crossed cheque (划线支票)A crossing is in effect an instruction to the paying bank from the drawer or holder to pay the fund to a bank only.普通划线是在平行线中不注明收款银行名称的支票,收款人可以通过任何一家银行代收票款入账。Chapter 5:International

24、Bank Remittance(国际银行汇兑)银行间转换货币清偿债务。Remittance refers to the transfer of funds from one party to another among different countries through banks. 汇款,也称汇付。它是指银行或其他金融机构(汇出行Remitting Bank)应汇款人(付款人Remitter)的要求,通过一定的方式将一定的金额交给其国外的代理机构(汇入行Paying Bank),并由汇入行将款项解付给收款人(Payee or Beneficiary)的一种结算方式。Telegraphic

25、 Transfer, T/T (电汇汇款)Remittance by cable/telex/SWIFT is often referred to as cable transfer or telegraphic transfer, namely T/T. 电汇是汇出行应收款人的申请,用加押电报、电传或SWIFT形式指示汇入行(国外联行或代理行)付款给收款人的一种汇款方式。Telegraphic Transfer Procedure电汇汇款的流程Characteristics电汇的特性:It is a kind of remittance(顺汇).It is the fastest type

26、but the charges are also higher.速度最快但是费用最高In bank remittance, the T/T is in preference to others. It is dealt on the same day and the bank cant use the funds under way.在银行汇款中,电汇是最好的。It is safe and creditable.安全可靠Mail Transfer, M/T (信汇汇款)Remittance by airmail transfers funds by means of a payment ord

27、er, a mail transfer advice, or sometimes an advice issued by a remitting bank, at the request of the remitter. Characteristics特点:It is a kind of remittance(顺汇).The charges is low.It is the slower type and because of mail, it will spend more time to receive the money.Bank can occupy the funds under w

28、ay for a short time.银行可以在短时间内占用。Demand Draft D/D (票汇) A bankers demand draft(D/D票汇) is a negotiable instrument drawn by a bank on its overseas branch or its correspondent abroad ordering the latter to pay on demand the stated amount to the holder of the draft. 汇票是银行开具的可自由转让的单据,委托付款人在见票时或者在制定日期无条件支付确

29、定的金额给收款人或持票人的票据。Characteristics of D/D: (Aurthorized signature有权签字人签字)The paying bank is flexible.支付行可以灵活地支付The draft can replace the cash to be negotiated.汇票可以代替现金转让The draft is carried by the remitter himself or is posted by the remitter to the payee.汇票可以让汇款人直接拿给收款人,也可以寄给收款人The paying bank neednt

30、notifies the beneficiary and the latter will come to receive the money.支付行需要不通知受益人,而后他将会来收钱。The Function of Remittance汇款的功能(Remittance against Document凭单付款)比较 1.100%前TT 出口商收款零风险 2.100%后TT 出口商存在钱货两空的风险,资金负担重 3.30%前TT(作定金), 最常见 70%后TT,见提单副本付款Collection is an arrangement whereby the goods are shipped a

31、nd a relevant bill of exchange is drawn by the seller on the buyer, and/or shipping documents are forwarded to the sellers bank with clear instructions for collection through one of its correspondent bank located in the domicile of the buyer.托收,就是委托收款。出口商开立金融票据或商业单据,委托托收行通过联行或代理行向债务人收取货款的结算方式。Financ

32、ial documents金融单据: draft汇票、promissory note本票、check支票、and other warrant for payment付款收据或付款或款项的凭证;Commercial documents商业票据: commercial invoice发票、transport documents运输单据、title documents物权单据 or other similar documents, or documents other than financial documents或除金融单据以外的其他单据.1、 Principal(seller/exporter

33、/drawer/ Consignor) (委托人) (1)deliver the goods on time; 按时交货;(2)submit documents to the remitting bank; 向托收行提交必要的单据;(3)make out letter of instruction for outward collection 出口托收申请书;(4)give instructions on time; 及时指示;(5)bear the charges. 负担费用。2、 remitting bank (principals/sellers/exporters)(托收行)(1)ma

34、ke out collection order(托收委托书) and forward them to the overseas branch or correspondent bank; 托收委托书的内容(2)verify the documents检验单据即托收行只是核验单据,而非审核单据。3、collecting bank(代收行)(1)verify the documents核对单据的名称和份数;(2)keeping the documents;release the documents according to the instruction保管好单据;代收行在进口商按规定付款或承兑前

35、不可以将单据发给进口商。付款人拒付,代收行应当通知托收行,通知后90日仍未收到指示,将单据退回托收行。(3)deal with the goods carefully 谨慎处理货物。代收行原则上无义务处理货物,只有在付款人拒付时,才会根据委托人指示办理存仓、保险手续。 (4) give the remitting bank information on time及时向托收行反馈4、 Drawee (buyer/importer)(付款人)Carry out the obligation of payment or acceptance承担付款承兑的义务(dishonor有权拒付)5、 pres

36、enting bank (提示行) present the documents for payment or acceptance提示单据要求付款6、Representative in case of need (需要时的代理) It is the representative appointed by the principal to act as case of need in the event of non-acceptance and/or non payment. In this case, he will arrange storage、resale、shipping back

37、the goods. His power should be clearly and fully stated in the collection.进口商拒付时办理货物存仓、转售、运回等 Types of collection(托收的种类) 1、clean collection 光票托收 clean collection means collection of financial documents not accompanied by commercial documents.2、 documentary collection 跟单托收 (1) financial documents acc

38、ompanied by commercial documents, 金融票据随商业单据的托收(2) commercial documents not accompanied by financial documents. 商业单据不附金融单据的托收。u documents against payment, D/P付款交单The collecting bank may release the documents only against full payment. D/P at sight即期付款交单 D/P at xx days after date or sight,etc.远期付款交单u

39、documents against acceptance, D/A承兑交单The presenting bank may release the documents to the buyer against the buyers acceptance of a draft, drawn payable 30-180 days after sight or due on a definite date.Under collection, the seller should pay attention to托收项下出口商应注意:p Select the collecting bank carefu

40、lly; 谨慎选择代收行;p Shouldnt accept D/A; 不宜接受 D/A付款;p Should carefully make the document; 制单环节应谨慎;p Specially pay attention to D/P after sight. 特别注意远期付款交单Characteristics of collection托收的特点 It is based on commercial credit. 托收建立在商业信用基础之上 It is safer than the remittance. 和汇款方式相比,托收有较强的安全性 It can afford fin

41、ancing to the seller or buyer. 一定的融资作用 The capital burden is not balance. 买卖双方利益不均衡(风险、资金负担两方面分析) The procedure is simple, fast and the charges are not high. 结算手续较为简单、迅速,费用较低。Section 3 risks and financing under collection一、risks and measures of the seller卖方应该衡量的危险: Market risks 市场的风险 Country risks 国

42、家的风险 Risks from the importer 进口商的风险 Risks from the rules of some country 一些国家的准入原则二、 the seller should takes the following measures to guard against risks卖方应该采取下列的措施防止危险:u Making market research. 市场调查u Setting proper terms on releasing terms and trade terms.使用适当的贸易的次数和数量u Appointing representative i

43、n case of need in the foreign country.指定需要的外国代理人二、financing (一)Financing by banks for exporters对出口方融资: Loan secured by documentary bills (托收出口押汇) means that the remitting bank purchases the documentary bill drawn by the exporter on the importer. 出口商办理跟单托收时,可将汇票和货运单据作为质押品,向当地托收银行申请贷款;托收行根据出口商的资信、经营作风

44、,可以酌情给一定比例的、甚至全部的票款,扣去利息将净款付给出口商,然后把跟单汇票寄给进口地的代收行,委托其代收票款,待收妥票款后收回货款。即银行有追索权地向出口商购买跟单汇票或全套单据的行为。特点: 出口地银行托收货款后,即成为出口商的债权人,取得了托收项下跟单汇票的质权(lien);如果托收遭到进口商的拒付,可向出口商索回货款,银行有权根据跟单汇票处理货物。(二)Financing by banks for importers对进口方融资: Trust receipt (T/R信托收据) is given by the importer to the collecting bank when

45、 he asks the bank to release documents of title to the goods which have pledged to the banks as security for credit facilities. (Collecting bank代收行承担风险) D/P远期方式中,当货物、单据到达目的地而付款期限未到时,进口商为尽早提货而向代收行借出单据而出具的书面凭证。是立据人(即进口商)承认收到了质押权属于开证行的单击,同意以受托人(Trustee)身份提取、储藏和出售有关货物,并保证出售货物所得价款全部无条件地交与开证行。 A letter of

46、 credit is a written undertaking by a bank(issuing bank)given to the seller (beneficiary) at the request ,and on the instruction,of the buyer(applicant)to pay at sight or at a determinable future date up to a stated sum of money,within a prescribed time limit and against stipulated documents which complied with the terms and conditions of the credit. (A Documentary Credit is a conditional bank written undertaking of payment.)信用证是开证行根据申请人的要求和指示,向受益人开立的,一种有条件的承诺付款的书面文件跟单信用证是银行有


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