Healthy eating 公开课课件.ppt

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《Healthy eating 公开课课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Healthy eating 公开课课件.ppt(32页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、教学内容,1教材内容的地位、作用与意义Warming up 部分通过图片和表格向学生展示食物的分类法,探讨食物对人体的作用,然后通过询问学生的个人饮食习惯来引导学生关注膳食平衡。这样的安排为后面的阅读和听力理解提供了背景知识,扫除学生的知识障碍和语言障碍。,教学目标,知识目标1. Get students to learn the useful new words and expressions in this part: 2. Let students learn the knowledge of balanced diet and nutrition.能力目标1. Develop stud

2、ents speaking ability .2. Enable students to talk about different kinds of food, problems with diet and balanced diet.情感目标1. Stimulate students sense to form a healthy eating habit.2. Develop students sense of cooperative learning.,编排特点,1.每个部分紧密相连,环环相扣,层层推进。2.本课设计充分体现了“学生课堂的主体地位”并且运用了“小组合作”及“小组竞争”的机

3、制。3.课堂活动的设计极具“趣味性”及“生活的乐趣”。,教学重点1. Let students learn more about problems with a diet, a balanced diet and nutrition.2. Get students to improve speaking.教学难点1. Develop students speaking ability.2. Enable students to talk about different kinds of food and balanced diet.,(三)教学对象,1学生已有知识和经验2学生学习方法和技巧3学

4、生个性发展和群体提高,(四)教学策略,教学设计思路 本课的设计目标突出,框架清晰,各个环节层层推进。主要让学生明白什么是“健康饮食”,“健康食物”、“均衡饮食”。在了解“健康饮食”相关的知识的过程中通过小组活动,边学习与食物有关的单词,边练习口语。本课设计思路体现了“知行合一”的教育理念,例如,“分享食物这一环节”,让学生把喜爱的食物带来,与全班同学分享感受,让同学们判断是否健康食物。无法想象上“健康饮食”这课,课堂上居然没有食物,这会多么枯燥空洞。“知行合一”更加淋漓尽致的体现在小组活动“调查同学们一日三餐”这一活动。通过对身边的同学的调查,同学更加能够领悟到什么是“健康饮食”。会将本课学到

5、的知识马上运用到生活中去。,2教学方法情境教学,小组合作,任务型教学,小组竞争3教学媒体的选择与运用多媒体平台 黑板,Blackboard Design,Healthy Eating a balanced dietenergy-giving body-building protective food food food,Unit 2 Healthy Eating,period 1 warming up and speaking,班级:高一7班授课老师: 关可,Daily sentence,The first wealth is health. 健康是人生第一财富。,- Ralph Waldo

6、Emerson(爱默生), American thinker, writer and poet,Unit2 Healthy eating,Q1 How do you keep healthy?,To eat healthily Do more exercisesKeep a good mood (be happy everyday) sleep well,Q2 Do you eat a healthy diet?,Eat healthy foodEat a balanced diet,task 1 Make a list of healthy food and unhealthy food,n

7、uts,peas,pork,cabbage,Healthy food,cucumber,beans,mushrooms,peppers,Healthy food,Canned fruit,ham,biscuit,CocaCola,Deep-fired dough sticks,unhealthy food,Instant noodles,food that is not healthy, because it contains a lot of fat, sugar etc.,Junk food,KFC,Fired chicken,hamburger,French fries,Ice crea

8、m,Pizza,unhealthy food,beansbreadbuttercheesecucumbereggslemons,meatmilkmushroomsnoodlesnutsorangespeas,potatoesricespaghettisugartofucabbagepeaches,Which foods,Task 2 Group the following food,beansbreadbuttercheesecucumbereggslemons,meatmilkmushroomsnoodlesnutsorangespeas,potatoesricespaghettisugar

9、tofucabbagepeaches,2.Which foods can help us grow bones and muscle?,beansbreadbuttercheesecucumbereggslemons,meatmilkmushroomsnoodlesnutsorangespeas,potatoesricespaghettisugartofucabbagepeaches,1.Which foods mainly give us energy?,beansbreadbuttercheesecucumbereggslemons,meatmilkmushroomsnoodlesnuts

10、orangespeas,potatoesricespaghettisugartofucabbagepeaches,3.Which foods mainly give us fibre for digestion and health?,Task 3 Group activity sharing your favorite food,minerals 矿物质,fat,protein,vitamin,sugar,carbohydrates 碳水化合物,some essential nutrients,fibre,What do our bodies need to keep healthy ?,W

11、hat is healthy diet?,Healthy diet: a diet that is balanced and neither too rich in fat, sugar and salt nor too poor and lacking in essential nutrients.,The Healthy Diet Pyramid,fat,protein 蛋白质,fibres, sugar,vitamins,least,most,less,more,Task 4 Make a surveyInterview your teachers and students about

12、their diets in English.,Useful expressions,What do you usually have for breakfast/lunch/supper?Why are you so strong/weak/fat/thin?Do you think you are eating a balanced diet?My favorite food/fruit/meat is Im fond of I really hate,fat,slim,what ?,exercise,diet,+,=,Menu,Breakfast :,a bowl of corn flakes + unfat milk,Lunch :,vegetable + some sorts of unfat meat,Time for tea :,Only when you feel hungry can you have some biscuits,Supper :,3 dishes + a soup course,A healthy diet,Homework,1) WritingDesign your own healthy diet (100words)2)Prepare for the lesson on page 10,Bye-bye!,


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