2019年春人教版七年级下册英语名师课件:Unit4 sectionB(3a-3c)&Self Check(共32张PPT).ppt

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1、Unit 4 Dont eat in class!,Section B(3a-Self Check),Lets review the rules in your family!(让我们复习家庭规则),FAMILY RULES,Dont talk loudly.,Dont watch TV late at night.,Dont eat in bed.,Clean the bedroom on Saturdays.,Dont get up late on Sundays.,Dont sing loudly at night.,Dont go out on school nights.,Do yo

2、ur homework after school.,Practice your guitar every day.,Dont watch TV after school.,FAMILY RULES,Do you think the rules in your family are right? Why or why not?,3a Complete Zhao Peis letter to Dr. Know using have to/must, can or cant.,Dear Dr. Know,_ you help me? Im not happy because there are to

3、o many rules at home. Every morning, I _ get up at six oclock. At school, I _ wear a school uniform, and I _ keep my hair short.,Can,have to/ must,have to/ must,have to/ must,合作学习,After school, I _ play with my friends or watch TV because I _ do my homework. I _relax on weekends either because I _ l

4、earn to play the piano. I never have fun. What _ I do?Zhang Pei,cant,have to/ must,cant,have to/ must,can,1. Is Zhao Pei happy? Why or why not?2. When does she have to get up every morning?3. Can she play with her friends after school? Why?,No, she isnt.,Because she has many rules in her family.,She

5、 has to get up at six oclock.,No, she cant.,Because she has to do her homework.,Reading,拓展延伸,抢答夺星,4. Can she watch TV on school nights?5. What does she have to do on weekends?6. Does she have any fun?,No, she cant.,She has to learn to play the piano.,No, she doesnt.,Can you list the rules of Zhao Pe

6、is family?,1. Get up at 6 oclock.2. Wear a school uniform, keep my hair short.3. Cant play with friends after school.4. Cant watch TV after school.5. Do homework after school.6. Learn the piano.,If you are Zhao Pei, will you be happy? Why or why not?,合作探究,Groupwork,1.独立完成! 2. 组内交流! 3.展示 争优! 3分钟,If y

7、ou have a chance to make some rules for your parents, what rules would you like to make?,Task,Task,Write a letter to your parents in a polite way to make them accept your suggestions.,3b Complete the chart with the rules in your home and school. Check () the rules you think are unfair(不公平的).,3c Writ

8、e a letter to Dr. Know. Tell him about all the rules and how you feel about them.,成果展示,最快最准最优!,Dear Dr. know,There are too many rules in my life!At home, I have to help my mom and dad do the dishes every day. And I have to clean my room on Saturdays. I cant go out with my friends on weekends.At scho

9、ol, we cant eat in class. We have to wear a school uniform. And we cant be noisy in the hallways.How can I relax with so many rules? What should I do?Ken Li,Self Check,1 Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.,arrive latelisten to be noisyfollow the rulesbe strict,1.独立完成! 2. 组内互查! 3.展示 争优!2分钟,

10、My name is Timmy the Mouse. I must get up at 6:30 a.m. every morning. Then I have to go to the Kitchen to get food for Grandpa. I never _ to the kitchen because I have to get there before the cat gets up.,arrive late,My grandpa always tells me I cant _. I _ him because I dont want the cat to get me!

11、 My grandpa _with me, but I think its best to _!,be noisy,listen to,is strict,follow the rules,2 Use can, cant, have to/must and dont to write about the rules at school. Write two sentences for each rule.,1. arrive late/class _ _2. listen/teacher _ _,Dont arrive late for class. We cant arrive late f

12、or class.,Listen to the teacher. We must/ have to listen to the teacher.,1.独立完成! 2. 组内互查! 3.展示 争优!2分钟,3. be noisy/library _ _ _ _,Dont be noisy in the library.We must not /cant be noisy in the library.,4. speak English/English class _ _5. eat/dining hall _ _, Speak English in English class We must/

13、have to speak English in English class.,Eat in the dining hall. We have to/ must eat in the dining hall.,1. (Can/Does)_ we eat in class?2. (Dont/Has to)_ wear a hat to school!3. Does Bill (have to/can)_ go to bed now?4. Francisco and Andrew (cant/dont) _ come?5. (Do/Have to)_ they wear sneakers?,选择正确的动词填空。,Can,Dont,have to,cant,Do,Test,Thank you ! Bye!,


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