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《2018年南京秦外初一七上英语期中试卷和答案(译林牛津版).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018年南京秦外初一七上英语期中试卷和答案(译林牛津版).pdf(40页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2018-2019 学年江苏省南京市秦淮区秦淮外国语中学七年级上学期期中英语试卷 第 I 卷选择题(共 55 分)(请将答案涂在答题卡上)一、听力(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)第一部分听对话,回答问题 本部分共有 5 小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,请从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出与你所听内符的选项。(听两遍)1.What time is it now?A.B.C.2.How does Daniel go to school?A.B.C.3.Which sport is the man good at?A.B.C.4.Which subject does the boy li

2、ke best?A.B.C.5.Which room is Mr.Wu in?A.Room 503.B.Room 305.C.Room 350.第二部分听对话或短文,回答问题 听一段对话,回答第 1、2 小题。(听两遍)1.When is the match?A.On Sunday morning.B.On Saturday morning.C.on Saturday afternoon.2.Who win go with Tom?A.His brother.B.His friend.C.His classmate.听第一篇短文,回答第 3-5 小题。根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表

3、。(听两遍)Peters family Peter He is from 8 .Peters parents His father is a 9 .His mother is a teacher in a middle school.Peters sister She likes 10 .3.A.England B.China C.the USA 4.A.doctor B.swimmer C.football player 5.A.singing B.dancing C.swimming 听第二篇短文,回答第6-10小题。(听两遍)6.Which floor is our classroom

4、on?A.The first floor.B.The second floor.C.The third floor.7.How many girls are there in our classroom?A.20.B.22.C.42 8.What is on the wall?A.A picture.B.A map of China.C.A map of the world.9.Who comes to school early in the morning?A.Students.B.Teachers.C.Students and teachers.10.How many lessons ar

5、e there in a day?.A6.B.4.C.2.二、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C租我四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.Which of the four words has the sound(声音)/?A.map B.fast C.water D.what 2.Which word can we read/get/A.glad B.gate C.great D.grade 3.Which pair has different?不同的?sounds?A.tea;meet B.good;foot C.pardon;quarter D.girl;

6、nurse 4.-Excuse me,where can I find Mr.Wu?-Look,he is playing volleyball in the playground.A.a B.an C.the D./5.-We have lots of fun Childrens Day.We can have a party in the school hall.-We can also eat nice food.A.in B.on C.at D.with 6.-Your school looks beautiful.There are many trees and flowers ar

7、ound it.-Yes,it is.Let me you around.A.take B.get C.show D.bring 7.-How long do you get to the school,Mrs Johnson?-usually takes me 20 minutes to drive there.A.I B.It C.This D.That 8.-How often do you swim this week,Sandy?-.My mother is ill,so l have to look after her after school.A.Always B.Usually

8、 C.Often D.Never 9.My sisters birthday is coming,I would like some interesting books for her.A.buy B.buys C.buying D.to buy 10.Now school students play computer games a lot.So many of them wear .A.clothes B.dresses C.glasses D.trousers 11.-Why your sister late for the meeting,Li Hua?-She gets up lat

9、e in the morning.A.are B.is C.do D.dose 12.Many people have too much work to do now,and they dont know how .A.to have fun B.having fun C.have fan D.has fun 13.-Whats the date today,Andy?-A.Its 13 November B.Its half past right C.Its Tuesday today D.Its a sunny day today 14.-Hi,Mr.Wu.This is my siste

10、r Alice.-,Alice.A.Excuse me B.Goodbye C.Thank you D.Nice to meet you 15.-Dad?I will visit Shanghai Disneyland with my mother tomorrow.-!Take a lot of pictures there.A.Good luck B.Dont worry C.Have a good time D.See you tomorrow 三、完形填空(共10小题(每小题1分(满分10分(阅读下面短文(从各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中(选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Monkey

11、s are clever,but they are also greedy?贪婪的?.They always try to get their favourite food,and 1 let food away from their hands.The farmers in Japan use this 2 to catch?捕获?monkeys.The farmers put a big 3 box with a hole?洞?under a big tree.The hole is just right:not too big for the monkeys fist?拳头?4 too

12、small for its hand.We all know that monkeys dislike the box,but they 5 peanuts?花生?.The farmers put many peanuts into the hole of the 6 in front of the monkeys.After that,they run away quickly and 7 the monkeys in a place far away.Many monkeys in the tree see that box.Soon a strong monkey comes 8 fro

13、m the tree first and wants to get its favourite peanuts.It puts one hand into the box to get so many 9.Now it cannot get its fist out of the box.It only takes the heavy box away.So it is 10 for the farmers to catch the monkey.1.A.always B.often C.never D.sometimes 2.A.way B.food C.fist D.hole 3.A.be

14、autiful B.thin C.bad D.heavy 4.A.and B.or C.but D.so 5.A.get B.put C.enjoy D.take 6.A.box B.bag C.tree D.glass 7.A.catch B.watch C.look D.see 8.A.beside B.behind C.up D.down 9.A.holes B.monkeys C.boxes D.peanuts 10.A.easy B.difficult C.free D.angry 四(阅读理解(共15小题(每小题1分(满分15分(阅读下列材料(从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D(

15、中(选出最佳选项。Report(报告)Card Moonlight Middle School Suzy Class1,Grade 7 English Good this year.Maths You dont do well in this subject,so you need to do more exercises.Chinese Good work.You read a lot of Chinese books this year.History Not bad.You always listen to the teacher carefully,and dont talk in c

16、lass.Music Good.You enjoy playing the piano,and youre the new member of the Music Club in our school.Sports Bad.You dont like swimming and other ball games.Art Very good.You like drawing beautiful pictures in your free time.You want to show your pictures in City Museum.Hope your dream comes true.1.S

17、uzy has subjects in her class this year.A.5.B.6 C.9.D.8.2.Suzy needs to work hard on .A.English B.Maths C.Chinese D.History 3.Which one is TRUE in the report card?A.Suzy is not good at sports.B.Suzys dream is to be a museum worker.C.Suzy comes from Class One,Grade Eight.D.She isnt good at history be

18、cause she always talks in class.B Little Jack is 6 years old.He comes from the USA,but he lives with his parents in China now.Both of his parents are English teachers in a middle school.He has few friends here,so he usually stays at home with his mother.His favourite place is the big garden outside

19、his house.There is a tall apple tree with many birds singing in it.Jack always loves using his toys to throw?扔?at the birds in the tree.He jumps high after doing that.Today his mother is free.She cooks dinner in the kitchen at home.After a few minutes,she hears Little Jack crying in the garden.She r

20、uns fast to the garden and wants to ask what is wrong with him.“Sorry Mom,I1I just want to throw at the birds in the apple tree,but I break?破坏?the window,”Little Jack answers with tears?眼泪?in his eyes.“Dont worry,my baby.When your father comes home,he will help put a new piece of glass in the window

21、,”his mother says.“But what do you throw at the birds with,Jack?”his mother asks.“My dads gold watch,”Jack says.1.Jacks favourite place is A.the kitchen B.an apple tree C.The big garden D.a middle school 2.Which one is TRUE in this story?A.Jack has many Chinese friends.B.Jack uses his toy train to b

22、reak the window.C.Jack always has tears in his eyes before his mother.D.Jack often feels happy after throwing at the birds in the garden.3.makes Little Jack cry.A.Having few friends B.Breaking the window C.Throwing at the birds D.Throwing his fathers gold watch 4.What can we know from the story?A.Ja

23、cks father will be very angry.B.Jacks father will be very happy.C.Jacks mother will throw at the birds with the toy train.D.Jacks mother will throw at the birds with the gold watch.C Mr.Liu is an English teacher in Nanjing.This year,he visits France?法国?for his summer holiday.He watches many beautifu

24、l buildings and enjoys wonderful song and dance shows there.He also loves French?法国的?法语)bread,cakes and soup.He has a good time there.But he doesnt feel happy all the time.He wants to visit an art museum.He doesnt know the way.So he uses English to ask some French people how to get there.He feels ve

25、ry sad after he finds no one can tell him.At last,a kind lady tells him the way,and says to him,“you are here in France and people usually speak French only.They cant speak English,so a lot of people dont understand what you say.But even if they understand English,they only talk with you in French,n

26、ot English.”When he goes into the museum,he sees so many beautiful pictures and other works?作品?of art.He feels excited and wants to take pictures of what he sees in the museum.At that time,a museum worker stops him,and asks him not to take any photos.He asks the worker why he cant take any photos in

27、 English.That man doesnt answer his question,but points at?指向?a sign on the wall with some French words“II est interdit de photographier la salle.”1.makes Mr.Liu have fun in France.a.French food b.Beautiful buildings c.Song and dance shows d.The visit to the art museum A.a B.ab C.abc D.abcd 2.Why do

28、nt French people tell Mr.Liu the way?A.Many of them are not very kind.B.Many of them dont like Mr.Liu.C.Many French people dont know the way.D.Many French people dont want to speak English.3.Which one is TRUE about Mr.Liu?A.Mr.Liu doesnt take any pictures at last.B.Mr.Liu doesnt visit the museum at

29、last.C.Mr.Liu can talk with French people in French.D.Mr.Liu cant speak English with the French lady.4.The story mainly?主要?tells us .A.Mr.Liu asks the way B.Mr.Liu visits the museum C.Mr.Liu always has a good time in France D.Mr.Liu visits France in his summer holiday D Do you often listen to music?

30、Do you know music can make peoy have different feelings in some ways?Scientists?科学家?from the USA find some interesting things about music in the shop.When western classical?西方古典的?music plays,people usually pay?支付?more money for the clothes and shoes.But they pay little money when they hear other kin

31、ds of music.Do you want to know why Scientists think that western classical music makes people feel rich.They feel they have a lot of money and pay much after they hear it.Some music can also make people eat fast.In some fast food shops,usually there are too many people there at lunchtime.Then the f

32、ast music works.It usually makes people have their quick lunch when they hear it.This lets people get away quickly.The fast food shops can make more money in the way.Before 10p.m?the saxophone?萨克斯?music Back Home”plays in some shop many times When the people working in the shop hear it,they know it

33、is time to close the shop.Then shoppers will leave one by one.Next time,when you hear the music in some places,watch out.1.We can find examples?例子?about the music.A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 2.The word rich means in Chinese.A.高雅的 B.便宜的 C有钱的 D.放松的说 3.Its 12?00 a.m.now.Sandy is having lunch in KFC.She may hear .A

34、.any music B.fast music C.saxophone music D.western classical music 4.Which one is the best title?标题?A.Music in the shop B.Western classic music C.Scientists favourite music D.interesting findings about music 第卷非选择题(共 45 分)(请将答案填写在答题卷上)五、填空(共10小题(每小题1分(满分10分(A(根据括号中所给的音标或汉语写出单词(使句子意思完整正确。1.Do you pl

35、ay /tenis/in your middle school every day?2.Our teachers often /bru/English books from our school library.3.I like reading with my?同班同学?in the reading room every Wednesday.4.With the help of lots of people,our city Nanjing is now?现代化的?and beautiful.5.Simon has a lot of homework to do.So he?很少?plays

36、computer games at weekends.B)根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形或填空。6.Doctors thinks that its good for us to go (walk)after dinner.7.Our Chinese teacher asks us to keep (diary)in English every night.8.In spring,Sandy sometimes (fly)kites with her parents in the park.9.Students in Hope Middle School have computer le

37、ssons (two)a week.10.Kitty likes playing ball games because she thinks sports can make (she)strong.六、句型转换(共5小题;每小题分,满分5分)1.Does Millie come from America?(改为同义句)Millie America?2.Nanjing Museum opens at 9 a.m.It closes at5 p.m.(两句合并为一句)Nanjing Museum from 9 a.m.to5 p.m.3.The woman in a white dress is

38、our history teacher.?对划线部分提问?is your history teacher?4.My mother does housework at home on Sundays.?改为否定句?My mother housework at home on Sundays.5.My parents often watch films in the cinema at weekends.?改为一般疑问句?your parents often films in the cinema at weekends?七、完成句子(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)1.你们每天下午进行课外活动吗

39、?Do you do every afternoon?2.早饭帮助我们为一天做好准备。Breakfast helps us get the day.3.我和朋友们经常在午餐后相互交谈。My friends and I often talk with after lunch.4.清晨,我们在校门口向老师们问候。In the morming?we to our teachers at the school gate.5.很多学生在校运动会开始之前练习跑步。Many students before the school sports meeting starts.八、阅读填空(共15水题;每小题1分

40、,满分15分)A)阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,在文章后76-80小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。There are many different kinds of teachers.Which kind is your favourite?Some students from our province?省?are talking about their favourite teachers.Zhang Sheng(Zhenjiang Middle School(“f teachers cant teach well,students will dislike th

41、em.They need o make their lessons not so difficult.And in class,we want to learn more things.So I like experienced?有经验的?teachers best.”Wang Ling(Suzhou Middle School(“We dont always have interesting classes at school.I hope teachers can tell stories in class.If a teacher can tell a story in class?we

42、 wont sleep then.And these teachers are usually kind o us students Having his/her classes is to have fun.All the students are happy to lean these subjects and do their homework.”Li Wei(Nanjing No.50 Middle School(“Middle school students always have lots of questions.Sometimes we want to ask teachers

43、 for help and make fiends with them.Those teachers are always glad to help us?They answer all our questions,and tell us what we can do.So I like them best!”Favourite 1 2 Idea Zhang Sheng I like experienced teachers best.They need to make their lessons 3 .Wang ling I like teachers who can tell storie

44、s in class.We are 4 in class.Li Wei My favourite teachers are those who help us a lot.We like 5 questions,and they can tell us what we can do.B)根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。Why does it rain?When clouds get too heavy with water,the water goes b down to the ground as(作为)rain.Water is in the sea?rivers and unde

45、r the g .The sun can make the water w .When the water gets warm?it turns into water vapour?蒸汽?.The water vapour goes u to the high place.When it gets c ,it will be water droplets?滴?.They get together to make clouds.Then these water droplets go down f the clouds as rain.The fain brings us something g

46、ood to our l ,Usually the rain can make our city c after taking the dirty things away.A ,it gives water to our trees and flowers to grow.People in some places d water from the rain to live.So we need rain.It helps us a lot.九、书面表达(满分10分(2018年8月?我市各行业专家前往新疆伊宁市开始为期1-2年的援疆计划?为了促进伊宁市的教育教学?你们学校与伊宁市第十一中学结为

47、友好学校?下面是伊宁十一中同学Zak给你写的邮件?请仔细阅读邮件?并以Mike的名义给他回复一封邮件。注意:1.文中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校名称;2.语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,要点全面,书写规范;3.词数80左右,文章的开头结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。Dear Zak?I am Mike.I am in Nanjing Qinhuai Middle school.My school Dear Mike?Im a Grade 7 student at Yining No.11 Middle School.My name is Zak.Im very glad to make friends

48、 with you.I hope we can be good friends.I want to know you and your school.Can you tell me?Whats your school like?What subjects do you learn?What do you often do at school?I hope to go to Nanjing some day.Yours Best wishes,Mike 2018-2019 学年江苏省南京市秦淮区秦淮外国语中学七年级上学期期中英语试卷 第 I 卷选择题(共 55 分)(请将答案涂在答题卡上)三、听

49、力(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)第一部分听对话,回答问题 本部分共有 5 小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,请从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出与你所听内符的选项。(听两遍)2.What time is it now?A.B.C.【答案】B 2.How does Daniel go to school?A.B.C.【答案】C 3.Which sport is the man good at?A.B.C.【答案】B 4.Which subject does the boy like best?A.B.C.【答案】A 5.Which room is Mr.Wu in?A.Room 50

50、3.B.Room 305.C.Room 350.【答案】B 第二部分听对话或短文,回答问题 听一段对话,回答第 1-2 小题。(听两遍)1.When is the match?A.On Sunday morning.B.On Saturday morning.C.on Saturday afternoon.【答案】C 2.Who win go with Tom?A.His brother.B.His friend.C.His classmate.【答案】A 听第一篇短文,回答第 3-5 小题。根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。(听两遍)Peters family Peter He i


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