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《外研版九年级英语下M8U2.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版九年级英语下M8U2.ppt(38页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Unit 2 I know that you will be better at maths.8be better at sth.擅擅长长某事某事How soon will you leave school?Will you have a school-leavers party?Where will you hold the school-leavers party?How will you decorate the place where youll hold the party?Will you be happy or sad at that moment?Who will you sa

2、y thanks to at that time?Words review roselaugh atkindnessgive uptry ones bestdisappointed n.玫瑰;蔷薇玫瑰;蔷薇 嘲笑嘲笑;对;对.一笑置之一笑置之 n.善举;好意善举;好意 放弃(努力)放弃(努力)尽某人最大的努力尽某人最大的努力 adj.失望的;沮丧的失望的;沮丧的 1.Who will probably get thanks from the school-leavers?a)Family b)Friends c)Teachers2.What is the speaker probably go

3、ing to say?a)Thank you.b)Good luck!c)Cheers!1.How many roses does the speaker has?2.Did the speakers father buy a violin?Three.Yes,he did.Read the passage and answer the questions.Dear head teacher,teachers,parents and fellowstudents,Im very proud that you have chosen meto speak to you today.I have

4、three roses here:a red one,a yellow one and a white one.These roses are to thank three groups of people for the three most important things that I have learnt.These three things are friendship,effort and trust.I give the red rose to my friends.When I started school here,my Chinese was not good,fello

5、w students 同学同学 fellow 同伴同伴;男子男子be proud that 感到自豪感到自豪 be proud of 自豪,高兴自豪,高兴 choose sb.to do sth.选择某人做某事选择某人做某事one 在这里指代在这里指代rose be to do sth.表示按计划或安排要做的事表示按计划或安排要做的事give sth.to sb.给给某人某人某物某物and some of my mistakes were very funny.I once tried to sayxiexie,but I saidxiaxia instead.Of course some p

6、eople laughed,and I felt quite silly.But they were not laughing at me.They taught me to say many things in Chinese and kindly invited me to join them.Today,thanks to their kindness,my Chinese is much better,and we have become friends.So,let me say xiexie again to all of you for your help.I give the

7、white rose to my teachers,who have taught me that there is no success without effort.When I started running in the 800 meters,I always finished last and I just wanted to give up.try to do sth.试图做某事试图做某事sillysliadj 愚蠢的愚蠢的teach sb.to do sth.叫某人做某事叫某人做某事teach sb.sth.=teach sth.to sb.叫某人某物叫某人某物But the P

8、E teacher,Ms Huang,helped me.She ran along with me,and she said,You only really lose if you give up!I still cant run fast enough,but Ive learnt to try my best,not only with running but with whatever else I do.I give the yellow rose to my parents for teaching me that love is about trust.When I wanted

9、 to learn the violin,my father told me that I should work harder at maths.I was disappointed.Then,on the morning of my birthday,I woke up to find a beautiful violin at my bedside.There was a note from my father:Iam sure you will be good at music.I ran along with me 和我一起跑和我一起跑wake up 醒来醒来be sure 确信确信

10、be good at 擅长擅长know that you will be better at maths.Im sure that you all have your own memories about the happiness of the last three years,and the people whom you want to thanks for it,so lets all stand up and say,Thank you,friends,teachers,and parents!We love you!stand up 起立起立1.the three things t

11、he speaker has learnt These three things are friendship,effort and trust.2.the three groups of people the speaker wants to thank I give the red rose to my friends.I give the white rose to my teachers.I give the yellow rose to myparents.3.what the speaker has learnt from each group of people But they

12、 were not laughing at me.They taught me to say many things in Chinese and kindly invited me to join them.I give the white rose to my teachers,who have taught me that there is no success without effort.I give the yellow rose to my parents for teaching me that love is about trust.1.Which sentence in P

13、aragraph 4 means“You have to work hard to succeed”?“You only really lose if you give up!”2.“You only really lose if you give up!”What does the sentence mean?只要你坚持下去,跑完全程,那么即使只要你坚持下去,跑完全程,那么即使你最后一个到达终点,你也不是一个失你最后一个到达终点,你也不是一个失败者。败者。3.“Im sure you will be good at music.I know that you will be better a

14、t maths.”What did Bettys father want her to do?He wanted her to study maths harder.4.How do you think Betty would write to her father in reply?Thanks for your gift,and Ill do better in maths as well as music.5.“Im sure that you all have your own memories about the happiness of the last three years,a

15、nd the people whom you want to thank for it”What does it mean?Let all the students say thanks to their friends,teachers and parents.1.Which words can you use to describe the speech in Activity 1?careful excited moving polite silly troubled warm worried2.Which sentence(s)will you probably find in spe

16、eches at a school-leavers party?a)Thank you,friends,teachers and parents!b)Well always stay in touch.c)Im proud to be chosen to speak to you.d)Lets all stand up and say You may have to make speeches on the first day at your senior high.Try to plan ahead what you are going to say,but do not write the

17、 speech in fulljust make notes.When you make your speech using the notes,you will sound much more natural.1.But they were not laughing at me.laugh at sb.嘲笑,对嘲笑,对一笑置之一笑置之 e.g.We shouldnt laugh at the person who is disabled.我们不应该嘲笑残疾人。我们不应该嘲笑残疾人。2.Today,thanks to their kindness,my Chinese is much bett

18、er,and we become friends.今天,因为他们的善良,我的今天,因为他们的善良,我的汉语比前更好,而且我们成为了朋友。汉语比前更好,而且我们成为了朋友。thanks to+名词名词/v-ing 多亏,由于多亏,由于 表示原因,在句中作状语,可以置于句表示原因,在句中作状语,可以置于句首或句末。首或句末。e.g.Thanks to his help,we found the hospital.kindness n.善举,好意善举,好意 是不可数名词是不可数名词3.I always finished last and I just wanted to give up.give u

19、p 放弃放弃 e.g.Smoking is bad for you,so give up smoking right now.吸烟对你有害,所以马上戒烟吸烟对你有害,所以马上戒烟 吧。吧。常见的含常见的含give的短语有:的短语有:give back 还给,归还还给,归还;恢复(健康恢复(健康 等)。等)。give in 交进来;交进来;认输,投降认输,投降;让步,勉强同意。让步,勉强同意。give out 散发;散发;停止运转;停止运转;被用被用 完,完,耗尽耗尽;发出,散发出发出,散发出。give away 送给人,分发送给人,分发;背弃,出背弃,出 卖;卖;泄露泄露。4.I give t

20、he white rose to my teachers,who have taught me that there is no success without effort.我将白,玫瑰献给我的老师们,他们教会了我我将白,玫瑰献给我的老师们,他们教会了我不努力就不会成功的道理。不努力就不会成功的道理。who have taught me that there is no success without effort是一个非限制性定语从句是一个非限制性定语从句,对前,对前面的先行词面的先行词teachers进行信息的补充,而不是限进行信息的补充,而不是限定性描述。与限定性定语从句不同,非限定性

21、定性描述。与限定性定语从句不同,非限定性定语从句前面通常加逗号,从句部分即使被省定语从句前面通常加逗号,从句部分即使被省略也不会造成主句意义上的不完整。略也不会造成主句意义上的不完整。非限定性定语从句中的关系代词不能省略非限定性定语从句中的关系代词不能省略。此句中还包含有一个宾语从句此句中还包含有一个宾语从句that there is no success without effort,作作have taught的的宾语。宾语。no/not without 表示表示“没有没有就不就不”。e.g.We cant achieve anything without you.没有你(们)我们将一事无成

22、。没有你(们)我们将一事无成。5.I still cant run fast enough,but Ive learnt to try my best,not only with running but with whatever else I do.我还是跑不快,但是我学会了无论做什么我还是跑不快,但是我学会了无论做什么事都要尽最大的努力,不仅在跑步上。事都要尽最大的努力,不仅在跑步上。try ones best 尽某人最大努力尽某人最大努力 其后常接带其后常接带to的动词不定式,即的动词不定式,即try ones best to do sth.,表示,表示“尽力做某事尽力做某事”。e.g.

23、Try your best to do whatever you do.无论你做什么事都要尽力去做。无论你做什么事都要尽力去做。6.I was disappointed.disappointed adj.失望的失望的 e.g.I felt disappointed when he gave up studying.not only but.不但不但而且而且 e.g.The girl is not only clever but hardworking.这个姑娘不仅聪明而且还很努力。这个姑娘不仅聪明而且还很努力。拓展拓展1.be disappointed with/in sb.对某人失望。对某人

24、失望。2.be disappointed at/about sth.对某事失望。对某事失望。3.be disappointed to do sth.失望做某事。失望做某事。The teacher was disappointed with/in us!老师对我们很失望。老师对我们很失望。We are disappointed at/about the test result.我们对测试结果很失望。我们对测试结果很失望。He is disappointed to hear the news.听到这个消息他很失望。听到这个消息他很失望。7.I woke up to find a beautiful

25、 violin at my bedside.我醒来发现床边放着一把漂亮的小提琴。我醒来发现床边放着一把漂亮的小提琴。bedside表示表示“床边,床头床边,床头”。句中的句中的to find a beautiful violin at my bedside是一个不定式结构,表示行为是一个不定式结构,表示行为的结果的结果。e.g.He arrived at the station to find the train gone.他到车站时发现火车已经开走了。他到车站时发现火车已经开走了。Start your speech by saying what your speech is going to

26、 be about.Dear head teacher,teachers and parents,Id like to thank you for Decide who you want to say thank you to.There are many people who Id like to thank.First,I want to thank Decide what you want to thank them for with examples.They have always given me great help Finish your speech by giving be

27、st wishes for the future.Thank you and good luck for the future.1.Its not right to laugh _ others when they make mistakes.A.for B.to C.at D.with2.Ill try _ best to finish the work before Friday.A.I B.me C.my D.mineCC3.I cant get high marks _ your help.A.with B.without C.at D.under4.His father didnt buy the toy bear,so he felt _.A.happy B.disappointed C.kind D.wonderfulBB毕业在即,请在毕业纪念簿上留下你毕业在即,请在毕业纪念簿上留下你对同学一直要说的话。对同学一直要说的话。60词左右。词左右。


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