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《高三英语课件:-英语法填空题型分析及解题指导ppt.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高三英语课件:-英语法填空题型分析及解题指导ppt.ppt(42页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、命题特点以语篇为载体,考查学生的语法和词汇知识。“语法填空”的考点主要涉及:句子的构成成分句子成分之间的一致性句子的篇章制约句子的意义制约全文大意:有32个人目睹了Kitty死在他们的窗下。作为邻居,却无人施救,也无人报警。John和Bib赶到事发场透过新闻进一步调查他们不施救的原因。结果发现人们施救前要先完成两个步骤:1.他必须注意到情况紧急。2.也是更重要的,面对紧急情况的人必须意识到自身的责任。他必须意识到他应该去拯救,否则,(需要救援的)人就不会得到他所需要的救助。Grammar Cloze Test One Read carefully for a second time and p

2、ut the proper words.(4minutes)填空的依据是语境所要求的“语义”(已给出词语的除外)及句子结构所要求的“语法”形式。Thirty-two people watched Kitty Genovese 1 (kill)right below their windows.She was 2 neighbor.Yet 3 of the 32 helped her.Not one even called the police.John Barley and Bib Fatane went beyond the headlines to research into the re

3、asons 4 people didnt act.They学生答案checkfound that a person has to go through two steps 5 he can help.First he has to notice that it is 6 emergency.Is the smoke coming into the room 7 a leak in the air conditioning?Is it“steam pipes”?Or is it really smoke from a fire?Its not always easy to tell if you

4、 are faced with a real emergency.Second,and 8 importantly,the person faced with an emergency must feel personally 9 (responsibility).He must feel that he must help,10 the person wont get the help he needs.解题技巧 在做题过程中,要时时联系上下文,从语篇中去判断空格处应填哪个单词。1、如果空格后是名词(尤其是单数名词),就应该考虑空格处是否需要填冠词(a,an,the)、物主代词(my,you

5、r,his等)、指示代词(this,that等)、不定代词(few,little,many,much,all,each,every,both,neither,other等)、名词所有格或形容词等进行修饰。解题技巧 2、相反,如果空格是在冠词、物主代词、指示代词、不定代词、名词所有格或形容词之后,则应考虑填名词。但不要忘记,要考虑名词是否变复数,是否有所有格形式等。解题技巧 3.1)填动词。一定要考虑动词的时态和语态,所以动词形式的变化也是必不可少的。如果空格前是助动词(will,shall等)、情态动词(can,may,must等)或是动词加to的形式,则空格一定是 。如果空格前是have的各

6、种形式,则想到构成 。如果空格前是be的各种形式,则想到用 。动词原形完成时进行时态或被动语态解题技巧 3.2)考查非谓语动词,包括V-ing形式、V-ed形式和动词不定式。如果与中心词是主动关系,;如果与中心词是被动关系,;动词不定式to do表示将来。一般用V-ing形式一般用V-ed形式解题技巧 4.空格处还有可能是系表结构,一般填形容词形式。形容词要根据上下文来确定意思,进而确定用哪个单词;有时也可以根据前后介词的搭配来确定;有时括号里会给出这个单词的其他形式,让你填出形容词的形式。解题技巧5.缺少介词。介词可位于名词之前。如at night,on Sunday等;也可位于形容词之后,

7、如be interested in,be good at等;还可位于不及物动词之后,如listen to,arrive at,look for等。解题技巧 6.从句子结构考虑,如果空格前后都有句子,则要根据上下文的逻辑关系,选择适当的副词或连词。表示递进:because,for since等;so,therefore,hence,thus等;further,furthermore,moreover,in addition等;but,nevertheless,however,yet,while,although,though,actually,practically等。表示转折:表示结果:表示原

8、因:解题技巧 7、当句中主、谓、宾成分都不缺少时,则应考虑是否缺少副词来修饰动词、形容词或整个句子。常见的副词有:always,usually,never,sometimes,not,hard,quite,very,still,almost,already等。解题技巧 8、从语境考虑,有时需要用情态动词表示特定的语气或感情。解题技巧9、填引导词如果一个句子中含有多个谓语或多个主谓结构,应该从句子的意义去判断这一句是否含并列谓语,或含非谓语动词结构,或是属于复合句;如果是复合句,一般要考虑该填什么引导词。解题技巧 10、要熟记一些固定搭配,习惯用语。这是一篇小故事。伦敦多雾。人们常因此而上班迟到

9、。一个办公室门口放了一个本子供员工们签到。九点钟以后就算迟到,必须注明迟到原因。通常第一个迟到的人就写“因雾而耽搁”,后边到的员工只是写“同上”。有一天,第一位迟到的人写了“我太太大清早生了个宝贝”。结果后面迟到的二三十员工也都写上了“同上”。Grammar Cloze Test Two全文大意:Grammar Cloze Test Two At the entrance 1 a big office in London there was a book 2 all employees had to sign 3 they arrived each morning.At nine oclock

10、,the managers secretary,who lived in a small flat above the office,had to 4 a red line under the last name in the book,and anyone who came after that had to explain 5 he was late.towhichbookwhen(when they arrived each morning).drawwhyexplain学生答案 6 there was a thick fog in the city,the first person 7

11、 (arrive)late usually wrote“Delayed by fog”under the red line in the book,and then everybody 8 who came after that just put“ditto”underneath.But one foggy morning,the first man who arrived late wrote“My wife had a baby early this morning”WheneverGrammar Cloze Test Twousuallyto arrivethe first person

12、elsewho arrive/arriving(错)9 of“delayed by fog”under the red line in the book.Twenty or thirty people who 10 (动词短语)him put“ditto”underneath this as usual.insteadcame afterGrammar Cloze Test Two备考建议:1词汇学习过程中要注意把握词性。2要熟知语法,巧记语法规则。3要多进行语境化和语篇化填空练习,培养和提高语法、词汇的活用能力。4利用完形填空题训练答题的能力,在做完形填空练习题时,先不要看答案进行填空练习,

13、再参考考项验证答案。这是一篇记叙文。Mrs.Trench和丈夫都不抽烟,而她在门阶上发现烟灰,就觉得奇怪。她进屋发现一男子在屋里熟睡,就马上去报警。等她同警察一起到家里时,小偷已将她几乎一文不值的赝品钻石项链偷走了。Grammar Cloze Test Three全文大意:As 1 she nor her husband smoked,Mrs.Trench was surprised to see cigarette ash on her doorstep as she entered the house.When she opened the living-room door,she was

14、 astonished to see a strange man fast 2 in an armchair!Taking care not to disturb him,Mrs.Trench left the house immediately.SheGrammar Cloze Test Threeneithernorasleep形容词做宾语补足语学生答案called a taxi and went straight to the police station.When she got there,she lost no time to explain 3 had happened and

15、added that the man 4 have got into the house 5 an open window.Mrs.Trench returned home 6 a police car together with two policemen.But itGrammar Cloze Test Threewhatexplainmustmust have done句型,表示Mrs.Trench对过去的事情进行较肯定的推测。throughinwas too late:the man had disappeared.7 (hurry)upstairs,she went to her d

16、ressing-table.She smiled 8 relief when she saw that the only thing the man had taken was an imitation diamond necklace 9 was almost 10 !Grammar Cloze Test ThreeHurryingwithwhich/thatnecklaceworthlessHurrying 逗号后面是主谓结构,句子的主要部分。前面用hurry的现在分词形式作时间状语,因为she和hurry是主谓关系。时时联系上下文,根据语境所要求的“语义”(已给出词语的除外)及句子结构所

17、要求的“语法”形式。只要按照这两个“风向标”来填空,就不会有错。1.Review the method we learned today.2.Finish the exercises on the paper.1.being killed watch sb.(do/doing/done)的结构 kill是及物动词,其后没有宾语,说明它 与前面的构成被动关系,故应该用被动形式,即killed 或being killed。而watch一词往往强调“观看”事情发生的经过,故用被动式的进行式更合适。Thirty-two people watched Kitty Genovese 1 (kill)rig

18、ht below their windows.2.their 此句很简单。她是谁的邻居?从第一句中关于Kitty死在他们窗下的描写可知填their。(kill)right below their windows.She was 2 neighbor.3.none 在句首的Yet,常作“然而,可是”解,表示语义的转折。作为邻居,理应救她,“(然而)”,32人中竟无一人施救,所以应填“没有人”none,no one,nobody。由于空格后有of the 32 helped her,根据语法原则,no one,nobody 后均不能接of短语,故填none。Yet 3 of the 32 help

19、ed her.Not one even called the police.4.why 不难看出,这里定语从句中缺少原因状语。why people didnt act是一个由why引导的定语从句,其先行词是reason。to research into the reasons 4 people didnt act.5.before 此句话的意思是“他们调查发现一个人在施救前必须经过两步。”故从“语义”角度讲应填before,而从语法上讲,也可以引导一个时间状语从句。They found that a person has to go through two steps 5 he can hel

20、p.6.an emergency兼作可数名词和不可数名词。从本句语义可知,此处的emergency描述的是一种具体的“紧急情况”。故其是可数名词,又因是元音音素开头,所以其前应填不定冠词an。下文亦有暗示:a real emergency/an emergency First he has to notice that it is 6 emergency.7from 还原为陈述句式:The smoke is coming into the room _ a leak in the air conditioning.Its really smoke from a fire.The smoke c

21、oming into the room is _ a leak in the air conditioning.Its really smoke from a fire.进入房间的烟雾是来自于空调的泄露吗?Is the smoke coming into the room 7 a leak in the air conditioning?8more 句中的Second与前面的First相呼应,紧接着的and表示First和Second相比较,Second“更”important,故填more。First he has to notice that Second,and 8 importantl

22、y,the person 9responsible 作为feel的表语,应该用 responsibility的形容词形式。the person faced with an emergency must feel personally 9 (responsibility).10or He must feel that he must help意为“他必须意识到他有责任施救”,顺此推理,这意味着the person(需要救助的人)将会得到他需要的救助(will get the help he needs)。后一句的语义却是否定的(wont get)意味着后面的一句在语法结构上采用了“正话反说”的形

23、式,故填or(不然的话)。也可填入连词otherwise。一题多解也是“语法填空”题型常遇到的问题。He must feel that he must help,10 the person wont get the help he needs.10.came after 随后,跟在后面。前文有提示:and then everybody 8 else who came after that just put“ditto”underneath.Go through the whole passage to check the answers.(2minutes)复查的方法是:将所有的答案“填进”短文并进行通读,以最后确定答案。进行复查时应注意:1)从语法、惯用法及习惯搭配,语感入手,看是否符合上下文的逻辑。2)段与段、句与句之间的衔接是否连贯。


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