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1、传记文学的生态向度第1页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四The Auto/Biographical Turn in Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature:Fact or Fiction?Liang Qichao,Self-Narrative at Thirty.Hu Shi,Autobiographical Account at Forty.Guo Moruo,The Autobiography of Moruo.Yu Dafu,Diaries.Qu Qiubai,Redundant Words.Wang Meng,Autobiography

2、.Zhang Yihe,Things Past Do Not Vanish like Clouds.Yang Jiang,We Three.第2页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四沈从文:从文自传沈从文:从文自传Shen Congwen(1902-1988)Congwens Autobiography1931 1931:自传史上特别的一年:自传史上特别的一年“A textbook for Chinese writers.”-Wang Zhenqi第3页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四第4页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四自然的背景化:生态向度?自然的背景化:生态向度?n自然与文化自然

3、与文化n乡村与城镇乡村与城镇n生活与生命生活与生命n一个问题:三者什么关系?第5页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四一、自然的背景化一、自然的背景化n自然与文化自然与文化 “第二年换了一个私塾第二年换了一个私塾学会了顽劣学会了顽劣 孩子抵抗顽固塾师的方法,逃避那些书本去孩子抵抗顽固塾师的方法,逃避那些书本去同一同一切自然相亲近切自然相亲近。这一年的生活形成了我一生性格。这一年的生活形成了我一生性格和感情的基础。和感情的基础。”-从文自传,第从文自传,第1111页。页。解读:文化解读:文化 自然自然 文化文化第6页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四自然的背景化:拿自然说事自然的背景化:拿自然

4、说事 自然与文化自然与文化:“由于这点初步知识,使一个由于这点初步知识,使一个以鉴赏人类生活与自然以鉴赏人类生活与自然现象为生现象为生的乡下人,进而对的乡下人,进而对人类智慧人类智慧光辉的领会,光辉的领会,发生了极宽泛而深切的兴味。发生了极宽泛而深切的兴味。”-从文自传,第从文自传,第163163页。页。解读:解读:“自然现象自然现象”虚虚 “人类智慧人类智慧”实实 第7页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四Water complex:水情结水情结metaphorical backgrounds “我感情流动而不凝固,一派清波给予我影响实在不小。我幼小时较美丽的生活,大部分都同水不能分离。我学

5、校可以说是在水边的。我认识美,学会思考,水对我有极大的关系。”。-从文自传,第13页第8页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四Water complex:“水情结水情结”metaphorical backgrounds “一切喜怒哀乐,都是湿”。“All human feelings are wet.”1.The Tuo River where Shens hometown Phoenix Town is located;2.Bian Cheng(his most famous novella Border Town),was set by the banks of the Tuo River

6、;3.Chang He(“The Long River”):generally considered the best of his long fiction.第9页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四从自然到文化之变:从自然到文化之变:“到了这时我性格也似乎稍变了些,我表面生活的变更,还不如内部精神生活变动的剧烈。有时我到屋后高山去玩,有时又走近那可爱的河水玩玩,总拿了一本线装书。”从文自从文自传传,163页页。第10页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四二、自然的背景化二、自然的背景化乡村与城镇:乡村与城镇:“我所生长的地方我所生长的地方”“辰州辰州”“怀化镇怀化镇”“常德常德”“保靖保靖

7、”“学历史的地方学历史的地方”城镇所占比例:城镇所占比例:1/3 “乡下人乡下人”中心所在:中心所在:为什么?为什么?第11页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四第12页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四第13页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四第14页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四“Place attachment”:HPP “到常德后,最多的去处还依然同上年在辰州军队里一样,一条河街占去了我大部分生活。”从文自传从文自传,118页。页。第15页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四“Place attachment”:HPPSome of the chapter names in

8、his autobiography:The Place Where I LivedChen ZhouHuai Hua TownChang DeBao JingA Place To Learn History1/3 of the chapter names“Native soil writer”“Xiangtu Zuojia”a misnomer?“Country folk”-“Xiangxia Ren”-another misnomer?HPP:Human Produced Products/Projects第16页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四“城镇之文化取向城镇之文化取向”:HPP(

9、人为项目)(人为项目)Later Shen Congwen liked to call himself a country person,but really he loved nothing more than the manufacturing process he observed in town,from the extraction of tung oil to fireworks production.He made detours on his way to school to watch needle grinding;the making of umbrellas,leath

10、er shoes,and dyes;the manufacture of bean curd and of soybean vermicelli;the making and peddling of sweets,such as lotus candies and sugar Buddhas;and the weaving of mats and ropes That he learned all the process by heart will surprise no one who has seen his meticulous,sometimes even distracting de

11、scriptions of them in fictional works.-Jeffrey C.Kinkley,The Odyssey of Shen Congwen,p.27第17页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四三、自然的背景化三、自然的背景化:生活与生命生活与生命 “为什么挣扎?倘若那正是我要到的去处,用不着使力挣扎的。我一定放弃任何抵抗愿望,一直向下沉。不管它是带咸味的海水,还是苦味的人生,我要沉到底为止。这才像是生活,是生命。我需要的就是绝对的皈依,从皈依中见到神。我是个乡下人,走到任何一处照例都带了一把尺,一杆秤,和普通社会总是不合。一切来到我生命中的事事物物,我有我的尺寸与

12、份量,来证实生命的价值和意义。”沈从文散文选沈从文散文选,人民文学出版社,人民文学出版社,1982年。年。第18页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四自然的背景化自然的背景化:“三才论三才论”n自然与文化自然与文化 天天 n乡村与城市乡村与城市 地地n生活与生命生活与生命 人人裁断:人才也,天才?裁断:人才也,天才?天地境界天地境界第19页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四三、自然的背景化:三、自然的背景化:生活与生命生活与生命“人生为追求抽象原则,应超越功利得失和贫富等级,去处理生命和生活。我认为人生至少还容许将来重新安排一次。”-“水云水云”,沈从文散文选沈从文散文选,1982年。年。问

13、题是问题是:“抽象原则抽象原则”是什么?是什么?“人生重新安排一次人生重新安排一次”,可能吗?怎么可能?,可能吗?怎么可能?第20页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四三、自然的背景化:三、自然的背景化:生活与生命生活与生命问题问题:1、“抽象原则抽象原则”是什么?是什么?2、“人生重新安排一次人生重新安排一次”,可能吗?怎么可能?,可能吗?怎么可能?答案:答案:1、生态主义、生态主义 2、完全可能、完全可能!写自传,做传记写自传,做传记!第21页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四三、自然的背景化:三、自然的背景化:生活与生命生活与生命 缺了什么?缺了什么?“三生有幸三生有幸”:生活、生命、

14、生态生活、生命、生态 天地境界天地境界第22页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四Water complex:metaphorical backgrounds 1.The Husband(a short story)The river warden had but one eye.They said that hed got into a fight on the river during his youth and had it scratched out by the thug he killed in the struggle.But he seemed to see better wi

15、th one eye than with two.The whole river was in his hands.His power over those little boats was more concentrated and absolute than that which any Chinese emperor or president ever had on land.Trans.Jeffrey C.Kinkley 2.Focus of interest in his autobiography:Play with water:Naughtiness,tricks and pun

16、ishments River street:scenes(River streets in Cheng Zhou,78;in Changde,118;)Harbor:stories 第23页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四Ecology of Massacre:From life writing to death writing Genocide;routine killing of peasants in various pacification campaigns”;Death sentence by the military court;Revenge killing among o

17、fficers;Mass murder by armies;Lightning strikes by enemies.第24页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四Ecology of Massacre:From life writing to death writing Reasons for the transformation from life writing to death writingEcological Implications of massacreThe Politics of Population:Fight for Food第25页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四K

18、aren Blixen(Isak Dinesen)1885-1962 第26页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四Out of Africa(1937)A New Form of AutrebiographyUnfavorable review by Ngugi wa Thiongo:“One of the most dangerous books ever written about Africa”“persuasively portray her racism as love”“”“a spokesperson for the hunter for gold and the hunter

19、for pleasure”,though he admits that she“was obviously gifted with words and dreams.”第27页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四Coetzees idea of autobiographynThe discipline within which he(and he now begins to feel closer to I:autrebiography shades back into autobiography)had trained himself/myself to think brought illu

20、minations that I cant imagine him or me reaching by any other route.nJ.M.Coetzee,”Retrospect”,Doubling the Point(1992),p.394.第28页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四Autrebiography:Multiple Subjects nThe relational web of being:nShift from“He and I”to “They/It and I”Group Autrebiography:Multiple Subjects-Multiple subj

21、ectivity-Eco-justice for natural objectivity 第29页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四 Autrebiography:Biography of AfricansnThe nativesare my greatest interest out there;but I think that I,-and Bror,-are about the only people here who really do have this interest.Where the natives are concerned the English are remarka

22、bly narrow-minded;it never occurs to them to regard them as human beings,and when I talk to English ladies on racial differences and such matters,they laugh patronizingly,touched by my eccentricity.(Dinesen,Letters from Africa,p.4.)第30页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四“The discovery of the dark races”nAs for me,fr

23、om my first weeks in Africa,I had felt a great affection for the Natives.It was a strong feeling that embraced all ages and both sexes.The discovery of the dark races was to me a magnificent enlargement of all my world.(p.24)第31页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四“The discovery of the dark races”nThe Kikuyu,p.19nThe

24、 Somali,p.21nThe Masai,p.22nA Kikuyu Chief,p.105 nSomali women,p.128nKamante,p.27nFarah,p.181第32页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四Deliberate inclusion:Towards the Poetics of“Complete Auto/Biography”“Multiple Subjects”-subjects without subjectivity nHumans as sole subjects:Rousseau&FranklinnPlants:Ngong Forest Rese

25、rve(54)nAnimals:The Oxen(184),Giraffes(210),The Parrot(233),nA Gazelle:Lulu(54)nAir:atmosphere 第33页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四Filmic Focalization:Artful Exclusion Elements of Romance Two Lovers第34页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四Filmic Focalization:Elements of Romance Body Languages第35页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四Filmic Focalizatio

26、n:Elements of Romance Passionate performances第36页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四Subjects without Subjectivity:The Case of Lulu nLulu by that time was only as big as a cat,with large quiet purple eyesHer diminutive hoofs gave her all the air of a young Chinese lady of the old school,with laced feet.It was a rare

27、experience to hold such a perfect thing in your hands When Lulu grew up.from her nose to her toes unbelievably beautiful.She looked like a minutely painted illustration to Heines song of the wise and gentle gazelles by the flow of the river Ganges.(57-59)第37页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四Subjects without Subjec

28、tivity:The Case of LulunIt also seemed to me that the free union between my house and the antelope was a rare,honourable thing.Lulu came in from the wild world to show that we were on good terms with it,and she made my house one with the African landscape,so that nobody could tell where the one stop

29、ped and the other began.(63)第38页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四A Portrait of the Air:Why?The chief feature of the landscape,and of your life in it,was the air.Looking back on a sojourn in the African highlands,you are struck by your feeling of having lived for a time up in the air.The sky was rarely more than pa

30、le blue or violet,with a profusion of mighty,weightless,ever-changing clouds towering up and sailing on it,but it has a blue vigour in it,and at a short distance it painted the ranges of hills and the woods a fresh deep blue.In the middle of the day the air was alive over the land,like a flame burni

31、ng;it scintillated,waved and shone like running water,mirrored and doubled all objects,and created great Fata Morgana.Up in this high air you breathed easily,drawing in a vital assurance and lightness of heart.In the highlands you woke up in the morning and thought:Here I am,where I ought to be.pp.1

32、5-16第39页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四Rationale for“Multiple Subjects”-Humans and Nature:An Eco-Unity(EU)“The Double Turn”:Ego and EconIn order to form and make up a Unity,in particular a creative Unity,the individual components must needs be of different nature,they should even be in a sense contrasts.Two homo

33、geneous units will never be capable of forming a whole,or their whole at is best will remain barren (Blixen,Shadows on the Grass,281)第40页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四 End with an ecologically charged beginning:“I had a farm in Africa,at the foot of the Ngong Hills.”Thank you!第41页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四第42页,共42页,编辑于2022年,星期四


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