人教版 必修二第二单元单词及短语讲解练习.ppt

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1、Book 2 Unit 2 words and expressions 写出下列单词的适当形式写出下列单词的适当形式 1.n.希腊希腊_;adj.希腊(人)的,希腊(人)的,n.希腊人希腊人_2.(n.)志愿者志愿者 _(adj.)志愿的志愿的 _ (vt.)自愿)自愿_3.n.基础基础,根据根据_(pl.)_;adj.基本的基本的 _4.n.运动员运动员_;adj.运动的运动的_(pl.)体育运动竞技体育运动竞技_5.(n.)奴隶奴隶 _(n.)奴隶制度奴隶制度_6.(n.)责任责任 _(adj.)有责任的有责任的_volunteer volunteer basesathleticslave

2、ryresponsiblen.Greece Greek volunteerbasisbasic athletics athlete slaveresponsibility 7.n.相似相似_;adj.相似的相似的_;adv.相似地相似地 _8.n.王子王子_;n.公主公主_9.n.光荣光荣_;adj.光荣的光荣的 _ 10.n.疼痛疼痛_;adj.疼痛的疼痛的_;adj.无疼的无疼的_;n.辛苦辛苦 _11.体育馆体育馆_ 体操体操_12.奖章奖章 勋章勋章_13.座右铭座右铭_14.n.体育场体育场_;(pl.)_/_15.海报海报_ 16.n.祖国祖国_;n.同义词同义词 _similar

3、princegloriouspainfulgymnasiumgymnasticsmedalmottopostersimilarity similarly princess glory pain painless pains stadium stadiums stadia homeland motherland 1.n.魔法,巫术;戏法魔法,巫术;戏法_;adj.魔术的,似魔术的,迷人的魔术的,似魔术的,迷人的_;n.魔法师魔法师 _2.adj.定期的定期的 常规的常规的_;adv._ 反义词反义词_3.adj.身体的,物理的身体的,物理的_;n.物理学物理学 _;n.物理学家物理学家 _ (a

4、dj.)精神上的精神上的_ 4.adj.没有希望的没有希望的_;adj.充满希望的充满希望的_ 5.古代的古代的 _ 6.adj.快的,迅速的快的,迅速的_;adv.迅速地迅速地_;n.迅速迅速_7.adj.愚蠢的愚蠢的_ adv.愚蠢愚蠢_;n.愚蠢的人愚蠢的人 _;v.欺骗欺骗_magicmagicianregularlyirregularphysicsphysicistmentalancientadj.magical regular physical hopeless hopeful swift swiftly swiftness foolish foolishly fool fool

5、1.v.比赛比赛_;n.比赛比赛_ n.竞争者竞争者_ adj.竞争的竞争的_2.v.容许,承认容许,承认_;过去式过去式/过去分词过去分词_/_;n.容许,承认容许,承认_3.n.主人主人_;v.主持主持_ n.女主人女主人_4(vt.&vi.)收费,控诉收费,控诉 _(n.)费用费用 主管主管_5.罚款罚款(vt.)_(n.)罚金罚金_adj.晴朗的晴朗的 身体好的身体好的_competitioncompetitorcompetitiveadmissionhostchargefinev compete admit admitted admitted hostess hostchargefi

6、nefine6.v.做广告做广告_;n.广告广告_;n.做广告的人做广告的人_;n.广告业广告业 _7.(vi.)讨价还价讨价还价 讲条件讲条件 _(n.)便宜货便宜货_8.v.取代取代_;同义短语同义短语_/_ 9.应受(报答或惩罚应受(报答或惩罚)值得值得_ advertise advertisement advertiser advertising replace take the place of take ones place bargainbargaindeserve1.参加;参加;参与参与2.代表;代表;象征象征;表示;表示3.也;又;还也;又;还4.主管;看管主管;看管5.陆续

7、地;一个接一个地陆续地;一个接一个地stand fortake part inas wellin chargeone after pete vi.比赛,竞争比赛,竞争 competitorcompetition n.竞争者竞争者n.竞争,比赛竞争,比赛e.g.Five athletes competed _ the gold medal_ each other _ the 100 meter race.inwith/againstforcompete in compete for(a prize,a medal,)(a prize,a medal,)compete against/with s

8、b 在某方面竞争在某方面竞争为为比赛,竞争比赛,竞争与与竞争竞争competitiveadj 竞赛的竞赛的I know my English cannot compete with/against his.We cant compete with them on price.Graduates have to fight for jobs in a highly competitive market.There is now fierce competition between schools to attract students.毕业生不得不在激烈的市场上奋力争取找到工作。毕业生不得不在激

9、烈的市场上奋力争取找到工作。现在的学校之间为了招揽生源展开了激烈的竞争。现在的学校之间为了招揽生源展开了激烈的竞争。1.She decided to compete _ the model contest.2.Several companies are competing _ each other for the contract.3.We dont only compete _ medal,but friendship.inagainst/with for即学即练即学即练The students competed _ the honor of winning _ each other _ t

10、he school sports meet.A.for,against,in B.in,with,against C.against,for,at D.about,in,with AAre you competing _ the 100 meters?The two athletes are competing _ the gold medal.Its difficult for a small supermarket to compete _ the big supermarket.Our Greek cities used to compete _each other just _ the

11、 honor of winning.inforagainst/withwithfor2.admit vt.&vi.容许容许 承认承认 接纳接纳 admitSb./sth to(into)容许某人进入容许某人进入 常用被动常用被动 sb.be admitted to=hold 容纳容纳n./v.-ing/that-clauseSb./sth.to be 承认承认e.g.I showed a card and the doorkeeper admitted me into the hall.admit sb to/into sthe.g.The theatre admits only 200 pe

12、rsons.a.许可许可(人或物人或物)进入进入;让让进入进入b.容纳容纳e.g.He was admitted to Beijing University.sb be admitted to sthc.录取录取eg:He was admitted as a member of the baseball team.d.作为作为被接受被接受be admitted as e.g.He admitted his fault in the accident.admit sthe.g.She admitted that she was wrong.admit that+从句从句e.g.The thief

13、 admitted stealing my wallet.admit doing sthe.g.You must admit the job to be difficultadmit sb./sth to bee.承认;供认承认;供认Each ticket _two people_ the party.admitstoHe _the club after his tenth try.was admitted to1.Her mother _ having read the letter.A.thought B.considered C.admitted D.advised2.He admitt

14、ed _ a lie.A.telling B.to tell C.to telling D.tell3.It was lucky for him to be admitted _ the dream university he had longed for.A.as B.to C.with D.forC即学即练即学即练ABDoes anyone want to host the Olympic Games?Vt.Vt.主办主办She is hosting a TV program.She works as a hostess in CCTV-5 sometimes.n.n.女主持人女主持人主持

15、人主持人hostVt.Vt.主持主持She was away,so her son acted as host.3.host n./vt.4.replacee.g.Nothing can replace a mothers love.e.g.He tried to replace a rare vase with a false one.e.g.All books must be replaced on the shelves.vt.取代;以.代替 把.放回(原处)归还;偿还 e.g.I will replace the cup I broke.我愿用一个新杯子赔还我打碎的一只。replace

16、 A with B 用用B替换替换ATranslate these sentences:So even the olive wreath has been replaced.1.就连橄榄枝花环都被取代了。就连橄榄枝花环都被取代了。2.我们将把所有的旧电脑都换成新的我们将把所有的旧电脑都换成新的We will replace all the old computers with new ones.知识拓展知识拓展replace with 用用代替代替/替换替换take ones/sths place=take the place of sb./sthin place of sb./sth.代替代

17、替instead of 代替代替 ,而不是,而不是We can use milk _cream in this recipe.I go to school by bike _by bus every day.Now paper cups have _ the plastic cups.in place of instead oftaken the place of AComputerwillnevertaketheplaceofteachercompletelyintheclass.B.Teacherwillnever_completelybycomputerintheclass.Ihaveu

18、sedthiscarforalmosttenyears.Iwill_itwithanewonethisyearAinsteadofBtaketheplaceCreplaceDtakeplacebereplacedC5.charge 1.vt.&vi.1.vt.&vi.要价要价 收费收费What did they charge for the repairs?charge sb.(some money)for(doing)sth.做这工作他们至少要索做这工作他们至少要索50美元。美元。Theyll charge at least 50 dollars for doing it.He charge

19、d me five dollars for this magazine.这本杂志他向我要了五美元。这本杂志他向我要了五美元。(2.)vt.控告,控告,指控指控The police charged him with careless driving.charge sb.with 指控某人指控某人The police are going to_charge him with killing the middle-aged woman.警方准备控告他谋杀那位中年妇女。警方准备控告他谋杀那位中年妇女。注:该结构常用于被动语态形式。注:该结构常用于被动语态形式。如:如:He was charged wi

20、th stealing(3.)将将(电池电池)充电充电 The battery needs to be charged.这电池需要充电了这电池需要充电了。(3.)n.费用;费用;价钱价钱free of charge 免费免费(4.)n.主管主管 负责负责Mr Smith is in charge of the factory.a.in charge of 负责管理,主管负责管理,主管注:有时可以不出现注:有时可以不出现 of 短语。如:短语。如:Who is in charge here?这里谁负责这里谁负责?The factory is in the charge of Mr Smith.b

21、.in the charge of 在在的管理的管理(负责负责)下下She took charge of the company when her father died.父亲死后由她掌管公司父亲死后由她掌管公司c.take charge of 管理,负责管理,负责The department was badly organized until she took charge(of it).这个部门在她负责管理以前组织工作做得很差。这个部门在她负责管理以前组织工作做得很差。The car was a bargain at that price.6.bargain n.C(1.)买卖买卖,交易交

22、易Clement made a satisfactory bargain with him.克莱门特和他作了一次满意的交易克莱门特和他作了一次满意的交易他父亲说他必须嫁出去,于是亚特兰大与他达成了一个协议。他父亲说他必须嫁出去,于是亚特兰大与他达成了一个协议。Her father said that she must marry,so Atlanta made a bargain with him.make a bargain with sb.与某人达成协议与某人达成协议(2.)特价商品特价商品,便宜货便宜货那辆车的价格真便宜。那辆车的价格真便宜。She bargained with the

23、fishmonger over the price.她与鱼贩讲价钱。她与鱼贩讲价钱。The salesman refused to _推销员拒绝讨价还价。推销员拒绝讨价还价。bargain over the price.vi.讨价还价讨价还价 bargain+with sb/over/aboutI bought a dress for only 10 dollars in a sale;it was a real_.(2008山东山东)A.exchangeB.bargainC.tradeD.businessB7.advertise vt.&vi.做广告做广告 登广告登广告If you want

24、 to sell your product,you must advertise it.如果要推销自己的产品,就必须做广告。如果要推销自己的产品,就必须做广告。The company is advertising for typist in the newspaper.那家公司在报纸上登广告征聘打字员。那家公司在报纸上登广告征聘打字员。8.deserve vt.&vi.值得;值得;应得;应受应得;应受deserve to do(1.)应应/值得做值得做Do you think Hippomenes deserved to win race?(2.)deserve to be done=dese

25、rve doingIf you do wrong,you deserve _._.punishingto be punished你如果做错事,应当受罚。你如果做错事,应当受罚。主动表被动主动表被动 值得被值得被 应当被应当被(3.)deserve sth.值得值得 应受应受You are very able,so you deserve a better job.(1)Its certain that he will win a silver _ for racing.(2)He did win the first _ in the 100 meters race.medalprize pri

26、ze/medal/reward/award9.medal(3).The winner received a gold medal as an _.(4).A large _ will be offered to whoever finds the missing ring.awardrewardmedal 奖牌奖牌/章章;prize 奖金奖金,奖励奖励,获奖名次获奖名次;award 奖品奖品,奖金奖金;reward 报酬报酬,回报回报1 take part in,join,join in,attendtake part in 指参加某种活动,如指参加某种活动,如体育、体育、比赛、游戏、讨论、战

27、斗等,比赛、游戏、讨论、战斗等,并积极地起着并积极地起着作用。作用。join指参加指参加(某党派、某组织或某社会团某党派、某组织或某社会团体体)某组织并成为一员某组织并成为一员。join in 指指参加活动或游戏参加活动或游戏,和和take part in 相当。相当。join sb.in(doing)sth(和某人一起做某(和某人一起做某事事),不等于不等于take part in。attend表示表示参加会议(聚会)等。参加会议(聚会)等。1.May I _ the game?2._ the Party/League/army/a club 3.Why not _ playing bask

28、etball?take part in/join injoinjoin us in4.Last weekend I _a wedding.5.Today women are _ social activities.6.Would you like to _ us _our game:7.His brother _the army last year.attendedtaking an active part injoin in joined1.Our headmaster will_ us in the discussion this afternoon.A.take part in B.jo

29、in in C.join D.attend2.How many _ will you _?A.incidents,join B.events,join in C.accidents,attend D.games,enterCB即学即练即学即练3.My grandpa was in the Red Army,and he _ the Long March.A.joined B.took part in C.attended D.join4.There will be a lecture tomorrow;all those who want to _,please raise your hand

30、s.A.join B.attend C.take a part D.take part in BB2.stand for美国国旗代表自由及公平。e.g.The American flag stands for freedom and justice.e.g.I will stand for any organization that helps the poor.主张;支持,拥护我们支持任何帮助穷人的组织。I wont stand for any more of your rudeness.容忍,忍受容忍,忍受I wont stand for _ _ like a child.我不能容忍被当做

31、孩子看待。我不能容忍被当做孩子看待。being treatede.g.We stand for self-reliance.代表代表;象征象征我们主张自力更生。Stand by 袖手旁观袖手旁观stand out 突出突出 显眼显眼 出色出色stand up for维护维护 保护保护 Stand up 站立站立The words on the sign stood _clearly.Can you please stand _ while you read?You must learn how to stand _your rights.We cant stand_ and watch whi

32、le our allies are attacked.outup forupbyas welltooeitheralsoI am also a student.=I am a student,too.=Im a student as well.If you dont go there,I wont,either.用在肯定句中,放在句子末尾用在肯定句中,放在句子末尾 肯定句中用肯定句中用,放在句子末尾,常用逗号隔开放在句子末尾,常用逗号隔开 放在句中。放在句中。否定句中用,放句子末尾,常用逗号隔开否定句中用,放句子末尾,常用逗号隔开 3.as wellas well as 并列连词并列连词1.)

33、既既又又;也也;又又。可可连连接接两两个个并并列列成成分分,强强调调其其前前面面的的内内容容,因因此此连连接接并并列列主主语语时时,谓谓语语应应与与前前面面的的主主语语保保持人称和数的一致持人称和数的一致eg:I as well as my sisters _going to the parkfor a picnic this Sunday.amThe father as well as his three children _ skating on the frozen river every Sunday afternoon in winter.A.is going B.go C.goes

34、 D.are going c当放在主要动词之前,前面有当放在主要动词之前,前面有may,just等时,意为等时,意为“也好,也好,不妨,还不如不妨,还不如”You might just as well tell me the truth.2)as well as后接动词后接动词时时,一般用,一般用ing形式。形式。3)as well as=besides 除除外还有外还有4)as well as 同级比较,同级比较,“与与一样好一样好”She sings as well as _(play)the piano.playingThe organization encourages members

35、 to meet regularly,_ providing them with financial support.A.rather B.as well asB.C.in place of D.as many as B翻译:你的作业完成的跟他一样好。翻译:你的作业完成的跟他一样好。You have finished the homework as well as he.The teacher as well as some students_(be)interested in the question.was4.one after another 一个接一个地一个接一个地一些小公司已经一个节

36、一个地倒闭了。一些小公司已经一个节一个地倒闭了。Small companies have been closed one after mon,ordinary,normal,usual,regular1)common用于物,指不稀奇,很普通,无异常的特征;用于人,指很平凡,没有职位,不高贵。2)ordinary指日常生活中随时碰到的、平凡的、平常的。3)normal指正常的、通常的。4)usual指通常的,用以表示自然界中符合规律的事物,也可表示符合社会风俗或个人习惯的事物。含有一贯如此,并不新奇的意思。5)regular指符合常规,有规律的;暗示没有意外发生的或不稳定的情况。Letterbo

37、xesaremuchmore_intheUKthanintheUS,wheremostpeoplehaveamailboxinstead.A.commonB.normalC.ordinaryD.usualAWhen I took his temperature,it was two degrees above _.A.average B.ordinary C.regular D.normalDThe book describes the way of life that the _people of the European countries ordinaryFollowing the_ m

38、ethod,he heated the metal and found that it expandedusualMr Goodman is a _customer of oursregular1.We will all have a course in _(古古代代)history this term.2.Several companies are _(竞争竞争)for the contract.3.In early days only male athletes were allowed to _(参加参加)the Olympic Games.4.The letters PLA _(代表代

39、表)the Peoples Liberation Army.5.Theres a _(定时的定时的)bus service.6.I write my own songs and I play the guitar _(也也).7.Which country is going to h_ the next World Cup?8.I opened the door and a_ her into the house.9.Who will r_you when you are away?10.He won two gold m_ in the Olympic Games.11.Many a_ fr

40、om all over the world will take part in the 30th Olympic Games.12.There were more s_ than citizens in ancient Athens.13.The m_ of the Olympic Games is“Swifter,Higher,and Stronger.”1.We will all have a course in _(古代古代)history this term.2.Several companies are _(竞争竞争)for the contract.3.In early days

41、only male athletes were allowed to _(参加参加)the Olympic Games.4.The letters PLA _(代表代表)the Peoples Liberation Army.5.Theres a _(定时的定时的)bus service.6.I write my own songs and I play the guitar _(也也).ancient competing take part instand forregular as well 7.Which country is going to h_ the next World Cup

42、?8.I opened the door and a_ her into the house.9.Who will r_you when you are away?10.He won two gold m_ in the Olympic Games.11.Many a_ from all over the world will take part in the 30th Olympic Games.12.There were more s_ than citizens in ancient Athens.13.The m_ of the Olympic Games is“Swifter,Hig

43、her,and Stronger.”ost dmitted eplace edals thletes laves otto 1.He admitted _in the exam at last.A.to cheat B.cheat C.cheated D.having cheated2.They are playing football on the playground.Lets go and _ them.A.attend B.take part in C.join D.join in 3.John will join the team_ Jack.A.replace B.take the place of C.instead D.instead of4.The restaurant is _my uncle.A.in charge of B.in the charge of C.on charge of D.on the charge of DcDB


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