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《钟楼与鼓楼TheBellTowersngTheDrum.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《钟楼与鼓楼TheBellTowersngTheDrum.ppt(10页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、钟楼与鼓楼钟楼与鼓楼 The Bell Tower and The Durm Tower 大家好!我们是来自陕西师范大学附属中学高二二班的韩会东、王大家好!我们是来自陕西师范大学附属中学高二二班的韩会东、王靖淅、刘馨怡。下面有我们来为大家介绍钟楼与鼓楼靖淅、刘馨怡。下面有我们来为大家介绍钟楼与鼓楼 Hello everybody!We are Han Huidong,Wang jingxi,Liu xiyi from The highschool aftiliated to Shannxi Normol University Class 2 Senior grade 2.Now we are

2、going to introuduce The Bell Tower and The Durm Tower.在西安繁华的东西南北四条大街交汇处,巍然屹立着一座雕梁画栋、在西安繁华的东西南北四条大街交汇处,巍然屹立着一座雕梁画栋、气势雄伟的古典建筑物,它古时用来在清晨敲钟报时,故称钟楼从建成气势雄伟的古典建筑物,它古时用来在清晨敲钟报时,故称钟楼从建成之日起,钟楼就一直被看作是古城西安的象征,现为陕西省重点文物保之日起,钟楼就一直被看作是古城西安的象征,现为陕西省重点文物保护单位。护单位。In the downtown area of Xian at the intersection where

3、 the North,South,East and West Streets meet,stands a magnificent classical building.With carved beams and painted rafters,its known as the Bell Tower.It has gained its name from the function it used to perform,to tell the time in the morning.Ever since its establishment,the tower has become the symb

4、ol of Xian.Now it is a historic monument in Shaanxi Province.钟楼始建于钟楼始建于13841384年。最初位于西大街的迎祥观。当时,这里是西安年。最初位于西大街的迎祥观。当时,这里是西安城的中心。公元城的中心。公元15821582年,西安城扩建,钟楼位置偏到城西侧,于是将原年,西安城扩建,钟楼位置偏到城西侧,于是将原来的钟楼拆掉,在扩大了的西安城正中,重新修建了钟楼。来的钟楼拆掉,在扩大了的西安城正中,重新修建了钟楼。The Bell Tower was first built in 1384 in the Yingxiang Tem

5、ple which used to be located in the center of the city.The tower was moved to its present place in 1582 as a result of the city expansion programme.关于钟楼,民间流传着种种神奇的传说。明朝关中几次发生地震,关于钟楼,民间流传着种种神奇的传说。明朝关中几次发生地震,死伤几万人。于是就有人说,西安市中心有一条大川流过,川中有条蛟死伤几万人。于是就有人说,西安市中心有一条大川流过,川中有条蛟龙在兴风作浪,因此引起了地震。西安知府对此话深信不疑,即命全城龙

6、在兴风作浪,因此引起了地震。西安知府对此话深信不疑,即命全城铁匠赶制了一条百余丈的铁链,将蛟龙锁住沉入川底。后又征用铁匠赶制了一条百余丈的铁链,将蛟龙锁住沉入川底。后又征用50005000名名能工巧匠,在蛟龙被锁住的市中心夜以继日地赶俢钟楼,以便将蛟龙牢能工巧匠,在蛟龙被锁住的市中心夜以继日地赶俢钟楼,以便将蛟龙牢牢地锁压川底,使它再无法兴妖作怪。说也奇怪,自从修了这座钟楼,牢地锁压川底,使它再无法兴妖作怪。说也奇怪,自从修了这座钟楼,西安也就再没有发生过地震。西安也就再没有发生过地震。There have been various legendary tales about the Bell

7、 Tower.In the Ming Dynasty tens of thousands people were killed in several earthquakes on Central Shaanxi Plain.People said that a gigantic dragon in the huge undercurrent that flowed beneath the city caused all those quacks.When the goverer of the city heard this,he ordered all the smiths in the ci

8、ty to make a chain 300 meters long to chain the dragon at the bottom of the under-current,right in the center of the city.He then ordered 5,000 skillful craftsmen to build the tower over the place where the dragon was chained so that it would be weighed down to the bottom of the under-current foreve

9、r,its eveil spells.这个传说听起来十分荒诞,然而并不是一点缘由也没有。明太祖朱这个传说听起来十分荒诞,然而并不是一点缘由也没有。明太祖朱元璋出身贫苦,父母早逝后,只好给别人放羊,后又出家当了和尚。他元璋出身贫苦,父母早逝后,只好给别人放羊,后又出家当了和尚。他当皇帝后,怕全国各地出现真龙天子和他争位,于是就下令各地广俢钟当皇帝后,怕全国各地出现真龙天子和他争位,于是就下令各地广俢钟楼镇压龙气。秦中自古帝王州,龙气尤盛,朱元璋当然更为害怕。因而楼镇压龙气。秦中自古帝王州,龙气尤盛,朱元璋当然更为害怕。因而西安的钟楼不但修得早,而且也修得高。西安的钟楼不但修得早,而且也修得高。T

10、he tale may sound absurd;however,it is not without reason.The first emperor of the Ming Dynasty was born in a poor family.His parents died when he was young.He had to work as a shepherd,herding sheep for the rich landowners.Later he went to a temple and became a monk.When he ascended the throne,he w

11、as afraid of being deposed by someone of real dragon.Therefore,he ordered bell towers to be built all over the country to repress the dragon spirits.Xian has been the site of imperial capitals ever since ancient times.Just as popular then as now,the saying that thedragon spirits must be running ramp

12、ant here comes from this belief.This made Zhu Yuanzhang,the emperor,all the more afraid.Therefore,the Bell Tower in Xian was not only built earlier,but also taller than the other ones in the country.钟楼基座是正方形,占地平方米,高米,宽米,全部用青砖砌成。楼钟楼基座是正方形,占地平方米,高米,宽米,全部用青砖砌成。楼为砖木结构,高为砖木结构,高3636米。外部重檐米。外部重檐3 3层,但内部仅上下

13、两层。楼檐四角攒顶,层,但内部仅上下两层。楼檐四角攒顶,檐下饰有彩绘斗拱。檐下饰有彩绘斗拱。“斗拱斗拱”是我国古代木结构建筑的特点之一。在世界是我国古代木结构建筑的特点之一。在世界建筑史上也是独一无二的。它不但能使建筑物更加牢固,而且更加美观。建筑史上也是独一无二的。它不但能使建筑物更加牢固,而且更加美观。斗拱在商代就已出现,在我国青铜器的花纹上,可以看到较完整的斗拱图斗拱在商代就已出现,在我国青铜器的花纹上,可以看到较完整的斗拱图像。建国后,市人民政府对钟楼进行了像。建国后,市人民政府对钟楼进行了3 3次大规模的修葺,使这座古建筑次大规模的修葺,使这座古建筑又放出了昔日的光彩。现在,沿钟楼内

14、木楼梯盘旋而上,古城风貌尽收眼又放出了昔日的光彩。现在,沿钟楼内木楼梯盘旋而上,古城风貌尽收眼底,在晴朗的日子里,还可以看见远处的终南山呢!底,在晴朗的日子里,还可以看见远处的终南山呢!The square-shaped based of the tower occupies an area of 1337.4 square meters and is 8.6 meters high and 35.5 meters wide.The base was completely laid with blue bricks.The building proper is a mixed structur

15、e of bricks and wood,and it is 36 meters high.Three storeys of eaves are seen from the exterior of the building.The interior of the building is only two storeys.The eaves are supported by colorful dougong-a unique Chinese architectural style of brackets inserted on the top of column and crossbeams.T

16、hey not only made the whole building firm,but also look artistic.In fact,the dougong architecture has a long history,dating far back to the Shang Dynasty.A comparatively complete design of dougong can still be seen,from the engravings on bronze wares dating back to the Warring States Period.Since 19

17、49,the Municipal Government of Xian has launched three repair programmes on the tower.As a result,the tower now looks as great magnificent as when it was first built hundreds of years ago.Today,if you climb the Tower by way of its wooden stairs,you will command an extensive view over the whole city.

18、If you are lucky to go on a fine day,your eye sight might reach as far as Zhongnan Mountain in the far southern suburb of the city.和钟楼遥遥相对,在钟楼西北方半华里处,可以看到又一座宏伟的和钟楼遥遥相对,在钟楼西北方半华里处,可以看到又一座宏伟的古建筑古建筑鼓楼。它创建于公元鼓楼。它创建于公元1380年,比钟楼早年,比钟楼早4年。以前楼上悬架年。以前楼上悬架一面大鼓,傍晚击鼓报时,与钟楼上的钟形成一面大鼓,傍晚击鼓报时,与钟楼上的钟形成“晨钟晨钟”“暮鼓暮鼓”,故

19、称,故称作鼓楼。后来不再用来报时,是在战争时才擂鼓报警。作鼓楼。后来不再用来报时,是在战争时才擂鼓报警。About 300 metres to the northwest of the Bell Tower,stands another magnificent building_The Drum Tower,which was built in 1380,four years older than the Bell Tower.There used to be a huge drum in the tower which told the time at dusk;hence,the name

20、 Drum Tower.The bell in the Bell Tower and the drum in the Drum Tower,have been referred to asThe Morning Belland the Dusk Drum.Later,the drum was no longer used to tell time but only to give warnings to peopels in times of war.鼓楼楼基面积为鼓楼楼基面积为1924平方米,楼基高平方米,楼基高34米,基座用青砖砌成。楼体米,基座用青砖砌成。楼体呈长方形。外部为重檐三滴水的

21、歇山顶式,内部上下两层,充分显示了呈长方形。外部为重檐三滴水的歇山顶式,内部上下两层,充分显示了我国古代劳动人民在建筑方面的高超技术。我国古代劳动人民在建筑方面的高超技术。The base of the drum tower covers an area of 1,924 square metres and is 34 metres high.It was also built with blue bricks.The building is rectangular with ties of eaves and has a golden-tiled roof.Its only two stor

22、eys inside.The are corridors around the tower in each tier and the outer eaves f wood arches.The elegance of its structure reveals much of the superb workmanship architecture of the Chinese people.鼓楼现在是陕西省重点文物保护单位。人民政府曾经对它进行了两鼓楼现在是陕西省重点文物保护单位。人民政府曾经对它进行了两次大规模的整修,使这座古建筑恢复了昔日的宏伟华丽的风貌。次大规模的整修,使这座古建筑恢复了

23、昔日的宏伟华丽的风貌。The Drum Tower now is a historic monument Shaanxi province.After two large-scale renovatoins,the tower has been restored to its former beauty.现在,钟鼓楼广场的修建没事钟楼、鼓楼连接在一起,交相辉映,现在,钟鼓楼广场的修建没事钟楼、鼓楼连接在一起,交相辉映,成为古城西安又一美丽景观。成为古城西安又一美丽景观。At the present Xian Atique Shop is located on the second floor of the tower.With the two towers rivaling each other,the ancient city of Xian is more beautiful and spectacular than ever before.


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