【人教版】七年级下英语《Unit 5》 Section B 第二课时优质课课件.pptx

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1、Section B (2a-Self Check),Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?,Lead in,Read and learn,Words and expressions,water,flag,tree,zoo,ivory,cut,danger,symbol,kill,save,forget,place,Thailand,课文展现,2a,Check () the animals you think are in great danger.,I think pandas are in great danger.,_ lions _ elephants _ pand

2、as_ giraffes _ koalas _ tigers,2b,Read this website article and check () the best title for it.,What Is an Elephant?Come to ThailandLets Save the ElephantsElephants Are Good Pets,Read the article again then answer the questions below.,Where are the students from?_2. Are elephants smart animals? _,Th

3、eyre from Thailand.,Yes, they are.,3. Why are elephants in great danger? _ _ 4. When is Thai Elephant Day? _,Because people cut down many trees and they kill elephants for their ivory.,Its on March 13th.,Facts and figurespeople _ many treespeople kill them for _today there are _(over _ before),Impor

4、tance in Thailandfirst flag had _symbol of _,2c,Read the article again and complete the mind map.,How to save themdont cut down too many _dont _ things made of ivory._ is Thai Elephant Day.,Abilitiescan play _can also _ wellcan _ places with food and water,2c,Read the article again and complete the

5、mind map.,1. 通读全文,掌握文章的大意。 2. 读题目要求。第一方框为“大象的重要性”;第二方框为“有关大象的一些实事及其特征”;第三方框为“大象的能力”;第四方框为“如何挽救大象”。根据这几方面的内容再回到短文中去寻找答案。 3. 可知第一段末尾的两句说明了大象的重要性。 第二段叙述了大象的一些能力;第三段叙述了一些有关大象的事实;如何挽救大象也应根据第三段的内容来填写。,Facts and figurespeople _ many treespeople kill them for _today there are _ (over _ before),Importance in

6、 Thailandfirst flag had _symbol of _,a white elephant on it,good luck,cut down,ivory,only 3,000elephants,100,000,ELEPHANTS,How to save themdont cut down too many _dont _ things made of ivory._ is Thai Elephant Day.,Abilitiescan play _ _can also _ wellcan _ places with food and water,ELEPHANTS,soccer

7、 or music,draw,remember,trees,buy,March 13th,1. one of + 名词复数形式 意为“之一” Jack is one of my friends. 杰克是我的朋友之一。【注意】当“one of + 名词复数形式”作主语时,当作整体看,用单数。One of the lions is from Africa. 狮子中的一只来自非洲。,Language points,2. get lost 迷途;迷路 The little girl cant find her home. She gets lost. 小女孩找不到家了,她迷路了。,3. be in (

8、great) danger 处于(极大)危险之中The boy falls into the lake. Hes in great danger. 小男孩落入湖中,他处于极大的危险中。,4. cut down 砍伐Dont cut down trees. 不要砍伐树木。 5. over (数量)超过; 在之上Over one hundred people are in the library. 一百多人在图书馆里。Theres a small bridge over the river. 在河上面有一座小桥。,This is Becky. Isnt she _? She is from _.

9、She is twelve _ old. I _ Becky _ she is smart and friendly. She _ in Blackwood Zoo.,3a,Becky is Jills favorite animal. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.,like beautiful Africa years lives because,先读空格里单词,明白选项词汇的意思。2. 通读全文,理解短文大意。理解每句话的意思,依据句意及句子结构来确定空格处须填的词汇 。如:第一空格所在的句子是系表结构,故应填一形容词beaut

10、iful。第二空格前是介词 from,故应填表地点的词 China。,第三空格前有数字,空格后有 old,可知空格处填 years,表示年龄。第四、五空表示喜欢它的原因。第六空格后有表示地点的介词短语,故空格处填动词 lives。,This is Becky. Isnt she _? She is from _. She is twelve _ old. I _ Becky _ she is smart and friendly. She _ in Blackwood Zoo.,like beautiful Africa years lives because,years,Africa,bea

11、utiful,like,because,lives,Isnt she beautiful? 难道她不漂亮吗? 这是否定疑问句, 常用来表示反问、责备或表示说话人的看法和惊异的情绪等。 句式结构: be/助动词/情态动词的否定式 + 主语 + 其他? Cant he do the dishes?难道他不会洗碗碟吗?,Language points,Write a description of a panda using the words in the box, or write about your favorite animal using your own ideas.,3b,Beibei

12、 five years old China cute shy Beijing Zoo,1. 这是一篇介绍动物的短文,主要应用系表结构的句子来表达,用一般现在时态。2. 先介绍Beibei的名字及年龄。然后介绍它来自哪里。3. 再用系表结构的句子描写Beibei的特征。同时写明喜欢它的原因。可以用句子结构:I like because shes 最后,写明它现在居住在哪里,并通读一遍短文,看有没有写错的句子。,This is Beibei. Shes from China. She is five years old. She is black and white. Isnt she cute?

13、 I like Beibei very much because shes kind of shy. She lives in Beijing Zoo.,panda,kind of cute,very beautiful,giraffe,Add more words in the chart. Then write at least five sentences using the words.,1,dog,kind of scary,elephant,lion,really friendly,really smart,1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _,I like giraffes

14、because theyre beautiful.,I dont like lions because theyre really scary.,I like pandas because theyre kind of cute.,I like dogs because theyre very friendly.,I like elephants because theyre really smart.,Match the questions and answers to make a conversation. Then write your own conversations.,2,A: _B: _A: _B: _A: _B: _,What animals do you like?,Because theyre big and beautiful.,I like lions.,Why do you like lions?,Where are they from?,Theyre from Africa.,Make a list of the animals that you know.,Make a survey in your family. See what animals do they like and why?,Thank you,everyone!Bye-Bye,


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