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1、1.To learn the kinds of Attributive Clause.2.To learn the usage of who,whose;whom;which;that;how;when;why3.Do some practice.第1页/共51页Find some sentences in which Attributive Clause is used from reading I.1.Ive included some photos which will help you picture the places I talk about.2.The boys who had

2、 never come across anything like this before started jumping out of windows.3.Sometimes l wonder how relevant chemistry is to these students,most of whom will be going back to their villages after Year 8.第2页/共51页4.But last weekend another teacher,Jenny,and I did visit a village which is the home of

3、one of the boys,Tombe.5.When we arrived at the village,Tombes mother,Kiak,who had been pulling weeds in the garden,started crying“Ieee,leee”.第3页/共51页定语从句 在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。被修饰的名词或代词叫先行词。引导定语从句的关系代词有:_.引导英语从句的关系副词有;_ _which,that,who,whom,whose when,how,why。where,第4页/共51页注:1.介词提前时一般只用which和whom。2.

4、whose+名词=the+名词+of which/of whom先行词先行词是物是物先行词先行词是人是人定定语语地点地点状语状语时间时间状语状语原因原因状语状语主主宾宾主主宾宾关系关系代词代词which thatwhowhomwhose关系关系副词副词wherewhenwhy第5页/共51页定语从句分类定语从句分类定语从句The Restrictive Attributive Clause限制性定语从句The Non-Restrictive Attributive Clause非限制性定语从句第6页/共51页限定性定语从句与非限定性定语从句限定性定语从句与非限定性定语从句限定性定语从句是句中不

5、可缺少的组成部分,主句和从句之间不用逗号隔开非限定性定语从句是对主句先行词的补充说明,没有这种从句不影响主句意思完整.一般用逗号把主句和从句分开引导词:who,whom,whose,which,of which,when,where等,不用that,不能省略引导词:关系代词和关系副词,作宾语时一些关系代词可以省略第7页/共51页关系词的用法:关系词的用法:(一)关系代词的用法(一)关系代词的用法:1、作、作主语主语用用who,which和和that,如:如:He is the man who/that lives next door.The train which/that has just

6、left is for Shenzhen.第8页/共51页2、作、作宾语宾语用用whom,who,which,that,如:如:The man(whom/who/that)we have just seen is a famous writer.Where is the book(which/that)I bought last week?注注:在在非非正正式式文文体体中中,关关系系代代词词作作宾宾语语时时,用用于于指指人人的的who,whom,that和和用用于于指指物物的的which和和that通通常常可可以以省省略略;但但在在介介词词提提前前时时,或或在在非非限限定定性性定定语语从从句句

7、中中,关关系系代代词词即即使作宾语也不可省略。使作宾语也不可省略。第9页/共51页3、作、作定语定语用用whose,如如:(a)He is the man whose car was stolen last week.(b)It was a meeting whose importance I did not realize at that time.第10页/共51页注注:“whose+名名词词中中心心词词”这这一一结结构构在在定定语语从从句句中中既既能能作作主主语语(如如上上a句句),又又能能作作宾宾语语(如如上上b句句)。whose 的的先先行行词词常常用用来来指指人人,但但有有时时也也

8、可可以以用用来来指指具具体体事事物物或或抽抽象象概概念念,这这时时可可以以与与of which 结结构构互互换换,词词序序是:是:“名词名词+of which”,如:,如:They came to a house whose back wall had broken down.(=the back wall of which)Hes written a book the name of which Ive completely forgotten.(=whose name)第11页/共51页4、作、作表语表语只用只用that,它既可以,它既可以指人,也可以指物,但时常省略。指人,也可以指物,但

9、时常省略。He is no longer the man that he used to be.This is no longer the dirty place(that)it used to be.第12页/共51页难点难点:as引导限定性定语从句,指代被 the same,such,as,so 等修饰的名词比较:Here is so big a stone that no one can lift it.(结果状语从句)Dont talk about such things as you dont understand.Were facing the same problems as w

10、e did years ago.It is as pleasant a film as I have ever seen.Here is so big a stone as no one can lift.第13页/共51页(1)宜用that引导的定语从句1)序数词或最高级形容词修饰先行词时,要用that。The first English novel that I read was A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens.2)all,everything,nothing,something,anything 等不定代词作先行词时用that。Everyt

11、hing that we saw in the factory greatly interested us.第14页/共51页3)人和物合作先行词时,要用that。We were talking about the persons and things that we remembered in our school.4)先行词前有the only,the very,the right,the same 等修饰时,要用that。It is the very skirt that suits me well.第15页/共51页5)在疑问词who、which、what开头的句子中,要用that。W

12、hoever that is content with a little progress cant make big achievements.6)关系代词在定语从句中作表语只用that。He is no longer the man that he used to be.This is no longer the dirty place(that)it used to be.第16页/共51页(2)宜用which引导的定语从句1)当定语从句的介词提前时,要用which。The house in which they lived last year has been rebuilt.2)引导

13、非限制性定语从句时,要用which。He bought a railway ticket for the woman,which helped her a lot.第17页/共51页(3)宜用as引导的定语从句1)先行词与such,the same连用或先行词本身就是the same,such时,要用as。Such people as you describe are rare nowadays.Would you like to buy the same pen as I have?2)代替整个句子,在从句中作主语,而从句位于句首时,要用as。As is well known,the ear

14、th goes around the sun.第18页/共51页(4)宜用who引导的定语从句。当先行词是人称代词或是those,anyone等时,常用who。He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.Those who were either fools or unfit for their offices could not see the cloth.第19页/共51页(二)关系副词的用法:(二)关系副词的用法:1、when 指指时时间间,在在从从句句中中作作时时间间状状语语,它它的的先先行行词词通通常常有有:time,

15、day,morning,night,week,year 等。如:等。如:I still remember the time when I first became a college student.Do you know the date when Lincoln was born?第20页/共51页注注:when时时常常可可以以省省略略,特特别别是是在在某些句型和某些时间状语中。例如:某些句型和某些时间状语中。例如:Each time he came,he did his best to help us.But help never stopped coming from the day

16、she fell ill.第21页/共51页2、where指指地地点点,在在从从句句中中作作地地点点状状语语。它它的的先先行行词词通通常常有有:place,spot,street,house,room,city,town,country等,如:等,如:This is the hotel where they are staying.I forget the house where the Smiths lived.注:注:where有时也可以省略。如:有时也可以省略。如:This is the place(where)we met yesterday.第22页/共51页3、why指指原原因因或

17、或理理由由,它它的的先先行行词词只只有有reason。That is the reason why he is leaving so soon.注:注:why时常也可以省略。如:时常也可以省略。如:That is the real reason he did it.第23页/共51页使用关系副词应注意下列几点:使用关系副词应注意下列几点:1、这这三三个个关关系系副副词词在在意意义义上上都都相相当当于一定的于一定的介词介词+which结构:结构:when=on(in,at,during)+which;where=in(at,on)+which;why=for which.如:如:第24页/共51

18、页e.g.I was in Beijing on the day when(=on which)he arrived.The office where(=in which)he works is on the third floor.This is the chief reason why(=for which)we did it.第25页/共51页2、当当先先行行词词是是表表时时间间的的time,day等等和和表表地地点点的的place,house等等时时,一一定定要要注注意意分分析析从从句句的的结结构构,如如果果缺缺少少主主语语或或宾宾语语时时,关关系系词词应应该该用用which或或tha

19、t,缺缺少少时时间间状状语语或或地地点点状状语语时时,才才能能用用when或或where,试试比较:比较:第26页/共51页 Ill never forget the day when my hometown was liberated.Ill never forget the days which/that we spent together last summer.His father works in a factory where radio parts are made.His father works in a factory which/that makes radio part

20、s.第27页/共51页温馨提示:温馨提示:when和和where既既可可以以引引导导限限制制性性定定语语从从句句,也也可可以以引引导导非非限限制制性性定定语语从从句句。而而why 只只能引导能引导限制性定语从句限制性定语从句。第28页/共51页1.Ill never forget the days_ we worked together.2.Ill never forget the days _ we spent together.3.I went to the place I worked ten years ago.4.I went to the place _ I visited ten

21、 years ago.5.This is the reason _ he was late.6.This is the reason _ he gave.when/in whichwhichwhere/in whichwhichwhy/for whichthat/which几种易混的情况几种易混的情况及物动词及物动词及物动词及物动词及物动词及物动词第29页/共51页 1.根据先行词来确定根据先行词来确定 This is the pot in which I boiled the milk.(boil milk in the pot)Yesterday we had a meeting,at w

22、hich we discussed many problems.(discuss problems at the meeting)1979 was the year in which my son was born.(my son was born in the year)This is the place in which I grew up.(grow up in the place)Thats the reason for which he dislikes me.(dislike me for the reason)(介词的确定方法介词的确定方法)介词+which/whom第30页/共

23、51页2.根据从句中的谓语动词或形容词来确定根据从句中的谓语动词或形容词来确定The person to whom I complained is the manager.(complained to the person)The dog,of which he used to be afraid,is her favorite animal now.(be afraid of the dog)3.根据从句所表达的意思来确定根据从句所表达的意思来确定Water,without which man cant live,is really important.4.当介词和从句中的动词构成固定词组时

24、,介词当介词和从句中的动词构成固定词组时,介词不能前置不能前置The babies whom the nurses are looking after are very healthy.第31页/共51页1.介词介词+which/whose+n.I often get up at six,at which time it is still very dark in winter.He is the man from whose house the pictures were stolen.2.名词+of+which/whomThis is the lady the son of whom is

25、 a famous writer.(=whose son)These people,the majority of whom are farmers,disagreed with the plan.The cake,half of which was eaten,was bought for Lilys birthday.第32页/共51页3.代词+of+which/whom用于非限定性定语从句中表示数量。这些代词包括:many,much,some,a few,most,all,both,none,either,neitherThe old man has two sons,both of w

26、hom are doctors.There are a lot of books,none of which is mineThe two players,neither of whom reached the final,played well.The money,all of which has been given to the Hope project,was collected in the performance.The foreigners,most of whom have been to China for the first time,come from different

27、 countries.第33页/共51页4.数词+of+which/whomI bought some books from the bookstore,five of which were English novels.In our factory there are 800 workers,40 percent of whom are women.5.形容词最高级+of+which/whomThere are many islands in China,the largest of which is Taiwan.She has six children,the cleverest of

28、whom is John.第34页/共51页几点注意事项1.the way 表示方式时,其后的定语从句有以下几种情况Can you tell me the way(that)you solve the problem.Can you tell me the way in which you solve the problem.第35页/共51页2.定语从句中的谓语动词 要与先行词保持一致He is one of the students who havebeen abroad.He is the only one of the students who has been abroad.第36页

29、/共51页3.先行词是时间时,并非都用when引导的从句来修饰。试比较:Do you still remember the days when there was no electricity?Do you still remember the days(which/that)we spent together?第37页/共51页The place where Lu Xun once worked has become a museum.The place(which/that)I visited last week is in Hong Kong.4.先行词是地点时,并非都用where引导的

30、从句来修饰。试比较:第38页/共51页5.先行词是the reason时,并非都用 why 引导的从句来修饰。试比较:Thats the reason why he was late.Thats the reason(which)he gave me.第39页/共51页Complete the sentences with your own words.1.I made the jar in which _.2.Painting is an activity that _.3.The interpreter to whom you _is on holiday.4.The man who_is

31、 a doctor.5.The woman whose daughter _ is over there.almost children like to doa golden fish was putwill turn for helpis shaking hands with him went abroad last year练一练第40页/共51页8.The reason why he _ was that he was watching an interview of the first Chinese astronaut on TV.6.The school where you _ha

32、s been improved.7.Anne is doing some research on the time when _.spent your childhood couldnt come to your partythe time for lunch come for第41页/共51页Answer the following questions using attributive clauses with the pronouns in the brackets.Compare your answers with your partner.The first one is done

33、for you.1.What kind of friend would you like to have(whom)2.What kind of place would you like to go to for a holiday?(where)Id like to go to Dalian where there is nice beach.Id like to have a friend whom I can trust.第42页/共51页3.What story do you enjoy most?(which/that)I enjoy Jos story most which/tha

34、t we have learned in the text.4.which musical instrument would you like to learn to play?(which/that)Id like to learn to play the piano which my father left me.第43页/共51页5.Why didnt you finish your homework?(why)6.what kind of person is she married to?(to whom)The reason why I didnt finish my homewor

35、k was that I was ill.A rich man to whom she is married to will come soon.第44页/共51页7.What sport do you participate in most often?(which/that)8.Which day wont you ever forget?(when)I participate in basketball which is very interesting.Ill never forget the day when we moved to a new flat.第45页/共51页 Corr

36、ect mistakes:1.I saw some trees leaves of which were yellow.2.Here is the pen you lost it yesterday.3.The girl told me the news is not here now.4.This is the village where my father worked in three years ago.5.The boss in which company my father worked is a very kind person.the leaves who told“Chang

37、“where into“which”omitted“in”whose第46页/共51页6.The reason why he gave us sounded a little strange.7.He is the only one of the students who know French.8.Ill never forget the day on which I spent with you.9.Which was planned,we met at the railway station.10.This is the teacher with whom weve learnt a l

38、ot.that/whichknowsAsfrom第47页/共51页Homework 1.Summarize the rules of attributive clause 2.Translation:P72She has not yet answered the question why she left/resigned/gave up her job.Why dont you ask the teacher whos coming to help Diana with her maths to help Oliver too?The man whose dog bit the baby h

39、as denied that it was his dog that did it.第48页/共51页The restaurant where they planned to have their wedding reception has gone out of business.The woman to whom you spoke on the phone is Kellys mother.The theatre which is closest to our house is half an hour away by us.第49页/共51页第50页/共51页感谢您的观看!第51页/共51页


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