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1、七年级下英语期末测试题七年级下英语期末测试题一。一。单项选择单项选择()1.Beijing is a beautiful city._ people come here for a visit every day.1.Beijing is a beautiful city._ people come here for a visit every day.A.Thousands ofA.Thousands ofB.Thousand ofB.Thousand ofC.ThousandsC.Thousands()2)2。Did you watch the movie last nightDid yo

2、u watch the movie last night?No,I didnt,but my mother _.She loves moviesNo,I didnt,but my mother _.She loves movies。A.doesA.doesB B。diddidC.wasC.was()3.3.What is the boy like?What is the boy like?-He is very _ and some people dont quite like him.-He is very _ and some people dont quite like him.A.na

3、ughtyA.naughtyB.well-behavedB.well-behavedC.friendlyC.friendly()4 4。We must get there _.You knowWe must get there _.You know,to be late is bad mannersto be late is bad manners。A.in timeA.in timeB B。on timeon timeC.by the timeC.by the time()5 5。It It s very difficult _ him _ the paper planes very dif

4、ficult _ him _ the paper plane。A.for;mendA.for;mendB.of;mendingB.of;mendingC C。forfor;to mendto mend()6.6._?_?He was a computer engineer working for Microsoft.He was a computer engineer working for Microsoft.A A。Who was heWho was heB.What was he likeB.What was he likeC C。What did he doWhat did he do

5、()7 7。What do you think of this new filmWhat do you think of this new film?-_.-_.A.ItA.It s very interestings very interestingB B。I think soI think soC.Id love toC.Id love to()8 8。What did you _ when you were a little boyWhat did you _ when you were a little boy?-We listened to childrenWe listened t

6、o children s program.s program.A.hearA.hearB B。listenlistenC.listen toC.listen to()9._ comes after October and before December)9._ comes after October and before December。A.AugustA.AugustB.NovemberB.NovemberC.JanuaryC.January()10.I am not able to play _ piano but I am able to play _ football)10.I am

7、 not able to play _ piano but I am able to play _ football。A.the;theA.the;theB B。thethe;/C./;theC./;the()1111。He decided to be an actor when he finished _ at the age of 14.He decided to be an actor when he finished _ at the age of 14.A.schoolA.schoolB.the schoolB.the schoolC.schoolsC.schools()12.The

8、 door was _)12.The door was _,but the windows were _.but the windows were _.A A。close;close;openopenB.B.closedclosed;openopenC C。closed;closed;openedopened()13._ there a band and many young people on the playground yesterday13._ there a band and many young people on the playground yesterdayeveningev

9、ening?A A。WasWasB.WereB.WereC C。DidDid()1414。After that film,the actress became _.After that film,the actress became _.A A。popularpopular andand popularpopular B B。moremore andand moremore popularpopularC.C.popularerpopularer andandpopularerpopularer()1515。Jim is _ of the two boys.Jim is _ of the tw

10、o boys.A A。tallertallerB.the tallestB.the tallestC C。the tallerthe taller()16.16.CouldCould youyou helphelp meme _ thisthis bigbig deskdesk toto thethe gategate?Certainly.Certainly.A.moveA.moveB B。makemakeC.doC.do()1717。Can you come to the partyCan you come to the party?-I-I d love to,_.d love to,_.

11、A A。but Ibut I m too busy to gom too busy to go。SorrySorryB.and IB.and I m afraid notm afraid notC.and you canC.and you cangogo()18)18。Is there going to _ a sports meeting next SundayIs there going to _ a sports meeting next Sunday?A A。havehaveB B。is isC.beC.be()1919。Changjiang River is one of _ riv

12、ers in the worldChangjiang River is one of _ rivers in the world。A.longerA.longerB B。the longerthe longerC.the longestC.the longest()20.20.MissMiss Yang,Yang,TomTom brokebroke hishis legleg andand cancan t t comecome toto schoolschool today.today.-_-_。A A。He should come to schoolHe should come to sc

13、hoolB B。Im sorry to hear thatIm sorry to hear thatC C。He is tooHe is toocarelesscareless()21.She likes playing_ violin21.She likes playing_ violin,but she doesnt like playing_basketball.but she doesnt like playing_basketball.A A。thethe;a aB./;theB./;theC C。the;thethe;theD D。thethe;/()22 There _ five

14、 tall trees in front of my house when I was eight.22 There _ five tall trees in front of my house when I was eight.A.isA.isB B。areareC C。werewereD.wasD.was()23.Dont point _ others23.Dont point _ others。Its not politeIts not polite。A AatatB BininC CononD Dforfor()24)24。where is your motherwhere is yo

15、ur mother?She is cooking lunch in the _She is cooking lunch in the _now.now.A.bedroomA.bedroomB B。bathroombathroom C C。kitchenkitchen D.living room D.living room()2525。Please _ look outsidePlease _ look outside。Look at the blackboard.Look at the blackboard.A A。notnotB B。dontdontC.arentC.arentD.D.can

16、tcant()26)26。-Why are they going to do some sightseeing?Why are they going to do some sightseeing?-_ they like Chinese culture-_ they like Chinese culture。A.BecauseA.BecauseB B。WhenWhenC C。If IfD D。AfterAfter()27)27-When _ you _ to China?-When _ you _ to China?In February In February,19991999A Ado,c

17、omedo,comeB Bdo,camedo,cameC Cdiddid,comecomeD Ddid,camedid,came()28)28Shakespeare decided _ an actor when he was fourteen.Shakespeare decided _ an actor when he was fourteen.A A/B BtotoC Cto beto beD Dto doto do()29.29.。-Whats your best friend like?Whats your best friend like?_._.A A。She is a stude

18、ntShe is a studentB.Shes nice and friendlyB.Shes nice and friendly。C.She likes doing some sightseeingC.She likes doing some sightseeingD.She doesnt like anything.D.She doesnt like anything.()30.-Mum30.-Mum,I m going to Anns party this eveningI m going to Anns party this evening。_._.A.Why notA.Why no

19、tB.Good ideaB.Good ideaC.Dont come back lateC.Dont come back late。D.Have a good timeD.Have a good time二。二。用所给动词的正确时态填空用所给动词的正确时态填空1.Lucy,go and see who _ in the next room.(sing)1.Lucy,go and see who _ in the next room.(sing)2.Our family _ for Hainan in three days2.Our family _ for Hainan in three da

20、ys。(leave)(leave)3 3。They _ until the talk ended.They _ until the talk ended.(waitwait)4.What time _ you _ up this morning4.What time _ you _ up this morning?(get(get)5.Be quiet!The baby is _ right now.5.Be quiet!The baby is _ right now.(sleepsleep)6.I _ to your excuse for being late again6.I _ to y

21、our excuse for being late again。I will talk to your parentsI will talk to your parents。(not(notlisten)listen)7 7。He _ born in a small town near London 37 years ago.He _ born in a small town near London 37 years ago.(bebe)8 8。The world _ all the timeThe world _ all the time。Things never stay the same

22、.Things never stay the same.(changechange)9 9。We _ over your plan.It was a good oneWe _ over your plan.It was a good one。(think)(think)10.The next year,he _ to his village with a girl.(return)10.The next year,he _ to his village with a girl.(return)1111。Dont worry about your daughterDont worry about

23、 your daughter。I _ good care of her while you are out.I _ good care of her while you are out.(take(take)12.I _ the work with Lily12.I _ the work with Lily s help and I was so thankful to her.(finish)s help and I was so thankful to her.(finish)三三.按要求完成句子按要求完成句子1.Did you go to school by bike?1.Did you

24、 go to school by bike?(改为同义句)(改为同义句)Did you _ _ _ to schoolDid you _ _ _ to school?2 2。Chairman Mao died when he was 83 years old.Chairman Mao died when he was 83 years old.(改为同义句(改为同义句)Chairman Mao died _ _ _ _ 83Chairman Mao died _ _ _ _ 83。3.I will go to Shanghai for a visit next week.3.I will go

25、 to Shanghai for a visit next week.(改为同义句)改为同义句)I _ _ _ Shanghai for a visit next weekI _ _ _ Shanghai for a visit next week。4.Lily had fish and chips for supper yesterday4.Lily had fish and chips for supper yesterday,_ _?_ _?5.You will come back to see me next year,_ _5.You will come back to see me

26、 next year,_ _?完成反意疑问句?完成反意疑问句6.There was hardly any room there,_ _6.There was hardly any room there,_ _?完成反意疑问句?完成反意疑问句7.My head teacher is very strict7.My head teacher is very strict。(对划线部分提问)对划线部分提问)_ is your head teacher _ is your head teacher _?8 8。Lucy went to school on foot when she was young

27、Lucy went to school on foot when she was young。(对划线部分提问对划线部分提问)_ _ Lucy go to school when she was young?_ _ Lucy go to school when she was young?9 9。When I opened the doorWhen I opened the door,I found Jim outsideI found Jim outside。(对划线部分提问)对划线部分提问)_ _ you _ outside when you opened the door?_ _ you

28、 _ outside when you opened the door?10.He didn10.He didn t come because he was very tired.t come because he was very tired.(对划线部分提问)对划线部分提问)_ _ he come?_ _ he come?11.To swim in this river is very dangerous11.To swim in this river is very dangerous。(用用 it it 作形式主语改写句子)作形式主语改写句子)12.He is good at play

29、ing football12.He is good at playing football。用用 basketballbasketball 改为选择疑问句改为选择疑问句1313。Li Lei played computer games last Sunday.Li Lei played computer games last Sunday.(改为否定句)(改为否定句)Li Lei _ _ computer games last Sunday.Li Lei _ _ computer games last Sunday.1414。Was your mother in the kitchen jus

30、t nowWas your mother in the kitchen just now?(作肯定回答)(作肯定回答)_ _,she _.she _.1515。Emily has a bedroom.The window of her bedroom is bigEmily has a bedroom.The window of her bedroom is big。(合并成一句)(合并成一句)Emily has a bedroom _a big window.Emily has a bedroom _a big window.1616Martin picked some flowers in

31、 the parkMartin picked some flowers in the park。(对划线部分提问对划线部分提问)_ _ Martin _ in the park?_ _ Martin _ in the park?17.It is a beautiful flower.(17.It is a beautiful flower.(改为感叹句改为感叹句)_ beautiful flower it is!_ beautiful flower it is!四四 完形填空(每小题完形填空(每小题 1 1 分;共分;共 1010 分分)DickensDickens,one of the gr

32、eatest English writers,was born in 1one of the greatest English writers,was born in 1of the small townsof the small townsin England.When Dickens was nine years old,the family moved to Londonin England.When Dickens was nine years old,the family moved to London,the 2the 2of England.There were several

33、younger children in the 3of England.There were several younger children in the 3。Their life was 4Their life was 4.So.SoDickens could not go to schoolDickens could not go to school。He didnt go toHe didnt go to5 5until his father came out ofuntil his father came out ofprisonprison(监狱(监狱)。At that time

34、he 6At that time he 6already twelve years oldalready twelve years old。But he did not finishBut he did not finishschoolschool。TwoTwo yearsyears 7 7,hehe beganbegan toto workwork。HeHe oftenoften wentwent toto thethe librarylibrary toto 8 8books.books.HeHe readread a a lot.lot.ThenThen DickensDickens w

35、rotewrote lotslots ofof novelsnovels andand storiesstories allall hishis9 9.Dickens died over a hundred years ago.10.Dickens died over a hundred years ago.10people are still reading his bookspeople are still reading his bookswith great interest nowwith great interest now。()1 1。A.anyA.anyB B。oneoneC

36、C。somesomeD.aD.a()2 2。A A。citycityB.townB.townC C。capitalcapitalD.D.countrycountry()3 3。A A。schoolschoolB.classB.classC.cityC.cityD D。familyfamily()4.A4.A。goodgoodB.hardB.hardC.easyC.easyD.D.wonderfulwonderful()5)5。A.schoolA.schoolB B。a schoola schoolC C。the schoolthe schoolD D。schoolsschools()6.A)6

37、.A。waswasB.isB.isC C。will bewill beD D。diddid()7)7。A A。agoagoB B。beforebeforeC C。laterlaterD.D.sincesince()8 8。A.seeA.seeB B。buybuyC C。sellsellD D。readread()9)9。A.moneyA.moneyB.homeB.homeC C。classclassD.D.lifelife()10.A10.A。ButButB B。SoSoC C。WhyWhyD.D.WhileWhile五五.阅读理解阅读理解Tanzania(Tanzania(坦桑尼亚坦桑尼亚)

38、is a country which has a lot of animals)is a country which has a lot of animals,such as gnussuch as gnus(角角马)马),lionslions,cheetahscheetahs(猎豹猎豹),elephants),elephants,giraffes,crocodiles and so ongiraffes,crocodiles and so on。Every yearEvery year,many people in the world travel to this African count

39、ry to watch the animals closely.many people in the world travel to this African country to watch the animals closely.But do you know how they travelBut do you know how they travel?By busBy busThis is the most common wayThis is the most common way。When people get on a busWhen people get on a bus,they

40、they ll findll findthat the bus is a little strange.It is different from the buses we often seethat the bus is a little strange.It is different from the buses we often see。There areThere arenono bigbig windowswindows atat all,all,butbut somesome smallsmall windows.windows.WhatWhat areare theythey us

41、edused forfor?OhOh,peoplepeople cancan useuse themthem toto watchwatch animalsanimals andand thosethose dangerousdangerous animalsanimals,andand taketakephotosphotos。We know that people are most interested in lions.So when two buses meet,We know that people are most interested in lions.So when two b

42、uses meet,A.The most common way to travel in Tanzania is by boat.A.The most common way to travel in Tanzania is by boat.B.Tanzania is an African country.B.Tanzania is an African country.C.Taking a hot balloon for a whole morning will cost 400 dollarsC.Taking a hot balloon for a whole morning will co

43、st 400 dollars。六六假如你是假如你是 BettyBetty,请给你的朋友请给你的朋友 SamSam 发发 emailemail 告诉他你们上周末去郊游的情况。告诉他你们上周末去郊游的情况。要求:要求:6060 词左右词左右;条理清楚条理清楚;层次分明;层次分明;the drivers will often stop and ask each other if they have found lions.the drivers will often stop and ask each other if they have found lions.ByBy boatboatWeWe

44、cancan oftenoften seesee manymany peoplepeople areare inin a a boatboat,enjoyingenjoying thethe beautybeautyalong a river or a lake.And they can also see hipposalong a river or a lake.And they can also see hippos(河马)河马)and crocodiles and otherand crocodiles and otheranimals that live in the water.an

45、imals that live in the water.By hot balloonBy hot balloon(热气球(热气球)-In the early morning)-In the early morning,when the sun is beginning towhen the sun is beginning toriserise,a large hot balloon is also starting its journeya large hot balloon is also starting its journey。Taking a hot balloon makesTa

46、king a hot balloon makesmost travelers excited.After some timemost travelers excited.After some time,the balloon will land safely in a place andthe balloon will land safely in a place andthe waiters will give people a nice breakfastthe waiters will give people a nice breakfast。But you need to spend

47、a lot of moneyBut you need to spend a lot of moneytaking a hot balloon.A person should pay 400 dollars for an hours triptaking a hot balloon.A person should pay 400 dollars for an hours trip。()1.How many ways of traveling are mentioned in the passage1.How many ways of traveling are mentioned in the

48、passage?A.Three.A.Three.B B。FourFour。C.FiveC.Five()2.The bus in different from the buses we often see in that _.2.The bus in different from the buses we often see in that _.A.people can take pictures from the windowsA.people can take pictures from the windowsB B。drivers often stop and ask each other

49、 if they have found lionsdrivers often stop and ask each other if they have found lionsC C。there were no big windowsthere were no big windows,but some small windowsbut some small windows()3 3。If you want to watch crocodiles and hippos,itIf you want to watch crocodiles and hippos,it s best to go _s b

50、est to go _。A.by busA.by busB B。by boatby boatC C。by hot balloonby hot balloon()4 4。People who have a lot of money and want to feel excited can choose toPeople who have a lot of money and want to feel excited can choose to_._.A A。take a bustake a busB B。take a boattake a boatC C。take a hot balloonta


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