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1、深圳 2008 年 CCTV 希望之星英语风采大赛初赛小学组试题及答案。CCTV 希望之星英语风采大赛小学组试题-2008 深圳初赛第 I 卷 Listening(60 分)一、听录音,选出所听句子中包含的单词.(念一遍)(10 分)()1。A.shake B.shape C。shook D。sharp()2.A。reading B.reader C.read D.reads()3。A。Spain B.Korean C.Spanish D.English()4.A。carefully B。quietly C。quickly D。slowly()5.A。cent B.sent C.send D。

2、learned()6.A.hardworking B。careful C。helpful D.creative()7.A。interested B。excited C.interesting D.exciting()8.A.grow up B。over and over C。good at D.no way()9.A。price B.prize C.rice D.nice()10。A.tools B。might C.hard D.selling二、听录音,选择与所听句子意思相同或相近的选项。(念两遍)(5 分)()11.A.Marys sister has two children B.Mar

3、y has two children.C。Mary has two sons.D.Marys sister has two sons。()12。A.Would you write down your address。B.Could you tell me where you live now?C。Would you lend me your address?D。Would you help me to find the address?()13。A.She will visit China next year。B。Tony visited China last year。C。Tony will

4、 visit China next year。D。She visited China last year.()14.A。Mary isnt angry with us。B.Mary is full。C.Mary is very hungry。D。Mary is very angry.()15.A。Mr.Black will leave Beijing.B。Mr。Black will leave Shanghai.C.Mr。Black went to Shanghai.D。Mr。Black went to Beijing.三、听录音中的问句选出正确的答句。(念两遍)(10 分)()16.A。No

5、,there isnt。B.No,there arent.C。No,there wasnt.D.No,there werent.()17。A。She walk to school。B.She walks to school。C。She walked to school。D。She was walk to school.()18。A。It is exciting。B。It was exciting.C。They are exciting。D.They were exciting。()19.A.Yes,there were.B。Yes,there was.C.Yes,there is.D。Yes,

6、there are。()20.A.I want to go to Australia。B.I want to go Australia.C.I wanted to go to Australia。D。I wanted to go Australia.()21。A。Im Jack。B。Sorry,Im not Jack。C。Hello,Im Jack.D.Certainly。Hold on,please.()22。A。It is Tuesday。B。It was Tuesday。C.Today is December 2nd.D.Its on Tuesday.()23。A。Its sunny。B

7、.It was cold and rainy。C。It will snow.D.It snows。()24。A.They are books。B.They are text books。C。Yes,they are my books.D。They are mine。()25.A。Why?B.Good idea!C.Congratulations!D.Why not?四、听对话,根据对话内容和问题选择正确的答案.(念两遍)(5 分)()26。A.China B。America C。England D。Canada()27.A。At 7:45 B.At 7:30 C.At 8:00 D.At 8:

8、30()28.A.A bee.B。A boy.C。A bike。D。A kite.()29。A。He doesnt know the way.B。He wants to know the way。C。He is new here。D.He knows the way。()30。A.Lucy and her classmates.B。Peter and his classmates.C.Peters classmates.D。Lucys classmates.五、听两篇短文,选择正确答案。(念两遍)(10 分)A.(3135)()31.The sports meeting was over on

9、 _.A。Monday B.Wednesday C。Friday D.Sunday()32._ was the tallest and jumped the highest in the school.A。Jim B。Jenny C.Lily D。Sue()33._ ran fastest,but she didnt run。A.Jim B.Jenny C。Lily D。Sue()34。_ won the boys 400m relay race。A.Class One B.Class Two C。Class Three D.Class Four()35。_ won the girls 200

10、m race.A。Jim B。Jenny C.Lily D。SueB。(36-40)()36.How old was Mike?A。He was nine。B.He was ten.C.He was eleven。D。He was twelve.()37。Did Mike like doing his homework?A。Yes,he did.B。No,he didnt.C.No,he did.D.It didnt say。()38.Why was the teacher happy?A。Mike got all the sums right。B.Mikes father got all h

11、is sums right。C.Mikes father helped Mike。D.Mikes father wasnt at home。()39.How did Mike do his homework this time?A。With his fathers help。B.With the teachers help。C。With his mothers help.D。By himself.()40.Do you think Mikes father was good at maths?A.Yes,I think so。B.No,I think so。C.No,I dont think

12、so.D.Yes,I dont think so。六、听短文录音,根据短文意思,用A、B、C、D 将下列句子重新排序,第一句和最后一句已给出。(念一遍)(4 分)He helped a blind lady cross the road on his way to school.()41。He took Bill to the school clinic.()42。He picked up the money and gave it to the teacher.()43。He helped Bill pack his school bag.()44.He found some money a

13、t the school gate.He picked up the apples on the ground and gave them to the woman with many bags。七、听短文录音,判断句子的正误,对的选“A”,错的选“B”.(念两遍)(6 分)()45.Health is not important。A。B。()46。Fruits and vegetables are good for health.A.B.()47.A good eating habit is good for health。A.B.()48。Too much food with lots o

14、f sugar and fat is bad for health.A.B.()49。Wed better do morning exercise every week.A。B.()50.It can make our bodies stronger and stronger to do sports。A。B.八、听录音,选择填空,完成下列表格。(念三遍)(10 分)Name Height Weight 60m race Press-upsAnn 135cm(53)11.3sec(58)Pat(51)30kg(56)(59)Tim 140cm(54)(57)36Koko(52)(55)12。2


16、6第 II 卷 Writing(40 分)一、选择填空.(10 分)()61。Class One won 25 medals。They won the most medals and they were _the first place。A.onB.atC.inD.to()62.Shenzhen is becoming _.A.more and most beautifulB。more beautiful and more beautifulC.more and more beautifulD。beautiful and beautiful()63。Tom can run fast but T

17、im can run _ faster.A.muchB.manyC。moreD.most()64。Tom likes _ food。Give him some lemons。A.spicyB。sweetC.leafyD。sour()65.This sign means _ smoke here。A.NoB。NotC。DoD。Dont()66。Tom is _ Tim.A。so tall asB.as tall asC.much tall thanD.less taller than()67。Tom likes sweet food _ he will like this chocolate c

18、ake.A。butB.andC.orD。so()68.Who is the _,Jim,Peter or Carl?A.tal lB。tallerC。tallestD.much taller()69。-Is there any milk in the bottle?-Yes,theres still _A.a fewB。a littleC.littleD.few()70。Things are _ on the earth _ on the moon.A.much lighter;thanB。much heavier;thanC。as light;asD.not so heavy;as()71.

19、_ it often _ here in summer?A。Does/rainsB.Does/rainC。Do/rainsD.Is/raining()72.We are going to have a party on _。A.ChildrenDayB。Childrens DayC。Childrens DayD.ChildrensDay()73.-Whats the date today?-_.A.Its fineB.Its WednesdayC.Its September 12D.My birthday()74。Which sentence is wrong?A.Is this your n

20、ew bike?B。Is this new bike yours?C。Is your bike new?D.Is this new your bike?()75.There are not any boys _ girls in the playground.A。orB.andC。withD。together()76。It is the first day of the new term。The students are back _school again.A.atB.forC。onD。by()77。Who can _ good English in your class?A。sayB。te

21、llC。talkD。speak()78。We are going to visit the zoo _。A。the next Sunday afternoonB。in the afternoon of next SundayC。on the next Sunday afternoonD.next Sunday afternoon()79。-Where was Jim the day before yesterday?-He was _ home.He was ill _ bed。A.ininB。atinC.inonD.aton()80.There _ a pair of shoes under

22、 the bed。A.haveB.hasC。isD。are二、连词成句,选择最佳的答案。(2 分)()81.crying,listened to,and,the baby,the music,stopped A.B.C.D.()82.Ann,London,at,lives,in,the second floor,on,11 Oxford Street A.B.C.D.三、把下列句子重新排列组成对话,选择最佳的答案.(2 分)()83.Really?Your father looks younger.My mother is.Hi,Sue。Is that a new photo?Your mot

23、her and your aunt both look young.Whos older?I see。The man beside you is your father,I think。Yes.Look,this is my mother and this is my aunt.Yes,he does.But my uncles taller and stronger.No,youre wrong.Hes my uncle.Hes younger than my father.A.B。C。D。()84。Did you have a good time?Oh,my god.Oh!It sound

24、s great.What else did you do?I called you yesterday,but you werent in。Where did you go?You really had a great time。Oh,by the way,I nearly forgot it.We arehaving a maths exam tomorrow,do you know?Yes,of course.We bought some souvenirs(纪念品)and whats more importantis that I took a photo with the lovely

25、 dolphin.We also watched a dolphin show and watched a film about sharks.I went to the aquarium(水族馆)with my mother and sister。A。B.C。D.四、完形填空。(5 分)Plants are very important living things。Life(85)not go on without(86).This is because plants can(87)food from air,water and sunlight。Animals andman can not

26、 do(88).Animals get their food by eating plants and(89)animals.Man gets(90)food by eating plants and(91),too。So animals and man(92)plants to live。This is(93)there are so many(94)around us.()85。A。can B.do C.has D.must()86.A.animals B.river C。house D.plants()87.A.find B。bring C.have D.make()88.A。much

27、B.so C。this D.that()89.A。others B。other C。the other D.the others()90.A.her B。its C.his D.theirs()91.A。animals B。water C.vegetables D.soup()92。A。have B.help C。need D.find()93.A.how B.where C。when D.why()94。A.air B。animals C。plants D.water五、阅读短文,选择最佳答案。(10 分)AFebruary 14 is a day for people who have f

28、allen in love。On this day,thesemen and women give gifts and cards to each other for Valentines Day.This day has been popular with people in love for a long time。At first,thisholiday was called Lupercalia.Then the name of the day was changed to SaintValentines Day。The man named Saint Valentines was k

29、illed on February 14,270A。D。because he was a Christian(基督徒).Before Saint Valentine was killed,February 14 was the old Roman holiday,Lupercalia.The church(教堂)wanted people to think of a Christian holiday on thisday,so the church changed the name of the holiday.This change did not stop people in love

30、from giving gifts to each other。Peopleusually gave gloves,handkerchiefs,or even underwear as gifts.Sometimes peoplealso put hearts and flowers on the present before giving it to the other person.Valentine cards did not become popular(流行)until the 1750s.The firstValentine cards were made by hand。Peop

31、le wrote their own words on the cards.Thesewords were usually kind or funny.Cards made by machines became more popular around 1850.All of a sudden(突然间),Valentines Day became a big holiday for people who made and sold cards.Now,every year around February 14,cards and chocolates fill stores for people

32、in love.()95。Who usually enjoys Valentines Day?A。Saint Valentine.B。People in love。C.Christians.D.Cards。()96.Who was Saint Valentine?A.A man who killed someone.B。A Roman god。C。A man killed because he was a Christian.D.Lupercalia.()97.How did people celebrate Lupercalia?A。They killed Christians。B。They

33、 sent cards to each other.C.They sang。D。They gave gifts to each other.()98。When did Valentine cards first become popular?A.About 270 A.D。B。About 1850 A.D.C。About 1750 A.D.D。They have always been popular.()99.What helped to make Valentine cards more popular?A.Machines which made cards.B.Churches。C。Pe

34、ople who liked chocolate.D。Chocolate candy.BTom got to the bus station quite early for Zhuhai bus。The bus for Zhuhai leftat five to twelve。He saw a lot of people waiting in the station。Some were standingin line(排队),others were walking here and there(到处)。There were a group ofschoolgirls。Their teacher

35、 was trying to keep them in line。Tom looked around butthere was no place for him to sit.He walked into the station caf。He looked up at the clock there。It was onlytwenty to twelve。He found a seat and sat down before a big mirror(镜子)on thewall。Just then,his friend Mike came in and sat with Tom.“What t

36、ime is your bus?asked Mike。“Theres a lot of time.answered Tom.“Well,Ill get you some more coffee then。”said Mike。They talked and talked。Then Tom looked at the clock again。“Oh,its goingbackward(倒行)!”he cried,“A few minutes ago it was twenty to twelve and nowits half past eleven.”“Youre looking at the

37、 clock in the mirror。”said Mike.Tom was very sad.The next bus was not leaving for another hour。Since then(自那以后)Tom never likedmirrors。()100.Tom went into the station caf because _。A。Mike asked him to have a cup of coffeeB。it was quite early and he could find a seat thereC.he didnt like to stay with

38、the school girlsD.he wanted to have a drink with his workmate there()101.What time was it when Tom looked at the clock in the mirror?A.12:30.B.11:40 C。11:30 D。1:30()102.From the story we know that when we look at a clock in the mirror,we can find _.A。the time is right B。its going slowC。its going bac

39、kward D。its going fast()103。Which of the following is true?A.Tom arrived in Zhuhai on time。B。The next bus would leave in half an hour.C。After that Tom didnt like clocks any longer。D。Tom looked at the clock in the mirror only once。()104。Which of the following is the title(标题)of the story?A。The Mirror

40、 Of The Station B。Not A Careful ManC.Missing A Bus D。The Clock In The Mirror六、阅读短文,判断句子的正误,正确的用“A表示,错误的用“B”表示。(11 分)A。How is the weather in Australia?Would you like to know about it?Let me tellyou.It is autumn in China now,but it is spring in Australia。Spring is very nicein Australia。It is fine and

41、warm。There are a lot of flowers there.Every yearthere are many flower shows in some big cities.Many people go to the flower shows.Winter is not very cold and summer is not very hot.In summer it is a little hotat noon,but it is cool in the morning and in the evening.It rains sometimes,but it doesnt s

42、now.()105.There are many flower shows in spring in Australia.()106。People in Australia dont like flowers。()107.People feel cold on New Years Day in Australia。()108。It is still cool at noon in summer。()109.You can never see flowers in big cities in Australia。()110.It is summer in China now,but it is

43、winter in Australia.B。Last year,we had an English teacher from the United States。We called him Mr.Black。He often told us,“English is very useful in the world。”He taught usvery well。He was strict with(对严格)us all.In class he always gave us muchtime to speak English.At first I could hardly understand a

44、 word and I could nottalk in English at all.But soon I found English was not so hard and I could talkto my classmates in English。So I began to like it very much.Now Mr.Black teaches in another school.This year we have a new teacher,Mrs.Green.She also teaches us very carefully.She often asks us to re

45、cite(背诵)thetexts and play games。With the help of the two foreign teachers,we all have madeprogress。Now I am enjoying studying this subject.I am sure I will learn a lot this year.()111。This year our English teacher is still Mr.Black.()112。Mr.Black told us that English was the most important language inthe world.()113。In Mr。Blacks class,students do not have much time to speak English.()114。Mrs。Green often plays games with us.()115.“I like English study。


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