人教版小学四年级英语下册unit3 Is this your skirt单元测试卷1带答案.doc

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1、试题人教版小学四年级英语下册人教版小学四年级英语下册 unit3 Is this your skirt 单元测单元测试卷试卷 1 带答案带答案基础全练全测一、 【四会词汇】根据所给汉语意思写出相应的英语单词。(52 分)1夹克衫_ 2.红色的_3衬衫_4蓝色的 _5.裙子_6黄色的_7连衣裙_8绿色的_9T 恤衫_10白色的_来源: 【三会词汇】根据所给英文单词及音标写出相应的汉语意思及相应的形式。(12 分)1sweater/swet/_2jeans/dins/_3.pants/pnts/_4socks/sks/_5.shoes/uz/_6shorts/ts/_7.so/s/_8theyre

2、(完整形式)_试题三、 【二会词汇】给下列单词或短语选出正确的汉语意思。( 12 分)( )1.whose( )2.these( )3.those( )4.but( )5.neighbour( )6.what for A那些B谁的C但是D邻居E这些F为什么四、 【四会句子】为下列各句选择正确的汉语翻译。(24 分)( )1.Is this your Tshirt?( )2.No, its not.( )3.What colour is it? ( )4.Its white.( )5.Where are my socks?( )6.I like the white sweater with th

3、e green skirt.A它是什么颜色的?B这是你的 T 恤衫吗?C我的袜子在哪儿?D它是白色的。E不,它不是。F我喜欢白色毛衣配绿色的裙子。综合全练全测听力部分(40 分)一、听音,用数字排序并连线。(12 分)jacket dress socks shirt( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A袜子 B夹克衫 C连衣裙 D衬衫试题二、听音,按(AD)排序。(8 分)1.( )2.( )3.( )4.( )三、听音,选择你所听到的句子。(20 分)( )1.A.My jacket is gray.BMy jacket is brown.CMy jacket is red.( )2.A.Whos

4、e is this?BWhere is my skirt?CWhat colour is it?( )3.A.I like cats.BI like red.CI like the yellow dress.( )4.A.My shirt is red.BMy socks are white.CMy pants are old.( )5.A.They are so small.BWhat are they?CHurry up.笔试部分(60 分)四、你知道哪个发音不同吗?(10 分)( )1.A.cake Bface Cbag( )2.A.bike Bkite Cfish( )3.A.rice

5、 Bpig Cwindow( )4.A.he Bbed Cshe( )5.A.my Byellow Cfly五、字母排队组单词。(10 分)1s,e,w,a,e,t,r 2u,b,e,l 试题3k,i,s,t,r 4c,j,a,e,k,t 5r,g,n,e,e 来源: 分)( )1.Is this _jacket?Ayou Byour Cme( )2.They are_ pants.Ayou Byour Cme( )3.Are these _socks?Ahe Bhis Cshe( )4.Look at his_Ashoes Bshoe Cshoees( )5.They are so _Afu

6、n Bfunny Cfuny( )6.Where _ you?Ado Bare Cis( )7._cap is it?AWhose BWho CWhat( )8.Its my _ dress.Asisters Bsister Csisters( )9.Put _ your Tshirt.Aon Bin Cup( )10.Let _ draw pictures.Ahave Bus Cyou七、单词排队组句子。(10 分)1this, your ,is, shirt(?)试题2dress,is,old,my(.)3small,one,this,is,the(.)4colour,it,what,is

7、(?)5has,our,a,neighbour,baby,new(.)八、先阅读,再判断。(正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。)(12 分)Hi! Im Bai Ling.Im ten. I like white.I have a white sweater. I like it very much.( )1.Bai Ling is a girl.( )2.She likes black.( )3.She is ten.( )4.She has a white sweater.九、牛刀小试。(8 分)根据汉语提示写几句话。Lucy 是一个英国女孩,她有很多漂亮的连衣裙,她最喜欢白色的连衣裙。试题

8、答案基础全练全测一、1.jacket 2.red 3.shirt 4.blue 5.skirt 6yellow 7.dress 8.green 9.Tshirt10white 11.not 12.colour 13.no二、1.毛衣 2.牛仔裤 3.长裤 4.袜子 5.鞋子 6.短裤 7.如此;这样 8.they are三、1.B 2.E 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.F四、1.B 2.E 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.F综合全练全测一、从左到右依次为:3B,1C,2A,4D二、1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A三、1.B 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.A四、1.C 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.B五、1

9、.sweater 2.blue 3.skirt 4.jacket 5.green六、1.B 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.B 6B 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.B七、1.Is this your shirt? 2.My dress is old.3This is the small one. 4.What colour is it?5Our neighbour has a new baby.八、1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T九、 Lucy is an English girl.She has a lot of beautiful dresses.But she likes the white dress best.She would like a new dress.


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