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《【2015年秋人教版】八年级英语上册:Unit7SectionB1课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【2015年秋人教版】八年级英语上册:Unit7SectionB1课件.ppt(29页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Unit 7Will people have robots?What can robots do?What can robots do?What can robots do?What can robots do?What can robots do?What can robots do?e.g.The little girl can even read the article.小女孩甚至小女孩甚至还还能能读这读这篇文章。篇文章。1.even/i:vn/adv.甚至;甚至;连连;愈加;愈加2.human/hju:mn/adj.人的人的 n.人人 e.g.A human can think and

2、 talk,but an animal cant.人能思考、人能思考、说话说话,但,但动动物不能。物不能。e.g.My aunt is already fifty,but she looks very young.我姑姑早已五十我姑姑早已五十岁岁了,但她看起了,但她看起 很年很年轻轻。3.already/:lred/adv.已已经经;早已;早已4.dangerous/dend rs/adj.有危有危险险的;不安全的的;不安全的e.g.Some animals are in great danger.一些一些动动物物处处于极大的危于极大的危险险中。中。名名词词danger+后后缀缀ous dan

3、gerous Lions are dangerous animals.狮狮子是危子是危险险的的动动物。物。fall down 突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌 5.factory/fktr/n.工厂工厂e.g.There will be more factories in the future.将来会有更多的工厂。将来会有更多的工厂。e.g.The house might fall down in a few months.几个月内几个月内这这所房屋也所房屋也许许就会倒塌。就会倒塌。6.fall/f:l/v.(fell/fel/)倒塌;跌倒;掉落倒塌;跌倒;掉落前前缀缀(dis)+ag

4、ree(同意同意)disagree7.disagree v.不同意不同意;持不同意;持不同意见见;有分歧有分歧e.g.My father agrees,but my mother disagrees.我爸爸同意,但我我爸爸同意,但我妈妈妈妈不同意。不同意。believe sb.相信某人相信某人说说的的话话believe+that 从句从句8.believe/bli:v/v.相信;相信;认为认为有可能有可能e.g.I believe that you can finish the work on time.我相信你会按我相信你会按时时完成工作。完成工作。e.g.What is the shape

5、 of your kite?你的风筝是什么形状的?你的风筝是什么形状的?9.shape/ep/n.形状形状10.hundreds of 许多;大量许多;大量=lots of【辨析辨析】具体数字具体数字+hundred 如:如:three hundred 三百三百e.g.There are hundreds of flags in front of the building.在那个高楼前有很多旗帜。在那个高楼前有很多旗帜。11.over and over again 反复地;多次反复地;多次 还可以说还可以说over and overe.g.They sang the song over and

6、 over.他们反复地唱那首歌。他们反复地唱那首歌。He called over and over again but nobody answered.他多次打电话但没有人接。他多次打电话但没有人接。12.possible/psbl/adj.可能的;可能存在或发生可能的;可能存在或发生(前缀前缀)im+possible impossible 不可能不可能的的e.g.Do you think its possible to beat them?你认为战胜他们有可能吗你认为战胜他们有可能吗?To cross this river seems impossible.穿过这条河似乎不可能。穿过这条河似

7、乎不可能。2b Read the article and match each paragraph with the question it discuss.Paragraph 1Paragraph 2Paragraph 3Paragraph 4Will robots think like humans in the future?What will robots be like in the future?What can robots do today?What are robots like in movies?Section 2 While You Read 1.What do the

8、 robots look like in the movies?2.What can the robots do for people?Paragraphs 1-2:Answer the questions.3.Where are the robots already working?4.What kinds of the jobs do the robots do?Why?1.What do the robots look like in the movies?2.What can the robots do for people?Human servants.They can help w

9、ith the housework and do jobs like working in dirty or dangerous places.Paragraphs 1-2:Answer the questions.3.Where are the robots already working?4.What kinds of the jobs do the robots do?Why?In factories.They do simple boring jobs over and over again.Because they will never get bored.Paragraphs 3-

10、4:Mark True or False.1.Japanese companies have already made robots sing and dance.2.Some scientists think that there will be robots like humans,but Mr.White disagree.3.Its easy for a child to wake up and know where they are.4.Some people believe that robots will be able to talk in 35 to 50 years.5.I

11、f buildings fall down with people inside,these snake robots can help look for people under the buildings.TFTFT1.Robots can build _ in factories.2.They can do _ jobs many times and never get bored.3.Some can _ and _.4.Some can help _ people under _.cars simplelook for the buildingswalkdanceRead the a

12、rticle again quickly.Complete the sentences about what robots can do now.2cSome robots are very human-like.They can walk and _ like people.Some scientists think that in the future they will _ robots more like humans.This may not _ in the near future,but at some point,robots will even be able to _ li

13、ke people.However,some scientists _.dancemakehappentalkdisagree James White believes that robots will not be able to do the _ things as we can.For example,he thinks that robots will _ be able to wake up and know where they are.Which side do you _ with?sameneveragree2.Fewer people will do such jobs i

14、n the future 辨析辨析such&so such和和so均可表示均可表示“如此;这样如此;这样”。1)such常用来修饰名词,常用来修饰名词,so常用来修常用来修 饰形容词或副词。如:饰形容词或副词。如:Do you like such weather?Im so glad to see you.He can draw so well.2)当名词前有当名词前有many,much,few或或little等等词修饰时,要用词修饰时,要用so而不用而不用such。如:。如:There are so many/few people in the hall.You have so much/l

15、ittle homework today.3)“such+a/an+adj.+可数名词单数可数名词单数”相当相当于于“so+adj.+a/an+可数名词单数可数名词单数”,表示表示“如此如此的一个的一个”。如:。如:She is such a lovely girl.=She is so lovely a girl.【运用运用】用用such或或so填空。填空。1.The man told us _ funny a story.2.She has _ a beautiful dress.3.How can you get _ much money to buy the car?4.Dont go

16、 out in _ cold weather.5.Dont eat _ quickly.so such so such so 1.Every year,_ people go to visit their factory.A.a thousand of B.thousands C.thousand of D.thousands of2._ people lost their homes in Japans earthquake.A.Two thousands B.Thousand C.Thousands of D.Thousand ofD即时练即时练C1._ travelers come to

17、 visit our city every year.(2011 哈尔滨市)哈尔滨市)A.Hundred of B.Hundreds of C.Five hundreds D.Hundred2._ trees have been planted near here,so the air is very fresh.(2010 四四川达州川达州)A.Two hundreds B.Hundred of C.Hundreds of D.Hundreds 真题链接真题链接BC3.The number of the students in our school is about nine _._ of them are boys.(2010 贵州省铜仁市)贵州省铜仁市)A.hundred;Two thirds B.hundred;Two third C.hundreds;Two thirds D.hundreds;Two third Ahelp with sth.get bored,look like,hundreds of,try to do sth be able to,the same as,fall down,talk with,look for,wake up,seem(im)possibleover and over again,


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