【人教版】七年级下英语《Unit 2 》 Section A 第一课时优质课课件.pptx

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1、Section A (1a-2d),Unit 2 What time do you go to school?,Lets have a talk!,How old is/are .?,How much is/are.?,12,20,15,2,4,14,25 twenty-five,30 thirty,10,35 thirty-five,45 forty-five,40 forty,50 fifty,55 fifty-five,5,3,13,Can you read the numbers?,询问时间是几点了用What time is it?=Whats the time? 回答用Its,Its

2、 7 oclock.,seven,What time is it?,Its 7:15.,seven fifteen,What time is it?,Its 7:30.,seven thirty,What time is it?,Its 7:45.,seven forty-five,What time is it?,Think,What do you usually do in the morning?,get up,get dressed,go to school,Phrases,brush teeth,take a shower,eat breakfast,句型展示,What time d

3、o you usually? I usually at,What time do you usually get up?I usually get up at seven fifteen.,What time do you usually _?I usually _ at _.,exercise,exercise,seven oclock,她通常什么时候去学校?她通常7点钟去学校。_?_.,Use your head,What time does she usually go to school,你的同学通常什么时候打篮球?他们通常10点半打篮球。_?_.,What time do your

4、classmates usually play basketball,She usually goes to scholl at 7 oclock,They usually play basketball at 10:30.,Use your head,What time do/does + sb. + (usually) +do?,回答:主语+usually +动词 +at+时间。usually 副词,通常(主语后,实意动词前),What time does Rick usually take a shower?,He usuallytakes a shower at nine pm.,Ri

5、ck,He usually at,6:00,gets up,6:30,They usually brush teeth at,6:40,He usually takes a shower at,6:50,I always eat breakfast at,7:30,He always gets dressed at,7:40,He always goes to school at,Pair work:,A: What time do you usually/always get up?B: I usually/always get up atA: What time do you?B: I a

6、t,Report: My partner usually/always gets up at He/She,课文展现,1a,Match the activities with the pictures.,get up _2. go to school _3. get dressed _4. brush teeth _5. eat breakfast _6. take a shower _,c,b,e,d,f,a,get up _2. go to school _3. get dressed _4. brush teeth _5. eat breakfast _6. take a shower

7、_,7:30,7:20,6:40,7:00,6:30,6:40,1b,Listen and match the times with the actions. Draw lines from the clocks to the pictures.,A:What time do you usually get up, Rick?B:I usually get up at six thirty.,Students A is the interviewer. Students B is Rick.Ask and answer the questions about Ricks day.,1c,A:W

8、hat time do you usually take a shower, Rick?B:I usually take a shower at six forty.,A:What time do you usually eat breakfast?B:I usually eat breakfast at seven oclock.,A:What time do you usually go to school?B:I usually go to school at seven thirty.,2a,Listen to the conversation and complete the sen

9、tences.,Jim has _brothers and _sisters. Jims family has _ shower.,two,two,only one,shower,2b,Listen again. Complete the shower schedule for Jims family.,5:30,5:50,6:15,6:30,6:45,Now talk about yourself.,I always get up at five fifty.,Wow! I never get up so early.,What time do you usually get up?,2C,

10、Pairwork,A: What time do you usually get up/?B: I usually get up/ at ,get up,eat breakfast,go to school,have classes,eat lunch,go home,take a shower,go to bed,Scott,at a radio station,2d,Role-play the conversation.,Scotts schedule(时刻表),自读对话,回答下列问题What time does Scott usually get up?Does Scott exerci

11、se at ten?Im never late for work.(英译汉),He usually gets up at eight thirty at night.,No, he exercises at about ten twenty.,我上班从不迟到。,1. a job 一份工作,Scott has an interesting job.斯科特有一份有趣的工作。,an interesting job 一份有趣的工作,Language points,1. a job 一份工作,job,可数名词,work,不可数名词,I have a job as a teacher. Jobs are

12、not easy to get.,I cannot find work in this town. Have you finished your work?,不可做动词,可做动词,job与work,Jack工作非常努力,我每天工作八小时。,I work eight hours every day.,Jack works very hard.,2. radio station,广播电台,在广播电台:,at the radio station,radio 广播,radios,She works at the radio station.,她在广播电台上班。,3. from to 从到,She wo

13、rks from 7:00 to 9:00.,她工作从7点到9点。,4. about / around 大约;大概,Rick usually goes to school at about / around 7:00 a.m.,5. Its time for sth.=Its time to do sth.,eg:1.该吃午饭了。 2.到了你做家庭作业的时间了。,Its time for lunch.=Its time to have/eat lunch.,Its time for you to do your homework.,该做某事了/到了做某事的时间了 Its time for sb

14、. to do sth.某人该做某事了/到了某人做某事的时间了。,6. be late for 迟到,Tom is late for school.,汤姆上学迟到了。,7. exercise v.&n.锻炼;练习,He usually exercises after school every day.,exercise doing sth. 练习做某事,exercise speaking English,She exercises running every afternoon.,他每天放学后都锻炼。,练习说英语,她每天练习跑步。,注意:exercise表示体育锻炼时是不可数名词;表示练习时是

15、可数名词。,比较:1.He always does exercise in the morning. 2.He always does some exercises in the morning.3.You should do morning exercises every day.,他经常晨练,他经常早上作练习(习题),你每天早上应该做早操。,句型转换。 It is twelve oclock. (对画线部分提问) _?2. I eat dinner at 6:30. (对画线部分提问)_?3. I usually go to bed at nine oclock.(对画线部分)_?,What time is it,What time do you eat dinner,What time do you usually go to bed,Exercises,Thank you,everyone!Bye-Bye,


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