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《追信令流程.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《追信令流程.doc(11页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、1、手机 PS 上网追信令流程: lh mp te config -run bus_send bus_receive NBAP_ASN lh mp te config -run bus_send bus_receive RANAP_ASN lh mp te config -run bus_send bus_receive RRC_ASN 在 rnc 上输入上述 3 条命令,然后输入 mon- mon mod 根据最后给出的路径,单独开一个 cigwin 窗口,进入 decoder 目录下面,按照下面的格式 输入: 提示的路径及端口号 |tee ./文件名.raw | ./decoder.pl

2、| tee ./文件名.dec | ./flow.pl - colour | tee ./文件名.flw2、PS 2/3G 切换测试 Trace 流程:(追 UE 消息) 路测的同时请抓取以下 trace: 在 RNC 中输入(imsi 号为测试手机号码的 imsi): ueenable imsi 46000xxxxxx bus_send bus_receive trace1 trace3mon- mon mon lh modact(all RBS MOUDLE) 注:在 MOSHELL 里用指令 bo 查看所有机框板子状态,用指令 pr iublink=RBSID 查看该基站属于的 RNCm

3、odule 类型。在新开 cygwin 窗口,进入 decoder 目录下面,根据 mon 命令显示的路径输入:/home/yourid/moshell/monitor6054 RNCip(如 33079(根据 mon 显示的端口号码) | tee ./文件名.raw | ./decoder.pl | tee ./文件名. dec | ./flow.pl -colour | tee ./文件名.flw 测试结束后,在 RNC 中输入 uedisable all 关闭 decoder 操作 在 RNC 中输入: lh mod te default 3、用 MOSHELL

4、 取 kget all 文件。 首先要打开 MOMparsemom /home/youruserid/moshell/jarxml/tdrnc_node_mim_complete_A_20_1_CPP61LSV31.xml 然后用命令:kget all 取出所有 RNC 配置信息。 4、追 NBAP 消息 lhsh te e bus_send bus_receive NBAP_ASN lhsh te e bus_send bus_receive RANAP_ASN lhsh te e bus_send bus_receive RRC_ASN lhsh te e bus_send bus_rec

5、eive Ans_aal2ap_proc全网追踪 lh modact te e bus_send bus_receive NBAP_ASN lh modact te e bus_send bus_receive RANAP_ASN lh modact te e bus_send bus_receive RRC_ASN lh modact te e bus_send bus_receive Ans_aal2ap_procUE Tracelh modact te e all UEH_EXCEPTION lh modact te config -run bus_send bus_receive NB

6、AP_ASN lh modact te config -run bus_send bus_receive RANAP_ASN lh modact te config -run bus_send bus_receive RRC* ueenable imsi xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx bus_send bus_receive trace1 trace3 tra ce5 trace6 trace7 mon- mon modacttrace 跟踪完后,运行: lh all te default 关闭 traceUE Trace 示例: WXRNC01 ueenable imsi 4600236

7、18218442(测试手机的 IMSI) bus_send bus_receive trace1 trace3 trace5 trace6 trace7091018-16:32:23 7.1p TDRNC_NODE_MODEL_A_22_0 stopfile=/tmp/3768 $ ueenable imsi 460023618218442 bus_send bus_receive trace1 trace3 trace5 trace6 trace7 0: imsi: imsi=460023618218442 check error info trace1 trace3

8、trace5 trace6 trace7 bus_send bus_receive interface object $ WXRNC01 mon-091018-16:32:54 7.1p TDRNC_NODE_MODEL_A_22_0 stopfile=/tmp/3768$ lhsh 001000 tm -disconnect All monitored boards are disconnected and Target Monitor has shut down. $ WXRNC01 mon+ mod2 (2:为该基站所属的 RNC Module 值,通过 iubli

9、nk 得到,pr iublink 或者 get iublink= )091018-16:33:17 7.1p TDRNC_NODE_MODEL_A_22_0 stopfile=/tmp/3768* Opening new handle: $ lhsh 001000 tm -tcp -win 1 New monitor router process 0x492231 is started and listening to port 33077. To attach link handlers, use handle 1. New monitor router process

10、 0x49222a is started and listening to port 33079. To attach link handlers, use handle 3.* Attaching boards to handle: $ lhsh 001000 tm -attach 3 011300To start the monitor client, run the following command (type “h mon“ for more info): /home/Administrator/moshell/monitor6054 33079$moncomm

11、and = /home/Administrator/moshell/monitor6054 33079根据 moncommand,新开一个cygwin 窗口,输入 cd decoder 进入 decoder 目录下 面,再: /home/Administrator/moshell/monitor6054 33079 | ./decoder.pl | tee ./log/WXTD2050C_091018.dec | ./flow.pl -colour |tee ./log/WXTD2050C_091018.flo .log 后面为你要保存的文件名称追完

12、 trace 后, 在 RNC 中输入 uedisable all 关闭 decoder 操作 在 RNC 中输入: lh mod te default在 RNC 中输入: uestatus all 查看 RNC 中 ue trace 状态为活的手机 $ uestatus all 0: imsi: imsi=460023618218442 check error info trace1 trace3 trace6 trace7 bus_send bus_receive interface object 1: imsi: imsi=460023618916615 check error info

13、 trace1 trace3 trace6 trace7 bus_send bus_receive interface object WXRNC01 uedisable all091018-17:01:09 7.1p TDRNC_NODE_MODEL_A_22_0 stopfile=/tmp/3768 $ uedisable all trace condition 0 disabled. ueTrace is passive $2009/10/23 1. Get the log after enable the following traces in RNC and ch

14、eck whether the cell is delete and create automatically.lhsh xxxxxx te e bus_send bus_receive RRC_ASN lhsh xxxxxx te e bus_send bus_receive RANAP_ASN lhsh xxxxxx te e bus_send bus_receive NBAP_ASN lhsh xxxxxx te filter set “18)“ NBAP_ASN lh modmp te e bus_send bus_receive RAB_EST lh modmp te e bus_s

15、end bus_receive Ans_aal2ap_proc lh modmp te e all UEH_EXCEPTION2、针对 UE 抓 TRACE: #IMSI Trace Command ueenable imsi 460021531012360 bus_send bus_receive trace1 trace3 trace6 trace73、NODE B 中抓 TRACE: #Prepare trace all te default * all te default -restart all te log clear lh ru te d all measProc lh ru

16、te e bus_send bus_receive ccielh rax te filter set “(39 AND 323 AND 310)“ CBCI te filter set “(347)“ CDCI_TR te filter set “(328“ CDCI_TIM te filter set “(108“AND“18 NBAP* lhsh mod10 te e all UEH_EXCEPTION lhsh mod10 te e all IU_IF/mod10 如果 lhsh 连接不上,则用 bp mod10 得到该 module 的板号,再 lhsh 该板号4,在对应的 SPB 上

17、开以下 trace(如 module10 对应的两块 SPB):lhsh 012200 te e all SP_EXCEPTION lhsh 012300 te e all SP_EXCEPTION lhsh 012200 te e bus_receive SP_CONFIG_UE lhsh 012300 te e bus_receive SP_CONFIG_UE2009-11-23 rrcConnectionReject 1、针对 rrcConnectionReject 的问题,可以对单站追下列 Trace,能看到 rrcConnectionReject 信息Failed to encode

18、 RRC message 抓取下列抓取下列 Trace:RRC_ASN bus_send, bus_receive uehUeCtxtC* 1,3, 6,7, enter, returnlh mod42 te e bus_send bus_receive NBAP_ASN lh mod42 te e bus_send bus_receive RANAP_ASN lh mod42 te e bus_send bus_receive RRC_ASN lh mod42 te filter set “(1 lgasveuoyl 30 (2)在读 RRU trace 后请读取 RRU 通道口输出功率:如

19、:lh ru digIfFpga0 r 0x3a8lh ru digIfFpga1 r 0x3a8lhsh 000600 antStatus 2010-3-12 SP processing failure 所抓取 Trace Below iublink(RBS) has high rate of “SP processing failure“, Please help to locate their rnc module, then open below traces:lh dcx te e bus_send RLC_CP_DL_UElh dcx te e bus_receive RLC_CP_UL_UElh dcx te e bus_send MAC_CP_DL_UElh dcx te e bus_send IUB_CP_DL_UElhsh xxxx00 te e bus_send bus_receive NBAP_ASNlhsh xxxx00 te e bus_send bus_receive RRC_ASNlhsh xxxx00 te e bus_send bus_receive RANAP_ASNlhsh xxxx00 te e all UEH_EXCEPTIONWhen monitoring, we should:mon xxxx00 dcx


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