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1、仁爱版2018年春期八年级英语第一次月考试题(满分120分,时间120分钟) 姓名 班级 考号 得分 一 单项选择(1分25=25分)( )1.-Tom ,are you free tomorrow? -Yes ,whats up? -I want to _you to go to the movies. A .ask B. invite C. let D make( )2. We feel _ because our son won the first place in an exam . A. sad B .nervous C. proud D. upset ( )3.Kangkang d

2、id badly in the final exam. He was _himself. A .pleased with B. proud of C. angry with D .afraid of( )4. Mike couldnt solve the problem and I couldnt, _ A. too B. either C. also D. as well( )5.He failed the exam _he prepared for it for a long time .A .because B. though C. but D. if ( )6._The girl is

3、 new here and she lives _, so she seems _._Wed better ask her to play games with us.A. lonely ;lonely B. alone ; alone C. lonely ; alone D. alone ;lonely( )7.They invited Jim to join them , but he _to do it .A .accepted B. asked C. allowed D. refused ( )8. Look !_is drawing on the wall. Lets go to s

4、top him .A .Someone B. Anyone C. Everyone D .Who( )9. The news is so _ that all of us are quite _A. excited ; excited B. excited ;exciting C. exciting ;exciting D. exciting ; excited( )10. Tom _coke ,but now he _milk .A. used to drink ; is used to drinkingB. used to drinking ; drinks C. is used to d

5、rinking; used to drink D. is used to drink ; is drinking ( )11.She has to stay at home _its raining outside.A .because of B .because C . so D .and ( )12.-Jane is _shy_ my daughter ,she is also afraid of speaking in public .-You should ask them to practice more. A. so; so B .as ; as C. so; as D. as ;

6、 so ( )13.The soft music sounds _.We are all listening _.It is wonderful .A. beautiful ; carefully B. crazy ;carefully C. moving ; careful D. happily ;careful ( )14.Lots of people in our hometown _the old and they usually offer their seats to the on buses . A. agree with B.worry about C.care for D.

7、think over( )15.-Whats re you going to _ at the party? -Ballet.A .put up B .put on C. put down D. put away ( )16.-I have trouble _ English. Could you help me with it ?A.learn B. learns C. learning D. to learn ( )17. The old farmer saw a snake _ on the road on his way home .A . lie B. lies C.lying D.

8、 to lie ( )18.- Could you please give me some _ about giving speeches? - Certainly .A. information B.suggestions C.decision D.advise( )19.It made me _ nervous when Miss Liu asked me to give a speech in front of all the students.A. feel B. to feel C. felt D. feels( )20.Wow, what a beautiful place! Th

9、e flowers smell so _, and the birds are singing their _ songs.A. good; live B. well; live C. good; lively D.well; lively( )21. My _ brother is three years _ than I.A. elder; elder B. older; olderC. elder; older D.older; elder( )22. We should not only be confident _ ourselves, but also think things _

10、 before making decisions.A. in; aboutB. in; overC. about; aboutD.about; over( )23. If you are _ trouble, please call me _ 72335611.A. in; inB. at; atC. at; inD. in; at( )24. Is there _ in your exercise book today? No, Mom. I did it very carefully.A. something wrongB. wrong somethingC. anything wrong

11、D. wrong anything( )25.-I feel nervous about the speech tomorrow. _ _ Be brave and you are the best.A. Thats all right . B.Take it easy .B. What a pity . C.No problem.二 完形填空。(110=10分)If you want to do your homework right after school, you may eat something before getting to work. Never try to work w

12、hen you are very 26 . Always do your homework before you get too tired. Dont wait 27 late in the evening, or the homework will seem 28 than it really is.Divide your time into a few parts if you have more than 29 work. Have a short rest every forty minutes. However, dont divide up your time 30 short

13、to do anything. You should be able to work at least half an hour at a time without 31 .Dont 32 doing your homework until the last minutes, or you will have it on your mind and you wont 33 your free time. If you put off until the end of the week or even before a test, you will have too much 34 . What

14、s more, you will have a fear of tests and cant get a good result.Do your homework at the same time every day. This will help you make it a 35 part of your daily work. Then it will make your free time more enjoyable.( )26. A. fullB. hungry C. angry D. busy( )27. A. untilB. before C. after D. when( )2

15、8. A. Hard B. more hard C. much hard D. much harder( )29. A. an hourB. one hour C. an hours D. an-hours( )30. A. soB. too C. such D. very( )31. A. stopB. Stops C. Stopped D. stopping( )32. A. put offB. put on C. put away D. put up( )33. A. spendB. take C. enjoy D. like( )34. A. doB. to do C. doing D

16、. did( )35. A. habitB. hobby C. pleasure D. joy三. 阅读理解。(220=40分)(A )Mr. Hunt came from a poor family. He had three brothers and two sisters. His father worked hard but wasnt paid much. And his mother did all the housework at home. They were both able but they couldnt get enough money for their famil

17、y.Mr. Hunt was in school for only three years and he had to stop to help his parents though he was good at his lessons. When he was sixteen, he came to the city and began to work in a small factory. He learned from an old worker and became a skilled worker. The old worker liked him and married his d

18、aughter to him. The young man did not have his own house and had to live with his parents-in-law(岳父母). His mother-in-law always thought he was poor and often chattered(唠叨). So the young man tried to save everything and hoped to have his own house.It was one fine Sunday. The old woman wanted to have

19、a picnic on the top of the hill. She told Mr. Hunt to drive her car. But sometimes she told him to turn left and sometimes to turn right. The young man had to listen to her. At a crossing the lights were red but she made him turn left. The policeman stopped them and told the young man to give his li

20、cense to him.“If I did wrong, sir,” said Mr. Hunt, “It was my mother-in-laws fault(过错). She was driving the car though she sat behind me!”根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。( )36. The Hunts were poor because _. A. they were lazyB. they were too weak to workC. they couldnt make enough moneyD. they werent able enough( )37

21、. Mr. Hunt left the school because _. A. he didnt like studyingB. his family was poorC. he wasnt cleverD. he hoped to stay at home( )38. _, so the old man married his daughter to him. A. Mr. Hunt became a skilled workerB. Mr. Hunt was friendly to himC. Mr. Hunt was paid much in the factoryD. Mr. Hun

22、t worked for six years there( )39. The old woman was _ to Mr. Hunt. A. goodB. badC. friendlyD. useless( )40. Which of the following is wrong?A. The old woman herself drove the car that day. B. It was the old womans fault. C. Mr. Hunt hated his mother-in-law. D. The old woman told Mr. Hunt to run the

23、 red lights. (B )Do you know pleasure of Farmhouse(农家乐)? Its a new way for holidays in China. Now, more and more people are interested in it, especially young people. Every weekend, thousand of people drive to the countryside. The farmers invite them to their farms even homes. Many people help the f

24、armers work on the farms, such as fishing, watering the crops or picking apples. If you come to the farm, you will fall in love with the country life at once. Here you can listen to the birds, enjoy the beautiful view of countryside, breathe the fresh air and watch the crops grow. You can even taste

25、 the fresh produce, such as tomatoes and strawberries.Pleasure of Farmhouse brings a good chance to enjoy the life of countryside, especially for people living in the cities. It can make them relax.One farmer said, “Welcome children to our farms. We will show you where your food comes from.”根据短文内容,选

26、择正确答案。( )41. _ is a new way for holidays in China.A. Climbing mountainsB. Doing farm workC. Pleasure of FarmhouseD. Fishing( )42. In the countryside, visitors can _.A. enjoy the beautiful viewB. work with the farmersC. taste the fresh produceD. do all of above( )43. The underlined word“view”means _

27、in Chinese.A. 景色B. 小路C. 观点D. 乐趣( )44. Pleasure of Farmhouse can make _ relax.A. farmersB. visitors from cities C. young people D. children( )45. In the last paragraph, the farmer said they would show us _.A. how to work on farmB. where we could grow cropsC. where we could make foodD. the pleasure of

28、 working(C)Can you creat( 创造)your own T-shirt? Let me tell you its easy! In the modern world, designing a personal T-shirt with your own message or favorite image(图像) is now a piece of cake.At first, you can use a digital camera to take some photos. Also, you can download beautiful pictures from the

29、 Internet. Of course, you can also draw your favorite pictures by yourself. In a word, you can use your imagination.Then, buy some heat-sensitive iron-on transfer paper(感热的可熨的摹写纸) and print(打印) your picture or text using a standard ink jet printer(喷墨打印机). You can print black or colors or even buy ot

30、her special paper.Put the paper onto a clean T-shirt that you bought from the shops, then just use an electric clothes iron(熨斗) and in a few minutes you can make your own T-shirt. You must be confident and proud in this kind of T-shirt. 按要求完成下列各题。46. What does the phrase “a piece of cake” mean here

31、in Chinese according to the passage?A. 一块蛋糕B. 小菜一碟C. 一只蛋糕D. 一块饼干47. How can you get your favorite picture?(每空一词)We can _ from the Internet, take photos with a digital _ and _ by ourselves. 48. What paper can you use to print your picture?We can buy some heat-sensitive iron-on _ _. 49. What can you d

32、o after putting the paper on the T-shirt?We can use _ _ _ _. 50. 将短文最后一段画线部分翻译成汉语。_(D)In the new century, people use “smart clothes” not only for covering their bodies, but also for many other kinds of uses. Some kinds of smart clothes come into the marker. A German clothing maker invented the “MP3

33、blue jacket”. 46 An English company(公司) developed(开发) a cloth keyboard, they put it onto your pants. 47 If it gets dirty, you can wash it and make it clean.Its known to us that technology(技术) improves day by day. 48 Scientists are developing clothes that can show your body temperature and heat you u

34、p before you feel cold. Other smart clothes to wear are special medical(医疗的) ones. 49 This technology can also provide(提供) important information about your environment. Shirts can warn you of serious pollution. Jackets with GPS(全球定位系统) technology can keep you from getting lost.People begin to love t

35、he idea. 50 Maybe smart clothes will be common on Paris streets one day and even in your home.根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺,内容完整,并将其标号填写在下面题号后的横线上。A. So smart clothes will get much smarter.B. And they believe there will be a bright future for“smart clothes.”C. People can use this kind of ja

36、cket as both a MP3 player and a cellphone.D. They can tell the doctor when you are in danger.E. You can control your computer with it easily anywhere.51._ 52. _ 53. _ 54. _ 55. _四词语运用。(120=20分)(A)阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的单词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺意思完整。请将答案写在下面题号后的横线上。每空限填一词,每词限用一词。alone become seem classmate calm spend

37、 good with because monitor about ZAbout three years ago ,I felt very _56_.I didnt like my classmates ,my parents or anyone else. My classmates didnt want to talk _57_ me and my parents were always saying that other kids were better than me .I thought I was the most unlucky person in the world. One d

38、ay I had a big fight with one of my _58_. I was so angry that I hit him in the face .Just at the moment ,a boy stood up and stopped the fight .He was the _59_ of our class. After that ,he often helped me and we _60_ good friends . Whenever (无论什么时候) I got angry or sad ,he would help me to _61_down .M

39、y life begins to change because of the boy ,my best friend .We _62_ a lot of interesting days together . As time goes by ,I become happier with people and things and get along well with everyone here .And it _63_ that people around me change , too. My parents dont shout at me any more and my classma

40、tes become friendly to me .But now I cant often see my best friend _64_he is seriously ill and is staying in hospital .How I miss the days when we were together ! I hope he will be _65_ and come back to school soon .56_ 57_ 58_ 59_60_61. _ 62_ 63_ 64_ 65_(B) 用括号里所给词语的适当形式填空。66. Tom is becoming more

41、and more _ (interest) in Chinese culture.67. He loves the opera, Cats. Its so _ (fun).68. She looks _ (excite). What happened to her?69. This _(feel) makes him upset all day and night.70. She is a _(love) girl. We all like her.71. I think this is a wrong _ (decide), so dont plan to do it. 72. He has

42、 a lot of trouble _ (work) out the problems.73.She will give two important _(speech) in the hall this Sunday.74. There are four main _ (role) in Beijing Opera.75 I want to live as _ (happy) as you do.五补全对话(25=10)根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯,完整。A: Hello, Maria! B: Hello ,Tom!A:Why are you cryin

43、g?(76)_B: I did badly in the English exam. Im worried about how to tell my parents the result, for they must be disappointed and unhappy.A:(77)_. Even though your parents are strict with you, they love you very much.B: You are right!(78)_?A: First, please dry your tears. Then our classmates and I can help you with English.B: Thank you. (79)_


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