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《英语新设计译林(皖湘)版选修六讲义Unit1PartⅡ.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语新设计译林(皖湘)版选修六讲义Unit1PartⅡ.docx(12页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、II.核心短语 l.in_charge2 .be_supposedto3 .be_made_upof 4.occur_to_sb5 .participatein6 .drive_away7 .take on8 .have an interest in9.in regard to lO.move on (to) 11.go with nr经典句式Part II Word power, Grammar and usage & Task保前预习I,学前热身,成竹在胸I .重点单词.deepbreathing .深呼吸的.guarantee vt.& ,保证; 担保3.initial力最初的,初始的儿

2、(人名的)首字母“attain”.(通常经过努力)获得;得到;到达5.polish 提高;修改;润色6ftness儿健壮,健康;适合f fit 切.健康的;适合的.participate况.参力口,参与f participation 参力口,参与f participant机参加者,参与者7 .foolishness .愚蠢f foolish愚蠢的f fool机傻子9.instruct”教授,传授;指示,命令;告知f instruction.命令;指示 10.strengthen vt.&式.增强;巩固f strength .力量,力气掌管应该由组成被某人想起,突然浮现于某人脑海参加驱赶;赶走接

3、纳对感兴趣关于开始做;换话题与相配l.So, it is easy to understand why some yoga exercises include laughter.因此,一些瑜伽练习为什么包含笑在内就不难理解了。2 .Experts say that the positive feelings produced by laughter not only make us happy but also help us reduce pain.专家说笑产生的积极情感不但让我们感到愉快,而且帮助我们减轻疼痛。3 .The_next_time you feel upset or disap

4、pointed, do not worry. 你下次感到心烦意乱或失望时,不要担忧。I要点探知HHHHHHHii亘动课堂蹩高效学匀 单词 “though”可知,futile意为“无用的,徒劳的”,应选B。4.From the passage, we can know that Americans are.A.really inspired after 911B.hardly united after 911C.nearly surprised by 911D.greatly hurt by 911答案D 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段可以推测出,美国人因911事件受到了巨大的伤害。所以应该 选D

5、。IV .完形填空How would you like to study at an American univer sity in China? 1 the news that New York University (NYU) is opening a campus on Chinese mainland, the possibility of getting an American education is coming closer to a 2 .But how will Chinese students deal with a very different style of tea

6、ching ?3 thatencourages debate, discussion and critical thinking.You know how kids constantly ask questions? They have so much to learn and simply 4 information.Asking questions 5 they are curious.So 6 does that natural 7 become weak? Not at kindergarten, nor at primary schooLBut perhaps self- consc

7、iousness and a reluctance (不I青愿)to draw attention to yourself by asking the teacher questions 8 with adolescence. 9 thats a pity, because asking your teachers questions should be encouraged.After all, theyve been educated, 10 a lot more experience than you and perhaps have a little wisdom.When I tau

8、ght journalism at college in Scotland, I 11 answering students questions.Some of them asked difficult ones.I didnt always know the answers.If I didnt, Id admit 12 and try to find out later.At university we were encouraged to challenge our peers and tutors.A student would prepare a paper on a subject

9、 and other students would 13 it.It was a way of 14 critical and logical thinking.You can learn to think logically, 15 some of the more difficult problems would probably require advanced math.Having a logical mind can help develop critical thinking.My wife doesnt have a logical mind, but she does hav

10、e emotional intelligence.An ability to empathize with people, relate to them and 16 their personalities is also important to critical thinking.! cant claim to have 17 like her emotional intelligence, but Id like to think some of it has influenced me.If you cant 18 try to put yourself in someone else

11、s 19 , how can you understand their situation and their problems?So try to develop your powers of critical thinking. 20 books, films, music and newspapers.And dont believe everything you read or see.Think for yourself.【语篇解读】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章就美国纽约大学在中国大陆开办分校而引出话题中国学 生将如何面对不同的教学风格。文章鼓励人们去展开辩论、进行批判性思维。B.A

12、sC.FromD.In答案 A 根据此句中.the news that New York University(NYU) is opening a campus on Chinese mainland”可以判断,随着美国纽约大学在中国大陆开办分校的消息传来,四个选项中只有with含有10/13“随着”的意思,故A项正确。.A.goalB.realityC. dreamD.challenge答案 B 由此句中“the possibility of getting an American education”可知,随着美国纽约大学在中国大 陆开办分校的消息传来,中国人接受美式教育的机会要成为事实。

13、reality ”事实,现实”,符合语境。2 . A.WhichB.OneC.It D.Anything答案B one指代同类事物;anything指代没有任何范围的“任何事情”;根据语境可知,空处指代astyle of teaching,指代的是泛指同类中的某个,故B项正确。.A.askB.findC.lookD.want答案 D 由上句“You know how kids constantly ask questions? ”可知,孩子们是通过学习来获得信息 的,即他们学习的动力是想要获得信息,want “想要”,符合语境。.A.showsB.explainsC.predictsD.req

14、uires答案A 该句进一步解释“孩子经常问问题”的现象,问问题说明孩子们感到好奇。show ”说明,说 明”,符合语境。.A.whenB. whereC.whatD.why答案 A 由下句对此问题的回答uNot at kindergarten, nor at primary school可知,既不在幼儿园,也不在小学,据此可以判断,这指的是时间,故A项正确。.A.characterB.abilityC.intelligenceD.curiosity答案D 那么这种天生就有的好奇心是什么时候(开始)变弱的?不是在幼儿园时期,也不是在小学时期。 故D项正确。3 .A.getsB.existsC

15、esD.runs答案C 但是也许伴随着青春期而来的是自我意识以及怕引起对自己的注意而不愿意向老师问问题。come with ”伴随发生”,故C项正确。.A.Even soB.If notC.Even ifD.If so答案D 如果是这样的话,那很遗憾。因为向老师问问题应该得到鼓励。Ifso 如果是这样的话“,符 合语境。4 . A.possessingB.possessC.having possessedD.to possess答案 B 由此句中“a lot more experience than you”可以判断,毕竟老师受过教育,比你更有经验和智 慧。根据该句中的have也可以判断,此处

16、应填动词原形。故B项正确。.A.enjoyedB.hatedC.metD.avoided答案 A 由此句“answering studentsquestions”可知,我喜欢回答学生的问题。enjoy “喜欢”, 符合语境。B.themB.themC.thisD.one答案 A 根据语境可知,空处指代的是UIdidn9t always know the answers ,故用it。有些学生问的问题 挺难,“我”无法回答,如果回答不出来,“我”就成认此事,以后再查找答案。故A项正确。.A.refuseB.followC.criticizeD.ignore答案 C 由此句“A student wo

17、uld prepare a paper on a subject and other students would.”可以判断,一个学 生就某个学科准备一份论文,其他学生来反驳。criticize “反驳”,符合语境。.A.promotingB. worseningC.discussingD.increasing答案 A 这是一种提高批判性思维和逻辑思维能力的方法。promote 提高,改善”,符合语境。.A.althoughB.as ifC.soD.however答案 A 根据语境可知,尽管你可能学会了逻辑思维,但是有些困难的问题常常需要高等数学来解决。故A项正确。.A.getB.viewC

18、.readD.have答案C 与人们相协调以及解读人们的个性能力对批判思维的开展也是很重要的。read “解读”,符合 语境。13 .A.everythingB.nothingC.somethingD.anything答案 D “我”不敢声称“我”有类似于“我”妻子情商的东西。由否认词can飞可以判断用any thing o.A.at leastB.at mostC.above allD.first of all答案 A 由此句中.try to put yourself in someone else,s.?,可知,本句说的是最起码的要求。at least “至 少”,符合语境。.A.prob

19、lemsB.statusC.shoesD.attitude答案 C put yourself in someone else shoes为固定搭配,意为“换位思考”,根据语境可知,如果你无 法站在别人的角度考虑问题,那么你怎么理解别人的处境和问题呢?故C项正确。.A.Choose fromB.Start withC.Have a took atD.Depend on答案 B 由此句“try to develop your powers of critical thinking”可以判断,所以要尽力开展你的批判性思 维,从看书、看电影、听音乐和读报纸开始。故B项正确。12/13V.语法填空Jus

20、t an hour after completing her first aid course, Mamta 1.(wait) at a bus stop when she heard a crash and saw a motorcyclist flying through the air-his helmet was going one way and his motorbike the 2.She could also see a pedestrian(彳亍人)was knocked down.As other pedestrians stood 3.(shock) by the sce

21、ne, Mamta 4.(immediate) stepped forward and help.The motorcyclisfs eyes were rolling back; his head and arm 5.(injure), and he was making noises.So she shouted at him, “Can you breathe? ” While he was given emergency 6.(treat), the confused motorcyclist actually tried to walk away but Mamta insisted

22、 he wait for the ambulance.Once the motorcyclist was comfortable, Mamta went over 7.(check) on the injured pedestrian and pressed her blouse on his 8.(bleed) arm.Before long, official medical help arrived.Looking back on the incident, Mamta said, Td been asking tons of questions all through that day

23、s course.Little 9.I know that Id be putting it into practice on my way home.It just shows that even the most basic training can make 10.difference.”【语篇解读】 本文主要讲述了 Mamta在等公共汽车时,对发生交通事故的摩托车驾驶员实施急救的故事。 l.was waiting 此处用了“be doingwhen”结构,表示”正在这时突然”,结合上下文时态可知,应填was waiting。2.other 由one way(一边)可知,此处指“另一边,

24、故填other。3.shocked 设空处作主语补足语,且shock与句子主语pedestrians之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故填 shockedo 1.1 mmediately 设空处修饰谓语动词 stepped,故填 immediately。.were injured injure与主语head and arm之间是动宾关系,且由语境可知,此处用一般过去时,故填were injuredo .treatment emergency treatment 意为 “紧急治疗”。.to check “Mamta走过去”是为了 “检查受伤的行人,故填tocheck。5 .bleeding arm与ble

25、ed之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且由语境可知bleed所表示的动作正在进行,故填 bleeding o .did 否认副词Little(一点也不)放在句首句子用局部倒装,且由从句时态可知主句应用一般过去时,故 填 did。.a make a difference 意为起(重要)作用”。Loccur近发生,出现(教材 P6)This means all the action occurs at one time, in one place.这就是说所有的演出都是在同一个时间、同一个地点发生的。sth occurs to sb某人想起某事It occurs to sb to do sth某人想起做某事

26、It occurs/occurred to sb+that 从句 某人想起A great decline in young work force is likely to occur in China, for instance.(2017江苏鬲考) 例如,中国有可能出现年轻劳动力的大幅度下降的现象。I suppose it didnt occur to you to phone the police?我想你根本就没想起打 报警吧?n suddenly occurred to me that we can use a robot to do the job.我突然想到我们可以用机器人来做这项工

27、作。2.strengthen vt. & vi.增强;巩固(教材 P9)This is because laughter strengthens the heart and the lungs.这是因为笑可以增强心肺功能。(l)strength机体力,力量;长处,优点build up ones strength 强身健体strengths and weaknesses 长处和短处in strength 大量地with all ones strength 竭尽全力(2)strong adj.强壮的;牢固的Mike usually runs every morning to build up hi

28、s strength.迈克通常每天早上跑步来强身健体。He helped me identify my strength* and weaknesses.他帮助我认清了我的优缺点。The protests turned out jn strength.结果是一片抗议。I pushed the car with all my strength but it didnt move at all.我用尽全力推那辆车,可它根本就不动。3.participate 近参力口,参与(教材 P9)As you laugh, the muscles participating in the laugh beco

29、me active.当你大笑的时候,参与笑的肌肉变得活跃起来。(l)participate in 参加participate with sb in (doing) sth 同某人参与(做)某事(2)participant儿参加者,参与者participation .参加,参与We need some volunteers to participate in this project.我们需要一些志愿者来参与这项工程。He often participates with me in my sufferings.他经常分担我的痛苦。He is an active pailicipant(parti

30、cipate) in the civil rights movement.他是人权运动的积极参加者。名师点津participate in是正式用词,特指参加团体活动,暗示以一个积极的角色参加。4.guarantee vt.& /z.保证;担保(教材 P9)Practising is the only way to guarantee a successful performance.练习是保证演出成功的唯一途径。(1 )guarantee to do sth 保证做某事guarantee sb sth保证某人某事guarantee that保证/确保(2)(be) under guarante

31、e 在保修期内Pm sorry that I cant guarantee you the job at present.对不起,我目前不能保证你会得到这份工作。We guarantee to deliver(deliver) your goods within a week.我们保证一周内交货。The car is less than a year old, so it is still under guarantee.这辆汽车用了还不满一年,因此仍在保修期内。名师点津guarantee用作名词时,主要意思有:保证,保证书,保修单;担保人;抵押品。1.1 nstmct诃教授,传授;指示,命令

32、;告知(教材 Pn)He has instructed students from over 70 different countries.他已经教过来自70多个不同国家的学生。(l)instruct sb to do sth指导某人做某事(2)instruction指示;说明书;使用指南(常用复数);U指导obey/follow instructions 遵从指令/指示(3)instructive adj.有教育意义的,有启发性的instructor .指 导员,教练When we reached 13, 000 feet, Jay instructed me to throw myself

33、 out of the plane.当我们离地面13 000英尺的时候,杰伊告诉我从飞机上跳下去。A few minutes later, the instructor(instruct) asked me to stop the car.(2017全国卷 I ) 几分钟后,教练让我停车。Following the teachers instructions (instruct) in the lab is important.在实验室听从老师的指示非常重要。They instructed him that he (should) leave(leave) the country at onc

34、e.他们命令他立刻离开这个国家。名师点津instruct作“命令”讲,后跟宾语从句时,从句谓语动词用“(should+)动词原形”形式。短语Lin charge主管,负责,掌管;在拘留中(教材 P6)The person in charge is the director.负责的那个人是导演。in charge of负责,掌管;照顾(后接被看管的人或物)in the charge of由负责;由照料;由掌管(后接看管或掌管这一行为的执行者)take charge of 负责;看管charge for要价,收费Professor Smith is now in charge of the pro

35、ject, which was once in the charge of Professor White. 史密斯教授现在负责这项曾经由怀特教授负责的工程。He took charge of the farm after his fathers death.父亲去世后他掌管了农场。How much did they charge for the repairs?他们收了多少修理费?2 .be supposed to do sth 理应做某事(教材 P6)If you are an actor, you need to know where your character is supposed

36、 to stand on the stage.如果你是一个演员,你理应知道你扮演的角色在舞台上应站的位置。(l)be supposed to have done sth理应已经做完某事(实际未做完)(2)suppose。.认为;猜测;假设I suppose so (not).我想(不)会。suppose/supposing引导条件状语从句,相当于if,表示“如果,假设”。You are supposed to have finished(finish) these exercises ten hours ago.你们十个小时之前就应该已经完成了这些练习。(2)Supposing(suppose

37、) she doesnt come, what shall we do?假设她没来,我们该做什么?The book will be finished tomorrow, I suppose.我想这本书明天可以完成。3 .takeon接纳;雇用;呈现;承当(教材 Pn)In an interview, he told us that he is always happy to take on new foreign students.在采访中,他告诉我们他总是开心地接纳新的外国学生。take away拿走,带走take down写下,记下;拆卸take in吸收;理解;欺骗;收容takeoff起

38、飞;匆匆离去;脱下;大获成功take over接收;接管;取代takeup占据;开始从事;继续;接受写出以下句中take on的含义Now the countryside is taking on a new look day by day.呈现He is willing to take on the responsibility for what he did.承当Our factory will take on twenty more workers next month.雇用He took off my wet boots and made me sit by the fire.他脱掉我

39、湿漉漉的靴子,让我在火炉旁坐下。When Mr.Green retired, his son took over the business from him.格林先生退休后,由他的儿子接管了他的生意。4 .go with伴随,与相配;同意,接受;是的一局部(教材 Pi3)If you only write down your answers, the person receiving the e-mail may not know what question goes with each answer.如果你只写下你的答案,那么收到电子邮件的人也许不会知道每个答案对应什么问题。go after

40、追赶(某人);追求go against反对;不利于go in for从事;参加go on with继续做go over复习;浏览;仔细审阅go through浏览;翻阅;经历(困难,痛苦等)写出以下句中go with的含义I want a hat to go with this dress.与相配As for this, we go with you.同意,接受Poverty goes with laziness.伴随She doesnt go in for team games; she likes single ones.她不喜欢团体工程,她喜欢个人工程。To get a better g

41、rade, you should go over the notes again before the test.为了获得好成绩,在考试之前你应该再复习一下笔记。经摸句式1 .(教材 P?)If you want to be an actor, there are certain things you will need to know before you can be in a play. 如果你想要成为一名演员,在你可以参与演出前你要知道某些东西。before在此引导时间状语从句,其常用句型有:(l)It will be+时间段+before从句(一般现在时)表示“要过多久才”。(Pit

42、 will be one year before you finish the task.再过一年你才能完成任务。(2)It was+时间段+ before从句(一般过去时)表示“过了多久才 oIt was seven days before everything returned to normal.过了七天一切才恢复正常。2 .(教材 P9)Experts say that the positive feelings produced by laughter not only make us happy but also help us reduce pain.专家说笑产生的积极情感不但让

43、我们感到愉快,而且帮助我们减轻疼痛。句中not onlybut also”不但而且”,用于连接两个对称的并列成分,可以连接两个谓语、 主语、宾语、表语、状语等。Secondly, Ill teach you poems of Tang, which are famous not only in China but also throughout the world.(2017全国卷 I )第二,我要教你唐诗,它不仅在中国而且在世界各地都很知名。not only.but also连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数要根据“就近原那么”来确定。Not only his parents but also h

44、e is(be) going to attend the party.不但他的父母而且他也将去参加宴会。名师点津谓语动词的数遵循就近原那么的结构还有:neithernor”既不也不”,eitheror“或 者或者”。Neither you nor I am(be)fit for the work.你和我都不适合这份工作。(3)not only放在句首时,它所在的句子要用局部倒装结构。Not only does the sun give us light but also it gives us heat.太阳给我们提供光与热。3 .(教材 P9)The next time you feel u

45、pset or disappointed, do not worry.你下次感到心烦意乱或失望时,不要担忧。(1)句中名词短语the next time用作附属连词引导时间状语从句,意为“下次”,the可省略。Give your father my best regards(the) next time you see him.下次你见到父亲时,请代我问候他。The next tiine/Next time you9re here, let s have lunch togethe匚下次你到这里来时,咱们一起吃午饭。(2)含有time的时间名词短语作连词的还有:every/each time(

46、每次),any time(随时),the first time(第一次), (the)last time(上次)。I felt both excited and frightened the 自rst time I went into the cave.06/13第一次进那个山洞时,我感到既兴奋又害怕。Every/Each time I express an opinion, she always argues back.每次我发表意见时,她总是反驳。当堂达标:对点演练自主落实| | - . -I.单句语法填空.Not only the twins but also Liu Ying like

47、s(like)watching TV shows.1 .The project is in the charge of an experienced engineer who is well-known in this field.2 .This complete but brief historical collection is certain to entertain readers young and old, and guaranteedto present(present) even the biggest history lover with something new! (2017江苏高考)4.She instructed me to get(get)off the horse at once.5.It wasnt too long before we had worked out a plan acceptable to all.6.One idea is that sleep helps us strengthen(strength) new memories。17北京高考).The robot needs to follow the instructions(instruct)given by the computer.7 .Ever


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