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《弗罗斯特诗歌—TheRoadNotTaken—分.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《弗罗斯特诗歌—TheRoadNotTaken—分.pdf(5页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、The Road Not Taken The Road Not Taken is a poem by Robert Frost,published in 1916 in the collection Mountain Interval;it is the first poem in the volume and is printed in italics.The title is often mistakenly given as The Road Less Traveled,from the penultimate line:I took the one less traveled by.T

2、he poem has two recognized interpretations;one is a more literal interpretation,while the other is more ironic.Readers often see the poem literally,as an expression of individualism.Critics typically view the poem as ironic.The Road Not Taken,perhaps the most famous example of Frosts own claims to c

3、onscious irony and the best example in all of American poetry of a wolf in sheeps clothing.and Frost himself warned You have to be careful of that one;its a tricky poem very tricky.Frost intended the poem as a gentle jab(猛击)at his great friend and fellow poet Edward Thomas with whom he used to take

4、walks through the forest(Thomas always complained at the end that they should have taken a different path)and seemed amused at this certain interpretation of the poem as inspirational.Literal interpretation According to the literal(and more common)interpretation,the poem is inspirational,a paean(赞美歌

5、)to individualism and non-conformism.The poem consists of four stanzas.In the first stanza,the speaker describes his position.He has been out walking in the woods and comes to two roads,and he stands looking as far down each one as he can see.He would like to try out both,but doubts he could do that

6、,so therefore he continues to look down the roads for a long time trying to make his decision about which road to take.Ironic interpretation The ironic interpretation,widely held by critics,is that the poem is instead about regret and personal myth-making,rationalizing our decisions.In this interpre

7、tation,the final two lines:“I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference.”are ironic:the choice made little or no difference at all,the speakers protestations to the contrary.The speaker admits in the second and third stanzas that both paths may be equally worn and equally le

8、af-covered,and it is only in his future recollection that he will call one road less traveled by.The sigh,widely interpreted as a sigh of regret,might also be interpreted ironically:in a 1925 letter to Cristine Yates of Dickson,Tennessee,asking about the sigh,Frost replied:It was my rather private j

9、est at the expense of those who might think I would yet live to be sorry for the way I had taken in life.Everyone is a traveler,choosing the roads to follow on the map of their continuous journey,life.There is never a straight path that leaves one with but a sole direction in which to head.Regardles

10、s of the original message that Robert Frost had intended to convey,his poem,The Road Not Taken,has left its readers with many different interpretations.It is ones past,present and the attitude with which he looks upon his future that determines the shade of the light that he will see the poem in.In

11、any case however,this poem clearly demonstrates Frosts belief that it is the road that one chooses that makes him the man who he is.And sorry I could not travel both.It is always difficult to make a decision because it is impossible not to wonder about the opportunity cost,what will be missed out on

12、.There is a strong sense of regret before the choice is even made and it lies in the knowledge that in one lifetime,it is impossible to travel down every path.In an attempt to make a decision,the traveler looks down one as far as I could.The road that will be chosen leads to the unknown,as does any

13、choice in life.As much he may strain his eyes to see as far the road stretches,eventually it surpasses his vision and he can never see where it is going to lead.It is the way that he chooses here that sets him off on his journey and decides where he is going.Then took the other,just as fair,and havi

14、ng perhaps the better claim.What made it have the better claim is that it was grassland wanted wear.It was something that was obviously not for everyone because it seemed that the majority of people took the other path therefore he calls it the road less traveled by.The fact that the traveler took t

15、his path over the more popular,secure one indicates the type of personality he has,one that does not want to necessarily follow the crowd but do more of what has never been done,what is new and different.And both that morning equally lay in leaves no step had trodden back.The leaves had covered the

16、ground and since the time they had fallen no one had yet to pass by on this road.Perhaps Frost does this because each time a person comes to the point where they have to make a choice,it is new to them,somewhere they have never been and they tend to feel as though no one else had ever been there eit

17、her.I kept the first for another day!The desire to travel down both paths is expressed and is not unusual,but knowing how way leads on to way,the speaker of this poem realizes that the decision is not just a temporary one and he doubted if I should ever come back.This is his common sense speaking an

18、d acknowledging that what he chooses now will affect every other choice he makes afterward.Once you have performed an act or spoken a word that crystallizes who you are,there is no turning back and it cannot be undone.Once again at the end of the poem the regret hangs over the traveler like a heavy

19、cloud about to burst.He realizes that at the end of his life,somewhere ages and ages hence,he will have regrets about having never gone back and traveling down the roads he did not take.Yet he remains proud of his decision and he recognizes that it was this path that he chose that made him turn out

20、the way and he did and live his life the way in which he lived.I took the road less traveled by and that had made all the difference.To this man,what was most important,what really made the difference,is that he did what he wanted,even if it meant taking the road less traveled.If he hadnt,he wouldnt

21、 be the same man he is now.There are many equally valid meanings to this poem and Robert Frost may have intended this.He may have been trying to achieve a universal understanding.In other words,there is no judgment,no specificity,no moral.There is simply a narrator who makes a decision in his life t

22、hat had changed the direction of his life from what it may have otherwise been.It allows all readers from all different experiences to relate to the poem.Robert Frost is one of the finest of rural New England s 20th century pastoral poets.His poems are great combination of wisdom,harmony and serenit

23、y.They are simple at first sight,but demand readers for deep reading to grasp further meaning beyond surface.The famous poem of Frost The Road Not Taken is my favorite.This poem consists of four stanzas of five lines.The rhyme scheme is ABAAB.the rhymes are strict and masculine,with notable exceptio

24、n of the last line.There are four stressed syllables each line,varying on iambic tetrameter(四步抑扬格)base.The Road Not Taken tells about life choice.Man s life is metaphorically related to a journey filled with twists and turns.One has to consider a lot before making a wise choice.Though the diverged r

25、oads seem identical,they actually lead to different directions,which symbolize different fates.A less than rigorous look at the poem may lead one to believe that Frost s moral is embodied in those lines.The poem is taken as a call to independence,preaching originality and Emersonian self-reliance.Th

26、e poem deconstructs its conclusion stanza by stanza.At the beginning of this poem,the poet shows the inability of human beings to foresee the future,especially the results of choices.At the split in the road,the speaker looks far down both the two paths to see what each of the paths will bring.Howev

27、er,his sight is limited;his eyes can only see the path until it bends into“the undergrowth”.Man is free to choose,but doesn t know beforehand the results of his choice.Both roads diverge into a“yellow wood”and appear to be“about the same”in their purposes.The first path is a more common route.The ot

28、her is less traveled,which“was grass and wanted wear”.The poet presents a conflict herethe decision between the common easy path and exceptional challenging path.The two different paths signify two different kinds of lives.Choosing the common easy path,people will feel at ease and live in safety,bec

29、ause the outcome is predictable.However,that kind of life may be less exciting and lack of novelty.While choosing the“less traveled”road represents the gamble of facing a more difficult path in lives.This forms contrast with familiar lives of most people.People hope to achieve a satisfactory and int

30、eresting life on this road.The wish is good,but reality is full of challenges and uncertainties.Nobody can be sure of the outcome.After vacillating(犹豫)between the two roads,the poet finally decides to take the road“less traveled by”and leads a different life from common people.This mayindicate his c

31、hoice to be a poet,other than other jobs.The poet makes up his mind to dedicate himself to poem writing,which is regarded as a less common career.Once the decision is made,there will be no way to return to the original choice to experience the other route.So the poet utters“Yet knowing how way leads

32、 on to way,I doubted if I should ever come back.”The made choice is irrevocable,so man must be careful and rational before making decisions.At the same time,he must be courageous enough to shoulder the result of his choice,whether it is good or not.Frost presents man s limitation to explore life s d

33、ifferent possibilities.The poet“sighs”at the end of the poem.For at the time of one s choice,he must give up other choices and miss some other things.At the same time,he“sighs”with lamentation,pondering what he may have missed on the other path and that he doesn t have opportunities to experience an

34、other kind of life.The Road Not Taken is interpreted universally as a representation of two similar choices.At the beginning,man may face two identical forks,which symbolize the nexus of free choice and fate.They contrast increasingly with each other as they diverge in their separate directions.Man

35、is free to choose,but it s beyond his ability to foretell the consequences.Man can choose a common route which guarantees a safe and reliable life.He can also choose a less common one which is unknown,unique and stands out above other else s.All in all,man must be responsible for his choice and has

36、courage to shoulder the result.He can never go back to the past and experience other possibilities.It is impossible to predict the outcome of decisions,so it is essential for him to make wise decisions after considering,selecting and questioning which selection will provide him with fulfillment.The

37、Road Not Taken is full of philosophical overtones.This poem should be read as a warning.Man should consider a lot before making choices and reflect over the choices he has made to discover“all the differences”.Robert Frost s“The Road Not Taken”has been one of the most analyzed,quoted,anthologized po

38、ems in American poetry.A wide-spread interpretation claims that the speaker in the poem is promoting individualism and non-conformity.A Tricky Poem Frost claims that he wrote this poem about his friend Edward Thomas,with whom he had walked many times in the woods near London.Frost has said that whil

39、e walking they would come to different paths and after choosing one,Thomas would always fret wondering what they might have missed by not taking the other path.About the poem,Frost asserted,You have to be careful of that one;its a tricky poem-very tricky.And he is,of course,correct.The poem has been

40、 and continues to be used as an inspirational poem,one that to the undiscerning eye seems to be encouraging self-reliance,not following where others have led.But a close reading of the poem proves otherwise.It does not moralize about choice;it simply says that choice is inevitable,but you never know

41、 what your choice will mean until you have lived it.Three things make his poem tricky-the time frame,and the words sigh and difference.First Stanza Describes Situation The poem consists of four stanzas.In the first stanza,the speaker describes his position.He has been out walking the woods and comes

42、 to two roads,and he stands looking as far down each one as he can see.He would like to try out both,but doubts he could to that,so therefore he continues to look down the roads for a long time trying to make his decision about which road to take.Second Stanza Decides to Take Less-Traveled Road The

43、speaker had looked down the first one“to where it bent in the undergrowth,”and in the second stanza,he reports that he decided to take the other path,because it seemed to have less traffic than the first.But then he goes on to say that they actually were very similarly worn.The second one that he to

44、ok seems less traveled,but as he thinks about it,he realizes that they were“really about the same.”Not exactly that same but only“about the same.”Third Stanza Continues Description of Roads The third stanza continues with the cogitation(深思)about the possible differences between the two roads.He had

45、noticed that the leaves were both fresh fallen on them both and had not been walked on,but then again claims that maybe he would come back and also walk the first one sometime,but he doubted he would be able to,because in life one thing leads to another and time is short.Robert Frosts Stopping by Wo

46、ods on a Snowy Evening seems simple,but its nuanced(微妙的)phrase,And miles to go before I sleep,offers much about which to speculate.Fourth Stanza Two Tricky Words The fourth stanza holds the key to the trickiness of the poem:I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence:Two roads

47、diverged in a wood,and I I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference.Those who interpret this poem as suggesting non-conformity take the word“difference”to be a positive difference.But there is nothing in the poem that suggests that this difference signals a positive outcome

48、.The speaker could not offer such information,because he has not lived the“difference”yet.The other word that leads readers astray is the word“sigh.”By taking“difference”to mean a positive difference,they think that the sigh is one of nostalgic relief;however,a sigh can also mean regret.There is the

49、“oh,dear”kind of sigh,but also the“what a relief”kind of sigh.Which one is it?If it is the relief sigh,then the difference means the speaker is glad he took the road he did;if it is the regret sigh,then the difference would not be good,and the speaker would be sighing in regret.But the plain fact is

50、 that the poem does not identify the nature of that sigh.The speaker of the poem does not even know the nature of that sigh,because that sigh and his evaluation of the difference his choice will make are still in the future.It is a truism(自明之理)that any choice an individual make is going to make“all


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