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《江苏省常州市2022-2023学年高三上学期期末考试英语试题(解析版).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省常州市2022-2023学年高三上学期期末考试英语试题(解析版).docx(27页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、20222023学年高三年级模拟试卷英语本试卷分四个部分。满分150分,考试用时120分钟。第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】What do the signals show today?A. Stop in both ways.B. Go” in both ways.C.“Stop in one way.【答案】A【解析】【原文】 M:

2、 These traffic signals arent working properly. Yesterday they showed stop in both directions. The day before it was “go” in both directions. It should be “stop” in one way and “go” in the other.W: Look at them now. Theyre back to how they were yesterday.2 .【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】Where did the man go yest

3、erday evening?A. To the hotel.B. To the airport.C. To the office.【答案】C【解析】【原文】M: I didnt see you last night at the office. Are you OK?W: I was so busy. First I was late to meet my sister at the airport, and then we went to the hotel and it was full!M: I hope everythings OK!3 .【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】What

4、does the man probably want the woman to do?A. Get him a new chicken sandwich.B. Bring him a different sandwich.C. Give him his money back.【答案】C【解析】embroidery (刺绣)three months after a leaf cut her hand. (2011年,来自贵州铜仁市的杨女士在一片树叶割伤了 手三个月后创作了叶脉刺绣)”可知,杨丽很有创造性,根据最后一段uTwo years later, Yang opened an embroid

5、ery processing factory and offered jobs to more than 500 laid-off female workers, rural women and people with disabilities. will keep doing the leaf vein embroidery for the rest of my life because it is meaningful/ she says.(两年后,杨丽开了一家刺绣加工厂,为500多名下岗女工、农村妇女和残疾人提供了就业机会。她说:我这辈子都会继续做叶脉刺绣,因为它很有意义。)”可知,杨丽

6、有野心。故选A。27题详解】主旨大意题。根据全文内容,结合第一段中 “In 2011, Yang, fromTongren city in Guizhou province, created leaf vein (脉络)embroidery (刺绣)three months after a leaf cut her hand.(2011 年,来自贵州铜仁市的杨女士在一片 树叶割伤了手三个月后创作了叶脉刺绣)”可知,文章主要介绍了一位苗族绣娘杨丽,因手指被树叶划破而 创作出“叶脉绣”的故事,她致力于发展刺绣产业,帮助传承民族传统技艺。故D项“一位令人敬佩的手 艺人”能够总结文章大意。故选D。CH

7、umans have always assumed that there is a huge .ulf between animal behavior and human development. However, recent research into animals shows that animals are continuously designing innovative methods to finish their tasks. Examining the nature and results of their creativity can help us understand

8、 evolution.Research shows that animals too can be creative. By inventing new behavioral patterns and adjusting their behavior to new contexts, as well as to changes in social and ecological environments, researchers show that animal innovation too can be diverse. For instance, chimpanzees (猩猩)use to

9、ols such as sharp spines and stalks to remove the hearts of palm vegetables from trees. Herring gulls (鲜鱼海鸥)found out quite a cruel way of killing rabbits-drowning them in the sea.Innovative species tend to survive when they enter new places, but novel behavior cannot be recognized unless “normal be

10、havior is studied. Researchers can now count and document the innovations that have been created by species, which would help them to quantify their creativity. Studies also show us that all animals are not equally inventive, with primates (灵长目动物)tending to be more innovative due to their bigger bra

11、ins.The greatest scientific significance has been the innovation shown by animals such as apes, capuchins and macaques among primates. These species of primates possess the biggest brains in proportion to their body sizes. They are also heavy tool users. Their broad diets and complex forms of learni

12、ng are also insightful. They indicate an evolutionary strategy that gave them new solutions to lifes challenges.However, even if these animals show innovativeness, they do not have the ability to improve upon solutions of others. Unless they share information accurately and copy each others inventio

13、ns, their creative inventions are likely to vanish before they can be innovated further. This ability can be managed only by humans, for we are able to build on shared knowledge.28. What does the underlined word gulf in the first paragraph mean?A. Difference.B. Conflict.C. Balance.D. Connection.29.

14、Why does the author mention chimpanzees” and “Herring gulls” in Paragraph 2?A. They are both creative.B. They are both heavy tool users.C. They create innovations in different ways.D. They kill other animals in the same cruel way.30. What can we learn about animal creativity?A. It is equally distrib

15、uted among animals.B. It helps animals adapt to the environment.C. Animals9 innovations are easy to be identified.D. Animals, innovations are facing huge challenges.31. What aspect of animals does the last paragraph mainly talk about?A. Their ability to share information accurately.B. Their willingn

16、ess to learn from each other.C. Their inability to take creativity forward.D. Their unwillingness to cooperate effectively.【答案】28.A29. C 30. B 3LC【解析】【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲的是研究发现动物并不像人类一直以来所认为的那样与人类的发展 有着巨大的差距,实际上动物也是不断地通过创新来完成它们的任务的,而这一点进一步提高了它们适应 环境的能力。【28题详解】词句猜测题。根据文章第一段 uHowever, recent research int

17、o animals shows that animals are continuously designing innovative methods to finish their tasks.(然而,最近对动物的研究表明,动物在不断地设计创新的方 法来完成它们的任务。)”可知动物们在完成任务方面同人类一样是在不断创新的,副词however表示前后 意思相反,所以划线词所在句子想要表达的意思是人们一直以来以为动物在行为方面是远远落后于人类发 展的,即动物行为与人类发展之间存在很大的差距,所以划线词gulf的意思与A项“Difference(差距)”意 思相近。故选A项。【29题详解】推理判断题

18、。根据文章第二段 uResearch shows that animals too can be creative. By inventing new behavioral patterns and adjusting their behavior to new contexts, as well as to changes in social and ecological environments, researchers show that animal innovation too can be diverse.(研究表明,动物也有创造力。通过发明新的行为模 式,调整它们的行为以适应新的

19、环境,以及社会和生态环境的变化,研究人员表明,动物的创新也可以是 多样化的。)”可知研究表明,动物的创新也可以是多样化的,而后文为了证明这一点举了两个例子一一猩 猩和鲜鱼海鸥,而这也就说明了猩猩和鲜鱼海鸥在以不同的方式进行创新。故选C项。【30题详解】推理判断题。根据文章第四段 “Their broad diets and complex forms of learning are also insightful. They indicate an evolutionary strategy that gave them new solutions to lifes challenges.(它

20、们广泛的饮食和复杂的学习形式也 很有见地。它们表明了一种进化策略,为它们提供了应对生活挑战的新方法。)”可知动物的创造力代表了 一种进化策略,而这种进化使得动物们更加灵活地适应环境。故选B项。【31题详解】主旨大意题。根据文章最后段 u However, even if these animals show innovativeness, they do not have the ability to improve upon solutions of others. Unless they share information accurately and copy each others i

21、nventions, their creative inventions are likely to vanish before they can be innovated further. This ability can be managed only by humans, for we are able to build on shared knowledge.(然而,即使这些动物表现出创新能力,它们也没有能 力改进其它动物的解决方案。除非它们准确地共享信息并复制彼此的发明。它们的创造性发明很可能在进 一步创新之前就消失了。这种能力只能由人类来管理,因为我们能够建立在共享知识的基础上。)

22、”可知动 物不能像人类那样共享知识,也就意味着它们不能改进其它动物的解决方案,所以最后一段主要讲的是动 物不能改进它们的创造力。故选C项。DPersonally, there is nothing I love more than asking “stupid“ questions, especially the ones that have no right answers. I remember once asking some kids what time it was, at home, in Singapore, and finally on the Moon. After a lo

23、ng giggling silence, finally a shy girl ventured (试探地说)to say that it was “every time, followed by an energetic Einstein who shouted it was “no time”. Both kids shared that weeks Noble Prize, because no humans live in that distant world and time is a human construct.As a matter of fact, we are all g

24、ood at asking questions by nature, but sadly as we age, we get accustomed to the world around us and take things for granted. We became more results-oriented (注重结果的)and concentrate our efforts on success. If something is working, dont fix it or worry about the cause; just relax and go with the flow.

25、 Conventional wisdom may work well, but that does not mean it is always right. Throughout history, it has been those who have questioned conventional wisdom and those who have challenged our common-sense notions of the world that have been the ones to have ushered in (开)the major advancements of hum

26、an civilization.In 500 BC, the ancient Greeks wondered whether the Earth was round because sailors on the sea had noticed that the farther south they went, the more different stars they saw in the sky. Why was the sky changing? Nearly 2,000 years later, the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei became

27、interested in this question and ended up demonstrating the “crazy“ concept ofheliocentrism (日 心说),in which the Sun lies at the center of the universe while the Earth revolves (旋转)around it at 30 kilometers per second. But if the Earth is spinning around so quickly, why arent we being thrown off of t

28、he surface of the planet? The answer to this question would not end up being revealed to us for another century.People like routine, but past performance is no guarantee of future results. While those who challenge conventional wisdom tend to be subjected to abuse, the progress of humankind would ha

29、ve otherwise been impossible without these persistent people and their stupicTquestions.32. What is the best title of this article?A. Asking “stupid“ questions.B. Is conventional wisdom useless?C. Some major advancements of human civilizationWhat caused them to ask conventional questions?33. What co

30、mmonly happens to us when we grow older according to the author?A. We lay too much emphasis on process.B. We still refuse to relax and go with the flow.C. We start to challenge common-sense notions of the worldWe gradually lose the ability to question conventional wisdom.34. Who might have solved th

31、e question why arent we being thrown off of the surface of the planet?” A. An ancient Greek scientist living in 500 BCGalileo Galilei living between 1564 and 1642.B. Isaac Newton living between 1643 and 1727.C. Albert Einstein living between 1879 and 1955.35. How does the author develop his writing

32、on the whole?A. By comparison and contrast.B. By using supporting examples.C. By using time and space order.D. By generalization and definition【答案】32.A33. D 34. C 35. B【解析】【导语】本文是议论文。文章论证了问“愚蠢”的问题的重要性,说明正是那些质疑传统智慧和挑战我们 对世界的常识性观念的人,引领了人类文明的重大进步。【32题详解】主旨大意题。通读全文,并结合第一段中 “Personally, there is nothing

33、I love more than asking stupid5 questions, especially the ones that have no right answers.(就我个人而言,没有什么比问“愚蠢”的问题更让我喜欢的了, 尤其是那些没有正确答案的问题。)”和最后一段中“While those who challenge conventional wisdom tend to be subjected to abuse, the progress of humankind would have otherwise been impossible without these pe

34、rsistent people and their Stupid9 questions.(虽然那些挑战传统智慧的人往往会受到指责,但如果没有这些坚持不懈的 人和他们提出的“愚蠢”问题,人类的进步就不可能实现。)”可知,作者认为“愚蠢”的问题非常重要, 并用举例的方法说明了 “愚蠢”的问题的意义,由此推知“Asking VupicT questions.(问“愚蠢”的问题)” 是文章最佳标题。故选A项。【33题详解】推理判断题。不艮据第二段中 “As a matter of fact, we are all good at asking questions by nature, but sadl

35、y as we age, we get accustomed to the world around us and take things for granted.(事实上,我们天生都善于提问,但可悲的 是,随着年龄的增长,我们已经习惯了周围的世界,认为一切都是理所当然的。)”可推知,根据作者的说 法,当我们变老时,我们通常会认为周围一切都是理所当然的,失去了质疑传统智慧的能力。故选D项。【34题详解】推理判断题。根据第三段中“In 500 BC, the ancient Greeks wondered whether the Earth was round because sailors o

36、n the sea had noticed that the farther south they went, the more different stars they saw in the sky. Why was the sky changing? Nearly 2,000 years later, the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei became interested in this question and ended up demonstrating the crazy concept of heliocentrism (日心说),in w

37、hich the Sun lies at the center of the universe while the Earth revolves (旋转)around it at 30 kilometers per second.(公元前 500 年, 古希腊人想矢口 道地球是否是圆的,因为海上的水手们注意到,他们越往南走,他们在天空中看到的不同的星星就越多。 为什么天空在变化?近2000年后,意大利天文学家伽利略伽利莱对这个问题产生了兴趣,并最终证明了 日心说的“疯狂”概念,即太阳位于宇宙的中心,而地球以每秒30公里的速度围绕它旋转。)”可知,伽利 略在公元 1500 年左右提出“日心说”,

38、结合 “But if the Earth is spinning around so quickly, why arent we being thrown off of the surface of the planet? The answer to this question would not end up being revealed to us for another century.(但如果地球旋转得这么快,为什么我们没有被甩出地球表面呢?这个问题的答案直到一个世 纪后才揭晓。)”可知,对于为什么我们没有被甩出地球表面这个问题,是在伽利略提出“日心说” 一个世 纪后,即公元1600多

39、年才弄清楚的,由此推知,生于1643年至1727年的艾萨克牛顿可能是解决这个问 题的人。故选C项。35题详解】推理判断题。作者在第二段“Throughout history, it has been those who have questioned conventional wisdom and those who have challenged our common-sense notions of the world that have been the ones to have ushered in (开) the major advancements of human civiliz

40、ation.(纵观历史,正是那些质疑传统智慧和挑战我们对世界的常识性 观念的人,引领了人类文明的重大进步。)”中提出观点,然后在第三段中通过例举古希腊人和意大利天文 学家伽利略伽利莱来说明正是质疑引领了人类文明的重大进步,由此可知作者是通过列举支撑例证的方 式来展开写作的。故选B项。第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分125分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。According to a 2022 report, nearly a quarter of people had relationships that were negativel

41、y affected by contradictory views during COVID-19. Even in normal times, we gain and lose friends all the time. 36 And, once you do, whats the best way forward?Be clear and responsibleBeyond conflicts over core values, there are many reasons why people stop being friends: maybe you just drifted apar

42、t after graduating; maybe one of you has hit a milestone (parenthood say) and the other cant relate. 37 Ask yourself why youre considering ending the friendship. Next: have you told that to the other person?When to let it fade away38 He adds that a gradual fade can be fine-if both parties are aware

43、its happening. In reality, there are certain situations where ghosting is the best strategy. Friendships can take on toxic(有毒的)qualities. According to one survey, 84 per cent of women and 75 per cent of men report having had a rude friend. 39Find a silver liningNo matter how a friendship ends, it hu

44、rts to let go of someone you love. Struggling to accept the situation is normal. says Thomas. 40Counter intuitive (违反直觉的)as it may seem, finding something to be gratefulfor in the former friendship can help, and it can also stop you from focusing on what you could have done differently. Thomas stres

45、ses that all relationships, at their core, are part of how we learn and grow.A. Forget the core of friendship.B. No matter the context, explaining clearly is key.C. After all, human beings are attachment creatureThus, it will inevitably lead to a close friendshipD. But how do you decide when a frien

46、dship has run its course?E. In that case, prioritize your well-being and quietly cut ties without guilt.F. Sometimes we can do nothing to decide the time J says Thomas, a psychologist.【答案】36. E 37. B 38. G 39. F 40. C【解析】【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲的是当我们决定结束一段友谊的时候我们应该怎么做。【36题详解】根据空前“Even in normal times, we g

47、ain and lose friends all the time.(即使在平时,我们也会得到朋友,也会 失去朋友。)”可知此处讲的是朋友的得失对于我们来说是正常的,根据空后“And, once you do, whats the best way forward?(一旦你这样做了,最好的方法是什么?)”以及下文可知此处是在给我们指出如果一段友谊即将 结束我们应该怎么做,空处承上启下,所以空处应该讲的是我们该如何判断一段友谊的结束,E项But how do you decide when a friendship has run its course?(但你如何判断一段友谊何时结束呢?)承接上

48、文,引出下文, 而且空后的代动词do指代E项的内容,符合上下文语境。故选E项。【37题详解】根据本段小标题“Be clear and responsible(表达清楚和负责任)”以及空前uBeyond conflicts over core values, there are many reasons why people stop being friends: maybe you just drifted apart after graduating; maybe one of you has hit a milestone (parenthood, say) and the other c

49、ant relate.(除了核心价值观上的冲突,人们不再做朋友 还有很多原因:也许你们毕业后就疏远了;也许你们中的一个人已经达到了一个里程碑(为人父母,比如说), 而另一个人无法联系起来。)”可知本段讲的是如果一段友谊要结束了,那么就要搞清楚原因是什么,根据 空后 “Ask yourself why youre considering ending the friendship. Next: have you told that to the other person?(问 问自己为什么要考虑结束这段友谊。接下来:你跟对方说过吗?)可知此处讲的是如果你打算结束这段友谊, 那么你就应该让对方知道此事,空处承上启下,所以空处应该讲的是无论你的原因是什么,都要说出来,B 项No ma


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