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1、Only one passenger _ the air-crash.survivedFortunately he survived the traffic accident.2.她丈夫去世后她又活了二十年。她丈夫去世后她又活了二十年。She survived her husband by twenty years.1.幸运地是,他从车祸中幸存。幸运地是,他从车祸中幸存。3.洪水后极少有人生还。洪水后极少有人生还。Few survived after the flood.survivor(n.)幸存者幸存者 survival(n.)幸存幸存He bought me _ _ _ _ to ask

2、 me to marry him.(贵重的钻贵重的钻戒戒)a valuable diamond ringThis dictionary is _ _ to you.value n.价值,重要性价值,重要性 of value She went _ _ _ a doctor for her sick boy.她去为她生病的孩子找医生。她去为她生病的孩子找医生。in search ofPolice _ everyone present _ the lost diamond at the scene of crime.searchedfor这台机器独特的设计可防止机器温度过高。这台机器独特的设计可防止

3、机器温度过高。The machines _ _ prevents it from overheating.unique design这个房间是为孩子们设计的。这个房间是为孩子们设计的。This room _ _ _ children.was designed for这项规划目的在于帮助无家可归的动物。这项规划目的在于帮助无家可归的动物。This project _ _ _ _ homeless animals.is designed to help我不能想象他做这样的事情。我不能想象他做这样的事情。I cant _ _ _ such a thing.fancy him/his doing这只狗

4、想象自己是超人。这只狗想象自己是超人。The dog _ _ _ a superman.fancies himself as大厅装饰着鲜花。大厅装饰着鲜花。The great hall _ _ _ flowers.is decorated with 这辆车是海伦的。这辆车是海伦的。The car belongs to Helen.1.中国是个发展中国家,属于第三世界。中国是个发展中国家,属于第三世界。China is a developing country,_ _ the Third World.2.我不喜欢他所在的那所学校。我不喜欢他所在的那所学校。I dislike the school

5、 _ _ _ _.belongingtoto which hebelongs1.为感谢你帮忙,我请你吃午饭好吗?为感谢你帮忙,我请你吃午饭好吗?2.我送给他一件礼物,可是他没给我我送给他一件礼物,可是他没给我任何回报。任何回报。Can I buy you lunch _ _ _ your help?I gave him a present but he gave me nothing _ _.in returnforin returnThe USA and Iraq are _ _.at war1.他将手从她的肩膀上拿开。他将手从她的肩膀上拿开。2.他去掉鞋上的泥。他去掉鞋上的泥。3.过来把你

6、的湿上衣脱掉。过来把你的湿上衣脱掉。4.那位官员必须免职。那位官员必须免职。He _ _ _ from her shoulder.He _ _ _ from his shoes.Come and _ _ _ _.That officer must _ _.removed the mudremove your wet coatbe removedremoved his hand毫无疑问我们做得对。毫无疑问我们做得对。他的诚实毫无疑问。他的诚实毫无疑问。There is no doubt that we did the right thing.There is no doubt about/of

7、his honesty._ _ _ we can get the first place in the competition._ _ _ _ he will tell us the truth.1.我怀疑我们是否能在比赛中得第一。我怀疑我们是否能在比赛中得第一。2.我不怀疑他会告诉我们真相。我不怀疑他会告诉我们真相。I doubt whetherI dont doubt that窃贼偷走了价值窃贼偷走了价值100万英磅的珠宝。万英磅的珠宝。The thieves stole 1 million pounds _ _ _.worthof jewellery 这栋房子值很多钱。这栋房子值很多钱。

8、The house _ _ a lot of money.is worth那本书不值得一读。那本书不值得一读。That book is not _ _.worth reading1.Because his wife Millicent liked to invite her friends to big dinners and serve them rare and expensive food and wine.2.But in the professors view,a respect for a peoples right to select their own rulers is mo

9、re important.4.A team from the University of Zurich led ninety-three researchers from many countries in search of answers.3.By the spring of nineteen forty-one,Europe had been at war for a year and a half.5.You will not survive the fight tomorrow.they will make sure of it.6.Eradicating weeds means t

10、hat you have to remove all the seeds and roots so the plants will not grow back.1.There are many people present at the meeting,two thirds of whom _ the same school.2.A.are belonging to3.B.are belonged to4.C.belong to5.D.belonging to2.Teenagers should not be _ from school although they dont do well i

11、n studies.A.disappeared B.gone B.C.removed D.amazed3.Id like to buy you a meal _ all your help.A.in return B.in return of C.in return to D.in return for4.There is no doubt _ our team will win.A.whether B.if C.that D.about5.After the traffic accident,no one _ except a few people who were badly injure

12、d.A.survive B.survived C.was survived D.was surviving6.The police _ him to see if he had a gun.A.searched for B.B.searched C.C.in search of D.D.looked for7.The Summer Palace is a tourist spot _.A.well worth visitingB.well worth to visitC.very worth visitingD.well worthy being visited8.Bob is a kind

13、and reliable person,so we all agreed to _ him as our monitor.A.persuade B.select B.prefer D.prove9.People _ the Christmas tree with stars and colorful lights to welcome the new year.A.designed B.decorated C.fancied D.removed10.We dont know it was done by chance or _.A.in return B.on purpose C.by des

14、ign D.by accidentCultural relicsCultural relicsMing Dynasty vasesTaj Mahalivory dragon boatMogao CavesCan you name(说出说出的名字)的名字)some of the culture relics in China or the world?The Pyramids in EgyptThe Great Wall in ChinaStonehenge in Britain Salisbury plainDragon poles in Confucius TempleDo you know

15、 what a cultural relic is?Lets enjoy some world cultural relics.Simply,it is a very valuable and priceless thing that was made in the ancient times.Lets see some amber production.Do you know the cultural relic in the picture?This is the inside of the amber room.You can imagine how beautiful it ever

16、was.But it was a pity that it can be found nowhere.Reading In Search of the Amber RoomThe following five questions summarize the main ideas of the Five paragraphs in the passage.Put the paragraph numbers in the boxes.1 How did the Amber Room become one of the wonders of the world?How did the Amber R

17、oom get lost?How was a new Amber room built?How was the Amber Room made?Why did the King of Prussia give the Amber Room to the Czar of Russia as a gift?34512Join the correct parts of the sentences together.Join the correct parts of the sentences together.1.Frederick 2.Frederick William 3.Peter the G

18、reat4.Catherine 5.The Nazi army6.The Russian and GermansA stole the Amber Room.B sent a troop of his best soldiers to the King of Prussia.C had the Amber Room made.D had it moved outside St Petersburg.E gave it to the Czar as a gift.F built a new Amber Room after studying pictures of the old one.Fre

19、derick William I,the King of Prussia,could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such a strange history.普鲁士国王威廉一世绝不可能想到他送普鲁士国王威廉一世绝不可能想到他送给俄罗斯人的最伟大的礼物会有这样一给俄罗斯人的最伟大的礼物会有这样一段离奇的历史。段离奇的历史。Frederick William I,the King of Prussia,could never have imagined that his g

20、reatest gift to the Russian people would have such a strange history.此句为复合句,句中含有此句为复合句,句中含有 that 引导的引导的_;主句谓语动词为;主句谓语动词为 _,could not have done 意为意为 _,对过去所发对过去所发生事情的否定推测。生事情的否定推测。宾语从句宾语从句could never have imagined绝不可能绝不可能We knew he _ for it,because he had no money.A.couldnt have paid B.could have paid

21、 C.mustnt have paid D.might have paidThis gift was the Amber Room,which was given this name because several tons of amber were used to make it.此句为复合句,句中含有此句为复合句,句中含有 which 引导的引导的_;在该从句中包含以;在该从句中包含以because引导的引导的_。非限定性定从非限定性定从原因状从原因状从It was also a treasure decorated with gold and jewels,which took the

22、 countrys best artists about ten years to make.它也是用金银珠宝装饰起来的珍品,一批它也是用金银珠宝装饰起来的珍品,一批国家最优秀的艺术家用了大约十年的时间国家最优秀的艺术家用了大约十年的时间才把它完成。才把它完成。句中句中 decorated with gold and jewels 做做treasure的的 _,which make 为为_,which做主语。做主语。后置定语后置定语非限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句事实上事实上为为设计设计属于属于作为回报作为回报成为成为的一部分的一部分充当充当become part ofbecome part

23、ofserve asserve asin returnin returnbelong tobelong tobe designed forbe designed forin factin fact The clever boy made a hole in the wall,_ he could see _ was going on inside house.A.which;what B.B.through which;what C.C.through that;what D.D.what;that Later,Catherine II had the Amber Room moved to

24、the palace outside St Petersburg where she spent her summers.后来叶卡捷琳娜二世派人把琥珀屋搬到了后来叶卡捷琳娜二世派人把琥珀屋搬到了圣圣彼得堡郊外她避暑的宫殿中。彼得堡郊外她避暑的宫殿中。此句中含有此句中含有 where 引导的引导的 _,修修饰先行词饰先行词 _;主句谓语动词主句谓语动词_,意思为意思为“让某物被做让某物被做”。定语从句定语从句the palacehave sth.doneIn 1770 the room was completed the way she wanted.在在1770年,琥珀屋按照他想要的方式年,琥

25、珀屋按照他想要的方式完成了。完成了。此句为复合句,含有一个定语从句此句为复合句,含有一个定语从句 _,先行词是先行词是 _,关系词关系词 _,做从句的宾语,被省略。做从句的宾语,被省略。she wantedthe waythat/which That is the way _ the boy spoke to the teacher.A.which B.howB.C.that D.whereThis was a time _ the two countries were at war.He was born in the year _ the Anti-Japanese War broke o

26、ut.A.which B.when B.C.on which D.during which whenThere is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg,which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea.毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上火车运毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上火车运往哥尼斯堡,当时德国在波罗的海边的往哥尼斯堡,当时德国在波罗的海边的一个城市。一个城市。此句为复合句,此句为复合句,句中含有句中含有that引导的名引导的名词词doubt的的 _;which引导的引导的_。同位语从句同位语从句非限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句After that,what happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery.主语主语此句为复合句,整个句子为主系表结构的此句为复合句,整个句子为主系表结构的句子,含有一个以句子,含有一个以_引导的引导的 _从句。从句。what主语主语1.完成完成20期报纸完形、语法期报纸完形、语法填空、改错填空、改错2.复习课文知识点,并背课复习课文知识点,并背课文第三段文第三段


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