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1、Unit 6What time is it in Beijing?jet lagWhat time is it in Beijing?Its eight oclock in the morning.What time is it in New York?Its eight oclock in the evening.jet lag提示:中国境内都沿用北京时间哦!提示:中国境内都沿用北京时间哦!提示:中国境内都沿用北京时间哦!提示:中国境内都沿用北京时间哦!Do you know something about Dragon Boat Festival?dragon boat racemake/

2、eat ZongziQuyuanDo you know something about Dragon Boat Festival?Questions1.How long is the history of the Dragon Boat Festival?2.Whenisthe Dragon Boat Festival?3.During the festival,people _ _and race dragon boats _ _ _(纪念)(纪念)Qu Yuans death.About 2000 yearsIts on the 5th day of the 5th month of th

3、e Chinese calendareatzongziinmemoryofThis is Zhu Hui.Hes from Shenzhen,but now hes studying in the United States.Hes living with an American family in New York.Read the TV report and answer the questions.1.Why are Zhu Huis family watching boat races and making zongzi?2.Does Zhu Hui like his host fam

4、ily?What does he think about his home in China?Because today is the Dragon Boat Festival.2bYes,he does.He misses his family and wishes to have his moms delicious zongzi.Read and fill in the chart.are making zongzi9:00 a.m.are watching the boat races on TVPlacesTimehis dad and unclehis mom and auntSh

5、enzhenPara.1is talking on the phone to his cousin in Shenzhen9:00 p.m.is watching a soccer game on TVis reading a story to her young childrenNew York PlacesTimethe motherthe fatherZhu HuiRead and fill in the chart.Para.21.His dad and uncle are watching the boat races on TV.The father is watching a s

6、occer game on TV.race用于体育话题时用于体育话题时,主要指赛跑、赛主要指赛跑、赛车、游泳等与速度有关的车、游泳等与速度有关的“比赛比赛”,如如100m race;而;而 game则多指球类、棋类则多指球类、棋类等体育等体育“比赛比赛”,如,如basketball game race/game1.Do you like to watch NBA _ on TV?2.Hes the youngest swimmer in the_.gamesraceany other 任何任何(一个一个)知识点2 2考向一any other名词单数形式意为名词单数形式意为 “(除了某个除了某个

7、以外以外)其他的任何一个其他的任何一个”。eg:Jack is like any other boy of his age.杰克看上去像其他和他同龄的孩子一样。考向二any常用作常用作限定词限定词,与单数可数名词或不可数名,与单数可数名词或不可数名词连用,词连用,用于用于肯定句肯定句,起起强调强调作用,表示作用,表示“任一的;任一的;任何的任何的”。eg:You can come here any day.你能在任何一天来这里。考向三 other/(r)/adj.另外的,其他的另外的,其他的 pron.另外另外的人的人(或物或物)eg:Do you have other questions t

8、o ask me?你还有其他的问题要问我吗?What other things do you have to do?还有其他什么你不得不做的事情?辨析辨析the other,the others,others,another与与otherother(三者及三者以上之中)其余的(人或物)I can see some other boys.我可以看到一些其他的男孩。the other 两者中的另一个 I have two pencils.One is red,and the other is green.我有两支铅笔,一支是红色的,另一支是绿色的。others 剩余的另一些(并非全部)A lot

9、of people are in the park.Some are singing;others are dancing.许多人在公园里,一些人在唱歌,另一些人在跳舞。the others 剩余的全部 There are 20 students in the classroom.15 of them are boys,and the others are girls.教室里有20名学生。15名是男孩,其余的都是女孩。another又一,再一,另一(事物或人)I want to have another apple.我想再吃一个苹果。魔法魔法记忆记忆图示记忆典例典例 The twins are

10、 in different classes.One is in Class One and _ is in Class Two.(株洲)AanotherBotherCthe otherC【点拨点拨】句意句意:这对双胞胎在不同的班级。一个在一班,另一这对双胞胎在不同的班级。一个在一班,另一个在二班。固定句式个在二班。固定句式one.the other.一个一个另一个另一个。young children 年幼的孩子们年幼的孩子们知识点3 3 young是形容词,意思是是形容词,意思是“幼小的;幼小的;年轻的年轻的”,其反义词是其反义词是old,意为,意为“年老的年老的”。eg:a young wo

11、man 一位年轻的妇女考向一【重点重点】考向二【重点重点】children是是child的复数形式的复数形式,意为,意为“孩子孩子们们”。是由。是由“child后缀后缀(ren)”构成的。构成的。eg:The children are playing soccer.孩子们正在踢足球。She and her children still live here.她和她的子女仍然生活在这里。拓展拓展 children是不规则的名词复数形式,作主语时,谓语动词用复数。children的名词所有格是在词尾直接加“s”。eg:We have a great time on Childrens Day.在儿童

12、节我们玩得很快乐。【难点难点】miss/ms/v.怀念,思念;错过怀念,思念;错过知识点4 4考向一miss作及物动词,意为作及物动词,意为“怀念;思念怀念;思念”,其,其第三人称单数形式为第三人称单数形式为misses。eg:I miss my mother very much.我非常想念我的母亲。考向二作及物动词,意为“错过”。He arrived too late and missed the train.他到得太晚,没赶上火车。首字母大写,即Miss,意为“小姐,老师”,常用于未婚女性的姓氏前。Miss Sun is our English teacher.孙老师是我们的英语老师。mi

13、ss还有一些其他意思,如下:还有一些其他意思,如下:Dont _ the chance when you can catch it,or you will regret.(孝感)Aguess BmissCremember Dallow典例典例B【点拨点拨】本题用本题用语境判断法语境判断法。guess猜测;猜测;miss错过;错过;remember记得;记得;allow允许。由后半句允许。由后半句“否则你会遗憾的否则你会遗憾的”可知当你可以抓住机会的时候不要错过它。可知当你可以抓住机会的时候不要错过它。wish/w/v.希望希望 知识点5 5考向辨析辨析wish与与hopewish与hope都表

14、示“希望”,二者均可以跟动词不定式,其区别如下:wish wish sb.sth.祝愿某人某事wish(sb.)to do sth.希望(某人)做某事wishthat从句,表示难以实现的愿望 We wish you a happy New Year.我们祝你新年快乐。I wish you to go.我希望你去。I wish I could fly like a bird.我希望我能像一只鸟一样飞。hope hope to do sth.希望做某事hopethat从句,表示可以实现的愿望 We hope to see you again.我们希望能再次见到你。I hope he can do

15、that.我希望他能做那件事。What are you going to be when you grow up?A singer,but my parents wish me _ a teacher.(扬州)AamBto beCwill be Dbe典例典例B【点拨点拨】句意:句意:“你长大后打算做什么?你长大后打算做什么?”“歌手,但我的歌手,但我的父母希望我成为一名老师。父母希望我成为一名老师。”wish sb.to do sth.“希望某人希望某人做某事做某事”,所以选择,所以选择B。拓展拓展 wish可作名词,常用复数,表示祝福等。eg:Best wishes to you.给你最好

16、的祝福。still/stl/adv.还;仍然还;仍然知识点6 6考向still表示某事仍然在继续,多用于表示某事仍然在继续,多用于肯定句或疑问句肯定句或疑问句中。中。eg:My mother is still cooking.我妈妈还在做饭。Are you still working there?你还在那里工作吗?拓展拓展still有时也可用于否定句中,表示某事尚未完成或发生,此时,它要放于否定的助动词之前。eg:I still dont understand.我仍旧不明白。American 知识点7 7考向America n.美国,美洲America 常用语口语中,正式场合常用the Uni

17、ted StatesAmerican adj.美国的,每周的 n.美国人,美洲人复数形式Americansan American familyall知识点7 7考向all 意为“所有的,全部的”表示整体,指三者或三者以上全部的every 意为“每个,每一”。指数目不确定的很多人或吴中间的每一个2cMatch the verbs in column A with the words in column BThen use the phrases to write sentences according to the TV report.Alivingreadingmakingtalkingstu

18、dyingwatchingBfoodin the USa racewith a familyon the phonea story一、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。一、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1His brother works in a _(超市)2We are swimming in the _(游泳池)3We are watching a horse _(竞赛)on TV.4I like it because its _(美味的)5The _(年轻的)girl is wearing a red dress.supermarketpoolrace delicious young二、用所给

19、词的适当形式填空二、用所给词的适当形式填空6Li Ming is _(study)for a test now.7Do you wish _(get)good grades?8Mr.Black has three_(child),two sons and a daughter.9There are two _(man)under the tree.They are drinking tea.10The mother_(miss)her daughter very much.studying【点拨点拨】用用题眼法题眼法解题。由句中题眼解题。由句中题眼now可知用现在进行可知用现在进行时。时。to

20、 getchildrenmenmisses三、单项选择三、单项选择11_the young girl_piano?Yes,she is.ADoes;play the BIs;playing the CIs;playing DDoes;playing the12Is New Zealand a big country?No,New Zealand only has two islands.One is North Island,and_ is South Island.(凉山)Aother Bthe other CanotherBB【点拨点拨】“one.,the other.”表示表示“一个一个

21、,另一个,另一个”。13I am_Liu.She never _ her lessons.Amiss Mr.;miss Bmiss Miss;miss Cmissing Miss;misses Dmissing Mr.;missesC【点拨点拨】用用语法分析法语法分析法解题。由第一个空格前的解题。由第一个空格前的am可知本可知本句是现在进行时;由句是现在进行时;由She可知用可知用Miss Liu称呼称呼“刘老师刘老师/女女士士”;由;由never可知第二个句子是一般现在时,要用可知第二个句子是一般现在时,要用misses表示表示“错过错过”。故选。故选C。句意为。句意为“我正在想念刘老师。她

22、我正在想念刘老师。她从不错过她的课。从不错过她的课。”14Do you hope _ with us?Ago shopping Bto go shoppingCto go shop Dgo shop15He wishes _a scholar and we _him good luck.(江西)Ato be;wish Bbeing;wish Cto be;wishes Dbeing;wishingBA【点拨点拨】wish to do sth.表示表示“希望做某事希望做某事”;wish sb.表表示示“希望某人希望某人”,且主语是,且主语是we,所以第二个空填,所以第二个空填wish。故选故选A

23、。四、按要求完成句子四、按要求完成句子16She is talking to her mother on the phone.(改为否定句)She _ _ to her mother on the phone.17Im doing my homework.(变为一般疑问句)_ you doing _ homework?18The students are waiting for their teachers.(对画线部分提问)_ are the students _ for?isnt talkingAre yourWho waiting19She often plays the violin.

24、(用 now替换 often)She _ _ the violin now.20He hopes that he can see that girl again.(改为同义句)He wishes _ _ that girl again.is playingto see1.像其他小孩子一样像其他小孩子一样,迈克喜欢冰淇淋。迈克喜欢冰淇淋。Just like _ _ kid,Mike likes ice cream.2.小明的祖父母正在包粽子。小明的祖父母正在包粽子。Xiaomings grandparents _ _ zongzi.3.你想念你在中国的家人吗?你想念你在中国的家人吗?Do you

25、 _ your _ in China?miss familyany otherare making4.她希望格雷丝来参加她的生日聚会。她希望格雷丝来参加她的生日聚会。She _ Grace _ to her birthday party.5.李娜现在和一个美国家庭住在纽约。李娜现在和一个美国家庭住在纽约。Li Na _ _ _ an _ family in New York now.wishes comeis living with American一、一、熟读熟读2b中的文章。中的文章。二、二、用下列词汇造句:用下列词汇造句:1.in the United States 2.live with3.any other4.talk on the phone 5.miss6.wish to do sth.


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