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《小学一年级英语看图填空专项训练100题(含完整答案)10561.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《小学一年级英语看图填空专项训练100题(含完整答案)10561.pdf(46页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、试卷第 1 页,共 28 页 小学一年级英语看图填空专项训练 100 题(含答案)学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_ 一、看图完成句子 1看图选择答句。AIts an apple.BIts a bird.CIts a chair.DIts a box.1、What s behind the door?()2、What s under the bed?()3、What s on the desk?()4、What s under the desk?()2看一看,连一连。1.a.These are fat pigs.2.b.This giraffe is tall.3.c.There are som

2、e eggs in the box.4.d.They are cows.试卷第 2 页,共 28 页 5.e.This snake is long.3读句子,把正确的图片圈起来。1.That is a panda.2.Is it a cat?Yes,it is.3.Its a black car.4.This is a kite.5.This is my father.4看图写句子 _ 试卷第 3 页,共 28 页 _ _ 5看图选词 1._ 2._ 3._ Ahead Bice Chair 6看图选词 1._ 2._ 3._ 试卷第 4 页,共 28 页 4._ Ajump Bfootbal

3、l Cbasketball Drun 7看图填空 1Wheres the little bird?The bird is _ _ _.2Wheres the cow?The cow is _ _ _ 3.Wheres the orange?The orange is _ _ _ 4.Wheres the book?The book is _ _ _ 5.Wheres the cat?The cat is _ _ _ 试卷第 5 页,共 28 页 8看图写动物名 二、按要求填空 9写出 110 的英文表达 _ 10选单词,完成算式 Aone Bfour Csix Deight E.eleven

4、F.twelve 1.six+six=()2.twelve four=()3.ten+()eleven 4.()seven=four 5.eight ()two 6.nine ()=five 根据描述写出对应的动物 11Its ears are short.It isnt very tall.What is it?()12It is very tall.What is it?()13They have no legs and arms.What are they?()14It has long ears and its little.What is it?()15Theyre white an

5、d black.Theyre very fat.What are they?()16根据提示补全下列句子 试卷第 6 页,共 28 页 1.Im _(非常高兴)sport?2.Lets _.(打篮球)3.Lets_.(跳舞)4.B:Happy _.(新年快乐)A:I _ dance.(不能)17单词填空。A:Whats _(你最喜爱的)sport?B:I like _.(游泳)A:Lets _.(去游泳吧)B:OK._ _.(好主意)A:Lets _.(一起吧)18根据提示补全句子 A:Whats your _(你最喜爱的)sport?B:I like _.(篮球)A:Lets _.(打篮球)

6、B:No.Im _.(我很累)A:Lets _.(一起看书吧)用 like 的适当形式填空 19Daming _ football.20We _Mrs Li.21My mother _red dress.22Lingling and Daming _eating.23Teacher_reading.24填写句子。1.There _ a pair of green shoes.2.There is a pair of shorts _ there.3.Where _ my shoes?4.The pair of shoes _ small.5.There_(be not)my shoes.填写句

7、子 25There _ some tigers.26There _ a monkey in the tree.试卷第 7 页,共 28 页 27There are some lions under _ tree.28The elephant is tall,the snake is _(矮).29There_(be not)any rice in the bowl.填写句子。30How _ animals can you see?31There _ a cat in the tree.32There_ cats in the tree.33There is a _(tiger)under th

8、e tree.34They are _(tiger).35写反义词 1.fat_ 2.big_ 3.long_ 4.tall_ 5.short_ 36情景选择()1你想问你的小汽车在哪里,你应问:AWheres my car?BIts there()2对方让你看他新买的书包时,你赞叹说:ALook,my new schoolbag!BHow nice!()3对方问你他的英语书在哪里时,你应回答:AWheres my English book BIts in the desk()4你想告诉对方蜡笔不在铅笔盒里时,你应说:AThe crayon is in the pencil case BThe

9、 crayon isnt in the pencil case()5你把东西给对方时,你应说:AHere you areBThank you 37看图填词 试卷第 8 页,共 28 页 1()2()3()4()5()Ahead Barm Chand Dleg Efoot 38情景选择()1.告诉别人猫在床的下面,应该怎么说?A.The cat is under the bed.B The cat is on the bed.()2.想问别人玩具汽车在哪里,怎么说?AWhats this?B Wheres the toy car?()3.告诉别人这是帽子,应该说什么?ACome in,pleas

10、e.B This is a hat.()4.告诉别人书在桌子上面,怎么说?AThe book is on the desk.B Its a desk.()5.问别人小鸟在哪里,应该怎么说?AWheres the bird?B Wheres the hat?39写反义词 1.fat_ 2.big_ 3.thin_ 试卷第 9 页,共 28 页 4.little_ 5.small_ 正形填空 40They are _.(teacher)41He is a _.(doctors)42She is _nurse.(an)43I am a _.(pupils)44She is _ mother.(me)

11、Is she _ teacher?(you)45情景选择。1.这是我的爷爷,应该怎么说?()AThis is my grandpa.BThat is my grandpa.2.对别人说对不起时,该怎么说?()ASorry.BSit down.3.这是你的妈妈吗?该怎么说?()AIs this your mom?BThis is your mom?4.我是一个学生,该怎么说?()AI am an pupil.BI am a pupil.5.他是一名警察,该怎么说?()AHis is a policeman.BHe is a policeman.6.她是一名护士,该怎么说?()试卷第 10 页,共

12、 28 页 AShe is an nurse.BShe is a nurse.46单词分类 Afather Bbrother Cteacher Ddoctor E.sister F.grandma 家庭成员:_ 职业名称:_ 47Look and choose.zoo UFO zebra uniforms cousin 1.We wear at school.2.I want to find a .3.I see a tiger in the .4.This is my .5.I see a at the zoo.48Look and choose.five,apple,panda,three

13、,peach,bird,two,rabbit,orange,four,snake,tiger,banana,one,grape 1.Animals:2.Fruit:3.Number:49Read and choose.too Cows cute ducks 试卷第 11 页,共 28 页 1.and live on farms.2.Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you,.3.I like the eraser.Its .50当你想夸奖别人的裤子时,应问:AI like your trousers BI like your pants 51当你想夸奖别人的裙子时,应

14、问:AI like your dress BI like your pants 52当你想夸奖别人的袜子时,应问:AI like your socks BI like your pants 53当你想夸奖别人的短裙时,应问:AI like your skirt BI like your pants 54写出对应的单词 _ _ _ _ 55将下列单词分类,序号写在横线上。1.plane 2.pen 3.ruler 4.boat 5.car 6.schoolbag 7.bus 8.pencil 9.train 1.文具:2.交通工具:试卷第 12 页,共 28 页 56看图,圈出正确单词补全对话。

15、1.Whats this?Its a (bear/car).2.Whats that?Its a (train/plane).3.Whats that?Its a (ball/doll).4.Whats this?Its a (car/train).57看图,圈单词。car/bus doll/ball train/plane bear/train 58补全句子。1.You shouldnt _(有个熊).2._(我可以一个熊吗。).3.You should _(有你的小火车.)59根据单词画图片 Pink car toy white box blue train green plane bla

16、ck bear 试卷第 13 页,共 28 页 60Look and write.看图片,在横线上输入单词。(1)This is a _.(2)Clean the _.(3)Lets clean our _.61马在哪里?用英文怎么说:_ AWheres the horse?BWhats the panda?62它们非常高,用英文应该说:_ ATheyre very tall.BTheyre very short.看图填空 63This is _ 64This is_ 65This is_ 试卷第 14 页,共 28 页 66它在帽子里面用英文怎么说?:_ AIts in the hat.BI

17、ts on the hat.轻松练习(做一做)67_ _ pencils?有多少铅笔?68_ pencil.十二只铅笔。69Is it _ the book?它是在书的底下吗?70_,_ _.它是在书的底下。71猜动物 Theyre big.Theyre black and white.What are they?_ Theyre little.Theyre pink.What are they?_ Theyre fat.Theyre pink and black.What are they?_ Theyre thin.Theyre white.What are they?_ 72开心词汇(写

18、一写)how many orange know tree many bird 多少 橙色 知道 树 许多 鸟 _ 73你问 Tom 妈妈是干什么的,你应该问()AWhere is your mother?BWhat does yur mother do?74你想问这些是什么,你应该问()AWhat are these?BWhats this?试卷第 15 页,共 28 页 75你告诉别人你爸爸是司机,你会说()AThis is my father BMy father is a driver 76Daming 问你那边的女人是谁,你应该回答()AShe is my teacher BShe i

19、s a nurse 77看图写答案 1.-How many birds?-_ 2.-How many fish?-_ 完成填空 78Wheres the books?The bird is _ _ _ 79Wheres the cat?The cat is _ _ _ 试卷第 16 页,共 28 页 80Wheres the dog?The dog is _ _ _.填空题。81There _ some tigers.82There _ a monkey in the tree.83There are some lions _ see.84The elephant is tall,the sn

20、ake is _.85想问别人橙色的猫在哪,应该说 AWheres the orange cat?BWhats this?86送给别人礼物时,应该说 AHeres a present for you?BThank you.87你想知道别人喜欢什么运动时,应该问 AWhats your favourite sport?BWhats your favourite colour?88你想知道别人喜不喜欢洋娃娃,应该问 ADoyou like dolls?BDo you like jigsaws?单词填空及翻译。89Where _ my toy car?90Its under _ chair.91Lo

21、ok _ your bed!92我的玩具车在桌子下面。_ 93看你的床,那是我的风筝。_ 94熊在床下面。试卷第 17 页,共 28 页 _ 95我的书包也在床下面。_ 96写出单词所对应的颜色。red()green()blue()black()yellow()white()pink()orange()97她是一名护士,该怎么说?AShe is an nurse.BShe is a nurse.98他是一名警察,该怎么说?AHis is a policeman.BHe is a policeman.99这是我的爷爷,应该怎么说?AThis is my grandpa.BThat is my g

22、randpa.100这是我的头,应该怎么说?AThis is my head.()BThat is my head.()101我是一只熊猫,该怎么说?AI am an panda.()BI am a panda.()102这是他的椅子,该怎么说?AThis is he chair.()BThis is his chair.()试卷第 18 页,共 28 页 103这是你的眼睛,该怎么说?AThis is your eye.()BThis is your eyes.()104这是我的脸,该怎么说?AThis is my face.()BThis is my faces.()105对别人说对不起时

23、,该怎么说?ASorry.()BSit down.()106Sam 过生日那天,他的朋友们都对他说:AWhats your name?BHappy birthday!107当你想问问别人的名字时,你可以说 AThis is a cat.BWhats your name?108读一读,选一选。1._(This/These)is my pen.2._(This/These)are my pencils.3.This _(is/are)my book.4.These _(is/are)109别人对你说 Thank you.你应该客气的回答:AHello 试卷第 19 页,共 28 页 BYou ar

24、e welcome.110填空 on,under 1._ 2._ 看图填空 111Wheres the little bird?The bird is _ _ _ 112Wheres the cow?The cow is _ _ _ 113Wheres the orange the?The orange is _ _ _ 试卷第 20 页,共 28 页 114Look,read and choose.1.Look at the lions.They re _ small/big.2.Look at the monkeys.They re _ fat/thin.3.Look at the mon

25、keys.They re _ tall/short.4.Look at the padans.They re _ fat/thin.5.Look at the monkeys.They re _ big/small.115Look and choose.试卷第 21 页,共 28 页 Atall Bbig Cthin Dsmall E.short F.fat 1.The bird is .2.The monkey is .3.The doctor is .4.The nurse is .5.The cat is .6.The dog is .读一读,圈一圈。116(This/These)is

26、my pen.117(This/These)are my pencils.118This(is/are)my book.119These(is/are)120用所给单词的适当形式填空。试卷第 22 页,共 28 页 1.They are _.(teacher)2.He is a _.(doctors)3.She is _nurse.(an)4.I am a _.(pupils)5.She is _ mother.(me)6.Is she _ teacher?(you)121填空 1.I _(like)bananas.2.You _(like)apples.3.Amy _(like)Barbie

27、 dolls.4.Daming _(not like)computer games.5.He _(like)red.(红色)6.Daming likes _(sing)song.122填空题 1.How _ pears do you have?2.I like_ cars.3.I have many_.4.Put the _in your hand.123按要求写出下列各词 I have(缩写)_ 试卷第 23 页,共 28 页 it is(缩写)_ sandwiches(单数)_ dinner(反义词)_ potato(复数)_ want(第三人称单数)_ know(同音词)_ have(过

28、去式)_ chip(复数)_ let us(复数)_ 124根据实际情况回答问题(答案不唯一)。What did you have for breakfast yesterday?I had _ What did you have for lunch yesterday?I had _ What did you have for dinner yesterday?I had _ 125抄写下列单词 Peach apple tiger panda snake queen river rabbit ship 126看图选词 试卷第 24 页,共 28 页(1)_ (2)_ (3)_ (4)_ As

29、nake Brabbit Cship Driver 127看图选词 (1)_ (2)_ (3)_ Apanda Bqueen Cpeach 128抄写下列单词 Peach apple tiger panda snake queen river rabbit ship 129抄写下列单词 vest uniform 试卷第 25 页,共 28 页 Window yard wall van yoghourt zoo zebra ox 130看图选词 (1)_ (2)_ (3)_ (4)_ Ayoghurt Byard Czoo Dzebra 131看图选词 (1)_ (2)_ 试卷第 26 页,共

30、28 页 (3)_ (4)_ Abox Box Cwindow Dwall 132抄写下列单词 vest uniform Window yard wall van yoghourt zoo zebra ox 133抄写下列单词 vest uniform Window yard wall van yoghourt zoo zebra 134看图选词 试卷第 27 页,共 28 页 (1)_ (2)_ (3)_ (4)_ Avest Buniform Cvan DUFO 三、选词/短语填空 135选词填空 AThere is BThere are 1._ a clock on the wall.2

31、._ a desk beside my bed.3._ many books on the shelf.4._ lots of flowers in my garden.Aa Ban Cmany 1.There are _ photos on the wall.2.There is _ apple on the table.3.There is _ dog under the bed.选词填空。136A:Do you like bananas?B:Yes,I_.137A:Do you like ice creams?B:No,I_.试卷第 28 页,共 28 页 138A:Do you lik

32、e apples?B:Yes,I_.139A:Do you like oranges?B:No,I_.140A:Do you like oranges?B:No,I_.选择正确的选项。Bicycle softly pony playground plants piano gloves carpenter overseas 141The children are enjoying themselves in the _.142Mother bought a pair of _ for the winter.143Mr Lim is a _ who makes furniture.144Talk

33、_ as the baby is sleeping.145The _ are really tasty.146Please write to me when you are _.147Mother waters the _ ever.选词填空 did had an traditional for On at in delicious has 148Sunday are special_England 149_Friday,Many people eat fish 150He has breakfast_seven 151Its a_English dinner 152She says its_

34、 153What_you have for breakfast?154Yesterday she_an English breakfast.155Ive got_email from Lingling.156What did you have_lunch?157She usually_fish and chips for dinner 158选词填空 This she he is 1._ is my sister._ is a teacher.2.That _ my brother._ is a doctor.答案第 1 页,共 18 页 参考答案:1 C D A B【解析】【详解】略 21.

35、b 2.a 3.e 4.c 5.d【解析】【详解】略 31.第 2 幅图 2.第 1 幅图 3.第 2 幅图 4.第 2 幅图 5.第 2 幅图 【解析】【详解】略 4There is a cat in the tree.There is a dog over there.There are two monkeys in the tree.言之成理即可。【解析】【详解】本题是开放题,学生所写句子正确即可。51-3:ACB【解析】【详解】略 6CBAD 答案第 2 页,共 18 页【解析】【详解】略 71.on the hall 2.under the tree 3.on the desk 4.

36、in the bag 5.in the box【解析】【详解】略 8chicken pig horse cow【解析】【详解】略 9one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten【解析】【详解】略 10 F D A E C B【解析】【详解】本题考查学生数词和简单的数学运算。11dog 12giraffe 13fish 14rabbit 15pandas【解析】答案第 3 页,共 18 页 11略 12略 13略 14略 15略 16 very happy play basketball dance new year cannot【解析】【详解

37、】本题考查学生对于本课短语的掌握程度。17 favourite swimming go swimming Good idea go【解析】【详解】本次考查对于句子和单词的掌握程度,注意单词的拼写是否正确。18 favourite basketball play basketball tired read【解析】【详解】本题考查学生对于本课句型和单词的掌握,注意单词 favourite 是否拼写正确。19likes 20like 21likes 22like 23likes【解析】19略 20略 21略 22略 23略 24 is over are is are not【解析】答案第 4 页,共

38、 18 页【详解】略 25are 26is 27the 28short 29is not【解析】25略 26略 27略 28略 29略 30many 31is 32are 33tiger 34tigers【解析】30略 31略 32略 33略 34略 35 small/little,thin short short tall/long【解析】【详解】略 36A B B B A【解析】答案第 5 页,共 18 页【详解】略 37 A E D C B【解析】【详解】略 38A B B A A【解析】【详解】略 39 small/little thin fat big fat【解析】【详解】略 40

39、teachers 41doctor 42a 43pupil 44 my your【解析】40略 41略 42略 43略 44略 451.A 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.B【解析】【详解】略 答案第 6 页,共 18 页 46 ABEF CD【解析】【详解】略 471.uniforms 2.UFO 3.zoo 4.cousin 5.zebra【解析】【详解】略 481.Animals:panda,bird,rabbit,snake,tiger 2.Fruit:apple,peach,orange,banana,grape 3.Number:five,three,two,four,one【

40、解析】【详解】略 491.Cows ducks 2.too 3.cute【解析】【详解】略 50A【解析】【详解】略 51A【解析】【详解】略 52A【解析】【详解】答案第 7 页,共 18 页 略 53A【解析】【详解】略 54 socks shoes shorts pants【解析】【详解】略 551.2368 2.14579【解析】【详解】略 56bear plane doll car【解析】【详解】略 57car ball plane train【解析】【详解】略 58have a bear Can I have a bear?Have a small train【解析】【详解】略 5

41、9略【解析】答案第 8 页,共 18 页【详解】略 60(1)desk(2)blackboard(3)classroom【解析】【详解】略 61A【解析】【详解】略 62A【解析】【详解】略 63nose 64mouth 65eye【解析】63略 64略 65略 66A【解析】【详解】略 67 How many 68Twelve 69Under 70 Yes it is【解析】答案第 9 页,共 18 页 67略 68略 69略 70略 71 Zebras/pandas little pigs pigs rabbits【解析】【详解】略 72how many orange know tree

42、many bird 多少 橙色 知道 树 许多 鸟【解析】【详解】略 73B【解析】【详解】略 74A【解析】【详解】略 75B【解析】【详解】略 76A【解析】【详解】略 答案第 10 页,共 18 页 77 nine three【解析】【详解】略 78 on the desk 79 under the chair 80 on the chair【解析】78略 79略 80略 81are 82is 83to 84short【解析】81略 82略 83略 84略 85A【解析】【详解】略 86A【解析】【详解】略 87A【解析】答案第 11 页,共 18 页【详解】略 88A【解析】【详解】略

43、 89is 90the 91at 92My toy car is under the table.93Look at your bed,thats my kite.94The bear is under the bed.95My bag is under the bed,too.【解析】89略 90略 91略 92略 93略 94略 95略 96 红色 绿色 蓝色 黑色 黄色 白色 粉色 橘色【解析】【详解】略 97B【解析】【详解】略 98B 答案第 12 页,共 18 页【解析】【详解】略 99A【解析】【详解】略 100B【解析】【详解】略 101B【解析】【详解】略 102B【解析】【

44、详解】略 103A【解析】【详解】略 104A【解析】【详解】略 105A【解析】【详解】答案第 13 页,共 18 页 略 106B【解析】【详解】略 107B【解析】【详解】略 108 This These This These【解析】【详解】略 109B【解析】【详解】略 110 on under【解析】【详解】略 111 on the hill 112 under the tree 113 on the desk【解析】111略 112略 113略 114 big Thin Tall Fat Small【解析】答案第 14 页,共 18 页【详解】略 1151.F2.C3.A4.E5.

45、D6.B【解析】【详解】略 116This(解析:单数)117These 118This 119These(这些,复数)【解析】【详解】略 120 teachers doctor a pupil my your【解析】【详解】1.(根据 are 为复数)2.(根据 a 为单数)4.(单数)5.(我的)(你的)121 like like likes doesnt like likes singing【解析】【详解】3.第三人称单数 4.第三人称单数 6.like doing 略 122 many driving teeth ruler【解析】【详解】2.驾车 drive the car3.牙的复

46、数 teeth 123 Ive Its sandwich breakfast potatoes wants no havent chips lets【解析】答案第 15 页,共 18 页【详解】略 124 a bowl of noodles some rice and chicken some tomato soup【解析】【详解】略 125略【解析】【详解】略 1261-4:ABCD【解析】【详解】略 1271-4:BAC【解析】【详解】略 128略【解析】【详解】略 129略【解析】【详解】略 1301-4:ABCD【解析】【详解】略 答案第 16 页,共 18 页 1311-4:CDAB

47、【解析】【详解】略 132略【解析】【详解】略 133略【解析】【详解】略 1341-4:BACD【解析】【详解】略 135AABB CBA【解析】【详解】略 136do 137dont 138do 139dont 140dont【解析】【详解】略 141playground 答案第 17 页,共 18 页 142gloves 143carpenter 144softly 145lollipops 146Overseas 147plants【解析】141略 142略 143略 144略 145略 146略 147略 148in 149On 150at 151delicious 152traditional 153did 154Had 155an 156for 157has【解析】148略 149略 150略 151略 152略 答案第 18 页,共 18 页 153略 154略 155略 156略 157略 158 This She is He【解析】【详解】略


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