五年级上册英语What would you like A lets spell.ppt

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1、Unit 3 My friendsA Lets spell,dogbox orangebody,已学写过,hot not lot mom from lostclock,你会读吗?,not fromlot lost hot clock,dogbox orangebody,o 发音:,/(恍然小悟音 ),Guess,nose,Guess,Mr Jones,Mr Jones is going to meet his friend.When will they meet?,Bobby,Bobby give Mr Jones a note.,The Coke is on the note,Old Mr.

2、 Jones put the Coke on the note.,Old Mr. Jones put the note on his nose.,Can old Mr. Jones put his nose on his toes?,lets chant,Old Mr. Jones put the Coke on the note.Old Mr. Jones put the note on his nose.Old Mr. Jones put the Coke on the note.Can old Mr. Jones put his nose on his toes?,Find a home

3、,nose, hot, dog, Coke, box, Mr Jones, not, note,o,o-e,nose,hot,dog,Coke,box,Mr Jones,not,note,Mr. Jones,Bobby,nose,note,Coke,Lets help Mr. Jones to meet his friend.,Four tasks should be finished!,foc,log,o,home,mote,hose,o-e,code,u,bod,sox,Find their home,Task1,Task2:Can you read it?,Read more words

4、 and find out the rules(规律).,nose mode mope poke woke rose rope dome,dog God pot lot box fox not on,小o没有词尾e,伤心地 。,小o见了词尾e,开心地u u,u,Task3,o,o-e,note,not,hot,dog,nose,rose,home,rose,poke,rope,mope,hope,toe,mom,Task4,o-e /u/,rose 玫瑰,home 家,hope 希望,sofa,old,so,试着读一读:,不符合o-e 规律,Exercise,读一读,字母发音相同的不相同的,1. not note ( ) 2.hot not ( )3. dog lost ( ) 4.nose box ( ) 5.home hope ( ) 6.rose Coke( ),读一读,选出每组中你所听到的单词,并在下面画对号。,玫瑰,家,希望,


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